Dating Coach Zürich
Espanha · Datingcoachzurich
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- Saúde e fitness
- Enriquecimento individual
- Sexualidade
Hallo und willkommen bei Dating Coach Zürich.
Ich bin Sabrina, Dating Coach und spezialisiert auf Männer und Frauen über 30, die in Zürich daten und bisher erfolgreich im Leben aber erfolglos in der Liebe waren.
In meinem Podcast erfahrt Ihr mehr über Dating Geschichten, Verhaltensanalyse, Tipps fürs erste Date und ganz viel zum Thema Mindset.
Begebt Euch mit mir auf eine spannende Reise. Und wenn Ihr nach einem Coaching sucht, hier findet Ihr mehr zu meinem Programm: https://datingcoachzurich.ch
Hi and welcome to Dating Coach Zurich.
I'm Sabrina, a dating coach specializing in men and women over 30 who are dating in Zurich and have been successful in life but unsuccessful in love.
In my podcast you will learn more about dating stories, behavioral analysis, tips for the first date and a lot about mindset.
Join me on an exciting journey. And if you're looking for coaching, you can find out more about my program here: https://datingcoachzurich.ch
Hello and welcome to Dating Coach Zurich.
I'm Sabrina, a dating coach specializing in men and women over 30 who are dating in Zurich and have been successful in life but unsuccessful in love.
In my podcast you will learn more about dating stories, behavioral analysis, tips for the first date and a lot about mindset.
Join me on an exciting journey. And if you're looking for coaching, you can find out more about my program here: https://datingcoachzurich.ch