A podcast about getting better as a designer. We aim to elevate the skills of our industry, one designer at a time, by providing the best-in-class design curriculum to creatives, designer, and entrepreneurs. -
Business School is hosted by Sharran Srivatsaa, President of Real (TSX: REAX) (NASDAQ: REAX), the fastest-growing, publicly-traded, real estate brokerage in the world. Sharran grew Teles Properties by 10x in 5 years to $3.4 Billion in sales and eventually sold the business to Douglas Elliman. Sharran is also an accomplished “deal guy” and private equity investor. He is the Chairman of private equity firm Highland Prime which focuses on investing in service-businesses and also the Chairman of ARC Multifamily Group which focuses on value-add multifamily investment projects.
Sharran is a former Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse banker and a sought after keynote speaker and is the creator of the wildly-popular 5am Club call for Entrepreneurs.
On this podcast, Sharran shares his best secrets on how to grow your business strategically, how to build your brand elegantly, most importantly integrate the profits in your business with an overall joyful life.
For more free resources visit -
Priit Liivak, Tiit Paananen, Martin Kapp igal nädalal arendajalt arendajale jutud.
Liitu ka meie Discord serveriga:
Algorütmi toetavad Veriff, Patchstack ja Nortal -
Tervist! Siin podcastis räägivad Margit ja Hede turbulentsel ajal muutustest, tervislikust juhtimisest ja alati sellest, miks ja kuidas tandem tööriistana kasulik on.
Saade räägib kuidas luuakse strateegiasprintide ja disanisprintidega kiirelt innovatsiooni. Saatejuhiks on Andres Kostiv strateegia- ja disainisprintide agentuurist Futurist.
No Turning Back is a podcast by retired Army Four-Star General Stan McChrystal and former Navy SEAL Chris Fussell. In this series, they explore the future of leadership and teams with the world's most consequential leaders. From CEOs to political leaders to deep thinkers, Stan and Chris will bring you advice from the brightest minds about how to tackle the most pressing organizational and institutional challenges we face.
The sparkling creative Podcast is the show for growth-minded ambitious creatives, uniting expert voices and insights out of the art, business, and mindset world.
We talk about the creative process, artistic voice development, developing a healthy creative practice, marketing, and all things business.
We dive deep when things become uncomfortable and face the inner work we all have to do, to overcome our very special brand of creative limiting beliefs and fears.
Your host Kerstin Pressler has over a decade of experience as a painter, mentor, advisor, and Deep Transformational Coach for creatives all around the world, she knows exactly who you need to hear from and how to help you grow your creative empire. -
A podcast for humanitarians who want to work in closer alignment to core values like compassion, accountability, solidarity and equity. Born in 2020 in collaboration with CHS Alliance and Mary Ann Clements, the podcast is now entering its next evolution and is hosted by Melissa Pitotti.
Welcome to the Opportunity Podcast, where entrepreneurs come to learn from real buyers, sellers, and industry experts, the lesser-known growth opportunities to build their online business empires.
This podcast series will help you uncover tactics veteran online business entrepreneurs have used to build, buy, flip, and sell their way towards personal wealth. Learn from tech insiders and digital property owners the secrets they’ve used to achieve their personal & financial goals. -
Mood koosneb materjalidest ja mood õhutab materialismi, uurime moeasjade käiku koos kõige moodsamatega.
Explore how the work of HR Leaders is creating positive social change, contributing to UN Sustainable Development Goals - goals which the world’s companies are increasingly understanding the urgency of achieving, and investing in the action required.
If you’d like clear, actionable ideas for how you can use the power of your role to effect change in your company, you’re in the right place.
I’m the founder of social enterprise Uplifting People, we provide services to HR Leaders, and through this work I realised that HR professionals and social entrepreneurs are working in the same areas, albeit in different ways.
So we created this podcast to share knowledge, on steps we can take through the work of HR.
In my opinion, if you’re an HR professional, you are also a change maker.
And this podcast will provide you with examples of how. By sharing the successes of some of the world’s most inspiring HR Leaders, you can frame your work in the context of positive change, implement brilliant ideas, and feel absolutely wonderful about doing so! -
Welcome to the HR Hub!
This channel is for ambitious HR professionals! With the help of my expert HR guests, I aim to help you learn about all facets of Human Resource Management so when 'that' situation arises you have some knowledge and even skill to draw on. My guests provide tricks and tips you can apply immediately as well as insight into strategy to get you thinking about the future. What you learn, will help you advance your career.
I'd also love to connect on LinkedIn or check out my website -
Welcome to industry explained, it’s Federica, your host. Coming from Milan dreaming of working in fashion, fast forward a few years I’m here interviewing guests and friends, who have had a similar journey in the industry talking about their story, ups and downs and how to make it to where they are. I wanted to create a space for you to get some insights on what the industry really is and to get real about the guests experience, to hopefully help you achieve what they have.
Follow us on Instagram: @industryexplained @federica.labanca
Industry Explained is produced by Digital Icon Agency -
Et see fotokirg ei kustuks ning et seda tuleks ikka juurde!
I am sharing my tips and tricks on becoming That Girl in 2022
Instagram: ju.lia.versatile
TikTok: becoming_that_girl_jules
Facebook Group: Becoming That Girl -
Kultuurist ja kunstist, elust ja surmast, ennekõike aga kasutute teadmiste kasulikkusest.--- "Asi on selles, et meil Diotalleviga on käsil teadmiste ümberkorraldamine. Kavandame võrdleva tühja-tähja teaduskonna loomist, kus õpitakse kasutuid või mõeldamatuid aineid. Teaduskond kaldub taastootma õpetlasi, kes suudavad lõpmatult suurendada ebaoluliste ainete arvu.""Ja kui palju on osakondi?""Praeguse seisuga neli, aga võimalik, et nad hõlmavadki juba kõike, mida tasub kõrva taha panna. Tetrapiloktoomia osakonnas õpetatakse sissejuhatavaid aineid, mis peavad õppurites arendama tühja-tähja tunnetust. Oluline on adünaatoni ehk impossiblia osakond. Näiteks mustlasurbanistika ja asteegi ratsutamiskunst... Teadusharu tuum seisneb selle ebaolulisuse süvapõhjuste mõistmises, adünaatoni osakonnas aga ühtlasi mõeldamatuse mõistmises. Sestap siis morse morfemaatika, Antarktika põllunduse ajalugu, Lihavõttesaare maalikunsti ajalugu, kaasaegne sumeri kirjandus, Montessori hindamissüsteemi institutsioonid, Assüüria-Babüloonia filateelia, ratta tehnoloogia Kolumbuse-eelseis impeeriumeis, Braille kirja ikonoloogia, tummfilmi foneetika...""Mida arvate massipsühholoogiast Saharas?""Asjalik," arvas Belbo."Asjalik," arvas Diotallevi veendunult. "Teil tasuks meiega koostööd teha. Noormehel on annet, kas pole, Jacopo?""Muidugi on, ma sain kohe aru. Eile õhtul ehitas totraid arutluskäike vägagi teraselt üles. Kuid jätkakem, arvestades sellega, et projekt pakub teile huvi. Mis me oksümoorika osakonda panime, mitte ma ei leia oma märkmeid?"Diotallevi võttis taskust paberilipaka ja sihtis mind dotseeriva poolehoiuga: "Oksümoorikas, nagu sõna isegi ütleb, loeb teadusharu enesele vasturääkivus. Seepärast peakski mustlasurbanistika minu arust selle alla paigutama...""Ei," arvas Belbo, "üksnes juhul, kui tegu oleks nomaadurbanistikaga. Adünaaton on seotud empiirilise võimatuse, oksümoorika aga mõistelise vasturääkivusega.""Vaatame õige. Aga mis meil oksümoorika all on? Nõndaks, revolutsiooni institutsioonid, parmenideslik dünaamika, herakleitoslik staatika, sübariitlik spartalikkus, rahvaoligarhia institutsioonid, innovaatiliste traditsioonide ajalugu, tautoloogiline dialektika, Boole'i eristika..."Tundsin juba, et mind on kutsutud välja näitama, mis masti mees ma olen: "Tohin ma teile soovitada hälbe grammatikat?""Tore, tore!" leidsid mõlemad ja asusid märkmeid tegema."Siin on muidugi üks aga," arvasin ma."Täpsemalt?""Kui te oma ettevõtmisest avalikult teada annate, ilmub teie ukse taha hulk inimesi usaldustäratavate publikatsioonidega.""Kas ma ei öelnud, Jacopo, et poisil on nutti," sõnas Diotallevi.("Foucault' pendel", U. Eco)
The official podcast for HATCH Conference, where we chat with the speakers presenting on October 6th about design, life lessons and other topics.
Willst du endlich einfach nach oben?
Dieser Podcast ist für alle die aufsteigen wollen.
Sozialer Aufstieg, steile Karriere, finanzieller Aufstieg - Dein Erfolg ist mein Ziel.
Herkunft, Alter, Geschlecht, Profession – ganz egal. Jeder kann aufsteigen. Hier bekommst du Anleitung, Inspiration, Feedback, Austausch, Wissen, Erfahrungsberichte, Techniken und Motivation für deinen Aufstieg!
Wir glauben, dass die Welt besser ist wenn mehr Menschen Ihren Aufstieg schaffen!
Wöchentlich immer Dienstags mit Mike Wetterling und Gästen. -
Привет, я Катарина Михрин.
Коммерческий фотограф, автор стоков мечты и учитель-наставник. Изучаю фотографию в университете Дортмунда, Германия.
Начала снимать в 39. За пять лет выросла из мамы-фотографа-своих-детей в фотографа-бестселлера немецкого стокового агентства Westend61 и обладателя стипендии для одарённых студентов.
В этом подкасте я и мои гости будем говорить о фотографии, фотобизнесе, стоках и мотивации. Как найти свой путь в творческой и коммерческой Вселенной фотобизнеса? Что такое современный сток и как увеличить свои продажи? Почему не получается и что нужно делать, чтобы долететь до звёзд?
This podcast is about the business & practice of nature-based pediatric therapy of all kinds. If you are an outdoor-loving practitioner in the field of occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech-language pathology, social work, behavioral health, mental health counseling, or outdoor education THIS is for you! You'll learn how you can take your work with children outdoors into nature. We'll cover exactly what it takes to run a successful and profitable nature-based practice that changes children's lives (and yours!) forever.
On this show, you'll get answers to questions like:
What does nature-based therapy look like?
What types of activities work well in outdoor therapy sessions?
How can nature-based therapy be a profitable business?
What evidence is there for nature-based pediatric therapy?
What does research say about getting children out into nature?
What kinds of different business models exist for offering nature-based services for children?
How can I ensure the success of my nature-based outdoor business?
What systems do I need to grow a nature-based practice?
Your host, Dr. Laura Park Figueroa, PhD, OTR/L, is a pediatric occupational therapist who is a published expert in nature-based pediatric therapy and a highly-acclaimed business coach for nature-based entrepreneurs. You can learn more about her and get loads of free resources to support your nature-based work at