We’re taking a break for the holiday season! (Listen to learn more)
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Hi Daybreak friends and fans, we just wanted to let everyone know that we’re moving the start of Season 3 tentatively to Oct. 7. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our schools and activities are starting up in a virtual environment and both of us need to get our bearings before starting our next season. We will be publishing bonus material though to keep all of our listeners engaged. Also, stay tuned for more info of what’s going on with our kid led episode. Thanks for understanding what we have to do, and make sure to listen in for more updates. Sincerely, Pippa & Brynn
This episode contains a quote from Booker T. Washington and an Interview with Alder and Concert Promoter Tag Evers. We also have a special announcement (more details below), and a news story on a young kangaroo named Jack who was found hopping around on the streets in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
We will be back with our 3rd season of DayBreak on Sep 1st!!!!!!!!!! Keep questioning and stay curious.
We are inviting our listeners (kids/teens) to participate in an episode!
If you have just listened to the podcast and are interested in doing either the news story, quote, or interview for the kid-led episode please follow the instructions below to be considered for a segment:
1. Come up with an idea (who you would interview, what your news story would be, what quote you would do etc.) and BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE, send it to us at our email: daybreakpod@gmail.com
2. If we give you the go, start on your script (click script for more in-depth info on how to make a podcast). If your podcast segment isn't available or you don't like any of the other options we send you, save your idea. If this works, we may do another episode like this in the future!
3. Once you have finished your script, record your podcast segment. Make sure to record in a place that has lots of blankets or things that will soak up sound and do not record in a noisy room. Also, we would like to keep our episode clean from any language, as this is meant for kids and teens.
4. All done!! Send the audio file to us, and if you don't know how, ask a sibling/adult in your household to help. Make sure to send this to us by August 28th so we can edit the episode together.
If you need any help troubleshooting, just email us at daybreakpod@gmail.com for even more info. Have fun!
This week we have our quote of the week and an interview with Skye Harnsberger, an Entomologist who specializes in Lepidopterans (butterflies, moths, and skippers). Also, after the break, we will hear about a golden retriever dog called Cleo who got a little lost trying to get home. Make sure to subscribe to never miss an episode!
Link To D&M website: https://sites.google.com/view/dmgnl/
Link to Skye's Website: https://www.annaskyeharnsberger.com/ -
This episode contains an inspiring quote, and an interview with Lissa Flemming, a jeweler and past tour guide! Also, we have our crazy news story this week on a way to relax during this turbulent time that involves Iceland, speakers, and a whole lot of screaming. Don't forget to rate us on Apple podcasts and share this show!
Check out Lissa's work here: https://www.silverwaves.net/
Me and my friends business (D&M Graphic Novel Library) here: https://sites.google.com/view/dmgnl/
This episode contains our inspiring quote of the week and a special interview with the producer of The Oprah Winfrey Show and the head of content marketing at American Girl. Then we will end this episode with a tale of a species of dragon lizard rediscovered after 100 years of what was thought to be extinction. Make sure to share DayBreak with your friends and to subscribe so you don't miss an episode.
In this episode, we’ll share an inspirational quote and interview Matt Reetz, the executive director of the Madison Audubon society. Also, we will end this episode with a tale of a new invention that certainly won't bug mother earth one bit. Make sure to subscribe and review us!
Link To Madison Audobon Society: https://madisonaudubon.org
Link to the Dudgeon-Monroe Graphic Novel Library Here: https://sites.google.com/view/dmgnl
This episode contains an inspirational quote, an interview with Rob Summerbell, a wacky performer and master of the German wheel, and also a tale of some secret passageways discovered in a U.K. parliament wall. Please subscribe and enjoy the show!
Link to the Wacky Wheeler's website here: http://wackywheeler.com/index.html
This episode Includes an Inspiring quote about journalism and an interview with Bella Dally-Steele who is an awesome freelance Journalist and Writer and has worked for major companies like the BBC. We also talk about the Boston Typewriter Orchestra, and how they came to be.
More info on D&M Graphic Novel Library Here!
Or use the link here:
This episode contains an inspirational quote from artist Georgia O' Keefe, an interview with Jeanne Steele, a graphic design artistand a middle school computer art teacher, and a news tidbit about Kathy Sullivan, the woman who made history in both space and the sea. Stay tuned and make sure to rate us on Apple Podcasts!
This episode contains a wise quote from famous actress Sally Field, and an interview with the Director of Education and Artistic Associate Erica Berman of CTM (Children's Theatre of Madison). Also, after our announcement break, we will learn more about a crazy cave that is filled with huge crystals, and the science behind this breathtaking sight.
Link To support CTM: https://ctmtheater.org/support-us
Link To CTM Facebook page (virtual classes): https://www.facebook.com/ChildrensTheaterOfMadison/
This last episode of our 1st season contains a spotlight on one of our listeners, an interview with Water Resources Specialist and Commissioner Ezra Meyer on how to keep our water and environment clean. Afterward, we will have our news tidbit on a strange relationship between a certain pitcher plant, and some much-needed shrew poo. Next season coming out on June 10th, so stay tuned for Season 2 of DayBreak!
This is the full live interview with Dr. Toby Campbell and OT Hayley Manley, so it’s best if you are a new listener to try one of our full episodes before listening to this. Link to live interview with video here. *keep in mind this is information is from May and is not current*
This episode contains a spotlight on listener Eleanor Winkle-Wagner, A clip of DayBreak's special live FaceBook interview with guests OT Hayley Manley and Dr. Toby Cambell, and A tale of a one-man circus that is bringing smiles to peoples faces during this time. Link To video of the live interview here.
This episode contains a spotlight on listener Stella Balsley and what she is suggesting for all to do during this period, an interview with Derek lee, the owner of Neapolitan pizza restaurant Pizza Brutta. Also, this week's news tidbit on a lake with some of the world's only jellyfish that don't sting.
This week we will be introducing a new segment called the spotlight, where we will be asking different listeners from all over the world what they are doing to stay active, happy and healthy. We will also be interviewing Abby Nicols who is a voice lesson teacher and actress about her awesome job, and you'll be cracking up over this week's news tidbit on a crazy egg dance that was started in the 15th century!
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