Real stories and helpful tips from women who've traveled solo with other solo women travelers.
Vsak ponedeljek bomo odkrivali nove kulture, tradicije in poglede na svet. Poleg geografskih zanimivosti bodo v ospredju posamezniki, njihovi cilji in želje ter kako jih doseči skozi zdrave navade telesa in uma. Spoznali boste tudi pomembnost rutin in navad pri gradnji kvalitetnega osebnega življenja in kariere.
Gostiteljica podcasta je intermedijska umetnica in režiserka Valerie Wolf Gang, na njeni poti pa se ji bo pridružil sovoditelj Mario, ki bo razširil področje človeškega dojemanja sveta skozi prizmo umetne inteligence. -
Lepo pozdravljeni v podkastu Potovanja in delo v tujini. Moje ime je Maja Novak, zadnjih 18 let sem potovala in delala v tujini, med drugim kot interior manager na privatnih jahtah in živela v več kot 10 deželah sveta. Preko podkasta želim svoje izkušnje in nasvete deliti z vsemi vami, ki vas take tematike privlačijo. V družbi navdihujočih gostov se razvijajo pogovori o osebni rasti skozi potovanja, različnih možnostih dela v tujini za mlade, o digitalnem nomadstvu, retreatih in o skrbi zase. Welcome aboard!
Prva vrsta je polurna radijska glasbena oddaja, v kateri vsak torek muzicirajo ustvarjalci različnih glasbenih zvrsti. Oddaje omogoča živ nastop v Studiu 13 z neposrednim radijskim in video prenosom na spletni strani Prvega programa in na MMC-u, med drugim pa ustvarja neposredni stik z glasbenim dogajanjem pri nas na različnih platformah. Urednica oddaje je Alja Kramar.
The perfect podcast for bass players - Giving you the low-down on the low-end!
Totally average bassist/YouTuber Jonny Dibble and session player Chris Horrocks and (sometimes) joined by guests to talk all about the latest bass news, answer audience questions and breakdown some killer bass guitar tones.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Web3, the web of crypto and blockchains, is coming to the travel industry.
In this podcast series Luca De Giglio, a travel and blockchain veteran, takes you in a slow paced and deep learning journey, which will give you great insights and understanding, allowing you to navigate the upcoming decade, catching the best opportunities and avoiding the worst pitfalls.
Sponsor or donate via #NFT @ -
”The only music podcast that matters.”
Popotniški snep je popotniška serija oddaj, v okviru katere vam bomo predstavili prednosti mladinskega in trajnostnega turizma ter vas seznanili z raznimi praktičnimi popotniškimi nasveti za brezskrbna, poučna in ugodna potovanja. Kot verjetno že veste, potovanja niso le zabava. So tudi odličen in pristen način učenja ter pridobivanja izkušenj in kompetenc za vsakdanje življenje.
Todo sábado, às quatro da tarde, a Frei Caneca FM apresenta o Reggae pelo Reggae, um dos programas selecionados no edital de ocupação da emissora. O reggae produzido em Pernambuco, no Brasil e no mundo você ouve aqui. Entrevistas, músicas e outras vertentes do ritmo, como o dancehall, ska e rocksteady fazem parte do programa. Todo sábado, às quatro da tarde, Reggae pelo Reggae, aqui na 101.5. Frei Caneca FM, a rádio pública do Recife.
What's holding you back from your next trip? Sheila G. shares how you can experience new and unique cultures on your trip and make unforgettable memories along the way. Tag along for tips, treasures, and stories from adventures around the globe. Support this podcast:
Beats and Bleeps is a Podcast dedicated to video games soundtracks. There will be various guests from composers, to game designers, record label owners all to offer a unique insight.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
After my 2012 Thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail, my life was changed forever. The challenge of big adventure had me hooked. I soon set a goal of sailing alone and without stopping around the world. In 2017-18, I did just that! Since then, I have taken my podcast aboard my Westsail32 as well as in my everyday life. The shows are a mix of my own past experiences along with interviews of everyday people that have a seemingly endless number of stories themselves.
Support the Podcast on Patreon:
One Time Donations Via PayPal and Venmo:
Childrens Book:
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What started as a podcast about sailing has evolved into my way to sit down with people from all walks of life and share our experiences with the listener. I hope you enjoy the podcast and help it grow into the future. -
Nekoč radijka, vedno radijka. Alenka Sivka je začela svojo kariero na radiu, na RGL-u, kjer je vodila in urejala izjemno poslušano pogovorno oddajo »Največje radosti življenja«, za katero je bila večkrat nominirana za radijskega viktorja. Vmes jo je »odneslo« v tiskane medije, za katere še vedno piše s strastjo in veseljem. Zdaj se vrača v svoj prvi medij, v katerega je še vedno zaljubljena, in to z Aktualovim podkastom - »Vonj po Sivki«. Edinstveni pogovori z glasbeniki, ki so poglobljeni, intimni, in v katerih ji slavni gostje odprejo srce in dušo ter marsikaj zaupajo prvič.
Woman's Work is a monthly podcast co-hosted by Valentine Ubaldo and Grace Woodard. Each episode features an interview with a lady who's doing cool, creative work, and music inspired by the guest.
Queer Ear is the queer thinking, straight talking podcast that explores modern LGBTQ life across the UK and around the world. A Transmission Roundhouse Podcast.
Creative Team
Hosted and Produced by Rory Boyle
Theme Music by Dominic Gozo
Powered by Transmission Roundhouse -
Turning herself from a typical shy Japanese girl to an internationally-minded bilingual licensed-guide, host Miyuki Seguchi is a big believer in the power of immersive travels. Join her on the Japan Experts podcast, as she shares with you practical tips on how to design your trip to Japan and create an immersive travel experience in Japan. And so you'll be totally excited and encouraged to make your next adventure to Japan!
Find out more here: -
Gone To Timbuktu, hosted by author and journalist Sophy Roberts, explores the art of travel with writers, poets, photographers and filmmakers. Conversations range from physical journeys to inner landscapes, creative influences to new ideas.
We are Scotland’s EAR TO THE GROUND! - keeping you in the loop with the interviews and gig alerts from Scotland’s top-notch composers. We’ll be digging deep to find out what makes these composers tick, hearing the processes behind their latest compositions and finding out why on earth someone would want to be a composer!
The podcast is hosted by Aileen Sweeney and Ben Eames, two musicians based in Glasgow who’ll be asking the questions, bringing the banter and getting to know these fantastic composers. Follow and subscribe to keep your ear to ground for Scotland’s newest and most exciting music. -
Membahas tentang gunung yang ada di Indonesia
Urbanism meets food, travel, business, tech and the environment in a podcast that takes a fresh look at the future of our cities - and the people redefining it: from influential chefs, musicians and activists, to architects, urban planners, politicians, environmentalists and entrepreneurs. We travel the globe to ask the big questions. How can we fix our food system? How can tourism be a force for good? How can we breathe life back into abandoned buildings? How can we prevent natural disasters? How is remote work changing what we look for in our cities? We bring you the stories of human resilience and innovation at the heart of our world’s rapid transformation.*New episodes released monthlyCommon Ground is a podcast brought to you by place making & marketing agency Toposophy.For more than a decade TOPOSOPHY has been inspiring and informing its clients on how to transform places; whether they’re neighbourhoods, cities, regions or whole countries. The TOPOSOPHY team works with international organisations, multinational brands and government agencies around the world, leading them every step of the way to find place making and marketing solutions that are built to last. As constantly curious people, we love to collect game-changing ideas that are transforming other sectors, and draw valuable lessons for the future of places. This podcast series -curated by the TOPOSOPHY team- is just one example of how we bring these valuable ideas to life.