Just a little catching up!
A couple quick little snippets regarding mothering, a story about my mom and how I failed as a mom today!
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New farm developments, surprise babies, and some missed opportunity stories!
As always contact me at chantalhale11@gmail.com
As always you can best reach me at:
Just a couple of ways I have recently failed!
As always, reach me best at:
Just a quick update and couple stories of how words mattered in my life today- nothing too serious obviously
Just a quick story on how I thought I made a new best friend.
It has been a minute!! Time for an update! So many things have happened in the last week 1/2! The husband has a new position, the oldest got caught sneaking out of the house, new animal updates, and some adventures with a 2 day cattle drive to the mountains!
As always, reach me at:
Today I mostly give a quick update on some animals and what is going on with some real estate while also snuggling 2 baby chicks fresh from a bath!
As always reach me best at:
Today I talk about and go through a session of EFT Tapping. If you have more questions or would like to connect reach me at:
In this episode I talk about yin and yang, duality, opposites, contradictions, any way you can say opposites!
As always, you can reach me at:
In this episode I talk about why it's important to have humor- spoiler alert, it's so you're not some boring, easily offended, stick in the mud Karen!!
As always, reach me at:
In this episode I talk a little more in depth about the Healy systems and what they are about or how they work.
As always, you can reach me at:
On this episode I tell you a little bit of our travels to Las Vegas just before Christmas, how my husband thinks I'm a witch, how I often get marketed to and sometimes duped by the internet and facebook. Also a little bit about crystals, how I am a terrible gift giver, and the amazing miracle that is my husband cooking!!
As always reach me best at:
In this episode I talk about a lot of things that have brought me much frustration lately and some things that also have me quite excited!
As always reach me at:
In this episode I catch up with Thanksgiving, my birthday, and a very impromptu session I had with a very close friend based around fear and emotional responses. Please reach out if you would like to know more about how some different techniques can help us all work through different emotions.
On this episode I talk a bit about gratitude, how I am grateful for people, experiences, memories, and opportunities and how we all make decisions out of fear or love. Realizing and recognizing which one we are using to make decisions is quite profound and eye opening! Also, I cry in this one talking about having to put down one of my beloved animals and another event with a stray dog killing another critter of ours.
As always, reach me at:
In this episode I tell you a little bit about my stance on bullying and how I think a little bit is healthy for kids!
As always, contact me at:
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