It's the summer holidays (again)! And so the twins and Lila are off to Camp Echo Mountain, an absolute kip in the wilds of Montana. Liz can't wait to be reunited with her former BFF Maria Slater (who?) and mould young minds, but alas things don't work out as she planned - not least because Maria is joined by her current BFF Nicole - and when Liz meets her redheaded rival, it's "hate at first sight". Will she be distracted by alleged hunk Joey? Meanwhile Jessica swears off boys (well, she has buried three boyfriends by now, she needs a break) and Lila is determined to snag an extreme sportsman called Bo. Remember, if you can help us expand our SVU collection, which we would really appreciate, you can see what we need here and mail us at [email protected]: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgq5a-0C3zoTC065tOzJmSkI2kNBBe2K38Hu8jn8qg8/edit?usp=sharing
This show is part of the HeadStuff Podcast Network. For more, go to HeadStuffPodcasts.com, where you can also become a member of HeadStuff+ and get exclusive access to bonus material and lots more.
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The high school war is drawing to a close, but as the incredibly spoilery cover and indeed title suggest, there'll be a tragic casualty before peace breaks out. While this half of the book has a lot of boring surfing stuff, it also contains a lot of drama, including Todd's melodramatic prison fears, scary bikers who sell boats, Rosie being the worst undercover agent ever, and Bruce planning a carjacking. All this and some surprising shout outs to legendary Sweet Valley moments of the past! Remember, if you can help us expand our SVU collection, which we would really appreciate, you can see what we need here and mail us at [email protected]: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgq5a-0C3zoTC065tOzJmSkI2kNBBe2K38Hu8jn8qg8/edit?usp=sharing
This show is part of the HeadStuff Podcast Network. For more, go to HeadStuffPodcasts.com, where you can also become a member of HeadStuff+ and get exclusive access to bonus material and lots more.
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Estão a faltar episódios?
We're back! And we pick up exactly where we left off, in the aftermath of the warehouse battle. Todd and Bruce have been carted off to the Big House, where the fists of fury make a dramatic appearance, Liz is torn between concern for Todd and anger at her macho classmate's violence, and Jessica and Christian are just driving around in his sordid sex van. Liz is desperate to end the high school war, and comes up with a classic plan to make that happen. She finds an unlikely ally in cartoonishly villainous Palisades surfer Rosie Shaw - but can she trust her? Remember, if you can help us expand our SVU collection, which we would really appreciate, you can see what we need here and mail us at [email protected]: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgq5a-0C3zoTC065tOzJmSkI2kNBBe2K38Hu8jn8qg8/edit?usp=sharing
This show is part of the HeadStuff Podcast Network. For more, go to HeadStuffPodcasts.com, where you can also become a member of HeadStuff+ and get exclusive access to bonus material and lots more.
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Happy New Year HeadStuff Listeners!
As a special New Year’s treat, we’ve compiled the very best moments from all our HeadStuff shows into one episode. Relive the laughs, surprises, and unforgettable moments of 2024!
To find your favourite HeadStuff shows go to the timestamps below.
This is a HeadStuff Podcast produced by Hilary Barry. Edited by Claire Patena. Hosted by Hilary Barry and Jack Kelly.
1:40 - The Lovely Show
4:55 - Young Hot Guys
6:24 - Listen, I’m, Delicious
8:00 - The G Spot
10:11 - The Baby Tribe
13:08 - Fad Camp
15:59 - For Tech Sake
18:16 - The Greatest Matter
19:55 - Double Love
21:35 - Keep It Tight
23:37 - Agony Rants
26:30 - I Know That Face
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Happy Christmas, gang!
In our now yearly tradition, we're sharing one of our bonus episodes of Pi Beta Alpha with you! If you like what you hear, you can sign up to Headstuff+ and join us in the PBA clubhouse at headstuffpodcasts.com. It might not strictly be a Christmas episode, but it does feature snow and skiing! You know we love it when the gang leaves the Sweet Valley town limits (wherever the hell they are). This week the twins, Cheryl and Enid head to a ski resort, where Jessica is determined to finally beat Elizabeth on the slopes. Liz clearly doesn't care about this alleged rivalry, but when she gives in to Jessica's demands for a rematch, the Wakefields find themselves in danger. Meanwhile Enid is tempted to betray "the Manimal" when she meets a ski lodge hunk, Todd is once more shockingly endearing, and our hopes for the return of Winston's Mario-esque ski dungarees are cruelly dashed. All this and a montage!
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The high school war (remember that? Don’t worry, this book will remind you of it a LOT) is still raging, and when Bruce leads the SVH lads to slash the tyres of the Palisades goons’ cars, things escalate pretty quickly. Alas it’s Winston who ends up in true danger - will he be the first fatality of the conflict?! Meanwhile Ken discovers the truth about Jessica’s surfing sessions in a deliciously dramatic style, and Saint Liz turns her attentions to the Palisades girls, with deeply awkward results. Remember, if you can help us expand our SVU collection, which we would really appreciate, you can see what we need here and mail us at [email protected]: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgq5a-0C3zoTC065tOzJmSkI2kNBBe2K38Hu8jn8qg8/edit?usp=sharing
This show is part of the HeadStuff Podcast Network. For more, go to HeadStuffPodcasts.com, where you can also become a member of HeadStuff+ and get exclusive access to bonus material and lots more.
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Did you know there's a high school war on? Well, don't worry, you'll get reminded of it a LOT during this episode! After the dramatic rumble at the Palisades/SVH dance, the Sweet Valley jocks are out for blood - and a stunned Jessica vows never to see her Palisades love Christian again. Of course her vow lasts about 48 hours - but will Ken, who now seriously gives her the ick (#poorKen), find out about her affair? Meanwhile Liz continues to fight for peace, Todd gets patriarchal, and Winston has a crisis of conscience. Remember, if you can help us expand our SVU collection, which we would really appreciate, you can see what we need here and mail us at [email protected] : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgq5a-0C3zoTC065tOzJmSkI2kNBBe2K38Hu8jn8qg8/edit?usp=sharing
This show is part of the HeadStuff Podcast Network. For more, go to HeadStuffPodcasts.com, where you can also become a member of HeadStuff+ and get exclusive access to bonus material and lots more.
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Tension rises in both Sweet Valley and Palisades this week, as Liz's attempts to forge connections between the two schools backfire spectacularly. Being called Li'l Windbag has traumatised Ken so much he's basically had a personality transplant, and the former lovable himbo can think of nothing but revenge. Luckily this distracts him from the fact that his girlfriend is cheating on him yet again. Things come to a head at the big dance that's inexplicably taking place in a manky old kip full of cobwebs - where Jessica makes a shocking discovery. Remember, if you can help us expand our SVU collection, which we would really appreciate, you can see what we need here and mail us at [email protected] : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgq5a-0C3zoTC065tOzJmSkI2kNBBe2K38Hu8jn8qg8/edit?usp=sharing This show is part of the HeadStuff Podcast Network. For more, go to HeadStuffPodcasts.com, where you can also become a member of HeadStuff+ and get exclusive access to bonus material and lots more.
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We're back! And not before time. When the Palisades Pumas play dirty on the football pitch, the boys of Sweet Valley vow revenge, but Liz, Enid and their new Palisades pals decide to bring the rival schools together with a dance. Of course. However, when the SVH lads indulge in some truly iconic terrible trash talk, tensions rise even further. Meanwhile, Jessica decides to become a champion surfer in the space of a month, and meets a mysterious beach hunk. Could this finally be the beginning of the end for her and Ken? Remember, if you can help us expand our SVU collection, which we would really appreciate, you can see what we need here and mail us at [email protected] : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgq5a-0C3zoTC065tOzJmSkI2kNBBe2K38Hu8jn8qg8/edit?usp=sharing
This show is part of the HeadStuff Podcast Network. For more, go to HeadStuffPodcasts.com, where you can also become a member of HeadStuff+ and get exclusive access to bonus material and lots more.
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Ever get the feeling you've been cheated? We had high hopes for Jessica's diary, which promised to reveal all about Jessica's steamy antics with Jeffrey French behind Liz's back. But unlike Liz's secret diary, which featured a whole romance with Ken, this is basically just a recap of SVH books 30-40 with a few references to #poorjeffrey shoehorned in! Join us for a trip down memory lane featuring highs (Jessa Fields! Tofu-Glo!) and lows (pretty much everything else). But the book manages to take us by surprise in the end... Remember, if you can help us expand our SVU collection, which we would really appreciate, you can see what we need here and mail us at [email protected] : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgq5a-0C3zoTC065tOzJmSkI2kNBBe2K38Hu8jn8qg8/edit?usp=sharing
This show is part of the HeadStuff Podcast Network. For more, go to HeadStuffPodcasts.com, where you can also become a member of HeadStuff+ and get exclusive access to bonus material and lots more.
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Don your young executive outfit and pick up your poetry books, we're heading back to SVU! Jessica comes up with a scheme to both go to the big dance with college boy Zach AND stay in the Theta sorority's good books - and it's unhinged even by her standards. Will Liz go along with it?(Well, hat do you think?) And the Sweet Valley High gang's frankly worrying plan to bring home the twins gets going - will that old trick reverse psychology work its magic yet again? All this and an excellent SVU books shoutout plus a genuinely good twist we didn't see coming! Remember, if you can help us expand our SVU collection, which we would really appreciate, you can see what we need here and mail us at [email protected] : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgq5a-0C3zoTC065tOzJmSkI2kNBBe2K38Hu8jn8qg8/edit?usp=sharing
This show is part of the HeadStuff Podcast Network. For more, go to HeadStuffPodcasts.com, where you can also become a member of HeadStuff+ and get exclusive access to bonus material and lots more.
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We don't have a new ep for you this week, but by way of apology, you can read a 19 year old Anna trying to convince people to jump on the SVH bandwagon in a zine from 1994! Read it here: https://www.headstuffpodcasts.com/podcast_news/sweet-valley-high-according-to-19-year-old-anna/ We'll chat to you next week!
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The Wakefield twins are still at SVU - and it looks like they won't be coming home. High on her inexplicable success in the journalism competition and her own massive sense of entitlement, Liz is determined to shine at SVU - but she may be out of her depth. Meanwhile Jessica is so smitten by Zach (who is remarkably tolerant of her consistently unhinged behaviour) that she's decided to stay in college too #poorken. Can their pals persuade them to return to Sweet Valley High? All this and the return of the young executive! Remember, if you can help us expand our SVU collection, which we would really appreciate, you can see what we need here and mail us at [email protected] : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgq5a-0C3zoTC065tOzJmSkI2kNBBe2K38Hu8jn8qg8/edit?usp=sharing
This show is part of the HeadStuff Podcast Network. For more, go to HeadStuffPodcasts.com, where you can also become a member of HeadStuff+ and get exclusive access to bonus material and lots more.
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We all know that when it comes to journalism Elizabeth's favourite subject is Sweet Valley, so when she's inexplicably allowed to enter a college feature writing competition on student life, she's stumped for an angle. Luckily for us, but unfortunately for her rivals, she finds the perfect topic for her hilariously ignorant yet sanctimonious style! Meanwhile Jessica continues to date Zach (#poorKen) and spin him a web of lies. But her romance may destroy her chance to become a Theta (in two whole years). While Billie enables Jessica's nonsense, Steven is losing patience with his house guests - and seriously who can blame him? Remember, if you can help us expand our SVU collection, which we would really appreciate, you can see what we need here and mail us at [email protected] : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgq5a-0C3zoTC065tOzJmSkI2kNBBe2K38Hu8jn8qg8/edit?usp=sharing
This show is part of the HeadStuff Podcast Network. For more, go to HeadStuffPodcasts.com, where you can also become a member of HeadStuff+ and get exclusive access to bonus material and lots more.
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Despite Jessica's appalling academic record, Ned and Alice have decided that the best way for her and Liz to recover from the SAT drama is to take them out of school for a week and send them off to Sweet Valley University to stay with Steven. Why? Who knows! But we do know that the twins have very different visions of the college experience. Jessica is determined to spend the week impressing college guys (urgh and also, Ken who?) while Liz is looking for more intellectual stimulation. When their hosts head away for a poorly scheduled romantic getaway, Jessica is determined to throw a huge party in the free gaff and immediately starts inviting random hunks. Can Liz foil her twin's schemes? Or will she just be a doormat as usual? Remember, if you can help us expand our SVU collection, which we would really appreciate, you can see what we need here and mail us at [email protected] : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgq5a-0C3zoTC065tOzJmSkI2kNBBe2K38Hu8jn8qg8/edit?usp=sharing
This show is part of the HeadStuff Podcast Network. For more, go to HeadStuffPodcasts.com, where you can also become a member of HeadStuff+ and get exclusive access to bonus material and lots more.
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The twins resit the SATs, but while Liz's stress free approach to the exams leads to triumph, Jessica's serious studying leads to disaster. When Jessica is suspended from school, Elizabeth is determined to prove her twin's innocence. How? With an inexplicably legally binding mock trial, of course! But when Jessica's school records are revealed, will they help or hinder her cause? We always suspected the educational standards at SVH were pretty terrible, but this book reveals they're even worse than we thought! Remember, if you can help us expand our SVU collection, which we would really appreciate, you can see what we need here and mail us at [email protected] : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgq5a-0C3zoTC065tOzJmSkI2kNBBe2K38Hu8jn8qg8/edit?usp=sharing
This show is part of the HeadStuff Podcast Network. For more, go to HeadStuffPodcasts.com, where you can also become a member of HeadStuff+ and get exclusive access to bonus material and lots more.
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It’s SAT time and Liz is stressing out, while Jessica is totally chill. But there’s a shock in store when the results come out! Jessica has aced the exams, while Liz has got the worst test results of her life. While Jessica fears being labelled a “nerd in hip clothes” (she wishes), Liz starts to spiral. Is the perfect twin actually not as smart as she thought she was? She looks to Todd for comfort, but offers from college sports recruiters have gone to his head. Meanwhile many faces from the past return (including some very unwelcome ones), Mr Collins offers genuinely wise counsel, Jessica checks out hunks in a college prospectus and she and Lila wear a staggering amount of silk.
Remember, if you can help us expand our SVU collection, which we would really appreciate, you can see what we need here and mail us at [email protected] : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgq5a-0C3zoTC065tOzJmSkI2kNBBe2K38Hu8jn8qg8/edit?usp=sharing This show is part of the HeadStuff Podcast Network. For more, go to HeadStuffPodcasts.com, where you can also become a member of HeadStuff+ and get exclusive access to bonus material and lots more.
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Sorry gang, we won't have a new episode for you this week, as Anna has been struck down by Covid, but we'll be back in your ears soon. To tide you over, we've unlocked a bonus content written recap of the wonderfully unhinged SVU Super Thriller Kiss of the Vampire, the Sweet Valley attempt at Bram Stoker's Dracula you never knew you needed. Listen to a little sample here and then hit the link below to read on...
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The gang are still out in the desert, and things are getting even more dangerous. Eagle attacks! Floods! And of course murderous (and in one case hunky) OTG convicts! But if any proof were needed that nothing can keep these freaks down, it's surely the fact that even when facing their imminent deaths, the SVH gang are still doing what they do best: bickering and flirting.There's a time and a place, lads, and this is not it! Meanwhile, in fanfic corner, there's a new bartender and some new drinks on the menu at Foxy Mama Too. Anyone fancy a Tricia Martini? Remember, if you can help us expand our SVU collection, which we would really appreciate, you can see what we need here and mail us at [email protected] : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgq5a-0C3zoTC065tOzJmSkI2kNBBe2K38Hu8jn8qg8/edit?usp=sharing
This show is part of the HeadStuff Podcast Network. For more, go to HeadStuffPodcasts.com, where you can also become a member of HeadStuff+ and get exclusive access to bonus material and lots more.
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We find the gang right where we left them in Death Valley - stuck between a storm and a cave full of skeletons and scorpions. Things are getting desperate for the Sweet Valley Six, as they try and make it across the desert with nothing to sustain them but a few granola bars. Unsurprisingly, they all start losing their minds - especially Bruce. Yes, it's the infamous snake murder scene! Elsewhere Liz and astronomer (?!) Ken rekindle their old flame, Jessica and Heather encounter some convicts - and we end on a very literal cliffhanger. Remember, if you can help us expand our SVU collection, which we would really appreciate, you can see what we need here and mail us at [email protected] : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgq5a-0C3zoTC065tOzJmSkI2kNBBe2K38Hu8jn8qg8/edit?usp=sharing
This show is part of the HeadStuff Podcast Network.
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