פודקאסט להתפתחות אישית בו נדבר על כל הדברים שהופכים אותנו ללא מושלמים, או בקיצור- לבני אדם.
הגיע הזמן להעלות את הביטחון והערך העצמי שלך? הגעת למקום הנכון ❤️
מנחת הפודקאסט היא גל ברנס, מאמנת אישית ומאסטר נ.ל.פ, מרצה, ויוצרת תוכן ברשתות החברתיות.
Hi, I'm Kym Tolson, and I'm the traveling therapist. It's my passion to teach therapists how to navigate online private practices and multiple income streams so they can travel the world. I'm a digital nomad. With a virtual insurance based private therapy practice and a multi six figure coaching business. I'm obsessed with entrepreneurship and developing tools that can help therapists live an adventurous lifestyle. In this podcast, I will discuss my journey as a digital nomad. I'll chat with other traveling therapists and help you navigate the complexities of running an online insurance based practice. I'm so glad to have you with me on this journey.
How to Have a Conversation explores how artists and humanities professionals use innovative approaches and create safe spaces to help people engage in meaningful conversations. In each episode, we will listen to the leaders and participants of one public conversation initiative. We will learn how they make meaningful conversations happen, and what lessons can be drawn from their experiences.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Learn how to add a WOW factor to your wedding! Whether you’re a couple or a wedding professional, you don’t want to miss these insider secrets. We ONLY talk about the things that make a BIG difference for your wedding! We’ll cover topics like wedding décor, wedding lighting, and how to transform a wedding on a budget. With how-to guides and expert interviews, you can quickly learn how to make your wedding look amazing! We can’t wait to share wedding ideas and provide wedding inspiration, based on our decade of experience in the wedding industry! Check out all of the episodes and videos at Brought to you by RENT MY WEDDING, the nation's largest online event rental company.
My whole life, I cared so much about what other people thought, about other people’s approval, and then one day I looked in the mirror and realized I didn’t like the person looking back at me. That’s when I said to myself, “I Choose Me.”
So I created I Choose Me as a platform to share stories about the dark times, about mental health, and about transformation. If I had known that other girls were going through the same things, it would have been a lot easier for me to make different choices — and I don’t want any more girls to be lost like that.
My name is Nadine Leopold and I Choose Me. -
Heal Your Heartbreak with your Break Up Bestie is a weekly podcast where each week I walk you through a topic as it relates to healing your heartbreak and helping you move through your break up. Topics include breaking up, healing, dating, and moving into happier and healthier relationships. The goal of this show is to provide hope, support, tips, and to remind you that you're not alone and don't have to go through this alone.
במסגרת הפודקאסט משוחח ד"ר בנימין שוורץ, עמית בפורום קהלת, עם אינטלקטואלים מן האקדמיה ומחוצה לה, עם עיתונאים ואנשי ממשל. במהלך הפודקאסט נעסוק ברעיונות ובהוגי הדעות הגדולים בהיסטוריה של המחשבה הפוליטית המערבית, וברלוונטיות שלהם למאה ה-21. נדון במחלוקות העמוקות שבין ימין לשמאל במדינת ישראל, ובמדינות אחרות בעולם. וגם, ננסה להבהיר: "מהי חשיבה פוליטית שמרנית?", וכיצד היא יכולה לספק תשובות לאתגרים החברתיים, הכלכליים והפוליטיים של דורנו.
Arabic podcast (Egyptian Dialect) discussing philosophical topics covering knowledge, consciousness, identity, ethics, belief, justice and aesthetics. From Ancient Greek Philosophy, to Arab's Kalam Philosophy, to Modern western philosophy. برنامج بالعربية ( اللهجة المصرية ) يناقش مواضيع فلسفية مثل المعرفة، الوعي ، الهوية ، الأخلاق ، العقيدة ، العدالة ،والجماليات. من الفلسفة اليونانية القديمة، لفلسفة الكلام العربية، إلى الفلسفة الغربية الحديثة.
Explore the world of rum by hearing from the people who are shaping it.
A speech and language podcast to motivate and inspire school-based SLPs. Just the tips, strategies, and low prep therapy ideas you need to walk into your therapy room with confidence and plan with ease. Learn and hear stories from an SLP in the trenches just like you!
Schmaltzy, a podcast from the Jewish Food Society explores the intersection of Jewish identity and food through live storytelling. Join us for tales from famed chefs, home cooking mavens, grandmothers, TV personalities, and more. Listen with a nosh at hand — you might get hungry. Host: Amanda Dell. Executive Producer: Naama Shefi.
بودكاست يقدم في سلسلة من الحلقات المشوقة جرعة تحفيز وأمل لكل من يرغب في تغيير حياته للأفضل
ברוכים הבאים לפודקאסט של עו״ד רות דיין וולפנר בית ספר לקארמה טובה.
בפודקאסט הזה אני אדבר על זוגיות, על גירושין וכמובן קארמה - שהיא בעצם תוצאה. -
Want to write for a living and be your own boss? Attract high-paying freelance writing clients—with confidence!
Building a lucrative freelance career comes down to confidence and taking the right steps.
Stable, high-quality clients are key to the freedom and flexibility we crave as freelancers. With so much information available online, a straightforward roadmap is crucial.
But most importantly, you need the right mindset to proactively get in front of your ideal clients一without sounding salesy!
If you like what you hear, please rate and review!
"Подкаст про кожного з нас — про переїзди з валізою стереотипів про українські міста. Тут ви почуєте історії сміливих, — тих, хто переїхав та перевірив на собі чи правдиві ті упередження, чи ні"
מכירים את זה שהזמנתם טיסה ועכשיו אתם צריכים להתחיל לחפור בכל האינטרנט מאתיים שנה ולחפש המלצות וטיפים ותשובות לכל השאלות? אז זהו, זה נגמר 😎קבלו את קונקשן - פודקאסט לאוהבי חופשות ועצלני המקלדת מבית הפודיום בשיתוף פספורטכארד בהנחיית עידן ניידיץ ושירי ירדני. ליווי וייעוץ: ערן פיש. פתיח מוזיקלי: צוקוש. קונקשן - חו״ל מה שצריך!
Real life stories from expats, who moved to Austria. In this podcast, I want to highlight peoples experience with the immigration process into Austria, we will talk about different types of visas, tipps and tricks on how to prepare your application and what happens, after you've moved to Austria. Disclaimer: These are personal stories from different nationalities and everyones story is different. Questions, suggestions or feedback? Message me at [email protected]! Sound Design - Tobias Schreiber @tobis_stuff Design - Hanna Lenitz @finelinesbyhanna
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
אני משה פבריקנט, בן 21 - שמראיין כל אדם, בשביל להבין את המדינה והעולם שבו אנחנו חיים
פודקאסט על שיחות, מדע, טכנולוגיה, פילוסופיה, היסטוריה, פסיכולוגיה, אקטואליה, מודיעין, פוליטיקה, משחקים וספורט.
אני אדם סקרן שמחפש את האמת בשיח פתוחה.
האם תצטרפו אלי? -
Welcome to the best Teaching ESL Abroad podcast... EVER! At least, that's what we're going to tell everyone in hopes that they'll give us a listen.
We're two dudes, Hal and Steve, who chat about the practical parts of teaching esl in a foreign country. What do you do with super spoiled kids? How do you avoid the super boring after school outings? How do you avoid drinking 1 on 1 with Principal Kim because you'll wake up with the worst hangover if you do?
These are the questions! We try to answer them!
See for privacy and opt-out information.
Welcome to The Dr. Will Show Podcast, The Mobile University for Edupreneurs. This is the go-to business podcast for educators to learn how to turn their teacher skills into dollar bills.
Each episode I Zoom in an educator, an author, speaker, or consultant. Together, we'll explore their triumphs, challenges, and strategies for building a thriving education business.