
  • In professional speaking, charismatic and captivating individuals have long dominated the stage, captivating audiences with their powerful words and magnetic presence. These eloquent speakers have inspired countless individuals, shared valuable knowledge, and motivated change.

    However, what if the secret to building a successful speaking business lies not in the hands of the speaker alone but in the ability to empower and train others to become influential voices themselves?

    In this episode, we talk about how to make a speaking business work without the speaker with Brent Williams. Brent is one of Australia’s leading authorities on success strategies for teenagers. He received the “Gen Y Leader of the Year” award and has been nominated 3 times for the Young Australian of the Year.

    Brent shares his insights on how to build a speaking business that transcends the limitations of a single individual and empowers others to become influential voices in their own right.

    Brent Williams believes that the true measure of success for professional speakers lies in their ability to deliver impactful speeches and their capacity to create a lasting impact beyond their presence on the stage.

    He emphasizes the importance of empowering and training others to become influential speakers, multiplying the speaking business's reach and impact. Join us in this episode as we delve into building a speaking business that goes beyond the individual speaker with the insightful Brent Williams.

  • In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of business, success is often a result of effective teamwork. A cohesive and high-performing team can make all the difference in achieving organizational goals, overcoming challenges, and driving innovation.

    However, not all team members are created equal, and identifying the right individuals to fill crucial roles is paramount.

    In this episode, we talk about the importance of having two types of team members - the taskmasters and the outcome owners. From their distinctive characteristics to their impact on team dynamics, we will delve into the core qualities that make them indispensable.

    Like two sides of a coin, these individuals bring unique skills, perspectives, and contributions that complement each other and create a strong foundation for the entire team. Their combined efforts can propel an organization forward and unlock its full potential.

    Whether you are a business owner, a team leader, or an aspiring entrepreneur, understanding the importance of these key individuals will undoubtedly empower you to build and nurture a winning team.

    Join me as I uncover the building blocks that form the backbone of thriving businesses—the two indispensable team members that every organization needs.

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  • Prospects move towards a transaction at three different speeds - slow, medium, and fast. Although our industry is filled with medium movers or those who wait around before making a purchase, it’s in your best interest to redesign marketing strategies that focus on the smaller percentage - the fast movers.

    In this episode, I share my insights and takeaways from my chat with Nicholas Kusmich in episode 072 - The Fast Movers' Advantage.

    I’ll discuss why I agree with Nicholas that fast prospects are the better prospects to focus on in your business.

    Fast prospects are very conscious of their time and want solutions fast, thus they don’t want to go through numerous steps just to get the result and because of this, they are willing to pay more.

    Nevertheless, you still need to employ systems that allow you to nurture relationships with your other prospects who don’t make buying decisions at the same speed. But since we’ve been educated on how to deal with medium and slow movers, it’s now time to think of unique and guaranteed strategies that can help to engage with a fast mover.

    Throughout this episode, you’ll learn the questions you need to ask yourself to build a structure around fast prospects, the impact of having offers that best cater to them, and why they drive the results that your business needs.

  • In the world of marketing, small changes in how we think can make a big difference. Instead of focusing on the way we sell things, it's important to think about the people who might want to buy them. When business owners understand this, their marketing plans become easier and more successful.

    In this episode, I have an exciting discussion with Nicholas Kusmich about the fast track to business success: how to effectively communicate and market to solution seekers. Nicholas is your go-to guy if you want to get more clients and rapidly increase business revenue by running high yielding Facebook Advertising Campaigns. He’s also the legend behind the highest campaign ROIs in the world - a powerful 30,973.32%.

    Traditional marketing models often revolve around the sales funnel, which focuses on what Nicholas calls the medium movers or information seekers who take their precious time to make a decision.

    However, there’s an emerging recognition among marketers that there are prospects who are ready to buy, want to get solutions immediately, and most importantly, are willing to pay a premium price to get the results they want. He aptly tags them as fast movers or solution seekers.

    It’s inevitable that you will encounter all three speed prospects (fast, medium and slow buyers) in business, so it’s essential to have intentional business processes that target all of them. Above all, you have to know what actions to take when a fast mover strikes and take advantage of how they impact your business success.

  • We’re currently living in a time where there’s a massive and continuously growing interest in Artificial Intelligence. And this expands over every industry - businesses, various professions, and even schools.

    Ever since ChatGPT and other AI tools became available to the public, it has become easier for society to play around and explore what these technologies can do.

    In this episode, I discuss the lessons I learned from my conversation in episode 70 about Journey into the Future of AI: Risks, Regulations, and Rewards Explored with Mike Rhodes.

    I’ll be sharing my insights on why there is no better time to take advantage of AI in your business than now.

    Mike and I share the same sentiment about using AI in business - not taking advantage of its benefits will only hamper your ability to stay competitive in your industry. Although you don’t need to know every bit of detail about AI technology, you do need to understand what’s possible for your business.

    However, Mike and I also acknowledge the possible risks of AI when used by the wrong people. We place an emphasis on “just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should.”

    In this episode you’ll get a glimpse of how AI technologies can revolutionise the way you operate in business, how it can lead you to greater opportunities, and why leveraging it now will serve as your business’s competitive advantage.

  • We’re at the dawn of a new era of technology - we’re seeing massive changes brought about by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and there’s just no stopping it. AI holds the potential to revolutionise any industry and as a business owner, how can you take advantage of its opportunities and avert risks (if at all possible)?

    In this episode, we talk about exploring the uncharted waters of AI: examining the risks, regulations, and opportunities it presents with Mike Rhodes. His passion for the future of AI and Machine Learning has helped create more profitable businesses.

    Mike has over two decades experience in the digital marketing agency and has established his award-winning Melbourne-based digital agency WebSavvy with the purpose of helping small businesses grow. He also co-authored The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads, the world’s best-selling book on Google Ads, with over 130,000 copies sold.

    Most people think that AI is just a recent invention because of the sudden popularity it’s gaining from a wider range of audiences. However, AI tools have long been a part of the e-commerce industry to lessen costs that go to models and productions.

    From there, AI paved the way for huge advancements in various industries and some of the benefits include - an increase in efficiency and productivity, improved monitoring of business processes, excellent customer service, etc.

    Nevertheless, no matter how great AI sounds, it comes with potential risks, and with no standard regulations in place, it can cause serious damage to a brand or any person.

    Learn more from Mike’s AI expertise and discover how these powerful tech tools can be used to enhance how you manage your team and business.

  • In the dynamic landscape of business and life, pursuing extraordinary success requires constantly adapting. What once worked flawlessly in the past may yield different results today.

    As the world rapidly evolves, it demands a fresh perspective, a willingness to embrace change, and a commitment to challenge traditional norms. To achieve extraordinary success in this fast-paced environment, individuals and organizations must recognize the need to break free from the constraints of old habits, rigid thinking, and outdated strategies.

    In this episode, I share the lessons I learned from my interview with Dean Jackson. Specifically, we explore how shifting paradigms can help you achieve extraordinary success.

    Gone are the days when a linear path to success could be followed without question. The modern era demands a nimble approach that acknowledges the ever-changing tides of technology, globalization, and societal values.

    Shifting paradigms require a mindset that thrives on innovation, creativity, and adaptability. Those who can navigate these turbulent waters with resilience and agility will find themselves at the forefront of success, unlocking new possibilities that were previously unimaginable.

    This episode is for you if you're seeking to break free from the confines of traditional thinking and embrace a mindset that propels you toward extraordinary success. Let’s dive in!

  • In today's fast-paced and highly competitive business landscape, efficiency, and productivity have become paramount for success. As a business owner or entrepreneur, you may often face the challenge of juggling numerous tasks and responsibilities, often leading to burnout and diminished results.

    As the owner of your business, you need to be doing the work that only you can do - and nothing else. By harnessing the potential of technology and leveraging external expertise, you can streamline your operations, enhance productivity, and achieve greater profitability.

    In this episode, we talk about Achieving Extraordinary Success: Mastering Strategic Shifts in Life and Business with Dean Jackson.

    As a seasoned entrepreneur, Dean shares his unique insights on how to strategically optimise your business and life, to drive growth and improve overall performance, including “The Self Milking Cow” and “High ROI Oil Wells” strategies.

    We also talk about how micro-niching can be beneficial. Dividing a business into separate micro-niche entities is not a one-size-fits-all solution but rather a strategic decision that should be carefully evaluated based on the specific goals and circumstances of the organization. By doing so, businesses can harness numerous benefits and unlock new avenues for growth and development.

    This episode will have you considering many different aspects to optimize your business and life, and to take your growth to the next level.

  • As a business owner, you likely have a lot on your plate. With endless tasks, responsibilities, and deadlines to meet, it can be difficult to find the time and energy to prioritize your health and wellness.

    However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for long-term success in your personal and professional life. Creating healthy habits improves your physical health and boosts your mental clarity, productivity, and overall well-being.

    In this episode, I recap my interview with Zac Mason on Episode 66: How Staying Fit and Healthy Can Boost Your Business with Zac Mason and delve deeper into the importance of creating healthy habits and how they impact your success as a business owner.

    Business owners are constantly faced with challenges, setbacks, and uncertainty. To thrive in such an environment, it's crucial to create healthy habits to navigate these obstacles and keep pushing forward.

    By the end of this episode, you'll better understand how taking care of your health can help you become a better business owner and be equipped with practical tools to make it a priority in your busy schedule. So, join me as we explore the fascinating link between health and business success and discover how you can thrive in both areas.

  • As an entrepreneur or business professional, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of always being busy. Between long hours, endless meetings, and the constant pressure to perform, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can often fall by the wayside.

    However, staying fit and healthy can actually provide a significant boost to your business. From increased productivity to improved creativity, taking care of your physical and mental health can profoundly impact your overall success.

    In this episode, we discuss how staying fit and healthy can boost your business with Zac Mason, an online health coach helping CEOs and business owners stay fit and healthy.

    Zac shares his insights on the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and how simple daily routine changes can significantly improve your productivity and overall success.

    Whether taking a mid-day walk, practising mindfulness, or making healthier food choices, Zac emphasises the importance of making small, sustainable changes that can greatly impact your overall well-being.

    He also addresses common misconceptions about fitness and wellness in the workplace and explains how taking care of yourself can help you to be a better leader and team player.

    So, if you're ready to take your business to the next level, join us as we explore the powerful connection between staying fit and healthy and achieving success in business.

  • If you’re an entrepreneur looking to build your business and create wealth, the possibilities before you can feel endless. But the truth is that success in business often comes down to having access to the right knowledge at the right time.

    Fortunately, books are some of our most valuable resources when it comes to gathering information. There are countless books available that are filled with advice from experienced entrepreneurs who understand the challenges faced in achieving lasting success.

    In this episode, I share five must-read books for anyone who is interested in building their business and wealth. In these carefully selected books, experts share their wisdom on how best to tackle common challenges faced by entrepreneurs like developing a strong team and seizing new opportunities.

    With clear advice from experienced professionals in all areas of business from sales strategies through finance, you'll be able to craft a strategy tailored specifically for YOUR vision - one with measurable goals and studies results!

  • Money and finances can be daunting for any business owner. Poring over spreadsheets, analyzing cash flow, and trying to make sense of financial jargon can make anyone's head spin.

    But the truth is, understanding your business finances is crucial to your company's success. That's why conducting a financial health check is essential.

    In this episode, I share the key lessons I learned from the interview with Gavin Smith, which you can check out in episode 63: Financial Health Check - Understanding Your Business Finances. During our conversation, Gavin shared invaluable insights into how entrepreneurs can better manage their finances, avoid common pitfalls, and stay on top of their financial game.

    A financial health check assesses your business's financial performance and stability. It involves analyzing your company's financial statements, cash flow, expenses, and revenue to better understand your financial position.

    By regularly reviewing your finances, you can identify trends, spot potential problems early on, and take proactive steps to improve your financial performance.

    If you're ready to take control of your business finances and set yourself up for success, grab a notebook as I dive into the key takeaways from my conversation with Gavin Smith.

  • Managing your business finances is an essential task that every entrepreneur must undertake. As a business owner, you need to clearly understand your financial situation to make informed decisions about your operations, growth strategies, and investments.

    However, many entrepreneurs need help with financial management and may need help knowing where to start. That's where a financial health check can be valuable. A financial health check assesses your business finances and evaluates your income, expenses, cash flow, profitability, and other key financial indicators.

    In this episode, I’ve invited Gavin Smith, the founder and CEO of The Profit Analyst, to discuss the importance of doing a financial health check.

    Gavin shares his expertise on how entrepreneurs can improve their financial literacy and take control of their finances. He also discusses common financial challenges small business owners face and provides practical tips to overcome them.

    Whether you are a seasoned business owner or just starting, this episode will provide valuable insights and strategies to help you better manage your business finances to achieve financial success.

  • Do you dream of working less and earning more? If the answer is yes, then read on - passive income may be just the thing for helping you reach your financial goals.

    Passive income gives individuals and businesses an opportunity to generate ongoing income streams with no extra work. It can provide invaluable security against the unexpected disruptions that life throws at us from time to time, and the potential for long-term wealth building.

    In this episode I talk about what passive income is, how it works, some potential sources of passive income – and how making a plan today will help set yourself up for success tomorrow.

    Generating passive income can be a powerful way to achieve financial independence, but it's not something that comes easy. It requires dedication and the willingness to take risks in order to get the most from your earnings.

    If you are looking for ways to earn passive income, then this episode is for you!

  • For entrepreneurs and business owners, building wealth is often closely tied to the success of their business. However, it's important to diversify investments and build wealth outside of the business to ensure long-term financial stability.

    The thing is, investing can be a highly rewarding way to grow your wealth over time, but it also comes with inherent risks. Without proper knowledge and planning, investing can be a high-risk endeavour that leads to financial loss.
    In this episode, I share my take-aways from episode 60 where I interviewed Terry Tran on building wealth through investing. Building wealth outside your business can seem daunting, but as Terry emphasised, it's a crucial step towards long-term financial security.

    Whether you're an entrepreneur, business owner, or simply looking to grow your wealth, the lessons shared in this episode apply to anyone looking to make informed investment decisions and create a diversified portfolio.

  • Are you looking for ways to build wealth so you don’t need to rely on your business income? Investing outside of your business can be a great way to diversify your income streams and create a sense of financial security.

    As with any venture, risk is involved, so researching different industries and staying up-to-date on macroeconomic developments are essential factors in achieving successful results. If done correctly, investing outside of your company can yield big benefits – from earning passive income to increasing future wealth opportunities.

    In this episode, we talk about making money through outside investments. My guest Terry Tran is the founder of The Freedom Trader, a place that is dedicated to helping you create financial, time, and location freedom outside your business through safe, consistent investing and trading in every market condition.

    Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, full-time business owner, or investor, understanding how to make money from outside investments can be key to building and securing financial success. With investing, now might be the time to expand your knowledge of money-making opportunities.

    Listen to this episode to discover what you can do to make more money outside your business.

  • Do you often feel overwhelmed with the number of tasks on your weekly to-do list?

    It’s overwhelming to have a task or project hanging over your head for days or weeks at a time. Sure, it can be hard to delegate — especially if no one else is as qualified or passionate about it as you are.

    But delegating tasks isn’t just beneficial for helping us stay organised and on track; it's also critical in order to maximise team efficiency and divert resources into more important areas that need attention.

    The 10-80-10 Principle is an effective approach for properly distributing workload – integrating both yourself and other people into the process so everyone feels engaged from start to finish.

    In this episode, I talk about what the 10-80-10 principle is and how you can use it in your business. I share the importance of delegating tasks within your business and how to do it in a way that is fair and efficient.

    When done properly, delegation can have a significant impact on your business. Not only will it give you more time to focus on the important tasks at hand, but it also helps build morale and boosts productivity among team members.

    So if you’re ready to start delegating effectively, this episode is for you!

  • Have you ever eyed that dream purchase like a new car or house, only to be stopped short by the fear of taking on too much debt? It's a common worry for many people, as is being stuck in bad debt with its crushing interest rates and constricting terms. It can seem intimidating to make decisions regarding your finances when so much is at stake.

    However, it’s important to understand that not all debt is equal. There are different types of debt - good debts and bad debts - both of which carry drastically different implications for your financial future if managed correctly or incorrectly.

    In this episode, I talk about good debt and bad debt. I share personal stories on how I became more educated about debt and how I manage my finances for the better.

    Indeed, debt can be a powerful tool to increase your purchasing power and build wealth. However, the trick is understanding how to make prudent decisions on when it’s beneficial to take on debt and when it’s not. Listen to this episode now to learn how to navigate these tricky waters and make smart decisions when it comes to money.

  • One of the biggest debates among people, both in personal and professional circles, is how much money one needs to be classified as "rich". To some, it may simply mean having enough to afford the basics. For others, it might involve more complex criteria for maintaining a certain lifestyle that requires you to have an unlimited bank account.

    This can be a difficult topic to decipher due to everyone's individual opinions - but no matter where you fall on the spectrum of wealth accumulation, there are several perspectives worth exploring when considering what constitutes being "rich".

    Most of us have a vague understanding of what it means to be rich. Generally, we know that the definition of richness isn't the same for everyone, and depends on factors like location, income level, and lifestyle choices.

  • It's a story as old as time—the seven-year itch. That milestone in a relationship when couples often feel they’ve “grown apart” and aren’t sure what to do next. The seven-year itch is a common phenomenon amongst couples, and it can be downright terrifying for some people.

    What about business? Does the seventh year of running a business feel like an itch? You have been making progress over the past six years, but now you're feeling stuck and wanting to do something different. Have you run out of ideas or is it time for a change?

    In this episode, I talk about the seven-year itch in business. I discuss the common warning signs that signal that it's time to make a change, and how to go about making those changes. I also offer advice on how to stay motivated during this transition period so you can keep your business moving forward.

    I share how I successfully navigated the seven-year itch and came out stronger on the other side. I hope this episode will help you recognize when it's time for a change, and give you the courage to make it happen.