
  • Just as we can talk with spirits after their physical death, we can also communicate with souls before birth. If you're in pregnancy, conception or are already a parent-- tune in for some fascinating stories and information about this subject!

    In this episode, Elysia Skye and I along with special guest, Kelly Meehan, share:

    * How my daughter brought her father and I together, and connected with each of us 15 years before conception.
    * Some babies are loud and clear; some need space for their internal process. Finding acceptance for each soul's unique communication style and needs.
    * Why conception doesn't always go as planned, and how to have faith in the process.
    * What are some deeper reasons for miscarriage, abortions and other birth loss?
    * How to get out of your head and into your heart to support conception.
    * Babies aren't just babies! Recognizing the profound nature of their souls.

    Ann's website: www.EveryoneIsPsychic.com
    Elysia's website: www.ElysiaSkyeWellness.com
    Kelly's website: www.BirthHealing.com

  • Relationships can be fun and make us happy, but they can also be excruciating-- and everything in between! So, this week, we share some tips to bring more grace into your relationships of all types.

    In this episode, Ann O'Brien, Elysia Skye and special guest, Marcy Cole, PhD., talk about:

    * How relationship challenges can help you discover the unowned parts of yourself.
    * Why repeating relationship patterns doesn't mean you're doomed to failure.
    * 4 powerful tips for successful relationships.
    * A simple meditation to sort out whose stuff is whose, bring back appreciation and reclaim your
    center in a confusing or toxic relationship.
    * Understanding the law of attraction as well as the law of reach and withdrawal.
    * What does it mean to fix the problem but not the blame?
    * What is "empowered ownership" and how can it improve your relationships?
    * Remembering you don't have to agree with someone to empathize with them.
    * How to use active listening to find harmony, forgiveness and understanding.

    Ann's website: www.EveryoneIsPsychic.com
    Elysia's website: www.ElysiaSkyeWellness.com
    Marcy's website: www.DrMarcyCole.com

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  • Children are so connected to the spiritual world! Their imagination and awareness can teach us so much, and we can show up in a way that encourages their gifts and helps them clear energy.

    In this episode, Ann O'Brien, Elysia Skye and special guest Stacia Synnestvedt talk about:

    * Specific stories of kids' intuition and its different forms: talking to departed loved ones, sensing
    unspoken emotions, healing, manifesting their desires, etc.
    * Why owning your "stuff" as a parent is essential, and why it's easier on your family life than
    being a "perfect" parent.
    * A simple meditation you can do with your kids at bedtime... or anytime they need it!
    * Why kids behavior problems may actually be
    "energy" problems, and what to do about them.
    * Why imaginary "friends" aren't always friends, and how to get the less friendly ones to leave.

    Ann's website: www.EveryoneIsPsychic.com
    Elysia website: www.ElysiaSkyeWellness.com
    Stacia's website: www.TheMeditatingMama.com

  • Is our life fated, can we just do whatever we want, or is it something in-between? On our latest podcast, we had this fascinating discussion!

    In this episode, Ann O’Brien, Elysia Skye and special guest Nicole Bowman talk about:

    * How our spiritual journey goes beyond this lifetime and immediate concerns.
    * Which circumstances in our life are destined and which decisions are up to us.
    * How our last lifetime influences our next birth and life path.
    * Is there a way to complete karma without engaging in specific relationships or patterns?
    * What is a soulmate? Do we have just one or are there many options?
    * How different choices and paths can fulfill the same destiny.
    * Why even our challenges, conflicts and apparent darkness have a purpose.
    * How to find your purpose/ destiny, and why there’s no stress over what you do for a “job.”
    * Why some “destined” relationships or situations may not end up the way we think, and why they
    are still valuable.

    Ann's website: www,EveryoneIsPsychic.com
    Elysia website: www.ElysiaSkyeWellness.com
    Nicole’s website: www.NicoleBowman.biz

  • When some people think of psychic readings, they imagine a gypsy with a crystal ball who tells their future. There are many reasons why this is not often possible or advisable!

    In this episode, Ann O'Brien, Elysia Skye and special guest Mary O'Maley share:

    * Why psychics cannot usually see the future.
    * The pitfalls of knowing the future prematurely.
    * The benefits of NOT knowing the future.
    * How a future question can be approached so that the best possible future gets created.
    * Why present time is the point of greatest power.
    * How understanding the present can actually change the future and one's thoughts about it.
    * How a psychic might approach serious future questions, like "Is s/he going to die?"
    * When anxious about the future, how to get out of the mental loops of fear and anxiety, and see a
    new perspective.

    Ann's website: http://www.EveryoneIsPsychic.com
    Elysia website: http://www.ElysiaSkyeWellness.com
    Mary's website: http://www.PsychicScout.com

  • Artists are naturally very intuitive. Due to their psychic gifts, they offer incredible healing to the masses, and they can also suffer from their heightened empathy, the "starving artist" syndrome, or addictions. Whether you're looking to boost your creativity or whether you're an artist looking to make sense of your sensitivity, this one's for you!

    In this episode, Ann O'Brien, Elysia Skye and special guest Paul Bellantoni share:

    * Tips for artists to understand the space you need to boost your creative inspiration and output.
    * Simple ways for creatives and performers to boost awareness, clear energy and reconnect to
    others after a performance or creative session.
    * How artists use their natural psychic gifts in creating and performing.
    * Why creative types often suffer from addictions or drama, and how to create great art while
    remaining healthy and balanced.
    * Inspiring stories of how art can heal and change lives.
    * Tools for artists to gracefully navigate the "highs" and "lows" of creative cycles, and trust in your
    power and self-worth.

    Ann's website: http://www.EveryoneIsPsychic.com
    Elysia's website: http://www.ElysiaSkyeWellness.com
    Paul's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulbellantonifl

  • Artists are naturally very intuitive. Due to their psychic gifts, they offer incredible healing to the masses, and they can also suffer from their heightened empathy, the "starving artist" syndrome, or addictions. Whether you're looking to boost your creativity or whether you're an artist looking to make sense of your sensitivity, this one's for you!

    In this episode, Ann O'Brien, Elysia Skye and special guest Paul Bellantoni share:

    * Tips for artists to understand the space you need to boost your creative inspiration and output.
    * Simple ways for creatives and performers to boost awareness, clear energy and reconnect to
    others after a performance or creative session.
    * How artists use their natural psychic gifts in creating and performing.
    * Why creative types often suffer from addictions or drama, and how to create great art while
    remaining healthy and balanced.
    * Inspiring stories of how art canheal and change lives.
    * Tools for artists to gracefully navigate the "highs" and "lows" of creative cycles, and trust in your
    power and self-worth.

    Ann's website: http://www.EveryoneIsPsychic.com
    Elysia's website: http://www.ElysiaSkyeWellness.com
    Paul's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulbellantonifl

  • In each episode so far, we’ve talked about the importance of meditation in developing intuition. But so far, we hadn’t discussed how to meditate.

    Meditation has so many benefits and it’s truly life-changing once you develop the practice. For those of you who could use some pointers to get you started or keep you going, we recorded this special show!

    In this episode, join Ann O’Brien and Elysia Skye for our top 10 meditation tips:

    * How to let go of perfection by releasing your thoughts.
    * The importance of being consistent and what that means.
    * How to choose an environment that works for you.
    * Why we need to eliminate distractions, and how to do it.
    * What to focus on during meditation? Should it be your breath, a mantra or something else?
    * Simple tips for grounding, releasing energy and getting present.
    * What’s the best meditation posture?
    * How to use music in meditation.
    * Increasing your meditation benefits by setting an intention.
    * A visualization exercise for calling your energy back from other people and places, the future and past.

    Ann's website: www.EveryoneIsPsychic.com
    Elysia’s website: www.ElysiaSkyeWellness.com

  • Spirit guides are fun, fascinating and can be so helpful in teaching us, healing us and making life easier! With a few tips, anyone can connect to their personal guides and ancestors as well as high level angels and masters.

    In this episode, Ann O’Brien, Elysia Skye and special guest Garz Chan answer questions such as:

    * Do you have just one spirit guide or many?
    * How long do your guides stay with you?
    * Do your spirit guides have names? How to know what your guide is good at.
    * Are all spirits guides? What different types of spirits may appear for you, how do you tell which
    are friendly, and what’s the best way to attract a high level guide?
    * How do you connect to your guides in meditation?
    * What if you need help “in the moment,” when you don’t have time to meditate?
    * Would Jesus or Buddha talk to you? Aren’t they too busy for you? Here’s why not…
    * What if you’re afraid of your family or culture’s disapproval if you start trusting your intuition?
    Here’s why it’s important…
    * What’s the best way to get clear answers?

    Ann's website: www.EveryoneIsPsychic.com
    Elysia's website: www.ElysiaSkyeWellness.com
    Garz’s website: www.ChanChineseEnergyHealing.com

  • The most common obstacle to trusting intuition is the fear that you are making things up. How do you overcome the fear of being wrong-- or the confusion about whether what you're sensing is fear, desire or true guidance?

    In this episode, Ann O'Brien, Elysia Skye and special guest Krista Rauschenberg share:

    * The importance of practice in building confidence in your intuition.
    * How to test your intuition on "small" things before relying on it for life-altering decisions.
    * Why your intuitive guidance might sound like your own inner voice, and the importance of
    listening to it.
    * What are the akashic records?
    * Why openness (your own or your client's) allows you to pick up more information.
    * The importance of letting go of pressure to perform or deliver.
    * Blurt it out! If the information you're getting seems strange, know that it's harder to make it up
    than it is to tune in accurately.
    * How to express intuitive messages in the most compassionate, helpful manner.
    * The healing power of telling the truth.

    Ann O'Brien's website: www.EveryoneIsPsychic.com
    Elysia Skye's website: www.ElysiaSkyeWellness.com
    Krista Rauschenberg's website: www.AkashicGlow.com

  • Mediumship is known best as the ability to channel spirit guides and speak with departed loved ones. It's also the ability we all have to channel our OWN infinite soul and live our lives with greater power and awareness.

    Listen in as Ann O'Brien, Elysia Skye and special guest Diana White Eagle share:

    * Why those "voices in your head" may not be yours, and how to interpret the messages you're
    * How to recognize a high-level spirit guide and how to set healthy boundaries with spirit.
    * Why channelling is common in artists and addicts, as well as spiritual healers and readers.
    * Spiritual communication isn't just for the deceased; you can also speak with the spirit of
    someone who is still alive.
    * How to find your balance between "high vibration" of mediumship and living a grounded,
    embodied, "regular" life.
    * The importance of energetic cleansing, how to know if you need it, and how to do it.
    * Inspiring stories of ancestors showing up to speak with their loved ones, as well as stories
    of the medium "going" to where the spirits are.

    Ann's website: www.EveryoneIsPsychic.com
    Elysia's website: www.ElysiaSkyeWellness.com
    Diana's website: www.DianaWhiteEagle.com

  • Clairvoyance means "clear seeing" and, put simply, it's the ability to see what's really going on. We all have this ability, and this episode shows you how to tap into yours!

    In this episode, join Ann O'Brien, Elysia Skye and special guest Anastasia- Mystic of New Orleans and learn:

    * Why clairvoyance is ordinary, and why it's extraordinary.
    * Psychics are real people! Why we don't read you unless you ask.
    * Why you shouldn't dismiss the "random" colors, pictures and symbols that flash before your
    eyes, and how to interpret this type of information.
    * How trauma can sharpen our psychic abilities.
    * Why developing intuition is essential at this time on the planet.
    * The best way to develop your clairvoyance.
    * How to effectively and compassionately share potentially upsetting information with a client or readee.

    Visit Ann O'Brien's website @ http://www.EveryoneIsPsychic.com
    Visit Elysia Skye's website @ http://ElysiaSkyeWellness.com
    Visit Anastasia's website @ http://www.MysticOfNewOrleans.com

  • Clairvoyance means "clear seeing" and, put simply, it's the ability to see what's really going on. We all have this ability, and this episode shows you how to tap into yours!

    In this episode, join Ann O'Brien, Elysia Skye and special guest Anastasia- Mystic of New Orleans and learn:

    * Why clairvoyance is ordinary, and why it's extraordinary.
    * Psychics are real people! Why we don't read you unless you ask.
    * Why you shouldn't dismiss the "random" colors, pictures and symbols that flash before your
    eyes, and how to interpret this type of information.
    * How trauma can sharpen our psychic abilities.
    * Why developing intuition is essential at this time on the planet.
    * The best way to develop your clairvoyance.
    * How to effectively and compassionately share potentially upsetting information with a client or readee.

    Visit Ann O'Brien's website @ http://www.EveryoneIsPsychic.com
    Visit Elysia Skye's website @ http://ElysiaSkyeWellness.com
    Visit Anastasia's website @ http://www.MysticOfNewOrleans.com

  • Many people think that psychic abilities are a special gift only a few of us have. The truth is, we can all learn to develop our gifts with a little training and practice.

    In this episode, join Ann O'Brien, Elysia Skye and special guest Ayamanatara and learn:

    * An easy visualization technique to read someone's energy or get clear on a decision instantly.
    * How to use color and other symbolism in your readings.
    * Whether it's best for a psychic to read "cold" (with no information) or with "cues" from the client.
    * The different types of psychic abilities-- seeing, hearing, knowing and feeling things.
    * How we "get in our own way" when developing our intuition.
    * Why it's important to let go of personal ownership of information you're reading.
    * The importance of boundaries when working with spirit.
    * Developing trust and reclaiming our child-like openness and natural insight.

    Ann's website: http://www.EveryoneIsPsychic.com
    Elysia's website: http://www.ElysiaSkyeWellness.com
    Ayamanatara's website: http://www.Ayamanatara.com