YOU are ONE realisationaway from Ascension.
The time is NOW.
Navigating through the storms as the trials and tribulations of life create obstacles and resistance in front of you. There is a Way - but it is up to you to create it.
Estão a faltar episódios?
How the true story of a burnt out electric box shows us how we too should moderate the energies we allow to pass through us - for too much of anything can lead us into circumstances we would rather not experience.
The Living Vibration of Consciousness, I AM.
Light Language of the Heart - the Voice of the Soul in manifest form.
Understanding the ongoing Evolution of Consciousness and what we are all facing through becoming. Cosmic Works of Polaris AB
How far are we away from Ascension and what do we need to do to get there?
The Works of Polaris AB
An original story written two years ago of Merlin, Arthur and Solomon as Warriors of Light revealing the darkness surrounding Brexit, Royalty and the times that would follow. Much of which has now come into the Light as Truth, rather than remain hidden as lies within the Dark.
The Ancient Stories that continue to provide Sacred Truth today.
A metaphoric journey of life encountering the guidance received and obstacles overcome when creating a path to your own mountain top - www.polarisab.com
Living in the Fifth Dimension - www.polarisab.com