
  • Megan Ellam

    Megan Ellam is the award-winning author, photographer, and recipe developer behind the Mad Creations blog, cookbooks, and keto product range.

    A self-confessed foodie, Megan’s passion lies in creating amazingly delicious low carb and keto recipes.

    Her approach to recipes is through a love of fresh, tasty and easy to prepare meals.

    Megan found her love of everything keto when she was diagnosed with insulin resistance and lost 45 kgs changing to a low carb lifestyle.


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    Megan’s Book

    Keto Loco

    Simply Delicious

    Keto Mojo

    Slow Cook Keto

    Healthy Family

    Every Day Keto

    Lunch Time Keto

    Fed Up Fast 4.0

    Megg Fast 3.1


    Take a look through Megan’s books



    Megan’s Top TipsMake a pact with yourself to stick with the plan for 4 days each week.Measure yourself whether it is with clothes, tape measure or scales.Take plenty of photos.


    Resources Mentioned

    Electrolytes are included the Keto Mojo book

    Megan’s Gummies

    Megan’s Previous Podcast


    Connect with Megan Ellam on social media

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/meganellam

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lowcarbmixers/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meganellam

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@MADCREATIONSPTYLTD


    Website Details:



    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

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    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting her.If you wish to support her we have various options from one off donations to becoming a Super Fabulously Keto Podcast Supporter with coaching and support. Check out this page for lots of different ways to support the podcast.https://fabulouslyketo.com/supportOrYou can find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon. com/FabulouslyKetoConnect with us on social media




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  • Suzanne Alexander

    Suzanne Alexander, M.Ed., is the co-author and editor of the highly acclaimed book, ‘The Ancestral Diet Revolution,’ along with Dr. Chris Knobbe, MD. She is a multi-award-winning educator with over 30 years of experience in the classroom and a highly accomplished ancestral health and nutrition researcher. Suzanne’s unwavering dedication to her research has taken her on daring, life-threatening expeditions across the globe, living with tribes and studying their diets and lifestyles. Her recent return from Tanzania, East Africa, where she lived with seven remote tribes, is a testament to her uncompromising dedication to discovering the most optimum food and lifestyles for humans.

    Suzanne’s academic journey reveals her thirst for knowledge and commitment to personal growth. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education from the State University of New York at Cortland. Additionally, she pursued her passion for opera at the Hartt School of Music at the University of Hartford in Connecticut, majoring in opera.

    Suzanne’s quest for knowledge led her to further her graduate studies for many years, working toward her Ph.D. in Health and Nutrition.

    Suzanne’s unique blend of academic achievements and experiences make her a well-rounded and respected figure in her field.

    Suzanne’s life is a tapestry of unparalleled experiences. She was crowned Miss New York State in 1981, a Top Ten Finalist and Talent Winner at the 1982 Miss America Pageant, and a former opera singer and fashion model. Her dedication to education and research led her to transition into these fields, where she has made significant contributions. Suzanne was honoured to be the cover story for the ’55 Plus Magazine’ 2016 June/July issue, highlighting her achievements and commitment to her work. Suzanne, a single parent, is the proud mother of two beautiful daughters, Alexandra and Roxana, and grandmother to precious Claire. Her personal achievements and family life add depth to her professional profile, making her a relatable and inspiring figure.


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    Suzanne’s Book

    The Ancestral Diet Revolution: How Vegetable Oils and Processed Foods Destroy Our Health – and How to Recover! Paperback – Dr Chris Knobbe & Suzanne Alexander


    Suzanne’s Top TipsEat seasonal and local.Walk often outside at a good clip.Use your 5 senses more – use your eyes at night, eat with your hands.


    Resources Mentioned

    The Nourish Co-operative


    Connect with Suzanne Alexander on social media

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/SuzAlexander61

    Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/suzanne.alexander.104/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suzanne.alexander.104/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@fountainofyouthtv1/videos


    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

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    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting her.If you wish to support her we have various options from one off donations to becoming a Super Fabulously Keto Podcast Supporter with coaching and support. Check out this page for lots of different ways to support the podcast.https://fabulouslyketo.com/supportOrYou can find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon. com/FabulouslyKetoConnect with us on social media




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  • Heather Foley

    Having suffered multiple concussions (traumatic brain injuries) and PTSD over a 20 year period, as well as living with Ehlers Danlos syndrome, Heather Foley discovered the ketogenic diet in 2010. It had massive benefits on both her mental and physical health, delivering a new level of emotional stability as well as relief from chronic pain.

    As a professional physiotherapist and holistic practitioner, Heather now spends her time studying and researching the ketogenic diet for mental health, in order to both empathise and support others on their journeys.

    Heather and her partner Ben Hunt are hosting the very first Keto Brain Health Conference, which will be held in Manchester in October 2024.


    Link to Show Notes on Website



    Heather’s Top TipsN=1 go with your intuition, work out what works for youInsulin resistance is linked to many health issues not just diabetesMake sure you have a big enough “Why”


    Resources Mentioned


    Michael Lewis

    Film: First Do No Harm film with Meryl Streep

    Oxygen Advantage

    To enter in the draw to win a ticket to the Keto Brain Health conference go to https://fabulouslyketo.com/draw

    To get a £10 discount on tickets go to ketobrainhealth.co.uk then click “Book Now” and enter the coupon cod FAB

    Connect with Heather Foley on social media

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keto_brain_health

    Website Details:




    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

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    By leaving us a review on your favourite podcast platform, you help us to be found by others.

    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting her.If you wish to support her we have various options from one off donations to becoming a Super Fabulously Keto Podcast Supporter with coaching and support. Check out this page for lots of different ways to support the podcast.https://fabulouslyketo.com/supportOrYou can find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon. com/FabulouslyKetoConnect with us on social media




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  • Chris Hill

    I’m a retired school teacher (Spanish) and Senior Leader from the state secondary sector with over 35 years teaching experience, often by choice in highly deprived areas, but I have also worked in more affluent areas too.

    Whilst working in schools I became more and more concerned during the latter years about how I was seeing young people eat – breakfast was often a 2 litre bottle of coke or cans of energy drink and a family size pack of Haribo or a whole packet of chocolate biscuits. This would then result in many students having massive sugar highs which they freely acknowledged. This brought poor attention span, disruptive behaviour, inability to focus on work or listen and often a massive crash in energy leading to sleepiness and lack of a willingness to do anything.

    This was then compounded by poor sleep due to staying up late on computer games, social media or TV. Children are experiencing the worst health crisis we have ever come across and for the first time ever are likely to live a shorter lifespan than their parents.

    Rates of childhood obesity, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, eating disorders and mental health problems are soaring in our children and yet no one seems to do anything about it. It’s time to put a halt to this and hence The Real Food Rebellion was born- a project that sits within the Public Health Collaboration charity.

    This programme is taught within the school curriculum as timetabled lessons in both Primary and Secondary sectors. We give students the knowledge to understand the difference between real food and ultra-processed food, how to read food labels correctly, how to eat and cook well on a budget and how to fight back against the tyranny of the big food companies and a government in their thrall.

    The pre-pilots for the first phase of the programme are currently running in a number of schools across the country and we are inviting schools to join us for the main Pilot Programme which will run in Summer 2025.

    I myself have struggled with an eating disorder from the age of 11 and now at age 61 am starting to feel the physical consequences of this. It stemmed from trauma, societal expectations and the incessant yoyo dieting treadmill. I wish I had known as a teen what the Real Food Rebellion is teaching children now – it could have meant a life free from food addiction and the ensuing misery it brings. If I can save just one child from a lifetime of unhealthy food and illness then that will mean more to me than all the thousands of children out there who have learnt Spanish from me at school!


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    Chris’ Top TipsIt is important for young people to feel loved and that they are ok as they are. Society and social media is not the be all and end all.Please eat real food and give your children real food.Do not ever go on that first diet.


    Resources Mentioned

    Sugar Blues – William Dufty

    The Henry Project

    Bite Back


    Connect with Chris Hill on social media

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PHCukorg


    Website Details:



    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

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    By leaving us a review on your favourite podcast platform, you help us to be found by others.

    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting her.If you wish to support her we have various options from one off donations to becoming a Super Fabulously Keto Podcast Supporter with coaching and support. Check out this page for lots of different ways to support the podcast.https://fabulouslyketo.com/supportOrYou can find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon. com/FabulouslyKetoConnect with us on social media




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  • Dr Miguel Casali

    I’m Miguel Casali. A Spanish doctor living in Ireland. I am a family doctor by vocation and looking for the best lifestyle to be happy. I came across family medicine which has brought me closer to understanding people and systems. I came across the ketogenic diet which has helped me to stay focused. I came across art which has helped me to express myself and bring out the best in me. I try to know who I am by knowing who I am not.

    Now, I am a rural GP in Kerry, looking after my metabolic health and savouring medicine. Explorer in search of truth. Love healthcare. Connecting is my passion. Recruiting and training global healthcare staff. Personalised and precision medicine is the future.


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    Dr Miguel’s Top TipsDon’t believe that the changes are as fast as taking medicines – metabolic changes are powerful but slow.Trust people you think are advising you right – don’t give up and continue believing.Never blame yourself and never feel guilty about anything you have done.


    Resources Mentioned

    Salvador Talon

    Freshwell App Apple

    Freshwell App Play Store


    Connect with Dr Miguel Casali on social media

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ miguel-casali


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    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

    If you have enjoyed listening to this episode – Leave us a review

    By leaving us a review on your favourite podcast platform, you help us to be found by others.

    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting her.If you wish to support her we have various options from one off donations to becoming a Super Fabulously Keto Podcast Supporter with coaching and support. Check out this page for lots of different ways to support the podcast.https://fabulouslyketo.com/supportOrYou can find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon. com/FabulouslyKetoConnect with us on social media




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  • Maggie Stewart

    Margaret Stewart, also known as Maggie, is a Personal Trainer from New Hampshire. She has a bachelor’s degree in Forest Science and Masters degree in Watershed Management, neither of which she uses currently but provided travel and adventure in her younger days and kept her in good physical shape, which became a value, as did love of the outdoors.

    Now she teaches people to use machine weight circuits at a YMCA and hosts the Off of the Couch Podcast.


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    Maggie’s Book

    Off Of The Couch Podcast

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1jDqvHr7OKp9JIuFkiCSat?si=Rn0QvvcAQtaAFojJvhH61A

    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/off-of-the-couch-podcast/id1610597827

    Sequoia Diaries – Maggie Stewart


    Maggie’s Top TipsTry a band workshop if you can’t get to a gym.Add in some extra stepsEat whole real food.


    Resources Mentioned

    Low Carb and Fasting – Nayiri Mississian

    Off Of The Couch – Maggie Stewart

    Dr Ben Bocchicchio

    Dr John Jaquish

    Walk Away The Pounds


    Connect with Maggie Stewart on social media

    Twitter: https://x.com/offofthecouch

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/offofthecouchpodcast/

    Instagram 2: https://www.instagram.com/offofthecouch


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    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

    If you have enjoyed listening to this episode – Leave us a review

    By leaving us a review on your favourite podcast platform, you help us to be found by others.

    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting her.If you wish to support her we have various options from one off donations to becoming a Super Fabulously Keto Podcast Supporter with coaching and support. Check out this page for lots of different ways to support the podcast.https://fabulouslyketo.com/supportOrYou can find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon. com/FabulouslyKetoConnect with us on social media




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    We sometimes get a small commission on some of the links, this goes towards the costs of producing the podcast.

  • Ben Hunt

    Ben Hunt has always been fascinated with the question of how humans can live healthy, happy, and rewarding lives on Earth. That curiosity, combined with a healthy distrust of anything mainstream has led him to explore a wide range of subjects spanning everything from biohacking to food and farming to ethics and spirituality.

    Ben is an author and ghost writer, diet and lifestyle coach, public speaker, marketing consultant, didgeridoo maker, bushcraft instructor and chess teacher.


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    Ben’s Book

    The Red Pill Food Revolution


    Ben’s Top TipsFood doesn’t heal you – your body knows how to heal. Give your body the foods your body needs and leave out the toxic foods and your body will do the rest.Try on the idea that you are biologically a carnivore – it is your natural design.When you strip away the sugar, wheat, coffee, tea, alcohol and the other foods that we are scared to give up you can find out who you really are as a person rather than being anaesthetised by our herbivore lifestyle.


    Resources Mentioned

    Paleo Medicina

    GAPS Diet

    The Omnivore’s Dilemma: The Search for a Perfect Meal in a Fast-Food World – Michael Pollan


    Connect with Ben Hunt on social media

    Facebook Profile:https://www.facebook.com/benhuntltd


    Website Details:




    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

    If you have enjoyed listening to this episode – Leave us a review

    By leaving us a review on your favourite podcast platform, you help us to be found by others.

    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting her.If you wish to support her we have various options from one off donations to becoming a Super Fabulously Keto Podcast Supporter with coaching and support. Check out this page for lots of different ways to support the podcast.https://fabulouslyketo.com/supportOrYou can find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon. com/FabulouslyKetoConnect with us on social media




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  • Bruce Schnaak

    Bruce Schnaak says:

    After 4 years of being on the carnivore diet, I found myself discussing the subject of my “high” blood lipids with my new PCP. Out of that meeting, I managed to get an order for a Coronary Calcium Scan (C AC) to settle the “dispute”. The scan came back and I scored a 65…which isn’t a zero, but respectable for someone of the same age as the score.


    That news got overshadowed by the radiologist noting in the report about a “possible lytic lesion” on a vertebrae. Several different scans over the months (including a vague PET scan) led to an eventual needle biopsy of my T11 vertebrae where a diagnosis of Metastatic Melanoma was pronounced. I got a referral to an oncologist and treatment plans were soon discussed. Fortunately, I also am a patient of Dr. Robert Cywes and he recommended reaching out to MD Anderson Cancer Center and I was able to line up an appointment with them and elected to make monthly trips there for treatment.


    In the ensuing months I tightened up my eating by ensuring I maintained myself in a level of therapeutic ketosis…this was achieved by increasing fat and periodically using exogenous ketones. Extended fasts were also implemented around my infusions to drive my ketones even higher.

    After 3 months of treatment, my lesion was officially stable…although my radiology oncologist noted some shrinking. Another 3 months later I was declared NED (no evidence of disease).


    I completed my year of treatments 3 months ago and will continue to have monitoring scans quarterly. Now, things are getting back to normal. I’m confident my way of eating was likely the reason my cancer hadn’t spread to many areas as is common with others with this diagnosis…in fact it was likely shrinking when discovered. That and the fact my “metabolic house” was in order enabled me to escape most of the negative side effects of treatment..


    My goal now is to share my story with others and hope it inspires and emboldens.

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    Bruce’s Top TipsConsume like your life depends on it – because it does.Have an advocat and someone to support you.Have a simple prayer to say in the moment.


    Resources Mentioned

    Joe Rogan – Jordan Peterson Episode 877

    Joe Rogan – Jordan Peterson Episode 958

    Keto for Cancer: Ketogenic Metabolic Therapy as a Targeted Nutritional Strategy – Miriam Kalamian

    ANYWAY YOU CAN: Doctor Bosworth Shares Her Mom’s Cancer Journey: A BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO KETONES FOR LIFE – Dr Annette Bosworth

    Red Light Therapy

    Bruce says – I have two of the Biomax 900 panels from this company. They’re mounted end to end to cover my full body. https://platinumtherapylights.com/products/biomax-rlt

    Methylene Blue



    Connect with Bruce Schnaak on social media

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/575451297606756


    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

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    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting her.If you wish to support her we have various options from one off donations to becoming a Super Fabulously Keto Podcast Supporter with coaching and support. Check out this page for lots of different ways to support the podcast.https://fabulouslyketo.com/supportOrYou can find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon. com/FabulouslyKetoConnect with us on social media




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  • Dr Lily Johnston

    Dr. Lily Johnston, MD, MPH, is the associate medical director for Nexus Healthspan, and is board-certified in both vascular and general surgery. Dr. Johnston received her MD from the University of California, San Diego; she completed her residency in general surgery at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, and then completed a fellowship in vascular surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. Dr. Johnston also has a Masters in Public Health from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, MD. She has authored over 25 peer-reviewed studies in cardiovascular disease, and has given numerous talks on topics ranging from vascular and metabolic health to cognitive biases in physicians.

    After several years of practising vascular surgery full-time, she witnessed too many people losing their lives and limbs to preventable and reversible diseases. She has now dedicated her career to addressing the root cause of cardiovascular disease, and is passionate about bringing the principles of functional medicine and metabolic health to her patients. Dr. Johnston is an expert in complex cardiometabolic therapy including lipid management, therapeutic nutrition protocols, bioidentical hormone therapy, functional testing, and imaging.

    Dr. Johnston is the founder of the Vascular Health Institute, and is a member of the Society for Vascular Surgery. She is an accredited metabolic health practitioner with both the Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners and the Nutrition Network, and she is currently pursuing advanced certification in functional medicine.

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    Dr Lily’s Top TipsThis is your body and your journeyn – no-one else can do this for you. It is your responsibility for moving forward.Everyone is a snowflake and the best evidence is your N=1 experiment.Seek out people in the scientific community, the online space and the medical profession who say “I don’t know” – don’t give up on people who have changed their perspective or their ideas – see it as a huge asset, a sign of humility, curiosity, growth, and compassion, not weakness, confusion or lack of knowledge.


    Resources MentionedFor the varicose vein supplements, the best studied options are ruscus extract, micronised purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF), and horse chestnut extract. The evidence for these and the European Vascular Society’s recommendation to consider their use for symptomatic relief can be viewed here (section 3.3): https://www.ejves.com/article/S1078-5884(21)00979-5/fulltext#secsectitle0225

    096: Jeff Kotterman – Low Carb Sports Nutrition

    042: Dr Brian Lenzkes – Low Carb MD

    104: Dr Tro Kalayjian – The Other Low Carb MD

    Low Carb MD Podcast

    Peak Human


    Low Carb USA

    The Nutrition Network

    Connect with Dr Lily Johnston on social media

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ljohnstonmd/


    Website Details:





    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

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    By leaving us a review on your favourite podcast platform, you help us to be found by others.

    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting her.If you wish to support her we have various options from one off donations to becoming a Super Fabulously Keto Podcast Supporter with coaching and support. Check out this page for lots of different ways to support the podcast.https://fabulouslyketo.com/supportOrYou can find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon. com/FabulouslyKetoConnect with us on social media




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  • Jackie Fletcher and Louise Reynolds

    In this episode Louise Reynolds and Jackie celebrate episode 200 episodes of The Fabulously Keto Podcast.

    Louise shares updates about her professional life, including her role as Chief Paramedic Officer and the challenges of balancing multiple jobs and commuting. She also delves into menopause management and the benefits for her of hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

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    Louise and Jackie’s Top Tips

    Be SMART – Use SMART goals – Louise

    Don’t let perfection get in the way of progress – Jackie


    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

    If you have enjoyed listening to this episode – Leave us a review

    By leaving us a review on your favourite podcast platform, you help us to be found by others.

    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting her.If you wish to support her we have various options from one off donations to becoming a Super Fabulously Keto Podcast Supporter with coaching and support. Check out this page for lots of different ways to support the podcast.https://fabulouslyketo.com/supportOrYou can find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon. com/FabulouslyKetoConnect with us on social media




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  • Dr Ken Berry

    Dr. Ken D. Berry, MD, is a licensed family physician, best-selling author, and leading advocate for the Proper Human Diet (PHD). With over two decades of clinical experience, Dr. Berry specialises in helping patients improve their health through low-carbohydrate, nutrient-dense eating.

    His best-selling book, “Lies My Doctor Told Me: Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health,” and his popular YouTube channel, which has over 3 million subscribers, provide accessible, evidence-based guidance on nutrition and wellness.

    Dr. Berry’s mission is to empower individuals to reclaim their health by debunking common medical myths and promoting sustainable dietary and lifestyle changes. He is also a member of the Diet Doctor low-carb expert panel and an active participant in the keto and low-carb communities.

    Dr. Berry lives with his wife Neisha and their children on a farm in Holladay, Tennessee.


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    Dr Ken’s Books

    Lies My Doctor Told Me: Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health – Dr Ken Berry

    Kicking Ass After 50: The Guide To Optimal Health For Men Fifty and Over – Dr Ken Berry

    Common Sense Labs: Blood Labs Demystified – Dr Ken Berry


    Dr Ken’s Top TipsEliminate all sugar from everything you eat or drink.Eliminate all grains from your diet.Eliminate all vegetable/seed oils from your diet.Cover at least half of your plate with fatty red meat.Go outside and play


    Resources Mentioned

    The Paleo Diet Revised: Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Eating the Foods You Were Designed to Eat – Lauren Cordain

    The Primal Blueprint – Mark Sisson

    Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution: The No-hunger, Luxurious Weight Loss Plan That Really Works! – Dr Robert C Atkins

    7 Iodine Rich Foods

    SELENIUM: Benefits and FOOD Sources

    Top 10 VITAMIN D Rich Foods + 5 Vit D Myths

    169: Dr David Cavan – Taking Control of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

    The American Diabetes Society Funding Page


    Connect with Dr Ken Berry on social media

    Twitter: https://x.com/KenDBerryMD

    Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/kendberry.md/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kendberry.md/



    Website Details:



    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

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    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting her.If you wish to support her we have various options from one off donations to becoming a Super Fabulously Keto Podcast Supporter wi
  • Dr Steve James

    Dr Steve James became internationally known during the COVID pandemic for his advocacy of personal choice regarding vaccination. His unwillingness to compromise with mandates meant that he was at the forefront of legal challenges to the government and seen as a key figure in protecting the jobs of tens of thousands of NHS staff who were going to be fired.

    He also saw that nearly all the patients in intensive care with COVID had poor metabolic health, and like those that used to be on his operating table in cardiac theatres, could have avoided admission.

    As an NHS Consultant with 25 years of experience he has specialised in a range of areas including critical care, high-risk and cardiac anaesthesia, exercise testing, fatigue and breathlessness. He has additional training in psychotherapy, exercise physiology, nutrition, breathwork, meditation and sleep medicine, which give him a unique mix of skills with which to deliver care.

    Dr James now runs programs for people who want to improve their health using a 360 degree and proactive approach to health. His focus is on creating optimal metabolic health as the key step to preventing chronic disease.

    “Most people don’t know they have the option to feel and look significantly better as well as gain 10 or 20 more years of high-quality life. This will allow them to avoid the typical decline and maintain their independence. It’s time we let them know how.” – Dr Steve James


    Link to Show Notes on Website



    Dr Steve’s Top TipsDo some personal work – your mindset determines so much in health.Take responsibility for yourself.Bear in mind our biological history – our ancestral history.If it comes in a packet, if there’s an advert for it, it’s probably not good for you.


    Resources Mentioned

    Amra Medical

    UK Biobank

    Moira Newiss


    Connect with Dr Steve James on social media

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drstevejames/


    Website Details:



    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

    If you have enjoyed listening to this episode – Leave us a review

    By leaving us a review on your favourite podcast platform, you help us to be found by others.

    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting her.If you wish to support her we have various options from one off donations to becoming a Super Fabulously Keto Podcast Supporter with coaching and support. Check out this page for lots of different ways to support the podcast.https://fabulouslyketo.com/supportOrYou can find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon. com/FabulouslyKetoConnect with us on social media





  • Janet Kowalski

    Janet Kowalski says:

    I’m 70 years old and a retired electrical engineer. I live in a suburb of Los Angeles with my partner and ancient siamese cat. I have been involved in the low carb lifestyle for over 7 years.

    I am accredited as a SMHP coach and licensed personal trainer, sport nutritionist and health advocate through NASN. I am currently working on final requirements for NASN master sports nutritionist.

    I enjoy sharing my knowledge and success with a low carb lifestyle. My other hobbies include cooking, scuba and travel


    Link to Show Notes on Website



    Janet’s Top TipsEducation – Research and learn about the chemistry and biology of why and how this works.Labels – Read the ingredients, don’t trust the marketing.Don’t catch yourself unprepared – Be prepared and carry food with you.


    Resources Mentioned

    096: Jeff Kotterman – Low Carb Sports Nutrition


    Connect with Janet Kowalski on social media

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/JanetKowalski1


    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

    If you have enjoyed listening to this episode – Leave us a review

    By leaving us a review on your favourite podcast platform, you help us to be found by others.

    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting her.If you wish to support her we have various options from one off donations to becoming a Super Fabulously Keto Podcast Supporter with coaching and support. Check out this page for lots of different ways to support the podcast.https://fabulouslyketo.com/supportOrYou can find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon. com/FabulouslyKetoConnect with us on social media




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    Music by Bob Collum

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    We sometimes get a small commission on some of the links, this goes towards the costs of producing the podcast.

  • Carla Veith-Carter

    Carla Veith-Carter is a passionate nutritionist, keto coach, speaker and founder of Keto By Design. She takes a very holistic view of health and loves educating people about the low carb lifestyle and how different foods affect the body, as well as focusing on other elements of lifestyle and the psychological and mindset aspects of dietary change.

    Having studied nutrition and health psychology, Carla was perplexed as to why she suffered from a variety of health conditions, such as polycystic ovaries, obesity and fibromyalgia. Once she discovered insulin resistance was at the root cause, she revolutionised her health.

    Carla’s qualifications in psychology and nutrition, combined with her life altering personal experience and passion, allow her to motivate and inspire others to change what they eat, as well as how they think about ‘diet’.


    Link to Show Notes on Website



    Carla’s Top TipsIncorporate stress reduction techniques into your life.Don’t get confused by the diet wars – just eat real whole foods.Make your health a top priority and focus on your why.


    Resources Mentioned

    Super Gut: A four-Week Plan to Reprogram Your Microboime, Restore Health and Lose Weight – Dr William Davis

    010: Sam Feltham – The Public Health Collaboration


    Connect with Carla Veith-Carter on social media

    Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/ketobydesignau/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keto_by_design/?hl=en


    Website Details:



    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

    If you have enjoyed listening to this episode – Leave us a review

    By leaving us a review on your favourite podcast platform, you help us to be found by others.

    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting her.If you wish to support her we have various options from one off donations to becoming a Super Fabulously Keto Podcast Supporter with coaching and support. Check out this page for lots of different ways to support the podcast.https://fabulouslyketo.com/supportOrYou can find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon. com/FabulouslyKetoConnect with us on social media




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    Music by Bob Collum

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    We sometimes get a small commission on some of the links, this goes

  • Maia Sutherland

    Maia Sutherland says:

    I am a life-long vegetarian turned carnivore. Now with far too much actual fuel going to my brain, I have become utterly obsessed with the topic and writing a book hoping to inspire people to spend parts of their life in ketosis and reduce their disharmonies.

    The intention of the book is that anyone from any country, religion, education and budget, can benefit from applying what is laid out inside it. Other than that, I am also studying with Dr Nasha Winters, mostly for my own understanding rather than as a potential job.

    I also make a superb line of unique jewellery often combining precious stones with 2000 year old beads and some gold!

    Since carnivore for the first time in my life I can sleep through the night, and do maths and I marvel at how it buffers mental states such as depression and anxiety. Perhaps because I have more mental energy to think, I am more angry, or perhaps that is the peri-menopause which is a whole other conversation. I am totally in love with the subject of health, and through keto, carnivore and low carb, my understanding has gone through a huge upgrade. I am also a trained acupuncturist since 2002 and was a masseur for 12 years.


    Link to Show Notes on Website



    Maia’s Top TipsBe kind to yourself.Set up the causes and conditions for change.When your appetite naturally goes, start incorporating some fasting.


    Resources Mentioned

    187: Dr Nasha Winters – Metabolic Approach To Cancer

    097: Maia Sutherland – Fasting Is My Superpower


    Connect with Maia Sutherland on social media

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jewellerybymaia/


    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

    If you have enjoyed listening to this episode – Leave us a review

    By leaving us a review on your favourite podcast platform, you help us to be found by others.

    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting her.If you wish to support her we have various options from one off donations to becoming a Super Fabulously Keto Podcast Supporter with coaching and support. Check out this page for lots of different ways to support the podcast.https://fabulouslyketo.com/supportOrYou can find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon. com/FabulouslyKetoConnect with us on social media




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    Music by Bob Collum

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  • Nikola Howard

    Nikola is a Life Transformation Specialist and the UK’s leading Low Carb and Ketogenic Lifestyle Expert since 1999.

    She assists drained 6-figure business-owning women who want to live a healthy life, gain more energy and ditch their belly fat in less than ten weeks, without fussing about calories, macros or starving themselves by using the award winning HOPE Protocol of eating tasty whole food and shifting their attitudes to life.


    Link to Show Notes on Website



    Nikola’s Top TipsKeep on keeping on.Don’t forget to breathe – very important.Do something every day that brings you joy.


    Nikola’s Books

    Control your Low Carb Week

    How to do Christmas, Low Carb Style

    How to do Low Carb, UK Style

    Time To Color Myself Calm



    Resources Mentioned

    Hormone Repair Manual: Every Woman’s Guide to Healthy Hormones After 40 – Lara Briden

    Period Repair Manual: Natural Treatment for Better Hormones and Better Periods – Lara Briden


    Connect with Nikola Howard on social media

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/lowcarbintheuk

    Facebook Profile:https://www.facebook.com/Nikola.Anne.Howard/

    Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/lowcarbintheuk

    Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/lowcarbintheuk

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lowcarbintheuk/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nikola-howard/

    and https://www.linkedin.com/company/lowcarbintheuk


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@lowcarbintheuk


    Website Details:



    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

    If you have enjoyed listening to this episode – Leave us a review

    By leaving us a review on your favourite podcast platform, you help us to be found by others.

    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting her.If you wish to support her we have various options from one off donations to becoming a Super Fabulously Keto Podcast Supporter with coaching and support. Check out this page for lots of different ways to support the podcast.https://fabulouslyketo.com/supportOrYou can find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon. com/FabulouslyKetoConnect with us on social media




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    Music by Bob Collum

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    Martin Gillespie

    Martin Gillespie is an award winning Global Leader in Metabolic Health and Wellbeing. He has specialised in the delivery of speaking engagements across the globe on the topics of:

    Metabolic Wellbeing Men’s Health and Wellbeing Cancer Survivor to Thriver Corporate Stress Management You are the CEO (Chief Energy Officer) of the largest asset in the world, your Health.

    Key clients have included Global Technology organisations, Health platforms, Cyber Security Organisations, Financial Institutions, Higher Education Organisations, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Banking Sector, and Insurance.

    Martin is a believer that change is necessary in society, including the teaching of wellness, good nutrition, holistic health, connection, and optimism. He is a curious learner of life and an advocate that the most valuable asset in one’s life is one’s health.

    From a personal standpoint, Martin has also overcome personal trauma and stage 4 cancer in 2012, so he lives the lifestyle he advocates for, and knows firsthand its value.

    A regular columnist for several global media outlets, and an International Best selling Author (2021 Amazon, The Power of Reinvention), Martin holds a Bachelor’s Degree, a Master’s Degree, post qualifications in mental health, Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, Holistic Nutrition, and host of a podcast series – ‘Metabolic Wellbeing without the BS’. He encourages all to “ABC”— Always Be Curious.


    Link to Show Notes on Website



    Martin’s Top TipsBe kind to yourself.Tell your inner circle that you are on this pathway to health.Value your sleep.If you are a night worker or shift worker, ask for help from your tribe


    Martin’s Book


    The Power of Reinvention: Personal Stories of How Our Greatest Challenges Become The Catalyst to Reinvent Our Life!



    Resources Mentioned

    Fat Cow Tallow Skincare



    Martin’s recipe for washing and cleaning:

    Magnesium salts, bicarbonate soda and essential oils. Martin’s preference is eucalyptus oil.

    It is easy to make as these are available in sainsburys, B&M, Amazon.

    2/3rds salts, 1/3 bicarbonate soda. Then a few drops of oils. Vinegar can also be used.

    This not only cleans clothes but also the washing machine.

    Can also be used in dishwasher but with Vinegar not the oils, to clean kitchen utensils, cutlery.


    Connect with Martin Gillespie on social media

    Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/martin.gillespie.581

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mgillespie70/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gillespiemartin/


    Website Details:



    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

    If you have enjoyed listening to this episode – Leave us a review

    By leaving us a review on your favourite podcast platform, you help us to be found by others.

    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting her.If you wish to support her we have various options from one off donations to becoming a Super Fabulously Keto Podcast Supporter with coaching and support. Check out this page for lots of different ways to support the podcast.
  • Patricia Peat

    Patricia Peat is the Founder of Cancer Options. She says:

    I recognised the importance of looking at cancer through a metabolic lens around 24 years ago, following several years working in orthodox medicine and running oncology clinics.

    I really struggled with seeing people have cancer treatments without any recovery strategies put in place right through to preventing recurrence, and dealing with late stage strategies. So, I started researching what scientific evidence was available worldwide to address this.

    In 2003 I set up Cancer Options so I could support people with cancer by looking at their individual needs. Taking a metabolic, integrative approach I develop support plans for my clients which I review, monitor and adapt as their circumstances change . Cancer is not a static disease; its adaptive and clever and in understanding the metabolic environment, it provides me with an insight into how best to support my clients in an effective way.

    Link to Show Notes on Website



    Patricia’s Top TipsGet informed but look at who you are getting your information from.Put cancer aside and focus on metabolic health.Do the Emperor Has Got No Clothes bit – don’t be afraid to question authority. Oncologists are just there to give you the treatment that they have.


    Guest’s Book

    The Cancer Revolution – Patricia Peat


    Connect with Patricia Peat on social media

    X: https://x.com/PatriciaPeat

    Facebook Page:




    Website Details:



    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

    If you have enjoyed listening to this episode – Leave us a review

    By leaving us a review on your favourite podcast platform, you help us to be found by others.

    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting herIf you wish to support her we have various options from one off donations to becoming a Super Fabulously Keto Podcast Supporter with coaching and support. Check out this page for lots of different ways to support the podcast.https://fabulouslyketo.com/supportOrYou can find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FabulouslyKetoConnect with us on social media




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    Music by Bob Collum

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  • Dr Anthony Chaffee

    Dr Anthony Chaffee is an American medical doctor and Neurosurgical resident who, over a span of 25+ years, has researched the optimal nutrition for human performance and health. It is his assertion that most of the so-called chronic diseases we treat as doctors are caused by the food we eat, or don’t eat, and can be reversed with dietary changes to a species specific diet.

    Link to Show Notes on Website



    Dr Anthony’s Top TipsIf you are going carnivore – eat enough and eat enough fat. A lot more fat than you have ever eaten before. Eat until fatty meat doesn’t taste good.Give it time – some people get quick results, some people take time.Count your blessings – you might not lose weight initially but notice the other benefits.


    Resources Mentioned

    Anthony Chaffee MD – Athletics and Building Muscle On Carnivore

    Connect with Dr Anthony Chaffee on social media

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/anthony_chaffee

    Facebook Profile:https://www.facebook.com/achaffee6?mibextid=ZbWKwL


    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/me?trk=p_mwlite_feed_updates-secondary_nav



    Website Details:



    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

    If you have enjoyed listening to this episode – Leave us a review

    By leaving us a review on your favourite podcast platform, you help us to be found by others.

    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting herIf you wish to support her by just pledging £1 or £2 a month go to:https://fabulouslyketo.thrivecart.com/support-the-podcast/OrYou can get some extra benefits by supporting her on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FabulouslyKetoConnect with us on social media




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    Music by Bob Collum

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    We would love to know if you have a favourite guest you would like us to interview. Let us know who you would like to hear of if you have a particular topic you would like us to cover.


    We sometimes get a small commission on some of the links, this goes towards the costs of producing the podcast.

  • Maia Sutherland

    Maia Sutherland says:

    I am a life-long vegetarian turned carnivore. Now with far too much actual fuel going to my brain, I have become utterly obsessed with the topic and writing a book hoping to inspire people to spend parts of their life in ketosis and reduce their disharmonies.

    The intention of the book is that anyone from any country, religion, education and budget, can benefit from applying what is laid out inside it. Other than that, I am also studying with Dr Nasha Winters, mostly for my own understanding rather than as a potential job.

    I also make a superb line of unique jewellery often combining precious stones with 2000 year old beads and some gold!

    Since carnivore for the first time in my life I can sleep through the night, and do maths and I marvel at how it buffers mental states such as depression and anxiety. Perhaps because I have more mental energy to think, I am more angry, or perhaps that is the peri-menopause which is a whole other conversation. I am totally in love with the subject of health, and through keto, carnivore and low carb, my understanding has gone through a huge upgrade. I am also a trained acupuncturist since 2002 and was a masseur for 12 years.

    Link to Show Notes on Website



    Resources Mentioned

    Bird Group

    World Council For Health


    Connect with Maia Sutherland on social media

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jewellerybymaia/


    The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

    If you have enjoyed listening to this episode – Leave us a review

    By leaving us a review on your favourite podcast platform, you help us to be found by others.

    Support JackieHelp Jackie make more episodes by supporting herIf you wish to support her by just pledging £1 or £2 a month go to:https://fabulouslyketo.thrivecart.com/support-the-podcast/OrYou can get some extra benefits by supporting her on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FabulouslyKetoConnect with us on social media




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    Music by Bob Collum

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    We would love to know if you have a favourite guest you would like us to interview. Let us know who you would like to hear of if you have a particular topic you would like us to cover.
