Vijf bekende Nederlandse en Vlaamse schrijvers maakten in opdracht van NOORDWOORD en ondersteund door productiehuis PodGront een verhaal van geluid. Anne Eekhout, Jonathan Griffioen, Valentijn Hoogenkamp, Vincent Kortmann en Moya De Feyter nemen je mee in een wereld van geluid.
Sci-fi and fantasy audio drama from the Wireless Theatre Ltd. Also look out for our award winning series 'Red Moon' and 'The Springheel Saga' at
Murder and madness, witches and war: Macbeth, perhaps Shakespeare's best known tragedy. Macbeth, a general in King Duncan's army, is given a prophecy by a trio of witches: he himself will become king. Fired by ambition and goaded by his ruthless wife, he murders Duncan and assumes the throne. More killings follow as Macbeth attempts to retain his crown, until he discovers that prophecies are not always what they seem.
View our full collection of podcasts at our website: or YouTube channel:
This is a Librivox Recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain. -
Art History student Clara Torres disappears while working on her thesis about Ursula Blum, a avant-garde painter from the 20th century. Five years later, journalist Emma Clark decides to travel to Switzerland to continue Clara's investigation and narrate in a podcast what she discovers about the mystery surrounding both women.
Blum is an audio drama produced by El Extraordinario, created, written, and directed by Carmen Pacheco and Manuel Bartual.
Starring Charlotte Vega, Joe Manjón, Nikki García and Natalia Tena.
For more information, visit: -
Dareenside waa podcast soo gudbiya sheekooyin xiiso leh oo taxane ah, mawduucyo qiimo leh oo si qotodheer aynu u lafa-gurno, dhacdooyin taariikheed.
Waxaad ka dhagaysan kartaa dhammaan madalaha Podcast-yada sida Google podcast, apple podcast, Spotify, Pocket Cast, Cast box, podtail, Amazon music, Samsung music iwm.
Nagala soco baraha bulshada sida:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Words in the Air - An Immersive Poetry Anthology Experience - Brought to life through voice, sound and moments that quicken the heart - New episodes every Monday and Thursday.
The Bunker is a breakfast radio show for the post-apocalypse generation! One hundred years after a cataclysmic event, Tom, Dave and David decide to host a one-hour radio programme from their underground bunker, complete with guests, interviews, short stories and music. They also have to deal with the possibility of starvation, madness, monsters – both metaphorical and literal – and, worst of all, each other. The Bunker has a beginning and an end, so be sure to listen to Episode One first!
The Bunker is a Definitely Human production. Visit to see full credits and check out our other shows. You can follow us on Twitter @HumanDefinitely for updates, and support us on Patreon at
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Das Mundarttheater im Herzen von Bern liegt direkt am schönen Fluss, der Aare. Das Theater zeigt 4-5 Stücke für Erwachsene plus ein Sonderprogramm für Kinder pro Saison.
In den Podcasts werden die Themen der Aufführungen vertieft und aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln beleuchtet. Auch sind Episoden zu Menschen auf und hinter der Bühne geplant und in Vorbereitung. -
Der Creepy Guy grüßt Euch!
Kommt herein, nehmt Euch einen Kaffee und lauscht einer der vielen Geschichten, aus der größten Sammlung an Creepypastas! -
Talent manager Wendy Alane Wright offers insider information to guide and develop new actor's careers.
The Talk Magic Podcast is part of Magic TV With Craig Petty. Magic TV produces free content for magicians. Everything from magic review and magic rants to discussion about the theory of magic and all points in between!
Every TUESDAY at 1PM we upload a new Talk Magic episode with a well known magician. It could be a well known creator or someone that has had a positive impact on the magic community.
The interview is hosted by well known world class magician, Craig Petty. -
Are you a performing artist looking for more stability? Have you struggled to feel seen and valued? Are you frustrated by the gatekeeping and industry’s emphasis on scarcity to keep you small? Join our community of women and non-binary artists seeking a thriving and sustainable career in the arts. Every week, host Jennifer Apple asks hard questions, sits with open-ended answers (or perhaps no answers at all!), shares resources, and expands the dialogue around the aspects of our industry that no one is talking about. Whether you are an actor, singer, dancer, performer, writer, director, creator, theater and tv/film lover... Curiosity is the only requirement! If you believe that being an artist is about more than just the jobs you book, think this industry needs change, and want to get a look behind the curtain: The Empowered Artist Collective Podcast is for you! Jennifer Apple is an Actor, Acting Coach, Writer, and Dog Lover who is in pursuit of honesty, vulnerability, and empathy so that we can truly see ourselves and each other to break down barriers and reveal the raw, real humanity that connects us all. She empowers performing artists to embody themselves fully and truthfully so that they can elevate their craft, pursue their careers with integrity, and discover their inner confidence and self-worth. Let’s be in community together. Let’s support one another. Let’s make this journey a little less isolating and a whole lot more inclusive. IG: @EmpoweredArtistCollective // TikTok: @EmpowerArtistCollective // Host: Jennifer Apple // @JenniferApple_ // Head of Production & Editor: Nayara Alexis // @NayaraAlexis Podcast Music Composer: Aimee Lefkowicz // @Aimee.Isabella
Writer’s Digest Presents is the official podcast of Writer’s Digest, where we’re writers helping writers since 1920. Hosted by the editors of Writer’s Digest, this monthly podcast features interviews with writing and publishing experts whose insights will help ignite your creative vision, hone your skills, build your platform, and get your work out into the world. Join us on the third Tuesday of each month for conversations, interviews, book recommendations, and a writing prompt connected to our episode theme.
Audio-Einführungen der Dramaturgie zu den Produktionen am Opernhaus Zürich.
Il n'y a pas de métier au théâtre sans vocation, dit-on. «Secrets de Comédie», le nouveau podcast du Temps, série en cinq épisodes sur les arts de la scène, sonde le coeur de personnalités liées à la Comédie de Genève. A chaque épisode, une grande ou un grand professionnel dévoilera l'événement qui l'a conduit à vouer sa vie au théâtre.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Nous connaissons tous cette sensation frustrante et parfois horrible de laisser s'échapper un rêve, de ne pouvoir attraper ce souvenir irréel qui nous glisse entre les doigts. Plus nous nous y attachons et plus les détails disparaissent, nous abandonnant, fragiles.
Mercredi Creepy est un podcast créé par Malo, l’aventurière des cauchemars, et Kepa, l’observateur de l’ombre. Ils proposent des histoires d’horreur inédites, écrites et contées par leurs soins, inspirées de leur imagination, de leur entourage proche et des vies des auditeurs.
Les épisodes sont publiés chaque mercredi à 19h, et peuvent être écoutés sur les plateformes Spotify et YouTube, ainsi que sur le site web du podcast. Les récits tentent de se souvenir de rêves échappés, de moments de frayeur et d’incertitude, pour offrir une expérience sonore horrifique et immersive.
Suis nous et abonne toi pour plus de contenus à
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Einmal im Monat taucht Moderatorin Sarah Christen in die verschiedensten literarischen Wunderwelten ein. Mit ihren Gästen, den Expert*innen von Orell Füssli, bespricht sie unterschiedlichste Themen und reflektiert diese anhand von diversen Büchern und Genres.
Warum sind uns Leser:innen gewisse Figuren sympathisch, auch wenn sie ganz anders sind als wir? Was für eine Faszination üben Fabelwesen auf die Leser*innen aus? Wer denkt sich eigentlich alle diese wunderbaren und fantastischen Welten aus? Und warum funktioniert die alte Geschichte von Liebe und Hass bis heute?
«Über den Bücherrand»: Zu verschiedenen Themen schaut Sarah mit den Orell Füssli Expert*innen in Bücher hinein und auch über den Bücherrand hinaus. Zu hören auf Apple Podcasts, Spotify und -
Seit Jahrhunderten begleiten uns Märchen und Geschichten durch unsere Kindheit. Dieser reiche Schatz an Erzählungen und magischen Geschichten muss gepflegt und weitergegeben werden. Die Geschichten entfalten ihre Magie noch mehr, wenn sie in uns vertrauter Sprache gehört werden, aus diesem Grund sind alle Podcasts auf Schweizerdeutsch. Wöchentlich erscheint ein neues auf berndeutsch eingelesenes Märchen.
Weitere Infos unter -
معرفی نویسندگان مطرح جهان و بازخوانی بندی کوتاه از یکی از آثارشان
Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial Life is a novel by George Eliot, the pen name of Mary Anne Evans, later Marian Evans. It is her seventh novel, begun in 1869 and then put aside during the final illness of Thornton Lewes, the son of her companion George Henry Lewes. During the following year Eliot resumed work, fusing together several stories into a coherent whole, and during 1871–72 the novel appeared in serial form. The first one-volume edition was published in 1874, and attracted large sales. Subtitled "A Study of Provincial Life," the novel is set in the fictitious Midlands town of Middlemarch during the period 1830–32. It has multiple plots with a large cast of characters, and in addition to its distinct though interlocking narratives it pursues a number of underlying themes, including the status of women, the nature of marriage, idealism and self-interest, religion and hypocrisy, political reform, and education. The pace is leisurely, the tone is mildly didactic (with an authorial voice that occasionally bursts through the narrative), and the canvas is very broad.
View our full collection of podcasts at our website:
or YouTube channel: