
  • Comparison is robbing you of the joy of the journey and the abundance that comes from experience. In today's episode Josiah Novak drops truth on the comparison game.

    If you're serious about finally losing those 20 pounds you know you want to lose.... check out:


    and for our 3 Step Fat Loss Checklist go to : FatLossIsEasy.com

  • Back in the early 2000's I played professional online poker. It was a truly wild experience. Many wins, losses and lessons learned. A lot of the lesson can be applied to fitness and in today's podcast I want to share some of my most valuable lessons that will apply to your fitness journey.

    Get your FREE Fat Loss Action Plan to Drop Your first 10 pounds here: FatLossIsEasy.com

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  • What does the Bible say about being in shape? Josiah Novak tackles that question today's episode.

    Check out the FREE Fat Loss Action Plan here: FatLossisEasy.com

    Learn more about our True Transformation Coaching program:


  • Today I'm joined by Iggy Odighizuwa - multi 7 figure business owner and founder of Charlieai.io

    Iggy is an OG when it comes to running successful online businesses and today we dive into systems, management and dealing with the stress of being a man of high integrity.

    Check out the True Transformation Fat Loss System here: https://www.truebodytransformation.com/vsl-page-page

  • Check out the 3M Action Plan Here:


    Learn more about our Transformation System here:


    Learn about BioPtimizers Here

  • Learn more about the True Transformation Program here: https://www.truebodytransformation.com/vsl-page-page669295

    Check out Bioptimizers Here:


  • Josiah is joined by Erin and Belton to discuss the topic of routine.

    Check out the True Transformation System here: https://www.truebodytransformation.com/vsl-page-page669295

  • Welcome back to the True Transformation Podcast with Josiah Novak, founder and owner of TheTrueTransformation.com. In today’s episode, Josiah dives into one of the most frequently asked questions in fitness: "How long does it take to get abs?" Drawing from his own journey and experience coaching thousands of men, Josiah provides valuable insights into setting realistic expectations, overcoming plateaus, and achieving sustainable fat loss.

    From understanding initial weight loss patterns to dealing with the frustration of stalled progress, Josiah shares practical advice and personal anecdotes to keep you motivated and on track. Whether you're a high-level earner with a busy lifestyle or someone looking to transform their physique, this episode is packed with actionable tips and strategies.

    Join us as we explore the journey to becoming a lean legend, where fitness is just one pillar of a well-rounded, fulfilling life. Tune in and discover how to maintain your results long-term while balancing mental, physical, and spiritual health.


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  • check out the True Transformation 3M System: https://www.truebodytransformation.com/offer-sales-page-page



    Building a Superior Body: Simplifying Health and Fitness

    Welcome back to the True Transformation Podcast! My name is Josiah Novak, owner and founder of thetruetransformation.com. If this is your first time here, welcome! We help high achievers master their bodies and, in the process, master their mental and spiritual health with a simple, streamlined process we call the 3M System. This system, surrounded by accountability, coaching, and community, is an unstoppable force for guys who want to take their power back, build their confidence, and ultimately look, feel, and perform their best.

    I've been doing this for the better part of 20 years. I became a personal trainer in 2004 and have worked with thousands of guys through low-cost programs, high-level coaching programs, in-person events, and hands-on personal training. Today, I want to share some of the important lessons I've learned from helping others and from my own journey. I was 65 pounds overweight at one point, lost it all, gained it back multiple times, and have finally stayed healthy for the better part of the past 15 years.

    Building a Superior Body

    What does building a superior body even mean? To me, it means not just being physically healthy but also being mentally healthy. It's hard to have one without the other. We need an easy system because a lot of us, especially those who went through trauma early on, seek out hard stuff. We don't believe that things are supposed to be easy. We think, "If I want anything good in life, I have to go through hell." While there will be hard times, it's okay to accept that fitness can be easy. With the right system, fitness can be simple. There will be hard moments, but a good system makes things easier overall.

    The 3M System: Movement, Muscle, Meals

    Let's start with the simple stuff: our daily system or checklist. I love checklists. They are vital, and they help people run their lives effectively. Our checklist is called the 3M System: Movement, Muscle, and Meals. These are the three things you need to dial in to transform your body.

    Movement: Many people are sedentary, which is terrible for both physical health and mental well-being. If you're attached to a desk all day, you need to move more. Go for walks, get outside, get some sunlight and fresh air. Movement burns more calories and helps clear your mind, making you feel more in control of your day.Muscle: This is where we build our physique and strengthen our joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscle tissue. Everyone wants to look good, and resistance training is the fastest way to improve your appearance. This could be bodyweight exercises, bands, TRX, dumbbells, or a full gym setup. Most of our clients train three to four days a week with workouts that fit into their busy schedules.Meals: Nutrition is where most people get complicated, but it doesn't have to be. Focus on total calories and protein intake. Get these two things right, and you'll be 99% of the way there. You might need to learn how to track calories and master macros, but these lessons can be learned quickly and applied to your daily life.

    Surround Yourself with Support

    It's not enough to just work out, walk, and hit your calories without addressing your mental health. Surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed. Lean on them for direction, support, and accountability. Being part of a supportive community is crucial. Isolation leads to poor decision-making and mental health struggles.

    The Importance of a System and Community

    You need a system that simplifies fitness and makes it sustainable....

  • learn more about the True Transformation 3M system: https://www.truebodytransformation.com/offer-sales-page-page



    Welcome back to the True Transformation Podcast. It is your host Josiah Novak, owner and founder of thetruetransformation.com, where we help you take fitness and use it to improve every part of your life. Today, we’re talking about 20 years of underrated fat loss lessons in about 45 minutes. If you're watching on the channel, welcome back. If you're on the podcast, I appreciate you listening.

    [Episode Start]

    Today, I want to walk through my list of all the things—at least as much as I can fit into 45 minutes—that I've learned since I started working out about 20-25 years ago. I became a personal trainer 20 years ago, and there's been so many lessons I've learned, so many mistakes I've made. I mean, you name the mistake, I've probably made it, and I want to help you avoid those mistakes, learn what to do differently, and give you some things that are just really underrated when it comes to transforming your body.

    The first thing that I want to talk about is something called identity design, and it's a really simple concept. It's not necessarily always easy to implement, but once you understand this, you'll start to paint a better picture, or at least a clearer picture, of how to literally wipe the slate clean and start to build something sustainable, something that stands the test of time. Because the truth is, everybody could get abs for a day and call themselves elite, call themselves fit, and struggle to get there, fight to get there, do unhealthy things to get there, and call themselves ripped, call themselves fit. But the real test of whether or not your fitness program is built the right way is does it stand the test of time?

    And I think one of the biggest reasons why most plans end up failing, end up burning out, and most people struggle to maintain fitness is because their identity is still attached to the person who's not fit. The version of themselves who would prefer to do the things that give them short-term pleasure and long-term pain versus short-term uncomfortable situations with long-term pleasure and ROI. This identity design concept really became apparent when I started working with people online, and I was no longer in the gym just trying to burn through people every 45 minutes. You know, it was kind of a rat race. It was one person stacked on top of the other because there's only so much time in a day. And I really didn't get a great chance to connect with people on a personal level until I moved my business online and I started doing more internal work with people, more mindset coaching, more spiritual coaching, right? Talking about things outside of just fitness that fitness has a big impact on.

    You know, I realized that physical health is just one piece of the equation. You know, I started fitness, and I started working out in response to an abusive childhood. You know, I was raised in an alcoholic home, an emotionally abusive home, a physically abusive home, and a home where I went through a lot of turmoil, and there was a lot of trauma, both for me and my five other siblings. I was the oldest of six, and fitness was a refuge for me. It was a sanctuary. It was like a place to get out of the craziness. But what I realized is, even as I got older, I was still loving fitness, but my identity was still trapped around the kid who was a victim, right? It was still trapped around the person who was never ripped, was never muscular, was never confident, had a lot of insecurity, and fitness wasn't going to take care of all that. At least the physical side of fitness wasn't going to take care of all that. I needed to get my identity dialed in. I needed

  • bioptimizers.com/true



    Ok so lets talk about sleep.

    Lets cover the basics that we should all be aware of:

    -You sleep best on a consistent sleep schedule. I fall asleep around 10:30-11 and get up at 6AM with no alarm (sometimes 5:30-5:45AM). Sometimes if my body needs it I get up at 6:20AM with no alarm. Get consistent with your sleep schedule.

    -No caffeine 8 hours before bed if possible. I’m not perfect with this but I try to have my last coffee of the day around 2 at the latest.

    -Cold and dark room. Room temp should be 68-70 degress max. Make it dark. Black out curtains and invest in dim/candle light bulbs for your bedside lamps.

    -Screens should be avoided at bedtime but most people don’t, so invest in a pair of blue light blocking glasses. Game changer. Dim your screens too. Make sure they are on nightmode and brightness is down.

    Ok so now for the good stuff. Full disclosure I am an affiliate for these products because I actually use them religiously. Yes they pay me $5 every time you buy a bottle of anything LOL. Just want to be straight up.

    I use a company called BiOptimizers for my pre-bed sleep stack.

    Why? Because this stack helps me fall asleep faster, stay asleep and wake up feeling refreshed (rarely drowsy). I get up and get after it.

    I use a few products:

    -Magnesium Breakthrough which has all 7 forms of magnesium you need to relax at a cellular level. Plus, you should experience more natural energy because magnesium is key to making ATP energy in your cells. 

    -Sleep Breakthrough to help you fall asleep fast within 1 hour of taking it
 even if you’re feeling wired and usually struggle to fall asleep. It works by activating all 5 sleep pathways and primes your nervous system for the deepest sleep you can achieve.

    -Mental Reboot PM which is designed to calm your nervous system and detoxify your brain while you sleep. As you may know, sleep is KEY to a healthy brain. And Mental Reboot PM puts you in the perfect state for deep, healing sleep. 

    -Dream Optimizer which is a new type of microdosed melatonin that can reset your circadian rhythm and help you fall asleep if you wake up in the middle of the night. As a bonus, Dream Optimizer can help you get away with getting less sleep
 but still wake up feeling great.

    (Yes, all 4 combined are amazing).

    Here’s my link:


    No pressure to buy this stuff, but I use it nightly. If you have any sleep questions please let me know


    P.S. Also, its important to walk more in the morning to get sunlight and workout HARD 3-4x per week to help you sleep better. Meditation is also key.

  • Check out the 3M System here: https://www.truebodytransformation.com/offer-sales-page-page

    Check out Bioptimizers here: Bioptimzers.com/TRUE

    Use Code TRUE at Check out

    Check out MNLY:


    Josiah Novak: Welcome back to the True Transformation Podcast. It is your host, Josiah Novak, owner and founder of TheTrueTransformation.com, where we help you take fitness and use it to improve every part of your life. We also help you do things you never thought possible when it came to your health and fitness with simple, sustainable, and enjoyable systems.

    If this is your first time listening, I appreciate you tuning in. If you've been listening for a while, thank you so much for continuing to come back and share some time with me.

    Today's podcast is actually brought to you by none other than our good friends over at Manly. Manly is my new personal supplementation and health and wellness provider. Let me explain how it works. It's really simple. You take your blood work, which you do yourself. I know it sounds crazy, but they send you a do-it-yourself bloodwork kit. You prick your finger a few times, squeeze some drops of blood on a little card, and then send that card back to Manly. They take your bloodwork and, along with a pretty thorough survey of about 100 questions about how you feel and how you perform, they give you a custom supplementation protocol.

    So, I am only taking the supplements that I am deficient in, which is what I preach all the time about supplementation. I only worry about taking a few little pills every day at certain times—they actually tell you what time of day to take them: morning, midday, and evening. It just makes it super easy and avoids the unnecessary cost of buying a ton of vitamins and minerals and having to figure out if I am deficient or not. You just take care of your bloodwork and you're off to the races. Manly is our new supplement provider for folks who want the best of the best when it comes to supplementation and don't want to take too much or too little of anything. Check out the link in the description of the podcast and give them a try for yourself. I think you will be very, very pleased.

    Today's podcast is also brought to you by none other than our True Transformation 3M System. If this is your first time listening, congrats, because you're about to uncover the most simple and streamlined system there is on the face of the earth when it comes to dialing in your health and fitness. We call it the 3M System, and it is a three-step process to mastering health and fitness and going after goals you never thought possible.

    The 3Ms stand for Movement, Muscle, and Meals, and those are the three pillars—no matter what your goal is when it comes to fitness—that you need to dial in. That's what we help you do. We help you get them dialed in, we help build out a custom blueprint and roadmap for you based on your lifestyle, your work demands, your family responsibilities, and the goals that you have. The 3M System has helped over 8,500 clients, customers, and followers across the last 12 years. It's crazy to say I've been in business for 12 plus years. I've been a personal trainer for almost 20 years, since 2004, and I am here to help you. Our team is here to help you absolutely crush your health and fitness goals. The 3M System is built for you. Check it out with the link in the description of this podcast and schedule a consultation at your convenience.

    Alright, today, I want...

  • Learn more about the True Transformation 3M System: https://www.truebodytransformation.com/offer-sales-page-page

    Welcome back to the True Transformation Podcast. Today, we are diving into mindset conditioning and the importance of training your mind, not just your body. The mind is arguably more crucial when it comes to getting in shape than our physical body because, in reality, the body will follow the direction given by our mindset. At True Transformation, every client undergoes what we call "identity design" or more accurately, "identity redesign." This process addresses the mental roadblocks and habits that often hinder progress in fitness.

    When starting a transformation journey, the biggest challenges are mental. Common hurdles include the temptation to delay starting, quitting mid-week, or waiting for the "right time." These mental blocks prevent us from making lasting changes. For instance, after a few days of sticking to a plan, you might face obstacles like bad weather, poor sleep, or cravings. It's during these times that you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone and stick to your plan.

    Mental Conditioning Practices

    The 10-Minute Rule: This tactic involves tricking your brain into starting a task by committing to just 10 minutes. Whether it's a workout, meal prep, or any daunting task, breaking it down into a 10-minute effort makes it more manageable. Often, once you start, you'll find it's not as hard as you imagined and you'll want to continue.Music: Music can significantly impact your mindset. It can inspire, energize, and emotionally invest you in the task at hand. Think of how UFC fighters use their walkout music to get hyped for their fight. Similarly, you can use music to get in the right mindset for workouts, meal prep, or any challenging task.

    More Isn't Always Better

    A common misconception is that doing more will yield better results. However, it's essential to stick to the plan and not overdo it. Trying to do too much too soon can lead to burnout. Consistency and sustainability are key. The goal is to build habits that you can maintain for life, not just for a few months.

    Pay Attention to How You Feel

    Progress isn't solely measured by the scale. How you feel in terms of energy, focus, libido, and endurance are crucial indicators of progress. Combining these feelings with other metrics like strength gains and progress pictures provides a comprehensive view of your journey.

    Key Takeaways

    Training Your Mind: Prioritize mindset conditioning as much as physical training.The 10-Minute Rule: Use this trick to overcome mental resistance and start tasks.Music as a Tool: Use music to create the right mental environment for tasks.Sustainable Efforts: Avoid the trap of doing too much too soon; focus on consistency.Monitor Your Feelings: Pay attention to how you feel throughout the day as an indicator of progress.

    As we wrap up, remember that training your mind is just as crucial as training your body. Implement these practices to condition your mindset and stay on track with your transformation journey.

    Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast. If you're feeling generous, leave a rating and review on iTunes. Let me know what you think and suggest guests you’d like to hear from. Remember, life moves fast, so make it count. That's all I have for today. Peace.

  • Learn about the True Transformation 3M System: https://www.truebodytransformation.com/offer-sales-page-page

    I Lost 65 Pounds in Seven Months with Five Simple Fat Loss Habits

    In today’s episode, I want to break down every single habit that I did to drop 65 pounds and, most importantly, to keep it off for the rest of my life. Some of these things might be new to you, some might shock you, and some might be a review. Either way, after watching or listening to this, you’ll know exactly what you need to do to build a lifetime of health and fitness.

    What’s up, guys? Welcome back to the show. Welcome back to the channel. My name is Josiah Novak, and I run a company called TheTrueTransformation.com. For the past 15 years, we’ve helped busy professionals with kids and families lose weight, keep it off, and most importantly, transform their lives using the power of health and fitness. I used to be overweight too, 65 pounds overweight at my highest point in my early 20s. Today’s episode is really about breaking down what I did to get past that rough stage and ultimately get to where I am now, a dad, a business owner, a husband, who’s healthy and fit without sacrificing my family, my work, and my social life. I have a really nice balance.

    Habit 1: Walking After Meals

    Today’s most important lesson is sustainability. One of the sustainable habits I learned is that I don’t have time to do a lot of working out. Early on in my weight loss journey, I was training twice a day, waking up for morning cardio and coming back to the gym later for another workout and cardio session. I was spending probably three hours in the gym at my peak, which just wasn’t sustainable.

    Instead of trying to do a double split, my biggest habit in my late 20s was to walk more throughout the day. Rather than long morning cardio sessions, I started walking a little at a time. The easiest way to set this up is to walk right after you eat. Most of us eat three times a day, at a minimum. Walking after meals helps get more activity in, helps with digestion, mental clarity, and keeps your energy stable. It’s important to move more, and walking after meals is a great way to start.

    Habit 2: Having Healthy Options on Standby

    Convenience is the name of the game. When people join our True Transformation program, one of the first things I say is to start cleaning out your trouble items, the foods you have no willpower around. For me, it’s Nutella. If it’s in front of me, I’m probably having at least a spoonful.

    Instead of just avoiding certain foods, it’s important to have healthy options on standby. Always have options that you can quickly put together in a pinch. For me, Greek yogurt cups with a little flavor are a go-to. Cooked protein is also key. You can order pre-cooked meats, have things you can throw in the air fryer, or quickly heat up. Make sure you have healthy options in your freezer, refrigerator, pantry, or cupboards so you can stick to your nutrition plan.

    Habit 3: Drinking Water

    A gallon of water a day has been a sustainable habit for me. I don’t carry around a huge gallon of water, but I aim to hit that gallon because it keeps me hydrated. Water is a huge ally in losing fat. Often, we mistake being thirsty for being hungry. Carrying water with you helps keep those cravings in check. We, as a family, invest in a water service to ensure we have high-quality water available. Staying hydrated helps control appetite and keeps the body healthy.

    Habit 4: Investing in Personal Development

    Most people struggle to implement changes because they don’t have skin in the game. You need to invest in yourself. Set aside resources to invest back into your health and fitness. If you’re trying to do this on your own and struggling, it’s time to get refocused by getting skin in the game.

    Go to the link in the...

  • Learn about the True Transformation 3M System: https://www.truebodytransformation.com/offer-sales-page-page


    Josiah Novak, Founder of The True Transformation

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode of The True Transformation Podcast, Josiah Novak shares his personal journey from 33% body fat to 7% body fat in just seven months. He dives into the mistakes he made along the way and provides actionable advice on what not to do when attempting to lose fat. Josiah emphasizes sustainable and enjoyable methods for fat loss, highlighting the importance of a balanced lifestyle.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    Josiah's Personal Journey:
    Starting point: 65 pounds overweight at 33% body fat.Decision to participate in bodybuilding shows to stay motivated.Initial extreme dieting and cardio routines.Lessons learned from his first and second bodybuilding show experiences.
    Mistakes to Avoid in Fat Loss:
    Over-reliance on extreme cardio routines.Unhealthy meal plans: repetitive and bland food choices.Misguided advice from early coaches leading to carb elimination and very low-calorie diets.Poor sleep and its impact on fat loss.Binge eating cycles and unhealthy relationships with food.
    Transition to Sustainable Methods:
    Importance of setting realistic and healthy goals.Benefits of flexible dieting and fitting favorite foods into a nutrition plan.Emphasis on movement, strength training, and maintaining muscle mass.The significance of enjoyable meals and balanced eating habits.Incorporating moderate cardio and walking into daily routines.
    Josiah's Current Approach:
    Maintaining 10-12% body fat year-round with sustainable habits.Eating three meals a day with a snack.Balancing professional and personal life while staying fit.Encouraging listeners to adopt a sustainable lifestyle for long-term success.

    Actionable Advice:

    Focus on a balanced approach to fat loss with manageable and enjoyable routines.Avoid extreme dieting and over-reliance on cardio.Prioritize strength training and muscle maintenance.Create a flexible meal plan that includes foods you enjoy.Aim for sustainable and long-term fat loss goals.

    Call to Action:

    Download the 3M Action Plan for free to start your journey towards permanent and sustainable transformation.Visit The True Transformation to learn more about their programs and schedule a consultation.


    "Life moves fast. Make it count." - Josiah Novak

    Connect with Josiah:

    Website: The True TransformationInstagram: @JosiahFitnessYouTube: The True Transformation

    Subscribe & Review:

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.

    Episode Transcript:

    Available at The True Transformation Podcast

  • Learn about the True Transformation 3M System: https://www.truebodytransformation.com/offer-sales-page-page

    Welcome back to the True Transformation Podcast! I'm your host, Josiah Novak, founder of TheTrueTransformation.com and personal trainer with over 20 years of experience. Today, I'm going to share with you the exact steps I took to lose 20 pounds in just two months by training only three times a week for 45 minutes. Get ready to dive into a simple yet effective fat loss strategy that can fit into even the busiest of schedules.

    Key Points Covered:Workout Schedule:
    Trained three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) for 45 minutes each session.Non-negotiable gym appointments to ensure consistency.
    Workout Structure:
    Followed a push, pull, legs training split:Monday: Push (chest, shoulders, triceps, and abs)Wednesday: Pull (back, biceps, rear delts, and traps)Friday: Legs (quads, calves, hamstrings, and glutes)Focused on maintaining or gaining strength to preserve muscle mass.
    Intensity and Volume:
    Took sets to failure and maintained proper intensity and volume for muscle growth and maintenance.Aimed for 3-6 working sets per body part per week to stimulate growth.
    Daily Movement:
    Achieved fat loss primarily through high daily step counts (15,000 to 18,000 steps per day).Included walks before and after gym sessions, midday walks with dogs, and staying active while coaching kids’ sports.
    Caloric Deficit:
    Maintained an aggressive calorie deficit, consuming about 2200 calories per day while burning around 3200-3500 calories daily.Created a significant caloric burn through daily movement rather than extended gym sessions.
    Flexibility and Consistency:
    Used weekends for short, intense workouts if time allowed.Emphasized the importance of flexibility and sustainability in workout routines.
    Additional Tips:Building Habits:If three days a week isn't enough to build a habit, use the gym hour for other health activities like walking, stretching, or bodyweight exercises.Mindset:Avoid becoming obsessive; aim for balance and be flexible with your routine.Customized Plans:Understand that unique individuals need unique plans. Customize your approach to fit your schedule and preferences.
    Final Thoughts:

    Losing 20 pounds in two months is an extreme result and might not be typical for everyone. It's crucial to tailor your plan to your body, lifestyle, and goals. If you're ready to transform your body with a customized approach, consider joining the True Transformation program where we provide personalized coaching and support.

    Notable Quotes:"At the end of the day, yes, I lost 20 pounds in two months. It’s typically not the pace that most of our clients lose weight.""Unique people need unique plans. You don’t need a cookie-cutter diet or workout plan.""Life moves fast—make it count."

    This episode is all about giving you a straightforward, actionable plan to achieve significant fat loss without sacrificing the important aspects of your life. For more tips and personalized guidance, check out the free resources and program links in the description.

    Remember, life moves fast—make it count. Until next time, stay healthy and stay motivated!

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast, leave a review, and let us know what topics you want us to cover next. Let's transform together!

  • Check out the 3M Body Transformation System: https://www.truebodytransformation.com/offer-sales-page-page

    Welcome back to the True Transformation Podcast! I’m your host, Josiah Novak, founder of thetruetransformation.com and creator of the 3M Fat Loss Transformation System. Today’s episode is all about delivering 45 minutes of brutal, no-nonsense fat loss advice—everything I wish I knew 15 years ago when I was struggling with my own weight. If you’re busy, stressed, and juggling a demanding career, family, and social life, this episode is for you.

    I dive into the nitty-gritty of calories and protein, emphasizing their importance in your fat loss journey. It's not just about calories in versus calories out—it's about the quality of those calories, with protein being the most crucial nutrient for maintaining muscle and keeping you satiated.

    Notable Quote: "The food you put in your body will more than any other factor impact your fat loss goals."

    One of the key takeaways is that you might need to lose more weight than you initially think to see significant results. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but it's a common realization among those who achieve their fat loss goals.

    Notable Quote: "You're going to need to lose more than you think. No one really cares how much you weigh; they care about how you look and feel."

    I also touch on the psychological aspects of fat loss, like removing the ego and understanding that you might not be carrying as much muscle as you think. This is a reality check many need to hear.

    Notable Quote: "Stop comparing yourself. Comparison will rob you of your joy."

    Another major point is about embracing discomfort and making significant habit changes. Whether it’s eating habits, movement, or sleep, you have to push through the initial discomfort to see lasting changes.

    Notable Quote: "You have to choose your hard. Both paths are difficult, but only one leads to the results you want."

    Movement is crucial, and I discuss the importance of integrating more movement into your daily routine. I recommend pairing meals with movement to help regulate appetite and digestion.

    Notable Quote: "Movement and meals should go hand in hand."

    Sleep is another underrated factor that I emphasize. Getting enough rest can significantly impact your fat loss journey by regulating hormones and improving overall health.

    Notable Quote: "I'd rather see you get seven to eight hours of sleep than wake up early to train every day on four hours of sleep."

    I also discuss the benefits of tracking your data, including calories, steps, and sleep, to gain a clearer picture of your progress and make necessary adjustments.

    Notable Quote: "Tracking your data will speed things up tremendously and allow you to sleep at night."

    Lastly, I talk about the importance of having a coach and surrounding yourself with winners. A supportive community and expert guidance can make a huge difference in your journey.

    Notable Quote: "Surround yourself with people who are crushing it and want to see you win."

    If you’re ready to take the next step, check out the free resources in the description or book a call with our team. We’re here to help you build a sustainable, effective plan that fits your busy lifestyle.

    Remember, life moves fast—make it count. Until next time, peace!

  • Welcome back to the True Transformation Podcast! I’m your host, Josiah Novak, and today I’m thrilled to have the legendary Wade Lightheart join us. Wade is the founder and president of BiOptimizers, a company dedicated to digestive and health optimization. He’s also a three-time Canadian National all-natural bodybuilding champion and a former Mr. Universe competitor who competed as a vegetarian—how cool is that?

    In this episode, Wade and I dive into our shared passion for health and fitness, inspired by none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger. We reminisce about the good old days, growing up with Arnold as our hero and how those early influences shaped our fitness journeys. Wade's story of moving to the middle of nowhere, building a gym in his barn, and his sister's battle with cancer is both inspiring and heart-wrenching.

    We talk a lot about supplements and the industry’s evolution. Wade sheds light on the importance of quality products, especially those that address mineral deficiencies and digestive health. His company, BiOptimizers, is leading the way with innovative supplements like Magnesium Breakthrough, which has been a game-changer for my sleep and stress levels. Wade explains why this magnesium supplement stands out and how it’s helped so many people, including myself.

    Notable Quote: “Fix your gut, and you fix everything else.” - Wade Lightheart

    We also explore the broader supplement market, the hype versus the reality, and the critical role of personalized nutrition and genetic factors in optimizing health. Wade's advice? Get tested, understand your body, and choose supplements that truly meet your needs.

    One of my favorite parts of the conversation is when Wade talks about the intersection of fitness, performance, and health. He highlights the significance of digestive enzymes, probiotics, and essential fatty acids, which are often overlooked but crucial for overall well-being.

    Notable Quote: “Excellence isn’t a destination; it’s a way of living.” - Wade Lightheart

    We wrap up with a discussion on the balance between chasing performance goals and maintaining long-term health, emphasizing the importance of family and a holistic approach to life.

    Notable Anecdote: Wade shares a hilarious yet profound story about the impact of Star Wars on his childhood and how it sparked his imagination and drive.

    This episode is packed with wisdom, personal stories, and actionable advice. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast, a supplement skeptic, or just looking for some inspiration, you’re going to love this conversation.

    Be sure to check out BiOptimizers and use code TRUE for a 10% discount. Also, if you’re ready to take your fitness journey to the next level, download our free 3M action plan and schedule a chat with our team.

    Thanks for tuning in! Life moves fast—make it count.

    Use Code TRUE to Save 10% on BioOptimizers: bioptimizers.com/true

    Check out the True Transformation 3M Fat Loss System: https://www.truebodytransformation.com/offer-sales-page-page

  • Today's podcast is with my good friend and mindset coach Laura Hardnett - founder and owner of EmpowerYOU.

    Laura is a successful entrepreneur, fitness fanatic and dedicated mom. She specializes in helping people work through challenging relationships and life events.