Dr. Audrey DeClue hosts this podcast designed to help owners, riders, trainers, and others understand their horse's needs better.
Practicus Podcast er et supplement til Practicus magasinet for praktiserende læger. Her kan du lytte til udvalgte artikeloplæsninger fra hvert Practicus-blad og ind imellem relevante interviews med spændende personligheder.
The Phage Therapy Today is the pod dedicated to leaders in the phage therapy industry. We bring you insights into current advancements and challenges in this exciting sector from academia, financial, regulatory, manufacturing and entrepreneurial perspectives.
Each episode features accomplished guests serving various roles in developing our bacteriophage-evolved community. If you are a believer in the future shaped by phage therapy and want to share you exciting work with our community, email us at '[email protected]'
Phage believers, hear me! Tonight, let us shake this cave. -
I denne podcast kan du høre samtaler eller foredrag om emner, der befinder sig i krydsfeltet mellem tro og handicap. Det kan for eksempel være emner som "Autisme", "At være pårørende", "Åndelig og eksistentiel omsorg" eller "Hvor er Gud, når livet gør ondt". Tjek episoderne ud, og se hvad du har lyst til at høre mere om :-)
The Voice of Life Sciences is a podcast hosted by David Kolosic, an industry enthusiast whose mission is to inspire and educate others on the value of modern cloud technologies. In each episode, David interviews a different pharma, biotech or medtech thought leader on a specific "job to be done" across the R&D and quality spectrum, like implementing change management strategies, maintaining an xEVMPD database, or utilising KPIs and metrics to improve performance. Tune in to hear what challenges these jobs create, approaches to solving them, and ways that they may evolve in the future.
A series of conversations hosted by Mimi Ho, Mike Cianfrocco, and Liz Kellogg. Mimi Mike & Liz discuss the past, present, and future of cryo-electron microscopy, a nobel prize winning technique which is used to study how life is organized at the atomic level. This first season includes established and new innovators who have pioneered astonishing new contributions to the field.
Drømmer du om at få et barn? Men har du fundet ud af, at vejen dertil ikke er så nem, som du havde troet?
Så er du langt fra alene. Hvert år får mange danskere hjælp til at øge deres fertilitet, og i podcasten 'Sammen om liv' vil du blive præsenteret for alt, hvad du behøver at vide om fertilitetsbehandling.
Podcasten styres af Anna og Mia, som er sygeplejersker på Fertilitetsklinikken på Odense Universitetshospital.
I hvert afsnit inviteres en ekspert ind i studiet til at belyse alle facetter af fertilitetsbehandling.
Podcasten er skabt i samarbejde med podcastbureauet LYDTRYK. -
Mere end hver anden af os har prøvet at få alternativ behandling: akupunktur, zoneterapi, healing, kraniosakral terapi, mm.
Hvorfor er det så ikke anerkendt, når så mange bruger det? Og hvordan foregår behandlingerne?
Energier, meridianer og selvhelbredende kræfter. Lægevidenskaben siger det ikke eksisterer, og er det så ikke bare humbug?
Her møder du fx behandlere, læger, forskere og folk, der har personlig erfaring med alternativ behandling. Du kommer med backstage, både hos behandlerne og i det sundhedspolitiske spil om behandlingerne. -
Velkommen til min podcast. Dette er introen til en serie på foreløbigt 5 afsnit.
I want to share my way of thinking...
Koi galti ho to btaiye...
Sudhar hoga mujhme... -
پادكستي درباره ي هر آنچه که اتمسفری به وجود آورد تا ما رو در خود عمیق کند.
راه های ارتباط
instagram: enigmapodcast2020
telegram channel: @enigmapodcast2020
Email: [email protected] -
Podcast fra Danske Bioanalytikere om, hvordan det er at være bioanalytiker under coronaepidemien.
Le podcast qui vous fait découvrir la monde sous un autre angle. La Ferme de la Ruchotte est un lieu unique, au cœur de la Cote d'Or. Le Chef-éleveur Frédéric Ménager et Carole accueillent chaque semaine des personnes passionnées, passionnantes et surtout très inspirantes. De quoi voir le monde qui nous entoure avec un nouveau regard, tous les vendredis.
This podcast describes the scientific journey of 15 early stage researchers that are part of the Innovative Training Network Encompassing Training in Functional Disorders across Europe (ETUDE).
Throughout the course of ETUDE, a series of podcasts will be recorded by the Early Stage Researchers, reflecting the different work packages on mechanisms, diagnosis, treatment and stigma of Functional Disorders
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 956673. -
Builders of Biotech is a show about innovation in the biotech sector, told through the experiences of industry experts and influential scientists. Host Lucas Carter investigates scientific breakthroughs with the people who made them happen, making sure to appreciate the technical wonder and human element of each discovery. Join us for stories from biotech that are informative, personal, and always fascinating.
Hetta poddvarpið, er sprottið úr einari blanding av forvitni, og eldhuga fyri at læra og miðla vitan.
Endamálið er at lýsa gransking í Føroyum, umframt at lýsa ymisku møguleikarnar fyri at nema sær náttúruvísindarliga útbúgving og starv, bæði heima og í útlegd.
Hetta verður gjørt, við at bjóða granskarum ein pall har tey kunnu miðla tí gransking sum fer fram í løtuni, umframt áhugaverda og týdningarmikla gransking sum longu er framd.
Ynski okkara er at verða ein miðil, ið ger tað lættari fyri ein og hvønn FORVITNISKNOKK, at fáa atgongd til náttúruvísindaliga vitan, sum hevur serligan týdning fyri Føroyar og okkum føroyingar.
Finn okkum á Facebook og Instagram.
Allir tónarnir, sum vit hava brúkt í okkara poddvarpi eru frá: Flawed Mangoes
All soundtracks in this podcast are the courtesy of: Flawed Mangoes
A product neutral podcast produced by medical team at Eisai AB for health care professionals discussing topics related to endometrial cancer.
Welcome to the "In Search of Something Different Podcast," hosted by Bori Vigh.
Join us to explore new ideas, perspectives, and unconventional paths from around the world. Each episode features engaging conversations with remarkable individuals, who challenge norms and push boundaries in their fields. We go beyond the surface, delving into the complexities of life, work, relationships, and personal growth. We tackle taboo subjects, question conventional norms, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.
So grab a seat, tune in, and search for something different with Bori.