
  • What does it take to create a context which allows people to experience meaning? Saddhanandi looks how sangha is created through meaningful, authentic friendships and communication. The talk includes references to her interviews about poetry with Sangharakshita. This talk was given at Cardiff Buddhist Centre, 2023.


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  • “Happy indeed we live, friendly amid the haters. Among those who hate we dwell free from hate. Happy indeed we live, healthy amid the sick. Among those who are sick we dwell free from sickness. Happy indeed we live, content amid the greedy. Among those who are greedy we dwell free from greed.” (The Dhammapada, chapter 14, ‘Happiness’, verses 197-199). Ratnaghosha explores the Buddha’s vision of spiritual community as it is expressed in three verses of the Dhammapada. This is a comprehensive survey of the Buddha's teaching but is also replete with practical advice about how we might apply this to our lives today - and finishes on a very encouraging note. Talk given at the Dublin Buddhist Centre, 2024.


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  • In a life well lived there is a conscious search for meaning. Suryagupta reflects on the Buddha’s (and our own!) Noble Quest. This talk was given as a part of the LBC Winter Retreat 2023, following the Buddha's This talk was given at London Buddhist Centre as part of the series The Noble Quest, 2023.


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  • Jnanadhara explores the meaning of inspiration and its importance in the Dharmalife. He makes some general observations about the nature of inspiration, discusses the three kinds of faith, and concludes by talking about The Buddha as a source of inspiration. This talk was given at Adhisthana as part of the series Changemakers Weekend: Passing on the Flame, 2024.


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  • ‘Just as I love and cherish my body, which is divided into many limbs, so I should love and cherish this whole world, which is divided into many beings.’ So says Shantideva in his famous ‘Guide to the Path of Awakening’. In this talk Vadanya will explore what Shantideva tells us about the wisdom teaching of ‘anatman’ – often translated as ‘no-self’ – and look at how this apparently negative doctrine opens up a positive and inspiring vision of connectedness. Given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2024.


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  • On a warm spring day, under the overhanging branches of the Sycamore tree in the Buddhist Centre garden, Parami richly evokes Gautama's quest, realisation, and their relevance for today's world. This talk was given on Buddha Day at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre, 2010.


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  • Nagasiddhi traces the period after the Buddha’s going forth: as he masters meditation then turns towards extreme asceticism in his quest to overcome dukkha. Having taken himself to the brink of death, the Buddha-to-be finally realises that he must find his own ‘middle way’ to liberation. This talk is part of the series In the Footsteps of the Buddha given during a Buddhist Centre Online home retreat, 2021. This magical week-long retreat explores the images, myths and symbols of the Buddha’s journey to awakening using dharma talks, meditation, storytelling, puppetry and art. Visit 'In the Footsteps of the Buddha' for more resources from this retreat: https://thebuddhistcentre.com/footsteps


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  • Amitasuri explores what can happen when faced with well-being, illness, ageing and death, and looks at how the Dharma might influence our response. Amitasuri takes her Dharma practice to her work as a Buddhist Hospital Chaplain, where she supports health and well-being through pastoral, religious and spiritual care for staff, patients and their families in a number of hospitals in Greater Manchester. This talk was given at Manchester Buddhist Centre, 2015.


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  • After an account of the Buddha's life, Sangharakshita asks how, if at all, such a man can be defined or categorised. This talk was given in 1968 as part of the series Introducing the Three Jewels of Buddhism


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  • Kalyanaprabha shares some of her own recollections of Bhante Sangharakshita going back to their first encounter in 1984, stories both humorous and serious, evoking some of his unique qualities. Drawing on an unpublished fragment, ‘What I learned from my gurus’, she reminds us of some of the fundamental aspects of his teaching. This talk was given as part of a series entitled Triratna Day Weekend: Is a Guru Necessary? Given at Adhisthana for the Triratna Day celebrations, 2023.


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  • Ksantikara revisits Sangharakshita's classic 1970 lecture. In this energetic and playful talk Ksantikara adds his own reflections to Sangharakshita's original list of what a Guru is not (not the head of a religious group, not a teacher, not a father/mother substitute, not a problem solver) and explores the important of having people in our life to look up to and be in contact with. Ksantikara implores us to find a situation of Kalayana Mitrata (beautiful friendship) and to stay receptive to those more evolved than us. This talk was given at Adhisthana as part of the series Triratna Day Weekend: Is a Guru Necessary? 2023.


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  • Here is a strong, beautiful talk by Parami from the final day of the Triratna Buddhist Order's International Convention 2013 in India, bringing us back to the task in hand as members of the Order and as Buddhists: engaging with breaking the fetters and weakening the hold that self-clinging exerts upon our minds and our ways of seeing things.


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  • Here is a recently re-discovered little lost delight - Sangharakshita and Subhuti launching each other's books and clearly enjoying themselves. Sangharakshita's in fine humour - and it's great to hear him read and quote from the bible! Is that a twinkle in his voice?

    Talk given at Triratna [FWBO] Day celebrations in 2001.


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  • Subhadramati explores integration as a process of meeting Mara in her life and in scenes in the life of the Buddha, and the fulfillment of integration during the Buddha's last days of exquisite love. This talk was given at Bristol Buddhist Centre, 2018.


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  • In this talk Alokadhara explores these beautiful verses which evoke the Buddha, his qualities and the profundity of his teaching. This talk was given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2014.


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  • In an excellent and thorough introduction to the Jataka tales, Akashadevi explains the value of stories of the Buddha's past lives and how they originated. She tells the stories of the Hare in the Moon and the Monkey King. This talk was given at the West London Buddhist Centre, 2017.


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  • In a striking and inspiring talk, Paramananda tells the life story of the Buddha's disciple Kasyapa: the Buddha uniquely said that Kasyapa would have gained enlightenment even without his help. The crescendo is a mysterious transmission when the Buddha held up a lotus and Kasyapa smiled, regarded by Zen Buddhists as the start of their lineage. Paramananda discusses what 'transmission' could mean for us. This talk was given at West London Buddhist Centre, 2017.


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  • The most human thing to do is to keep being kind. Generosity helps you build connection and community. Danapriya explores the themes of generosity and abundance. Talk given at East Kent Buddhist Group, 2008.


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  • This talk is a commentary on, and a homage to, Sangharakshita's talk 'Buddhism, World Peace and Nuclear War'. This seminal talk applies not only to nuclear war, but any major difficulty the world faces. In this talk, Vajratara explores Sangharakshita's analysis of the problems we are facing as a society and the real solutions. Should we, as Buddhists, have a Buddhist response to any particular conflict? Is a better world possible, or should we resign ourselves to endless cycles of greed, hatred and delusion expressed here as war, here as environmental destruction, here as poverty, here as oppression? This talk was given at Tiratanaloka Retreat Centre, 2023.


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  • In this talk Subhuti sets out a vision of the 'Power of the Dhamma' as a force within the nature of reality that leads to growth and development. This is the Dhamma Niyama, to reify it is a mistake, but to deny it leaves us with an impoverished sense of the nature of things. The new society is about allowing this order of things to manifest within us and on that basis have a transformative effect on society. This talk was given at Dharmapala College, 2010.


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