
  • The climate crisis and the collective shadow: In this episode, Debra and Dr. Rob Maldonado discuss the intersection between the collective human psyche and the ongoing climate crisis. We explore how our primitive instincts, medieval institutions and advanced technology have created a unique set of challenges in addressing environmental issues.

    Drawing from Jungian psychology, we delve into the concept of the collective shadow and how our disconnection from nature drives consumerism and environmental degradation. This is the first episode of a two-part series that aims to reconnect us with the Great Mother archetype as a path to collective healing and environmental stewardship.


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
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  • Author of Mahabharata Unravelled and Ramayana Unravelled and devout yoga practitioner, Ami Ganatra speaks with Dr. Rob to explore the wisdom of the Mahabharata. Learn the historical significance of Indian epics, the core principles of Dharma and the intricate relationships that define the Mahabharata in this enlightening conversation.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    The primary theme of the Mahabharata: Dharma and its relevance in modern timesThe intriguing dynamics of the Pandavas and Kauravas and their epic battle for justiceThe role of Krishna in guiding Arjuna during his moral dilemmaThe powerful narratives of Draupadi and Kunti, embodying strength and wisdom

    Learn more about Ami and her books here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B098PR56F6


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

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  • Beyond positive thinking and using the ego mind, there is a place of unlimited creative potential. We'll explore how to create with your higher mind beyond a fixed mindset to access deeper levels of self-awareness and growth.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    The critical role of metacognition and metaconsciousness in managing the mind and emotions.How to observe and understand negative thinking without judgment, uncovering the deeper triggers beneath.The concept of finding the gold within yourself and realizing your true greatness beyond the ego.Why external achievements are secondary to knowing your true self and attaining a higher level of consciousness.


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Ever wondered how the mysteries of the universe intertwine with the threads of human consciousness? We are so excited to have Professor Dr. Harald Walach on Soul Sessions to discuss the connection (or rather disconnection) between science and spirituality.

    Join Dr. Rob and Dr. Walach as they bridge the gap between quantum physics, spirituality and the essence of human dignity. Get ready to dive deep into paradigm shifts, the nuances of consciousness and the realm of parapsychology.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    The challenge of integrating quantum theory and relativity in modern physicsJung's theory of synchronicity and its implications for psychological and physical processesThe impact of excluding spirituality from our worldview on human dignity and innovationThe potential of AI, the role of human creativity and the need for a paradigm shift in science

    Learn more about Dr. Harald Walach's work and contributions through his website: https://harald-walach.info/


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • How important is having a mentor, coach or guide on the path of spiritual growth? Debra and Dr. Rob will explore the significance of committing to one path for deep development and the power of community support in sustaining spiritual growth.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    The reasons why people often find themselves stuck in their personal growth and how to overcome these obstaclesThe stages of seeking knowledge and purpose in lifeThe transformative power of commitment to one's pathThe importance of understanding and transcending past conditioning


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • We are so thrilled to have Swami Tyagananda, a revered monk of the Ramakrishna Order and scholar, join us on Soul Sessions!

    Through the lens of Vendantic philosophy and modern psychology, Dr. Rob and Swami Tyagananda explore consciousness and the mind. Listen to this episode for insightful discussions on:

    The difficulties in getting rid of the ego mind and what to doThe nature of suffering of how to transcend itDo we live in a simulation and is there a collective unconscious?Advice for Westerners to shift into a consciousness paradigm

    Stay in touch with Swami Tyagananda and his work with the Ramakrishna Vedanta Society, Boston and on Facebook.


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
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  • Are you ready to challenge the very foundations of what you believe reality to be?

    Reality is not what you think is (or perceive it to be). In this episode, we break down the illusory nature of the world around us and the concept of non-duality to get a clear picture of what true reality is.

    Drawing from Eastern philosophy and the latest in science, we unravel the layers of reality as we know it. We discuss:

    - The concept of Maya and the illusion of the world as perceived by our senses

    - How our brain constructs our experience of colors, sounds and the entire world around us

    - The role of perception in shaping our decisions and behaviors

    - The philosophical and practical implications of non-dualism in daily life


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • In this episode, we explore the stages of development by Erik Erickson, who was analyzed by Anna Freud and went on to develop his own theory on child development. This is part one of this topic which will span two episodes. Join us as we discuss:

    How we develop trust or mistrust;Where shame and doubt come from;Why some are better than others at taking initiative;The identity crisis and what age it begins.

    This podcast represents the opinions of Debra Berndt Maldonado and Robert Maldonado, PhD. The content here should not be taken as medical/mental health advice. The content here is for informational purposes only, and because each person is so unique, please consult your mental healthcare professional for your mental health questions.


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • The dark night of the soul is a transformative experience that occurs when we face a loss of meaning and are forced to confront our own shadow. In this episode, we explore why the dark night of the soul is important and Jung’s experience with this phenomenon. We discuss:

    Jung’s dark night of the soul experience What to do when you have a dark night of the soulThe difference between depression and a dark night of the soulHow the dark night of the soul is a psychological purification

    This content is for educational purposes only and not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any physical, mental or emotional issue, disease or condition. If you are experiencing a mental health issue, please contact a professional.


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Have you tried thinking positive but you still keep getting the same results in life? In this episode we explore how your emotions create your life and how you can understand them to finally free your mind from old patterns and create a new reality.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    How peer influence and childhood roles subconsciously affect our adult interactions and career dynamicsThe impact of early conditioning on relationships and the power of Jungian coaching to reveal core emotionsThe evolution of trust and how our attachment styles dictate our openness in relationshipsTechniques for integrating emotional power to transform and elevate our creative expression

    This episode is a call to those who wish to not merely exist within the confines of a conditioned life, but to lead a life that’s truly extraordinary and connected.


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Coming across difficult people at work and in your personal life can be hard to navigate. This episode explores how to deal with difficult people and the opportunities for growth and empowerment in these encounters.

    Drawing from Jungian psychology and Eastern philosophy, this episode covers:

    The role of projection in conflict and how our ego's defenses can amplify workplace stress Jung and Eastern philosophies shared view on life's journey beyond the persona toward the true selfTechniques for transforming your encounters with difficult people into opportunities for emotional growth and mindfulnessThe upcoming Satya Leadership program is designed to foster conscious business leadership

    → Register for our FREE 3-day live virtual masterclass for business leaders to uncover hidden inner barriers to extraordinary success here: https://creativemindcoach.com/join-satya-leadership-experience/

    → Download your FREE ebook and explore the 3 hidden forces keeping you from going to the next level in your business and life here: https://creativemindcoach.com/the-success-trap/


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • This week we are answering some of your leadership questions, especially around creating your leadership vision. Visualization and active imagination are extremely helpful tools to help create the life you want, but they are just tools. This episode uncovers what happens when we rely on tools too much and what we really need to do to effect change in our lives.

    In this episode, we explore:
    • How leaders should deal with past trauma
    • What to do when the visualization results aren't showing up for you
    • How to use active imagination to create your vision
    • How to live in the present while creating your future vision

    ➡️ Register for our FREE 3-day live virtual masterclass for business leaders to uncover hidden inner barriers to extraordinary success here: https://creativemindcoach.com/join-satya-leadership-experience/ ⬅️

    ➡️ Download your FREE ebook and explore the 3 hidden forces keeping you from going to the next level in your business and life here: https://creativemindcoach.com/the-success-trap/ ⬅️


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Are leaders born with a strong ego, or is it a necessity forged through experience? We unravel the psychology of leadership and its intricate relationship with the ego and explore the balance between having a resilient ego and aligning with higher life principles for effective leadership.

    From the early developmental stages of the ego to its role in spirituality and business decisions, we dissect what it means to be a leader with a strong yet guided ego. In this episode, we explore:

    • The psychological perspective on the ego and its necessity for survival, individuation, and leadership
    • The intricate development of one's ego and the challenges it poses in leadership roles, including maintaining authenticity and strong boundaries
    • How to harness a strong ego aligned with higher business and life principles for positive impact and success
    • The idea of transcending the ego's needs through self-reflection, non-attachment, and operating from a place of higher knowledge

    Whether you're a seasoned leader or just stepping into your role, prepare to redefine your understanding of strength and purpose in leadership on Soul Sessions with CreativeMind.

    ➡️ Register for our FREE 3-day live virtual masterclass for business leaders to uncover hidden inner barriers to extraordinary success here: https://creativemindcoach.com/satya-leadership-experience/

    ➡️ Download your FREE ebook and explore the 3 hidden forces keeping you from going to the next level in your business and life here: https://creativemindcoach.com/the-success-trap/


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Unmask the leader within you! Discover the transformative power of understanding how your leadership persona affects your life in this episode. Dive deep into the art of authentic leadership by shedding the facades that limit your potential.

    We unravel the psychological constructs behind the Persona, focusing on its impact on leadership. Join us as we dissect the societal masks we wear and how they can both protect and hinder us in our quest for true success.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    The critical difference between reinforcing the Persona and authentic transformation in leadership.The Marilyn Monroe phenomenon: the creation of a public Persona and its personal consequences.The pitfalls of success when it's not aligned with the authentic self and how it can lead to a lack of fulfillment.Insights on using the Persona as a tool for genuine self-representation instead of letting it become a trap.

    ➡️ Download your FREE ebook, “The Success Trap: 3 Hidden Forces That Keep You From Going To The Next Level in Business and Life.” Visit: thesuccesstrapbook.com ⬅️

    Join the Satya Leadership Experience Facebook Group for live classes and workshops that are going to help you open your mind to a new, higher level of leadership here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/satyaleadershipexperience


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • This episode challenges what it means to be an authentic leader, using Jungian and Eastern perspectives to shed light on true authenticity. We explore the importance of integrating the unconscious and the shadow work necessary for true authenticity. Learn practical insights for leaders in various settings, whether in the corporate world or entrepreneurship.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    Exploring the concept of Satya in leadership and self-realizationThe Jungian perspective on authentic leadership and the limitations of the PersonaShadow work and its impact on leadership and personal growthThe interconnectedness of authentic leadership and non-duality

    Join us as we explore how embracing authenticity can transform leadership and lead to genuine, interconnected, and successful relationships in both personal and professional realms.

    Download your free ebook and explore the 3 hidden forces keeping you from going to the next level in your business and life here: https://creativemindcoach.com/success-trap-registration/


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Founder of the Yoga Psychology Institute and the Mental Health Aware Yoga training, Dr. Lauren Tober, joins Dr. Rob to discuss the depths of yoga and guided practices and how these practices harmonize with our hectic realities.

    In this enlightening conversation, Dr. Tabor shares her vast knowledge and personal experiences, highlighting the essence of utilizing meditation and yoga for overall mental health. Host Robert Maldonado, PhD, joins her to explore the deep connections between these practices and their implications for therapy and self-discovery.

    In this episode, we unpack:

    How varying meditation techniques, including short active meditations, can be skillfully adapted to individual needs for emotional regulation.The profound intersection of Eastern philosophy with Western psychology to foster mental resilience and therapeutic practices.Strategies for yoga teachers to maintain their composure and provide compassionate support for students experiencing emotional distress.The role of yoga and meditation in managing mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, stress, and trauma, offering a holistic approach to wellbeing.

    Pre-order Dr Lauren Tober’s book, Mental Health Aware Yoga: A Guide for Yoga Teachers: https://www.mentalhealthawareyoga.com/book/

    Learn more about the Yoga Psychology Institute: http://www.yogapsychologyinstitute.com/


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Unlock the limitless potential of your mind with our deep dive into the transformative power of imagination! In this episode, discover 3 ways to use your imagination for personal growth and how imagination molds our reality.

    We explore the practice of “Active Imagination,” first introduced by Carl Jung and how it is different from guided meditation. Learn how to harness your imaginative power, used by legendary thinkers like Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison for innovation and growth.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    How to understand the mind and the role of imagination.How your mind has a negative bias and how untamed imagination can cause anxiety. Tip on how to use active imagination and its role in engaging with the unconscious mind.Why some people find it hard to visualize and how to cultivate that ability. Practical insights on how to employ active imagination in dream work and personal transformation.Einstein said, “Imagination is everything.” You will see how everything you experience is a result of your imagination. If you can harness it, you can change your results in life.


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • With so much uncertainty and the rise of AI and the energy crises, what does the future hold? Joining Dr. Rob on Soul Sessions is renowned futurist, humanist, keynote speaker and bestselling author, Gerd Leonhard. They confront the immediacy of our global crossroads—where technology whispers promises of a utopia, yet casts shadows of a potential dystopia.

    While exploring these complex dimensions, Gerd offers profound insights into our collective future—the dreams, the dangers, and the decisions that stand before us. Looking at the ethics of technological advancements with the urgent shift toward sustainability, Gerd and Dr. Rob urge humanity to envision a “Good Future.”

    In this episode, we discuss:

    Gerd's philosophy on competent machines vs. conscious machines and its impact on our future;The ethical conundrums posited by genetic engineering, such as cloning and human enhancement;Strategies for global cooperation to tackle climate change and the energy transition;The essential narrative shift towards a positive future, as coined by Kevin Kelly's "protopia", and the actionable steps to get there.

    Check out Gerd Leonhard’s new short film, “The Good Future” at http://www.thegoodfuturefilm.com/


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Are you the hero of your own story, or is your narrative holding you back?

    Discover how your narrative can shape your life's path and what it means to transcend beyond the story into true self-awareness.

    We'll challenge the default scripts handed down by culture and upbringing, learn the importance of responsibility in crafting our narratives and embrace the freedom and success that can come with a narrative that empowers and gives us purpose.

    In this episode, we explore:

    How our personal stories define our identities and limit our potentialThe transformative practice of non-attachment and how it leads to personal freedom, exemplified by historical figures like GandhiTechniques for creating a more spiritual and fluid sense of self when life disrupts our personal narratives The illusion of inherent meaning in external events and how our constructed narratives influence our entire realityIt's time to redefine your personal narrative and unlock a level of consciousness that can liberate you from your self-imposed limitations.


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Do you meditate? We interview Ann Swanson, best-selling author of “Science of Yoga” and “Meditation for the Real World.” Whether you are an avid meditator or just curious about the practice, this episode dives deep into the neuroscience of meditation and its multitude of benefits.

    In this episode, Ann shares her insightful journey into the practices of yoga and meditation, taking us from her initial struggles to profound experiences studying in China and India. We'll explore groundbreaking techniques for managing panic attacks, the power of visualization and Ann’s personal encounters with meditation's vast capabilities for enhancing mental and physical health.

    Ann reveals neuroscience research highlighting the transformative benefits of consistent meditation and yoga, including the remarkable work of Dr. Sarah Lazar. We'll discuss how these ancient practices are being validated by modern science to combat lifestyle diseases, foster neuroplasticity, and support cardiovascular and cellular health.

    Also discussed in this episode:

    • The immediate and long-term effects of meditation on the brain
    • The difference between mindfulness and meditation
    • Meditation in both secular and spiritual contexts
    • Does consistent meditation dissolve the ego?

    Get Ann Swanson's new book, “Meditation for the Real World:” https://www.annswansonwellness.com/meditation-for-the-real-world


    Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]