
  • Our Soul Presence Space, a community supported journey of Heart Centred Living
    for the compassionate and passionate mumpreneur who wants to reclaim her best life in the mess of life.

    The Soul Presence Journey:

    EPISODE 44. A New Direction

    Well here we are, the end of another season of Grab Your Keys and GO.

    Mel and I reflect on the journey that led us to bring this podcast to life, and how it is has also helped us along the way.

    I reflect on my fav episode which was one of our very first episodes called 'The Gaps'.

    This term was one of the first things that got me curious about wanting to bring in more of what I love back into my life.

    It was where I noticed that if I didn't take control of the 'Gaps' then someone or something would fill it for me!

    Episode 2. Time Alchemy - Transforming our GAPS into Meaningful Opportunities


    We also chat about how having these conversations regularly each week has allowed us to follow the breadcrumbs, and a new idea has been bubbling.

    As we have been Grabbing our Keys and Going, we have noticed some very cool opportunities brewing in our world.

    The statement 'from little things, big things grow' is true in our world right now, as Mel and I bring our talents and skills together to create something for the creative women out there, who has momentarily lost her mojo for her passion.

    The mum world can really begin to take over and it's not just when the kids are little!

    My afternoons, evenings and weekends are now taken up with sport, activities and shuffling my eldest of to work!

    It can be a breeding ground for staying on the treadmill of life and we don't want that for you.

    So keep your ears open for our next season starting July 17th 2024.

    Until next Season,

    Nat and Mel xx oo

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts

  • Our Soul Presence Space, a community supported journey of Heart Centred Living
    for the compassionate and passionate mumpreneur who wants to reclaim her best life in the mess of life.

    The Soul Presence Journey:

    EPISODE 43. Are you ready to REVIVE the part of YOU that you have missed?

    Have you Checked in Lately?

    Why do we get out of sync with ourselves?

    Why is it that the first thing we drop in our life when we are overwhelmed, is the thing that we love, only to squish in a number of other things that do not bring us any joy whatsoever!

    And the days roll on and we start to feel like we are at capacity.

    Our mood starts to change, we are a bit more short with those around us… and we can feel that something is not right, but we forge ahead anyway.

    Until, like I mentioned last week, we explode.

    And it’s only then that we realise, we have left all of the good stuff out of our week.

    This was very apparent in recent weeks for me, when I was starting to feel a bit of that ‘squish’ which ended up with me throwing my drink bottle.

    I had stopped a few things. Firstly I had stopped my regular check in practice, I had stopped my self regulation practices and I had not made a lot of room for things that I value.

    So I had essentially taken out of my week, everything that feels good to me.

    On top of that, I also wasn’t communicating well with anyone in my space that I was feeling squished, and that I needed some support.

    When I started chatting with my mentor this was one of the first realisations that came up.

    Am I living my values right now?

    Is what I value in my life right now?

    Am I doing lots of things that I don’t value?

    The other thing that Mel and I touched on in our conversation today is that having a person to have a chat to, in your life, is GOLD.

    A person who is outside your family space, for those moments you can talk freely as you unveil what is really behind your big feelings.

    I also find great clarity when speaking to a mentor, counselor, hypnotherapist, or someone of your choosing who can just hold the space for you while you sort it through.

    So here is another reminder from Mel and I, for you, to check in with yourself regularly.

    To create this consistent habit in your life, finding that quiet space, meditation, yoga, breath, journaling, sitting in stillness, whatever works for you and noticing what’s been happening in your week, and how you might be feeling in your body.

    This gives you an opportunity to invite back in the things that feel good, or to have the conversations you need to have in order to bring back some harmony into your life.

    We are also here for a chat if you need.

    Until next time,

    Nat and Mel xx oo

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts

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  • Our Soul Presence Space, a community supported journey of Heart Centred Living
    for the compassionate and passionate mumpreneur who wants to reclaim her best life in the mess of life.

    The Soul Presence Journey:

    EPISODE 42. Self Compassion in Overwhelm - How to Reconnect with your Needs.

    Oh no! Look out here she comes again, it's that crazy woman inside of you, that has been holding on waaaaaay tooooooo loooooooong.

    And finally she combusted in a fit of anger, throwing things (or is that just me), yelling, crying, trying to speak but just not finding the right words, because she is feeling so hurt right now.

    It was all caught up in her throat, the words she had been wanting to speak.

    And instead of being calm and composed as she might normally appear, the thing that she really needed to do was just that.

    Is she really crazy?


    She just forgot about her own needs for a little bit too long. Maybe she just forgot to ask for help. Maybe she forgot to do some of the things that brought her joy this week.

    The check in, is so important in these times.

    What does the check in look like?

    It's scheduling in some quiet time to see what's happening for you. It's checking in with the body to see what is rumbling around in there (and I'm not talking hunger pains).

    It's checking to see if there are some needs of yours that are not being met, and to see if you are living in alignment with how you love to live your life.

    For me I noticed that I had forgotten to bring in my self regulation tools, like breath. I had dropped off with my breathwork practice for myself and it was affecting my capacity to care for myself.

    I had also forgotten to speak up and ask for support, I had forgotten to reach out to my family and let them know where I was at, so we could create some changes that supported us all.

    I had forgotten to use my voice and to speak out my needs.

    And then I lost it.

    So I'm not crazy, in that moment that was what was needed for me. I was reminded to bring in my self compassion and I leaned in to the repair.

    Now I am back on track, I have listened to myself and brought in what I need for now.

    I hope you can sit down and listen to yourself so you can hear what it is you 'need for you' too.

    Until next time,

    Nat and Mel xx oo

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts

  • Our Soul Presence Space, a community supported journey of Heart Centred Living
    for the compassionate and passionate mumpreneur who wants to reclaim her best life in the mess of life.

    The Soul Presence Journey:

    EPISODE 41.

    Welcome to Episode 41. Harmony: The new 'Balance' in Life

    Can we create a home where we can meet the feeling of our Grab Your Keys and Go in the rhythm of our week.

    We think you can.

    And it’s not the way you might imagine.

    Most people believe that they are seeking balance.

    We have decided to toss ‘Balance’ out of the window and change it up to, ‘Creating Harmony in your Home’.

    How good does the word Harmony feel in the body, compared to the struggle we can often feel when we are trying to create balance!

    This might be the first time you have considered what ‘Harmony in your Home’ might mean to you.

    And this is a good thing.

    We can sometimes get lost on the treadmill of life, almost like we are being propelled forward by all the ‘doing’, and before we know it we are being swept away, wondering if we chose any of it.

    The good news is that once we start to get curious, we can then make room for wondering about how we might like things to be.

    Rather than needing to balance out the time equally for each person, we know that creating feelings like, flow, stillness, spaciousness in our week, even if it’s just for a few minutes, can help us to hold space for the other ‘jobs’ that we need to do.

    It’s not equal, but it still feels good.

    So don’t give up on the idea of your home feeling good.

    Take some time to notice those things that you love about your Grab Your Keys and Go moments and bring them into your every day.

    Sit down with your family, your partner and chat about what ‘harmony in your home’ means to you all.

    When you have some words like ‘flow’ you can then check in to see what creates flow and start to bring this into your life.

    Have fun, experiment and keep continuing the conversations.

    Until next time

    Nat and Mel xx oo

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts

  • Our Soul Presence Space, a community supported journey of Heart Centred Living
    for the compassionate and passionate mumpreneur who wants to reclaim her best life in the mess of life.

    The Soul Presence Journey:

    EPISODE 40. Mother's Day - The expectations of Special Occasions

    Ah the Mother’s Day dilemma.

    I am aware that for some Mum’s, Mothers Day is a breeze. You glide on in and you glide on out. Which is awesome!

    For some mothers though, Mother’s Day, like most big days (Birthday’s included) can bring some interesting energy to the table, even if we are the most casual, chill person in the world!

    In this week's episode Mel and I get very curious about Mother’s Day and days like this in the calendar.

    The funny expectations, the awkward moments and the roles we play on the day.

    Firstly there is the remembering of the date, then there is the organising (usually done last minute) or by the Mum herself. Then there are the kids having to figure out what Mum actually loves and then set a day in motion that covers these beautiful experiences even though some of the memes I read on my feed said that most Mum’s just want the day off.

    And now instead of a restful Sunday they have to be smiley and bright and incredibly grateful for all that is.

    Some other expectations that arrive on Mother’s Day is that the day will be smooth sailing, no things to sort out between the kids because they will have their emotions under control on this day, of course.

    I think I actually heard myself say to the kids, so can we just not have any frustration between you two today. What the?

    So unrealistic to ask that.

    So here we all are trying to be on our best behaviour for each other, which is often a recipe for disaster.

    I actually took Mother’s Day into my own hands this time and even changed the day. So Saturday we headed out for some lunch and the movies and just enjoyed each other's company.

    We are a busy family and we don’t get to spend time all together very often.

    It was all I needed.

    Do you experience similar thoughts around these big days?

    How are you feeling leading up to them?

    Do you bring any weird expectations?

    We would love to hear from you.

    Until next time

    Nat and Mel xx oo

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts

  • Our Soul Presence Space, a community supported journey of Heart Centred Living
    for the compassionate and passionate mumpreneur who wants to reclaim her best life in the mess of life.

    The Soul Presence Journey:

    EPISODE 39. Don't let fear hold you back from what MATTERS MOST to YOU.

    Hello hello,

    Well today’s episode is an absolute cracker and flows beautifully from our chat with Bron the week before around our big Grab Your Keys and Go adventures.

    Sometimes our big adventures might come in the form of doing things outside of our comfort zone, so the adventure itself as I outline in this episode is just getting myself to the experience.

    Since I was very young, before I can really remember I have done anxiety in my life.

    I have struggled with the average sleep over, I missed a few school camps, I said no to a few gatherings, but I don’t really dwell on the things I missed, I focus on the things I was brave enough to do, and there were many.

    I have skydived, raced cars, gone overseas, abseiled, cohosted events, been a primary school teacher, a social worker aaaand I have walked into big rooms of people where I felt totally out of my comfort zone, I have turned up to events petrified (sometimes spending a few moments in the toilet to get some quiet).

    It’s not been a simple path and sometimes it hasn’t looked pretty, however I keep reminding myself that what I want is important, and I keep proving to myself over and over that it’s possible.

    I encourage you to keep going to your counselor, kinesiologist, breathwork facilitator, yoga teacher, to work with your nervous system, to understand yourself, to gather the tools and heal the hurts so that you can do the things that are most important to you too.

    You can find Natalie here:
    She Breathes, She Speaks


    Until next time

    Nat and Mel xx oo

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts

  • Our Soul Presence Space, a community supported journey of Heart Centred Living
    for the compassionate and passionate mumpreneur who wants to reclaim her best life in the mess of life.

    The Soul Presence Journey:

    Episode 38. How to Prepare for EPIC Grab Your Keys and Go Adventures with Bron.

    Thanks Bron for your absolute GOLD on this episode around really going for the BIG Grab Your Keys and Go moments in your life.

    So much learning and growth and reeeeaaaalllllly understanding who you are, can come from these EPIC adventures that you gift yourself.

    It may not always be about an overseas trip, there are so many adventures we can feel pulled to out in the world, that can change your perspective each and every time.

    Giving you new meaning in your life and an awe for what is possible for you.

    Knowing yourself, creates greater connection around you.

    I'm going to highlight here some of the awesome Bron sayings:

    'Your comfort zone is your dead zone'

    'Comparison is the thief of joy'

    'If you are well prepared you can fly by the seat of your pants'

    'Just do it'

    'If you can't find a way around it, find a new way'

    'Stop saying why me, and start saying what is this teaching me'

    'What else can we do?'

    Some of the resources Bron used for her journey:

    The Pilgrimage by Paul Coelho - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2759537-the-pilgrimage
    Guide Book - Camino de Santiago by John Brierley - https://caminoguides.com/

    Buen Camino
    Camino Tool

    We would love to hear your stories about your BIG Grab Your Keys and Go adventures in our Facebook group (link below), you never know who you will inspire to get off their butt and out into the world.

    Until next time

    Nat and Mel xx oo

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts

  • Our Soul Presence Space, a community supported journey of Heart Centred Living
    for the compassionate and passionate mumpreneur who wants to reclaim her best life in the mess of life.

    The Soul Presence Journey:

    EPISODE 37. Let's Explore the 9 till 3pm Day

    There is a life that happens between 9 and 3pm and a life that happens outside this!

    This is the life of a mumpreneur and the boundaries need to be firm!

    At the beginning of our Mumpreneur journey (working from home 9 till 3) Mel and I both encountered the creeping in of all the extras.

    Walking past the dirty dishes and just spending 5 mins putting them in the dishwasher, seeing the laundry pile so just putting on one load, walking around in bare feet noticing the sand sticking to the bottom of your feet and just quickly vacuuming the floor.....

    Sound familiar???

    There are even things such as the pings from the school emails, and the life admin that becomes your problem, holding all the things in your head, whilst getting passionate about your biz...

    Hmmmm I can see why things can go pear shaped quickly.

    How do we keep this very sacred space, sacred?

    How do we protect this time, where we get to show up in our genius, and share with the world our unique gifts?

    Yes it takes practice, and the first thing we can do, as we always say, is start a conversation. The firsts one being with yourself.

    Remind yourself how important this passion space is for you, remind yourself that there will always be mess, but you still get to show up.

    Get clear on the boundaries you will set in order to protect this time of your day, and then start these conversations with your nearest and dearest, sharing your clear boundaries and also inviting them to help!

    It's ok for you to live your passion too.

    Until next time

    Nat and Mel xx oo

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts

  • Our Soul Presence Space, a community supported journey of Heart Centred Living
    for the compassionate and passionate mumpreneur who wants to reclaim her best life in the mess of life.

    The Soul Presence Journey:

    Episode 36. How to say YES in the MESS of Menopause with Melissa Nyman

    In the midst of her meno journey, trying to find information on what was happening with her body, she was coming up with dead end after dead end. Even her GP was unsure on how to support her in this next phase of life.

    So as all awesome women do, she took her power back and embarked on giving a voice to women once more.

    Through research, and conversation she started a local group in her home town called Myohmeno discussing all things around the 3 stages of menopause. The first meeting explaining these stages.

    3 mths later she has a solid turn out at her weekly meetings and has gifted women from her small local town a safe place to share their experience.

    Supportive groups are such an incredible way of creating connection and allow a voice for what is real.

    Knowledge is power and when you can make the connections of what is happening in your world then you can find ways to care for yourself, even if that is just simply going for a walk, because you know that is the right thing to do for you in that moment.

    Here are some links that Liss shared throughout the podcast. Let’s get informed.

    SOCIAL MEDIA pages for the support group @myohmeno on insta & fb

    BOOKS A great starting point for getting educated about the Menopause Phases, in an easy to digest format (and funny) is Kaz Cooke's book 'IT'S THE MENOPAUSE' Available at Big W etc or libraries


    Thriving in Menopause Podcast by @preventionaus (shortish episodes) - they also have a Magazine aimed at midlife aged women

    The Doctor Louise Newson Podcast @menopause_doctor (also has written books) and she was interviewed on The Imperfects Podcast good intro to definition of Menopause and what to expect







    Until next time....

    Nat and Mel

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts

  • Our Soul Presence Space, a community supported journey of Heart Centred Living
    for the compassionate and passionate mumpreneur who wants to reclaim her best life in the mess of life.

    The Soul Presence Journey:

    EPISODE 35. Add MORE to your schedule to create MORE space in your week

    Now I know that sounds like an interesting concept.

    Mel and I hear mums all the time talking about how they don't have enough time for themselves, well to be clear they don't have enough time to add anything extra in!

    And now we are here, asking you, to rethink that strategy.

    Often the feeling of not having enough time is more about how we feel on the inside than what is happening on the outside (and I do acknowledge those times when life is just full).

    The feeling of overwhelm, stress, not having it all together, pressure to make the perfect decisions, not feeling like you are enough, can really clog up your system and this then gets reflected by the limited time you feel there is to get everything done.

    But what if you created more time for the things that you love, the things that fill up your cup, the things that create that feeling of spaciousness and openness in the body?

    Would you also start to feel that in your outside world?

    Mel and her hubby somehow found over 20 hours a week combined to bring in more of the good stuff that helps them feel grounded and present.

    And they didn't remove anything else.

    What they received was a flow feeling, easier communication, and could better handle the wild cards that throws at them.

    They noticed that they were now so much more aware of the goodness that life has to offer and felt more able to gift that goodness back to their family and friends.

    There is almost a new sense of confidence when you get to stand in this space.

    Choosing to embrace the extra hours actually gave them back something that can't be replaced by just aching for more time.

    It gave them back that feeling of being ALIVE and living in the present moment.

    So next time you see an opportunity to allow yourself some fun, stillness, excitement, wonder, movement, in your life, say YES and see what happens.

    You might surprise yourself.

    Until next time....

    Nat and Mel

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts

  • The DOORS ARE OPEN today!

    Our Soul Presence Space, a community supported journey of Heart Centred Living
    for the compassionate and passionate mother who wants to reclaim her best life in the mess of life.

    The Soul Presence Journey opens April 17th to 21st, jump in here:

    EPISODE 34. Reclaiming your BEST Life in the Mess of Life

    From one Mumma to another we know, we REALLY know what the juggle entails.

    It's supermarket shops, in between work and school drop off.

    It's after school sport coordination plus laundry.

    It's cooking dinner at breakfast so you can work your passions during the day.

    And did I mention cleaning the cushions after the dog has jumped all over them with dirty paws (true story for me this week!)

    You will have your own examples to draw from....

    But even in all of this mess there is a fire in my belly to find the time to immerse myself in my passions plural.

    To bury my head deep in an incredible book about someone who beat the odds. To watch my fav movie for the 100th time, to walk along our most incredible everchanging beach.

    To bring my ideas to life through engaging in my purpose of supporting women to listen into their needs, to find the courage to know what their passions are and to help these women to speak with those near and dear to them about what they want in this life.

    The truth is I want no mother to feel like she left her best years behind her, like she never quite got to feel that excitement in her body of doing the thing she loves most.

    This is not to say that some of our best moments are being in our family space.

    It's saying that we can have those moments and we can have a passion too.

    It's time,

    Nat and Mel xxoo

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts

  • Come Journey with us, in our Soul Presence Space so together we can explore the possibilities that await us, and ride the wave of each other's momentum as we move towards a heart led life.

    The Soul Presence Journey is opening again soon, jump into the wait list here: www.soulpresence.com.au

    Episode 33. Creating an easy exit from the house with value based parenting strategies - with Suzie Forbes

    This week we have with us Suzie Forbes, she has a wealth of knowledge in working with children across many ages.

    As we know one of the frustrations we can sometimes feel when we are about to Grab our Keys and Go, literally heading out the door, is the 'Muuuuum' cry from our kids!

    When we hear this, we are torn between doing what we do best, holding space for our child, hearing and comforting them or wanting to pretend nothing is happening and just get out of there!

    Suzie walks us through ways to support our family before this moment even arrives. Good idea hey!

    Suzie starts by sharing her beautiful story of 'life in session' as she calls it, where she is in the juggle and the juggle is real, when her children were little and she was the sole carer of their wellbeing. Again reminding us that our needs can become invisible when we are in this space.

    It can feel incredibly overwhelming, and it's not easy, but even in this time, Suzie still chose to step up, to be the role model for her children.

    We do laugh, looking back at these times, but there are some amazing messages in these moments.

    Suzie wisely says when it comes to getting our needs met that it's about tapping into our values, understanding what everyone needs to feel safe and supported in the space, and also what each person needs to feel like their cup is full.

    We are playing the long game here. To set up an easy exit out the door it requires a thoughtful plan, thoughtful conversations, and setting up spaces for these conversations so everyone in the family feels seen and heard.

    It is possible.

    Until next time,

    Nat and Mel xxoo

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts





  • Come Journey with us, in our Soul Presence Space so together we can explore the possibilities that await us, and ride the wave of each other's momentum as we move towards a heart led life.

    The Soul Presence Journey is opening again soon, jump into the wait list here: www.soulpresence.com.au

    Episode 32. Is there Such a Thing as Balance ???

    Bec starts us off with some real GOLD straight of the bat in this episode, as we are sharing our Grab Your Key and Go moments, she reminds us that we are always only 5mins away from feeling better.

    5 mins of walking, 5 mins of a conversation, 5 minutes of breathing.

    We get to remember that we are very capable human beings, and when we are in the mess, often the first thing that we let go of is taking care of ourselves.

    But does it have to take 30mins to take care of ourselves, or can we create some openness in 5mins if that's all we've got in that moment.

    What we discovered was (as our coach and mentor says) Balance is Bullshit.

    That life continues around us, things pop up, our kids come home needing to chat, someone in the family gets a cold and we can't equally set out our week for Health, Wellbeing, Connection, Business, Family, Friends etc etc.

    It's about being messy whilst having it together! Both/ And (as Bec mentions).

    How can you incorporate what you love into your life daily?

    The first part is understanding yourself, knowing what works for you. Bec explains that from an early age movement was incredibly important in her life, and now that's part of what she does daily.

    It's more about priorities rather than how much time you are spending on any one thing.
    Bec talks about it in the form of 'dropping a few balls', or which balls do we need in the air to keep us feeing good. What can we keep, what can we let go of at any given time.

    For Bec the important balls are: Sleep, Strict boundaries around social media, Creating healthy guidelines around communications, No comparisons, Space for emotional processing with the children, She lets herself off the hook! and Doing things that she loves is ok.

    What are yours?

    Until next time,

    Nat and Mel

    You can find Bec and her offerings over on insta @alchemy.body @zeropointyoga @2_doors_down_ocean_grove

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts

  • Come Journey with us, in our Soul Presence Space so together we can explore the possibilities that await us, and ride the wave of each other's momentum as we move towards a heart led life.

    The Soul Presence Journey is opening again soon, jump into the wait list here: www.soulpresence.com.au

    Episode 31. Talking Play Money with Jess

    Our conversations about Play Money were so juicy that we decided to invite in the Coach who I mentioned on the previous Play Money podcast to chat with us more about this.

    Jess is a fabulous money coach, her business Tillow Coaching and Consulting is all about playing with your money! And how to get those things that you want on any budget.

    This is only a small part of what she is all about, if you would like to know more head to www.tillowcc.com.au

    Jess has always had a great money story and beautifully shares with us here how that plays into how she chooses to view money.

    One of my favourite sentences she speaks in this episode is when she says she was 'bossy with her money'. In that moment Jess established that she was in fact the one in control.

    And when we realise we have the same opportunity to be in control of our relationship with money our whole world can change.

    Then we can start to explore what is important in our world and allocate according to what we have available.

    Jess says even putting $1 away a week can keep us moving towards what we want.

    We also got her perspective on some of the issues that Mum's can have around spending money on themselves, when they are working or Staying at home with kids, and touched on the conversations you can have with your partner to establish so that everyone's needs are met.

    Jess connects us with the emotions we feel when spending money on those things we love and that's what its all about. JOY!

    Until next time,

    Nat and Mel

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts

  • Come Journey with us, in our Soul Presence Space so together we can explore the possibilities that await us, and ride the wave of each other's momentum as we move towards a heart led life.

    The Soul Presence Journey is opening again soon, jump into the wait list here: www.soulpresence.com.au

    Episode 30. Is there Fair Play in your Home?

    I love that there is passionate women out there writing incredible books like the one I am reading now called Fair Play by Eve Rodsky.


    This is what stepping out of your comfort zone looks like, this is what speaking up about your needs looks like.

    Eve's journey started with her listening in and recognising that something wasn't feeling right.

    She started getting curious, she started having conversations, and before she knew it, she was creating something that would change the lives of other women who felt the same.

    This book spoke to me because I am one of those women who had fallen into the pattern of taking care of the children and looking after the home.

    My joyful self, the parts that were once interesting about me seemed to be a very long distance second as I plummeted to the bottom of my list.

    Mel and I have a great chat in this episode about my 'Time Audit', and the 'Shit I do' list, looking at where our times goes in the day.

    We laugh in here, but these things take up a lot of our time, they interrupt our time and they zap our mental space.

    Take a listen and see what you can start to create in your household that allows you more time freedom to Grab Your Keys and Go.

    Until next time,

    Nat and Mel

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts

  • We invite you to JOIN THE WAITLIST for our "Soul Presence Membership Space www.soulpresence.com.au Come Journey with us, as together we explore the possibilities that await us, and ride the wave of each other's momentum as we move towards a heart led life.

    Silliness is the word of the day!

    The inspiration for Episode 29 came from a What's App message I received from my Dad on the day of their 28th Wedding Anniversary.

    I had sent them a message earlier that morning wishing them a wonderful day, and I left them with a question to ponder...

    I asked them, 'What are some of the things you have learnt about relationships in your 48 years?

    So I got some really awesome feedback from both Mum and Dad which you will hear in this episode.

    But I wanted to highlight Dad's message.

    Growing up Dad always spoke about silliness, he would find quotes and hang them up on our bathroom mirror around silliness and having fun. It is his 'to live by' mantra.

    We had a lot of silliness in our household. I think it became more so when the Video Camcorder arrived in 1993 ish.

    The thing I love about this is that we still get to laugh at all the crazy things we did even now through watching the reruns!

    This 'silliness' theme has been embedded and passed onto our kids also and when we get together, anything can happen.

    The cool thing about silliness, is it's very freeing. It brings fun and lightness to an experience and it's an incredible connector of people.

    One laughs, and we all know how contagious laughing is!

    I hope you get a good laugh out of this episode, or at least crack a smile, and can invite a little silliness into your day today. I wonder what will happen......

    Until next time,

    Nat and Mel

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts

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    The Soul Presence Membership Space is opening soon, jump into the wait list here: www.soulpresence.com.au

    Episode 28. The Opportunity is Yours to Create

    I have spent a lot of my life creating my community.

    If I couldn't find what I was looking for, I would gather people together and make it happen, and it was always more incredible than I ever dreamed of.

    I think it's understanding that all of us have the ability to create what it is we need.

    When I started my parenting journey, I was at a bit of a loss. I was very keen on Attachment Parenting techniques at the beginning, and I really wanted answers to all the questions I was asking in that space.

    I joined a parenting group, but it was a 45min drive with a baby who really didn't like being in the car at all!!

    So instead of missing out, I created a mothers group space at home, inviting people in with similar values of parenting to me and we were able to provide support to each other.

    It was so wonderful and nourishing for the parents and the children.

    I even created a folder with information for frequently asked questions and a library of books that people could borrow.

    It was a great space and served us all well.

    When that stage of life was coming to a close, I entered a new space with the kids going off to school.

    This started to open up some gaps. As the children were becoming more independent, I was able to do more for myself.

    So again I called up a friend and suggested we get together once a month to chat, and do an activity that felt good for our growth as a person.

    Well that soon, became 3 people, then 4,5,6 and is currently sitting at around 8 regular attendees.

    And again it has grown into something I could never imagine!!

    Instead of meeting in one of my small spare bedrooms, we meet in a beautiful dome at the back of one of my friends houses, and we dance, sing, laugh, cry, learn, grow and take turns leading, while also bringing to the table our own talents aaaaaand we meet weekly, no waiting for a whole month to nourish ourselves.

    I highly encourage you to seek what it is you want.

    To grab your courage and run with it.

    Community is everything.

    Create yours now.

    Until next time,

    Nat and Mel

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts

  • We invite you to JOIN THE WAITLIST for our "Soul Presence membership space www.soulpresence.com.au Come Journey with us, as together we explore the possiblities that await us, and ride the wave of each other's momentum as we move towards a heart led life.

    I just love the real juicy episode and this is one of them!

    Episode 27 sees Mel and I get into the very interesting topic of PMS.

    We both had very similar experiences around us this month and thought it would be great to share our GOLD with you.

    This time of the month, if we lean in, can actually have so much value for us.

    Our emotions are intense, they are very present which allows us to really sit in that vulnerable space to hear what is there for us.

    I once read somewhere that whatever tension, frustrations (emotions) have been unable to be worked through during the month, they will all arrive here in this moment.

    It really is a great opportunity to see what is really important to you. And a great opportunity to listen in and perhaps to speak out (maybe not when you are in your passive aggressive phase) your needs at this time.

    In society women are often ignored more at this time of the month, because all of their emotions have arrived.

    But I want to say that this time could actually be of most benefit for us and I'm not going to stop advocating for how I feel, because my feeling matter.

    So Mel and I sat in our stuff for the weekend and really felt into what was there. We used the frustration to propel us forward and we used the vulnerability to share from our heart space.

    Really epic things occurred as you will hear in the podcast.

    Until next time,

    Nat and Mel

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts

  • We invite you to JOIN THE WAITLIST for our "Soul Presence membership space www.soulpresence.com.au Come Journey with us, as together we explore the possiblities that await us, and ride the wave of each other's momentum as we move towards a heart led life.

    How can we easily Grab our Keys and get ourselves into the activities that we love?

    In five easy steps of course!
    Grab your 5 Supportive Steps HERE:

    OOOOhhhhh the stories.

    They arrive in so many different places!

    Where do they come from? Most of the time it's from what was modelled to us growing up and until we are aware of what we are doing, those stories define who we are.

    It's time to embrace some new stories.

    In Episode 26 we dive into our Play Money stories.

    Mel and I share some of ours with you, because we all have them.

    Listen into my story around cheap meals and being thrifty (not in a good way), and Mel who chats about how her story around money changes when she is not feeling like she is contributing financially to her family.

    Stories can either move us away from what we want or towards what we want.

    And guess who gets to choose which way you want to go.

    Yes, you do of course.

    It all starts with awareness.

    This is what our podcasts are about.

    If you don't know, you don't know, and if you do know, it's so good to share that information with others, so they can make choices that feel right for them.

    This will lead you to your YES.

    We chat about how we can still create possibilities even if we are a stay at home mum.

    We talk through the internal fight for worth when we become a stay at home mum doing the invisible work and how we can be ok with using some of the funds coming into the family home to continue to say YES to what we love.

    It's a wild roller coaster ride. Mel says beautifully in here that often it's not the pressure from your partner around the money you spend, but how you feel about yourself that stops you from spending the money on the things you love.

    Lots of good things to ponder in this one.

    Until next time,

    Nat and Mel

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts

  • We invite you to JOIN THE WAITLIST for our "Soul Presence membership space www.soulpresence.com.au Come Journey with us, as together we explore the possiblities that await us, and ride the wave of each other's momentum as we move towards a heart led life.

    How can we easily Grab our Keys and get ourselves into the activities that we love?

    In five easy steps of course!
    Grab your 5 Supportive Steps HERE:

    I'm going to start with a question for you.....

    What often gets in the way of women doing what they love??

    I'm going to guess that it's one of these two culprits and sometimes both.

    TIME and MONEY of course!

    We are going to have a little chat about money today in Episode 25.

    I have another question for you?

    Do you have your own play money? Some money set aside for those times when you want to say YES to something fun?

    Having your own play money allows you to easily say YES to the opportunities that come your way.


    I know how many stories we have wrapped around money, particularly when we are talking to our partner.

    So many things can come up.

    And even when we do have our own play money, we can often find ourselves justifying or restricting ourselves on how we spend it.

    It's ok to spend it on a book, but it's not ok to spend it on a weekend away.

    So our money for ourselves doesn't really feel fully free.

    This is where we go a little deeper, money can show you what you value, what's most important to you because you can always find money for that.

    It's also interesting to note that the money is there, but if we are not intentional about how we spend it, the next minute we are off buying fish and chips (now $60 for a family of 4!) and the money is gone again.

    Creating a special account for your play money will help you feel more free to use it on the things that are important to you. Guilt freee!!!

    Until next time,

    Nat and Mel

    Head over to our Grab Your Keys and Go community for some juicy conversations around the topics of our podcasts