

    Nobody wants to attend a funeral – regardless of who it is. But – when it’s your loved one that the funeral is being scheduled for and it’s gonna be you on the front row? Well – that’s a whole different ball game!

    Is this really happening? Did we just schedule a date for their funeral? It all seems surreal, but no amount of protest can change the fact that it has been scheduled.

    Beyond the shock of this event – how do you get through the day; the activities before and after and how do you navigate other’s emotions when you are just trying to breathe?

    Today we’ll talk about how to get through the service of your loved one and if you are listening to this, you have probably already walked through this incredibly hard day. Listen anyway because there are very practical and helpful actions for you to take in the days, weeks and months after.

    WORD of the Week the Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:1-4 (NIV)

    Song of the Week I Will Rise by Chris Tomlin

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

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    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

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    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    I say that I believe that God is real.I say a lot of things about Him.He is good.Everything He does is right.He is Sovereign, the Most High God, in complete control.He is worthy of all my praise.He is a good, good Father and He loves me.He hates sin – all sin.He loves people – all people.He is the Creator and as such, gets to set the rules. All of the rules.

    But do these beliefs even inform my actions – let alone determine them?

    I say, “I believe that God is good and everything He does is right.”But then something goes wrong and I immediately doubt His love for me.Or something goes wrong and I immediately go into fix-it mode, without stopping to pray or even to think about what His Word might say on this matter.Or something goes wrong and I outwardly smile but inwardly start to fret about how it.

    So, do I really believe that “God is good and everything He does is right”? Or is it lip-service?

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

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    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are Over, but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home

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    Today is a great day because I get to introduce Cheri Eilers to you. Now, if you are in the Grief Group for Christian Women (private FB group), you have been blessed by her warm and caring welcomes. But today everyone gets to hear Cheri’s story.

    Cheri’s husband of over 40 years died and soon after, her mother did also. She will share with you how these losses took her to a ‘crisis of faith,’ and what happened next.

    I believe you will be able to relate to the emotional pain and spiritual questioning and I pray you will be encouraged to hold on as she shares the hope from God that makes healing possible.

    WORD of the Week And provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor. Isaiah 61:3

    Song of the Week "Scars" by I Am They

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

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    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Learn from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    When people do not meet my expectations, I have choices. I can be offended and then choose to forgive. Or I can be offended and then choose not to forgive (which, of course, would be sin). Or, I can choose to not be offended at all, remembering that we are all flawed sinners and choosing to believe the best about that person. (And yes, sometimes I have to call the other person on their behavior – but most of the time the offense committed falls under, “Love covers a multitude of sins.”.) But when GOD does not meet my expectations, I have only one correct choice.

    And that is to trust Him.

    To believe that He has the big picture in mind.

    To remember that this world is incredibly temporary.

    To “set my mind on things above” (Colossians 3), remembering that in the not-too-distant future, I will be at Home with him and all of these troubles will be what Paul calls them – “light and momentary” (2 Corinthians 4).

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

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    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are Over, but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    What’s it like to hear from an old friend? You may not have talked for a while – months, years even decades but when you do reconnect…isn’t it amazing how you can pick right back up like no time had passed?

    There may not have been a lot of contact, but there is a great connection. That’s how your relationship with God may be in grief. You may not want or be able to have a lot of contact right now, but I promise, you are still so very connected!

    Remember how happy you are to talk with that old friend? Now imagine how happy God is to hear from you especially when you are going through the hardest time of life. He’s ecstatic and it doesn’t matter if it’s been a while.

    Today I’ll share my reconnection with an old friend and 3 promises for you to hold onto while going through grief to help ease the pressure of how much contact you should have with God right now.

    WORD of the Week And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20

    Song of the Week Why God by Austin French

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

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    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    As an adult, I still have that same over-active brain.And it still loves to do its most creative, grueling and unreasonable workouts between 1 and 2 AM.

    I don’t imagine disasters like house fires now.Instead, the brain kicks in with a to-do list. And a problems list. And a “how-are-we-going-to-deal-with-THAT?” list.

    During the day I do a much better job catching the lists when they start to march through my mind. I wrestle them to the ground by using these steps:

    Write down what needs to be done.Pray over it, releasing it to God.

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are Over, but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

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    Today, I’m excited to share Juli Boit with you!

    Juli Boit is an author, community builder, and nonprofit leader working at the intersection of faith, global health, and human dignity. For eighteen years, Juli has lived and worked in Africa, founding and serving as International Director of Living Room International, a community-led nonprofit providing hospice and palliative care services to adults and children in Western Kenya.

    A Family Nurse Practitioner, Juli has combined her dual passions of healthcare and social justice into a unique expression of love that provides desperately needed services in an underserved community. That said, Juli would be the first to add she’s the one who has been loved the most by her patients and neighbors in her home village of Kipkaren—most notably by Titus, her Kenyan husband, and their children Sharon, Alice, Ella, Geoffrey, and Ryan.

    What she is doing in Kenya is needed and exceptional! To learn more about Juli and the important work she is doing please visit her website: https://juliboit.com/

    WORD of the Week Love is Patient, Love is Kind… I Corinthians 13

    Song of the Week The Greatest of These is Love by Larnelle Harris

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now -“The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

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    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    I want to want just You, God.Not what You can do.Not what You can give me.Just You.

    I want to love You simply because You are God.My Creator.My King.THE King of Kings and Lord of Lords.The Great I AM.The Rock.My Fortress, Strong Tower, Deliverer.And, more than any of that, my Savior.

    I want to love You simply because You chose to love me first.I want to love You because You saw my life before time began and made a plan to redeem me, to take the justly deserved punishment for my sins, to give me eternal life, to call me Your precious child.I want to love You for Your goodness, Your kindness, Your mercy and grace.

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are Over but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    When I heard that Mandisa had died, I was so shocked…then very sad that someone I never met – but who had a profound impact on my grief journey – was no longer with us.

    It took me right back to her song, “He is With You” and one of the darkest moments of my fight with God – a God I didn’t understand – a God I was starting to question even existed.

    This song was what, I believe, God used to help soften my heart toward him and turn the greatest fight of my life (with Him) to a crossroad moment where I decided he was real, he was good, and He was with me!

    Thank you Mandisa and thank you Lord for using such a beautiful soul to help bring light to my darkness!

    WORD of the Week There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. Ecclesiastes 3:1

    Song of the Week He is With You by Mandisa

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

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    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    Your Father in heaven is a good, good Dad.He adores you!He is crazy about you.AND HE KNOWS WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU.Because He made you.And He sees every moment of time, past, present and future.He sees it all.And He knows the very best ways to guide you through it all.He has been kind enough to lay it out in His Word.How to live.How to handle your money.How to raise your kids.How to do marriage well.How to treat people who mistreat you.How to treat your boss, no matter your job.How to deal with your sexuality.How to navigate through temptation.How to dress – even how to handle alcohol and food!And what to do when you blow it in any area.It is ALL in there!

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

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    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are Over, but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    What does health have to do with what you are going through? After all, who cares about being healthy when you’ve lost your loved one? The short answer is that you should.

    One of the biggest similarities between grief and health in my experience is the “when” question! When will it change, when will it be done?

    Today we’ll talk about the ‘measuring stick’ of change. We’ll talk about how we tend to look at the wrong measure for healing in grief and for getting healthy in our physical bodies.

    And, most importantly, I’m going to remind you of the one thing you have that many don’t. I’ve had a reminder of the stark contrast of those of you listening to this podcast versus others!

    WORD of the Week For you have need of patient endurance [to bear up under difficult circumstances without compromising], so that when you have carried out the will of God, you may receive and enjoy to the full what is promised. Hebrews 10:36 (amplified)

    Song of the Week Press On by Mandisa

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

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    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    “But here is the real power in the “why behind the what” that goes well beyond working with kids. It is a powerful tool for dealing with temptation in your own life.

    God has set boundaries over us to keep us safe and help us to accomplish the purposes He planned in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2). Those boundaries are clearly laid out in Scripture. And He always, always tells us the “why behind the what” when it comes to those boundaries.”

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

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    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are Over, but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    What does health have to do with what you are going through? After all, who cares about being healthy when you’ve lost your loved one? The short answer is that you should. I’m not talking about the long-term results because getting active while in the day-to-day life of grief will do three things for you: improve your emotions, decrease overwhelm and give you a healthy distraction or break from the heaviness of what you must deal with.

    I wish I could tell you how I did that and how much it helped, but as you know my fight with God took all my energy the first 2 years and even when I was able to push, I didn’t. If that’s you today, that’s perfectly alright, but what if you could feel better with minimal effort?

    Today we’ll talk about ‘challenging the impossible’ and I’ll share where I am in my health journey which started in earnest in February of this year. This is important for my long-term health, but it’s also the last thing I never took control of after Monica died.

    Going through grief, you are equipping yourself to improve your health because the processes are similar. And, if you improve your health, you will help your daily emotions.

    WORD of the Week For you have need of patient endurance [to bear up under difficult circumstances without compromising], so that when you have carried out the will of God, you may receive and enjoy to the full what is promised. Hebrews 10:36 (amplified)

    Song of the Week Happy Dance by MercyMe

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

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    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    “When pressure and stress bear down on me, I delight in Your Word.”David clung to the promises of God.

    He consciously remembered the history of God’s people as well as his personal history with the Lord. As he chose to remember God’s Word, he heard God’s voice – above the tumult that was his life.

    And he not only knew it in his head, he cradled it in his heart.But even that would have been useless if he had not applied it to his life.He lived God’s commands.

    Even when it was hard.

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

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    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are Over but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

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    When you lose a loved one, there is no question that you will question some things. I don’t care how close a relationship you have or don’t have with God, you will question things from his existence to your faith and everything in between because your loved one has died. This is where your plans, the life you were living and expecting to continue to live ‘bump into the sovereignty of God.’

    That bump for me made me question my questions and his goodness. It made me question whether he was there and listening because Monica’s faith was not rewarded, she was not healed and she suffered the 6 months before she died. What kind of God allows that?

    It doesn’t matter where you are today in your relationship with God because great transformation is possible for you! Yes, you can get through the day without crying (it took me over a year), Yes, you can think about your loved one without falling apart and yes, you do still have a future because God is real, he is good, and he has plans for you!

    Today, I’ll share how to spiritually handle unanswered prayers and how to build a deep faith even in grief. God will not waste your pain!!

    WORD of the Week Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. James 1:2-4

    Song of the Week Stay Strong by Danny Gokey

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

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    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    But then came the rain. And the weeds popping up all over again.

    Because that is what rain does. It brings to light what is truly planted just beneath the surface. In all my vehement hoeing, I neglected to take out the roots of the weeds. And even though I was zealous, I was not careful and absolute. And when the rains came, they showed my labors for what they were.

    How like my life! When the sun is shining and my circumstances are all I think they should be, it is easy to disguise the true contents of my heart.

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

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    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are Over, but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

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    We know we shouldn’t worry about things – that ‘giving it to God’ is the only way to truly calm our anxieties. In life before grief, you may have tried hard to ‘stop worrying,’ to stop being in control of the things you had no control over, but it wasn’t easy. Now, in grief…well – that’s a whole different deal. Your loss and how it occurred can cause you to fear new things while amplifying the fears we already had.

    The song of the week (Letting Go) has lyrics that speak to this: "Maybe I don’t have to see what the future holds to trust Your promises to me. In my weakness You are strong. And in the moments when I feel powerless, you are closest to me then.”

    Today I’m going to share a situation in my life – just a few weeks ago – that illustrates this point. I was disappointed in my reaction because it reminded me of when I walked through grief and tried to control everything on my own. Instead, I should have given it to God and had faith to let him handle the outcome.

    WORD of the Week Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life. Phil 4:6-7

    Song of the Week Letting Go by Switch Music

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

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    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    God. Loves. You.You. Are. Loved.

    Because, for once in your life, this love is not based on your performance – or lack thereof.

    It is based in His.His performance.His character.His heart.His choice.

    God loves you because of Who He is.Because He chooses to do so.And He refuses not to.

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

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    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are Over but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Even in grief, there are choices to make. You don’t feel like you have a choice in many of the things which brought you to this point and you’re right. Life is not easy and there are times when you have no control over what happens to you.

    What you do have a choice over is what to do when those things happen. Grief, in my opinion, is the hardest thing you will ever go through and for most of us, there are many losses in our lifetime.

    What do you do now? After the shock wears off, it is up to you to choose to continue to live. If you’re thinking, “I want to get out of the bed, but I just can’t,” please rethink that statement. If you are physically able to get out of bed, then the truth is, you feel too overwhelmed to face the day.

    Today we’ll talk about 3 hard decisions you must make as you walk through grief. Are they hard? Yes! Are they worth it? YES!

    WORD of the Week Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:31-32

    Song of the Week Trust in God by Aware Worship (featuring Mark Gutierrez)

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

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    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

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    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    But I often forget.

    I forget that this world is not my home. I forget that I am a stranger in a strange land. I forget that I am not living for the here and now but for eternity. I forget to “seek first the Kingdom of God and HIS righteousness”. I forget that many, many of the people around me do not have a personal relationship with God. They have not been forgiven because they have not asked. They have not seen prayers answered because they do not believe. I forget that I have one purpose and one purpose only – to glorify God.

    This life is not about me. My comfort. My happiness. My successes. Or my failures. My struggles. My needs. This life is not about me. It is a short, temporary journey leading to an eternal home. And that is not just true about me – it is true about every person I meet. Their lives, like mine, are “flowers quickly fading”. And their lives, like mine, are short, temporary journeys that will end in an eternal destination – life with God forever or life separated from Him. My sole purpose in life is to be a gigantic, glowing, flashing sign that says, “God loves you.

    He wants to be your friend. I know because He says so in His Word, and because He is my friend – let me point the way to Him.”

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are Over but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home