Dr. Naidoo founded and directs the first hospital-based Nutritional Psychiatry Service in the United States. She is the Director of Nutritional and Lifestyle Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) & Director of Nutritional Psychiatry at MGH Academy while serving on the faculty at Harvard Medical School.
She is considered Harvard University's Mood Food Expert and has been featured in the Wall Street Journal.
Dr. Naidoo is also the national bestselling author of This Is Your Brain on Food. Modern science reveals the critical connection between our gut microbiome and brain function. In This Is Your Brain on Food, Uma Naidoo explains how the bacteria in our digestive system interact with the brain, influencing mental health, emotions, cognitive abilities, and overall well-being.
From managing anxiety and depression to combating PTSD and improving neuroplasticity, Naidoo explores how tailored dietary strategies, specific nutrients, and beneficial microbes can positively shape the gut-brain connection.
Join Ken & Eric as they Host Dr. Naidoo and discuss the challenges and potential solutions to battling emotional and behavioral issues with appropriate nutrition.
Forensic neuroscience is no everyday topic. But it could bring us all everyday lessons on how to interpret our surroundings and personal encounters.
Steven McWilliams is a professor at University of Texas Dallas, and there he teaches both graduates and undergraduates the intricacies of the mind, especially those impaired by social disorder.
Steven has built a foundation of knowledge from working in a very busy Dallas County morgue to studying neuroscience creating a career of identifying troubled minds so that disaster can be avoided.
Joins us on the GCP and hear our first I of many conversations with Steven today!
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Do you or a loved one suffer from IBD such as Crohn’s or Colitis? The world does not have to change for the worse!
Get in here and meet Dane Johnson, founder of Crohn’s Colitis Lifestyle, and END the suffering.
Dane is the founder of CrohnsColitisLifestyle inspired by his life-threatening battle with Crohn’s/Colitis, which he reversed using natural practice. As a Board Certified Nutritionist and one of the most successful Crohn’s/Colitis coaches in the world, he has helped thousands around the world find their unique answer to IBD while building a community of supporters, doctors and healers!
He brings the receipts! Even if you only hear the intro to this episode, you have to check out his page:
Join Ken and Eric as they learn about the path Dane forged to take control of his life.
Dr. Ahmed is the Director of Research and Operations for METAVO
Metavo is a first of its kind high concentration of AvoB, the natural compound found in avocados which restores and promotes true metabolic health.
With a doctoral degree in Food Science from the University of Guelph, Dr. Ahmed has emerged as a trailblazer in the field of metabolic health and nutritional biochemistry. He hit the scene with a groundbreaking doctoral thesis titled "Clinical Development of Avocado-Derived Lipids as Modulators of Fatty Acid Oxidation for the Treatment and Management of Metabolic Disorders." This seminal work laid the foundation for the development of innovative solutions that form the core of Metavo’s product offerings. Currently serving as the Director of Research at SP Nutraceuticals, Dr. Ahmed has been pivotal in the product development and successful launch of Metavo, the flagship natural health product that leverages the benefits of avocado for metabolic well-being. TNoteworthy is Dr. Ahmed’s role as the study director for the first-in-human clinical trial of Metavo and his current role in conducting further clinical research on Metavo.
Join Ken and Eric on the GCP as they learn from Dr. Ahmed all bout the natural ways to boost metabolic health with METAVO!
The game has changed! The days of health insurance only paying for diseases that exist while ignoring the prevention of those diseases are over.
You can now use your health insurance plan and gain access to serious dietary planning, fitness coaching, training, stress relief and more, and Dr. Austin Wendell can show you how with Naviwell.
NaviWell is a revolutionary lifestyle medicine program that is implemented into medical practices across the country with a purpose of educating patients on living a healthier lifestyle and supporting physicians through improving quality of care in their office.
The NaviWell vision is navigating physicians and patients to create, educate, and expand an enhanced quality of care through the implementation of proactive strategies of health and wellness utilizing lifestyle medicine techniques.
NaviWell is an innovative online and web based medical wellness company that specializes in lifestyle medicine. We exist to be the leader in lifestyle medicine services to help physicians and patients achieve highest level of quality care utilizing attainable preventative and proactive approaches.
Join us today and learn how to better make your insurance work for you!
https://www.naviwellgroup.com/ -
Our tax dollars should not be used to create food sources engineered to make us sicker in exchange for enriching a select few industries.
But that is what is happening.
So how does this play into what RFK Jr. (Robert Kennedy, Jr.) has planned for the country? Why has he suspended his campaign to surprisingly join forces with President Trump? How serious is the threat of a growing chronic disease epidemic for future generations?
Ken & Eric take the latest news of RFK’s announcement and describe what they believe can be affected in this latest episode!
Full Clips for reference:
RFK Jr Statement
https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=VxNAdilyqowRFK Jr at Donald Trump Rally
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR3fuaKrEwUCasey Means, MD & Calley Means with Tucker Carlson
https://tuckercarlson.com/tucker-show-casey-calley-means -
Ken & Eric give a quick rundown of activities from the summer and a quick update on KBMD & GCP!
Purchase Atrantil & Atrantil Pro here!
Are you taking an ACE-Inhibitor for high blood pressure? If so have you experienced a dry cough? It literally can be linked to your medication and we discuss how easily you can get rid of this cough just by talking to your doctor today.
Eating the standard American diet puts anyone at risk for developing fatty liver disease. It may sound benign, but for those where fatty liver disease causes chronic inflammation (even if not obese), 12% of those will be in need of a liver transplant, tune in to see how to avoid this complication.
Rezdiffra, a new medication that uses the thyroid binding sites inside the liver to defeat fibrosis, could this be the way to defend the liver from years of processed foods?
DEEP DIVE into (LDN) Low Dose Naltrexone with Sebastion Denison, RPh, Andy Komuves, RPh, & Joe Bertrand, RPh
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Clearly from the adjectives it’s a “non standard” dosage from what naltrexone was originally intended. But why?
LDN is a method (with EXTENSIVE data) of finding benefits to healing from certain issues that have often left people hopeless.
Weight management, nerve damage, palsy, autoimmune thyroid disorders, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain,Crohn’s diease, fibromyalgia, PTSD, multiple sclerosis, myalgic encephalomyelitis.
The GCP welcomes three experts and Clinical Compounding Pharmacists to share with you their knowledge and experience in helping people find comfort and happiness again in their lives! Sebastion Denison, RPh, Andy Komuves, RPh, & Joe Bertrand, RPh join Ken & Eric to discuss the hype and evidence around LDN.
current dosing recommendations
Ultra low dose early info
Purdue had Oxycontin and the combination was used clinically and was pursued, then Oxytrex was the trade name-2005 phase 3 trials, by a company Pain Therapeutics-but did not launch or fully launch
TROXYCA® ER is a Pfizer product in 2016 (higher doses)
Mr. Frank LLosa, a serial entrepreneur who has an incredible track record of success in a number of fields from real estate, to highly technical photography for National Geographic, to one of the first cloud-based storage systems available to the public. Mr. LLosa was also an elite Division I track athlete who currently incorporates biohacking to stay competitive in all his endeavors.
Which of course lead him to launch KetoneAid!
KetoneAid is a comanpy dedicated to harnessing ketone esters inorder to fuel your mind and body. You may think that it only applies to athletes, but that would be seriously off of the mark. From intense physical activity, to hard cognitive skill, to even elevating enjoyment of leisure activities, Frank’s company is changing the ease of access for everyone to get the most out of their lives with the fuel that your body wants.
Join ken & Eric on the GCP and test your knowledge on what your body has been telling you!
https://shop.ketoneaid.com/ -
SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) is a tricky diagnosis sometimes to have confirmed, hard to learn exactly what it is, and even worse… find out what can be done.
Ken Brown, MD is a board certified gastroenterologist, and he has seen thousands of patients with SIBO, its so called blurred lines with IBS and the hopelessness of those that endlessly suffer.
In this video, you can find why the pain, insomnia, agitation, discomfort and more are actually all rooted in poor digestive health, and what YOU can do about it starting today!
Chris Kilham, a medicine hunter, author, educator and TV personality who has conducted medicinal plant research in over 45 countries and lectures worldwide about holistic wellness and botanical medicines. As a speaker and guest expert on TV in U.S. and international markets, he advocates for traditional botanical medicines, including psychoactive and psychedelic plant medicines such as cannabis. Chris has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Outside Magazine, Forbes, Psychology Today, Playboy, Newsweek, CNN, NBC Nightly News, The Dr. Oz Show, ABC Nightline, ABC 20/20, ABC Good Morning America, and many other top-tier media outlets. He has written fifteen books, including the new The Lotus and The Bud, The Ayahuasca Test Pilots Handbook, and The Five Tibetans, which has been published in over 28 languages.
Join the GCP as chris shares some of the more exciting aspects of connecting with people all over the world to improve the health of humans everywhere
Medicine Hunter
Instagram (@MedicineHunter)
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Linkedin (@MedicineHunter)
Dr Cate has emerged as a leading authority on nutrition and human metabolism. A board-certified Family Physician with over 20 years of clinical experience, and NY
Times bestselling author The FatBurn Fix, Deep Nutrition & Food Rules
She was Endorsed by popular athletes such as NBA players Kobe Bryant, Dwight Howard, & Steve Blake after re-engineering the entire diet and food process habits for the LA Lakers
After getting her BS in biology from Rutgers University, she trained in biochemistry and genetics at Cornell University’s graduate school before attending Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She practiced in Hawaii for ten years where she studied ethnobotany and her healthiest patient’s culinary habits. She applied her learning and experiences in all these scientific fields to write Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food. Together with Dr. Tim DiFrancesco and NBA legend Gary Vitti, she created the PRO Nutrition program for the LA Lakers and helped forge a partnership between Whole Foods Market and numerous NBA teams. In May of 2018 she begin Director of Metabolic Health for ABC Fine Wine and Spirits, a progressive, family-run company interested in saving money by the betterment of health.
DrCate.comJoin us on the GCP to unleash the unadulterated & object truth with Dr. Cate!
Teresa Marie is a certified Coach and specialist in mind medicine. She has a Master’s degree in Organizational Psychology from John F. Kennedy University and has a Dallas practice treating clients with PTSD, ADHD, Depression and Anxiety.
The combination of various medicines (psychedelic and traditional) and integration therapy helps clients transform their conscious state of being.
David Jackson, MD received his BSEE from Rice University with a focus on biomedical engineering. He completed his MD from Southwestern Medical School in Dallas.
A board-certified Anesthesiologist, David has received additional training in functional medicine.
He specializes in the safe and effective use of non-traditional medicines and therapies for the treatment of PTSD, addiction, depression, anxiety, ADHD and overall mental wellness.
With David's extensive medical and scientific knowledge and Teresa's deep insights into consciousness along with their combined experience the duo engage and educate both the public as well as both the mental health and the general medical community.
Connect with Positive Results here: PositiveresultsLLC@gmail.com
Have you ever found it difficult to tell an important story… a story so important that you feel everyone must know for there own benefit?
These types of dilemma arise when the information is vast and technical and you have to relay so much information. An investigative journalist serves this purpose on a daily basis, and today on the GCP we have one of the best, Martha Rosenberg!
Martha Rosenberg is a nationally recognized medical reporter. Her work appears in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), Consumer Reports, Public Citizen, Center for Health Journalism at USC Annenberg, Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University and other top outlets. Rosenberg has written more than 1,000 scientific and non-scientific papers.
Her work has been cited by the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Public Library of Science Biology, Science Direct, Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy, Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, Britannica, National Geographic, Hastings Law Journal and Wikipedia. Rosenberg’s FDA expose, "Born with a Junk Food Deficiency,” is a must read.
Join us on the GCP as Martha tells us how she sees the dynamics of Big Pharma and Big Food fighting to control a narrative that is simply untrue.
The use of “pill cams” (cameras embedded within ingestible capsules) to take pictures of a patient’s digestive tract began almost 20 years ago. It was a huge win to find some very difficult to detect disease, bleeds, obstructions, and more.
But, that only solved the problem of getting to the problem. The process still requires hours of downloading pictures from the cam (several hours at 6-12 pictures per second!) and then the physician sitting in front of the computer screen, watching the frames, looking for any irregularity.
Ray Bengermino of AnX Robotica joins the GCP to introduce the Navicam. In essence this capsule takes the pictures and integrates with AI for detection of anomalies and suspicious appearing tissue. This quickly directs the attention of the physician to enhance his detection of disease. And it is a perfect blend of AI assist. The physician retains full access to exam all of the images, but the AI functions as a team member for the doctor to spend more time evaluating the lesions and less time “hunting” for them.
Join Ken & Eric as they discuss the cam and how AI can work to benefit the patient.
Navicam - AnX Robotica: https://www.anxrobotics.com
(For you golfers, check out Ray’s OnPoint Golf markers here: https://onpointgolf.us)
You should have the choice wether you want to supplement your health with natural supplements. It’s really not a controversial statement. (Ex vitamin D, vitamin C, NMN, NAC, etc…)
But without people like Daniel Fabricant, PhD., we would all be limited SEVERELY by what we could access without a prescription, or in many cases… ACCESS AT ALL!
It doesn’t end with supplements. The fight by the Natural Products Association (NPA) is one to liberate information and fair representation of clinical studies that fall outside the control of the massive pharmaceutical industry.
Daniel Fabricant, Ph.D served as the Director of the Division of Dietary Supplement Programs at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), where he directed agency policy, public affairs and regulatory action regarding regulation of the dietary supplement industry for more than three years.
Today Dr. Fabricant is CEO and President of the NPA, the nation’s largest and oldest trade organization
Ever heard of the “golden window” for your baby? How much of your child’s brain is formed by age 3?
More than likely these questions pique your interest because every mother wants the absolute best for their child, and they should.
Just beyond physical security for your child is the nutritional value of the food that is afforded to the child.
As a parent, you set the stage for the health of your baby well into adulthood by the choices and foods that your young one consumes, ben as an infant!Join Dr. Ken Brown and Eric as they break down why and how the food choices for infants, babies, and children can create a future of advantages or a risk of disease for a lifetime.
Why work so hard to lose weight when you can just medicate the pounds away?
Well, everything in life has a trade off. The best athletes sacrifice free time to practice skill development. Scientists spend free time studying to lead to discovery…
So what is the trade-off other than just expense?
Are all healthcare providers that prescribe and administer these peptide medications for weight loss really weighing the risks & benefits, and are all of those patients keenly aware of the biological costs?
Join Ken and Eric as they discuss the quiet portions of the informed consent that aren’t usually advertised.
Join RAW today!
This incredibly successful movie, television, and music producer, CEO Of Edmonds Entertainment Group, joins Ken and Eric to discuss the transformations for better health that she is now sharing with her newly launched Alrightnow.com site and podcast.
Tracey Edmonds has worked diligently throughout her career to develop entertainment that connects with the audience. Overtime she has observed the challenges that we all face with finding and securing healthy foods, beneficial exercise regimens, and a balance mindset.
Tracey brought us several movies including the 90s hit Soul Food to kick off her movie production career.
She launched AlrightNow to take what she's learned throughout her life and continue to cultivate to the next level, with tips, tools, and teachable moments to benefit our emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. Life is a balancing act, and she doesn't strive for perfection, but never settles for anything less than she knows she can accomplish.
Check out Tracey on the GCP today!
Website https://www.alrightnow.com/
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/alrighttv
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/people/AlrightNow/100064793856491/
IG @traceyeedmonds
X @Traceyeedmonds
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