
  • In this episode, Sarah engages in a compelling conversation with Dr. Cate Howell, delving into various aspects of women's mental health and well-being, particularly during significant life transitions like menopause, marital separation, and beyond.

    Key Discussion Points:

    Women's Mental Health During Menopause: Dr. Howell sheds light on the mental health challenges women may face during perimenopause and menopause, including fluctuations in hormonal levels leading to symptoms like depression and anxiety.

    Strategies for Self-Care: The conversation explores holistic approaches to self-care, emphasising nutrition, exercise, adequate sleep, stress reduction, and seeking professional support when needed.

    Navigating Life Transitions: Dr. Howell shares personal experiences and coping mechanisms during challenging life transitions, highlighting the importance of support networks, therapy, and self-compassion.

    The Concept of Flourishing: The term "flourishing" is defined as thriving, finding fulfillment, and experiencing joy in daily life activities. Dr. Howell emphasises the significance of recognising one's unique strengths and the potential for positive change.

    Encouragement for Personal Growth: Listeners are encouraged to embrace their inherent value and resilience, even during times of difficulty, and to acknowledge the small steps toward growth and well-being.

    Connect with Dr. Cate Howell:

    Website: https://www.drcatehowell.com.au/ Facebook: Dr. Cate Howell Books and resources

    ❤️ Join my newsletter list for weekly motivation and inspiration and you'll also receive a FREE copy of my eBook "Body Confidence (for life!) guide"

    ❤️ Ready to get your period back? Join my group coaching program Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea!

    ❤️ Work with me and my team to improve your relationship with food and exercise by heading to www.sarahlizking.com and filling out the contact form.

    ❤️ Connect with Sarah on social media by following me on Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube

  • Join host Sarah Liz King as she sits down with Holly McKnight to discuss her inspiring journey of overcoming an eating disorder. From the challenges of seeking help to the transformative role of recovery coaching, Holly shares her experience of navigating through the ups and downs of recovery. Discover how she conquered anxiety, food fears, and achieved a life of freedom she once thought impossible. Holly's story offers hope and practical insights for anyone on their own path to recovery.

    ❤️ Join my newsletter list for weekly motivation and inspiration and you'll also receive a FREE copy of my eBook "Body Confidence (for life!) guide"

    ❤️ Ready to get your period back? Join my group coaching program Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea!

    ❤️ Work with me and my team to improve your relationship with food and exercise by heading to www.sarahlizking.com and filling out the contact form.

    ❤️ Connect with Sarah on social media by following me on Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube

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  • In this episode, Sarah-Liz King discusses five things that you should stop wasting your money on in hypothalamic amenorrhea recovery. She explains why hormone tests, hair follicle analysis, organic food, herbs and tonics, gym memberships, and expensive clothes are unnecessary and not beneficial for recovery. Instead, she emphasises the importance of lifestyle changes, nutrition, stress management, and exercise in the recovery process.

    ❤️ Join my newsletter list for weekly motivation and inspiration and you'll also receive a FREE copy of my eBook "Body Confidence (for life!) guide"

    ❤️ Ready to get your period back? Join my group coaching program Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea!

    ❤️ Work with me and my team to improve your relationship with food and exercise by heading to www.sarahlizking.com and filling out the contact form.

    ❤️ Connect with Sarah on social media by following me on Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube

  • In this episode, Sarah Liz King discusses common breakfast mistakes that can contribute to losing your period or delaying its return in hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA) recovery. She highlights six key mistakes and provides guidance on how to fix them. The mistakes include delaying breakfast, not eating before exercise, thinking coffee is a meal, overdoing fibre intake, not serving yourself enough, and avoiding certain foods. Sarah emphasises the importance of a balanced and energy-dense breakfast to support HA recovery and overall health.

    ❤️ Join my newsletter list for weekly motivation and inspiration and you'll also receive a FREE copy of my eBook "Body Confidence (for life!) guide"

    ❤️ Ready to get your period back? Join the next round of Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea!

    ❤️ Work with me and my team to improve your relationship with food and exercise by heading to www.sarahlizking.com and filling out the contact form.

    ❤️ Connect with Sarah on social media by following me on Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube

  • Welcome back to the channel! In this episode I share my personal journey of how I reversed osteopenia (low bone mineral density) after an eating disorder and 10 years with a missing period.

    I share the exact steps I took to achieve normal bone mineral density including regaining my menstrual cycle and recovering from hypothalamic amenorrhea, engaging in progressive overload and strength training for bone health, focusing on nutrition like having enough calcium each day and the correct balance of macronutrients, prioritising rest and recovery, ensuring energy available and good vitamin D levels, and practicing patience for long-term improvement.

    Some key moments from the episode include:

    00:00 Introduction and Receiving My Osteopenia Diagnosis

    05:34 Regaining Menstrual Cycle and Estrogen Levels for Healthy Bones

    08:23 Progressive Overload and Strength Training to Increase Bone Mineral Density

    10:26 Nutrition and Building Blocks for Bone Health

    14:31 Rest and Recovery

    16:24 Energy Availability and Vitamin D for Bone Health

    18:18 Patience and Long-Term Improvement

    20:12 Conclusion and Support Programs

    This is just my personal experience and is not intended as medical advice so please seek professional support if you have been diagnosed with low bone mineral density.

    ❤️ Join my newsletter list for weekly motivation and inspiration and you'll also receive a FREE copy of my eBook "Body Confidence (for life!) guide"

    ❤️ Ready to get your period back? Join the next round of Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea!

    ❤️ Want support to reverse low bone density? Check out our 1:1 online personal training program Better Balance Training.

    ❤️ Work with me and my team to improve your relationship with food and exercise by heading to www.sarahlizking.com and filling out the contact form.

    ❤️ Connect with Sarah on social media by following me on Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube

  • In today's episode of Holistic Health Radio, I'm joined by Millie Thomas, an eating disorder recovery coach, who shares her personal journey of battling anorexia for 15 years and her miraculous recovery. In our discussion, Millie emphasises the importance of taking ownership of one's recovery and making a conscious, consistent commitment to change. Millie also discusses the role of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) in recovery and provides practical advice for those struggling in their recovery journey. She highlights the power of support and the ability to find joy and beauty in life after overcoming an eating disorder.

    Key takeaways include:

    Recovery from an eating disorder is possible, no matter how long or difficult the struggle has been. Taking ownership of one's recovery and making a conscious, consistent commitment to change is crucial. Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) can be a powerful tool in changing behaviours and creating new neural pathways. Support from a recovery coach or therapist can provide guidance, accountability, and a safe space to navigate the challenges of recovery. Finding joy and beauty in life after overcoming an eating disorder is possible and worth the effort.

    ❤️ Join my newsletter list for weekly motivation and inspiration and you'll also receive a FREE copy of my eBook "Body Confidence (for life!) guide"

    ❤️ Ready to get your period back? Join the next round of Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea!

    ❤️ Work with me and my team to improve your relationship with food and exercise by heading to www.sarahlizking.com and filling out the contact form.

    ❤️ Connect with Sarah on social media by following me on Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube

  • Weekends, often viewed as a sanctuary for relaxation, can paradoxically become a breeding ground for challenges that might impede your journey to hypothalamic amenorrhea recovery. In this podcast, we dissect the potential perfect storm of conditions that, if not navigated mindfully, could hinder progress.

    Eating Schedule Shifts: Alterations to your eating routine can disrupt the delicate balance crucial for recovery. Discover how to maintain consistency and adequacy in your nutritional intake during the weekends. Snack Neglect: Missing out on important snacks might seem trivial but can be a significant stumbling block. We unravel the importance of each snack in your recovery journey and how to prioritise them. Exercise Dilemmas: The allure of weekend activities may prompt you to unintentionally be more active or engage in higher intensity workouts. We provide insights into making exercise choices aligned with recovery goals without compromising enjoyment. Time Crunch for Rest: Limited time for rest or sleep can elevate stress levels, directly impacting recovery. Explore tips to optimize rest amidst a packed weekend schedule. Social Stressors: Balancing social events without compromising your recovery goals can be an art. Uncover strategies to navigate social situations with ease and grace.

    Join us in this podcast for actionable tips and strategies on overcoming these weekend-specific challenges in your hypothalamic amenorrhea recovery. Whether you're searching for insights on what to eat for period recovery, exercise strategies, or embracing food freedom, this podcast is your guide to a successful HA recovery journey.

    ❤️ Get your FREE Hypothalamic Amenorrhea Recovery Checklist here: https://sarahlizking.com/hypothalamic-amenorrhea-recovery-checklist/

    ❤️ Check out Healing HA, my signature program for period recovery: https://sarahlizking.com/healing-ha/

  • In today's video, we're diving into the world of period recovery snacks and snacks ideal for those on the journey to overcome Hypothalamic Amenorrhea.

    Join me as I break down the key components that make a snack perfect for recovery, sharing tips on how to eat enough of the right foods to get your period back.

    But that's not all! I'll be unveiling my top three favourite snacks that have been absolute game-changers in my own recovery journey.

    Additionally, I'm addressing the controversial but necessary topic of snacks and foods to avoid – because let's face it, understanding what doesn't serve you is just as crucial. If you're on a mission to reclaim your period health and embrace a nourishing snack routine (an essential component of recovery), this video is a must-watch.

    Hit play, grab your notepad, and let's explore the delicious world of snacks tailored for your recovery journey! 🍎🥑

    Grab my comprehensive Hypothalamic Amenorrhea Recovery Snack Guide here!

    ❤️ Get your FREE Hypothalamic Amenorrhea Recovery Checklist here: https://sarahlizking.com/hypothalamic-amenorrhea-recovery-checklist/

    ❤️ Check out Healing HA, my signature program for period recovery: https://sarahlizking.com/healing-ha/

  • ❤️ Get your FREE Hypothalamic Amenorrhea Recovery Checklist here: https://sarahlizking.com/hypothalamic-amenorrhea-recovery-checklist/

    ❤️ Check out Healing HA, my signature program for period recovery: https://sarahlizking.com/healing-ha/

    In today's episode of Holistic Health Radio I'm joined again by Stefanie Valakas, an expert fertility dietiitan & nutritionist and founder of The Dietologist. Stefanie and her virtual practice are dedicated to excellence in nutrition for reproductive health concerns, fertility & pregnancy. Her passion for nutrition in this space has truly grown from her experience helping her clients online from around the world and also through her own personal experiences of navigating a diagnosis of endometriosis.

    In this episode we cover all aspects of recovering your periods post partum and answer your most commonly asked questions about the return of your menstrual cycles after giving birth including:

    1. Is it common for periods to be delayed or irregular post-partum?

    2. How long does it typically take for menstrual cycles to normalise after childbirth?

    3. Could breastfeeding be affecting the return of my periods?

    4. Are there any specific factors that might delay period recovery in post-partum women?

    5. How can I differentiate between lactational amenorrhea and hypothalamic amenorrhea in my post-partum period?

    6. Are there any specific markers or signs that can help identify the cause of amenorrhea after childbirth?

    7. What role does breastfeeding intensity and frequency play in lactational amenorrhea and its impact on menstrual recovery?

    8. What steps can I take to support my body in regaining regular menstrual cycles?

    9. Is it possible to regain periods naturally without compromising breastfeeding?

    10. What dietary and lifestyle factors might influence post-partum amenorrhea?

    11. Could exercise or physical activity affect the return of my periods?

    12. Are there any red flags that I should be aware of when it comes to post-partum health and menstrual recovery?

    13. Should I consider seeking medical advice if my periods haven't returned after a certain amount of time?

    14. What is your approach to tailoring nutritional recommendations for individuals who are simultaneously navigating lactational amenorrhea or hypothalamic amenorrhea after birth?

    You can learn about how you can work with Stefanie and The Dietologist team below:

    Website: www.thedietologist.com.au Instagram @the_dietologist and @endo.dietitian Facebook Pages: The Dietologist and The Endometriosis Dietitian Facebook Group: Fertility Friendly Food Podcast: Fertility Friendly Food Trying to Conceive Whilst Breastfeeding with Lana Hirth APD – Fertility Friendly Food Episode 105: https://thedietologist.com.au/podcast-ep/trying-to-conceive-whilst-breastfeeding/
  • In this episode of Holistic Health Radio, we delve into a mindset that can significantly impact the journey of recovery from hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA). "Unicorn Thinking" is the belief that you're the exception to the rule when it comes to HA recovery. It's a mindset that can delay crucial changes needed to restore your menstrual cycle, as you believe the standard guidelines don't apply to you. We'll explore the reasons behind this thinking, its consequences, and how to overcome it for a healthier recovery.

    Episode Highlights include:

    Defining "Unicorn Thinking" Explore what "Unicorn Thinking" means in the context of HA recovery. Understand the belief that you're the exception to the rule. The Pitfalls of Overconfidence Discover how overconfidence in your unique situation can hinder progress. Recognise the importance of following proven guidelines for recovery. Delayed Changes and Resistance Learn why "Unicorn Thinking" can lead to procrastination and resistance to change. Understand how postponing essential changes can impact recovery. Overcoming "Unicorn Thinking" Find out how to challenge the belief that you're unique. Explore strategies to align with standard guidelines for a more successful recovery.

    ❤️ Get your FREE Hypothalamic Amenorrhea Recovery Checklist here: https://sarahlizking.com/hypothalamic-amenorrhea-recovery-checklist/

    ❤️ Ready to get your period back? Join the next round of Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea!

    ❤️ Work with me and my team to improve your relationship with food and exercise by heading to www.sarahlizking.com and filling out the contact form.

    ❤️ Connect with Sarah on social media by following me on Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube

  • This episode is proudly supported by my upcoming group program Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, an 8-week, hybrid group and 1:1 coaching program, with supportive materials, hormone nourishing recipes, recovery friendly workouts, and workbooks designed to help you recover your period while improving your relationship with food, exercise and your body. Enrolment is now open with the next course commencing Monday October 16th and is available to participants worldwide. If you are listening to this episode and it’s after October 16th, don’t stress! We run this course a handful of times per year so you have plenty of chances to join. For all the details and to sign up head to www.sarahlizking.com/healing-ha/

    In today’s podcast I’m going to be answering all your questions related to how long it takes to recovery from hypothalamic amenorrhea including:

    Whether the length of time you have a missing period influences your time to recover from hypothalamic amenorrhea and regain your menstrual cycle What are the factors that influence how long it takes to recover your period from hypothalamic amenorrhea The average length of time it takes most people to get their period back from hypothalamic amenorrhea (as little as 3 months in some cases!) Why some people get their periods back faster than others during hypothalamic amenorrhea recovery Reasons why it might be taking longer for your period to come back during hypothalamic amenorrhea recovery

    ❤️ Get your FREE Hypothalamic Amenorrhea Recovery Checklist here: https://sarahlizking.com/hypothalamic-amenorrhea-recovery-checklist/

    ❤️ Check out Healing HA, my signature program for period recovery: https://sarahlizking.com/healing-ha/

  • In today’s podcast I’m going to answer all your burning questions about weight gain and hypothalamic amenorrhea recovery including:

    How much weight do I need to gain to recover from hypothalamic amenorrhea At what low BMI/weight does your period stop? Can you have hypothalamic amenorrhea but not be underweight? Am I underweight if I’ve lost my period? Do you have to weigh a certain amount for your period to start and recover from hypothalamic amenorrhea? Do I have to overshoot my previous weight to regain my period? Can hypothalamic amenorrhea cause weight gain? Will I keep gaining weight even after my period has returned? Should I keep a track of my weight?

    ❤️ Get your FREE Hypothalamic Amenorrhea Recovery Checklist here: https://sarahlizking.com/hypothalamic-amenorrhea-recovery-checklist/

    ❤️ Check out Healing HA, my signature program for period recovery: https://sarahlizking.com/healing-ha/

  • In today's episode I'm discussing the best diet to follow when recovering from hypothalamic amenorrhea. During this podcast I answer the most common period recovery nutrition questions including:

    What food groups should I be focusing on during hypothalamic amenorrhea recovery? How important are carbohydrates when it comes to hypothalamic amenorrhea recovery? What is the minimum amount of calories to eat for hypothalamic amenorrhea recovery? Do I have to eat 2500 calories to get my period back? What does a balanced plate look like during hypothalamic amenorrhea recovery? Do I still need to eat even if I'm not hungry during hypothalamic amenorrhea recovery? How can I eat more without feeling stressed or guilty about it? Examples of what to eat in a day for hypothalamic amenorrhea recovery Meal and snack ideas for hypothalamic amenorrhea recovery

    ❤️ Join my newsletter list for weekly motivation and inspiration and you'll also receive a FREE copy of my eBook "Body Confidence (for life!) guide"

    ❤️ Ready to get your period back? Join the next round of Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea!

    ❤️ Work with me and my team to improve your relationship with food and exercise by heading to www.sarahlizking.com and filling out the contact form.

    ❤️ Connect with Sarah on social media by following me on Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube

  • In today's episode of Holistic Health Radio I'm joined by Food Freedom and Body Love coach, Victoria Kleinsman. After surviving anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder and an abusive relationship, Victoria truly understands what it's like to feel out of control around food and disgusted with the reflection in the mirror. Having alchemised her pain into her passion and power, Victoria helps primarily women, but also men, all around the world to positively transform their relationship with food and their bodies.

    In this podcast episode Victoria and I discuss:

    Her own journey recovering from an eating disorder How she overcame the fear of weight gain to reach full recovery The steps she took to turn body hate into body love Why grieving your smaller body is a necessary step in the path towards full recovery How to truly let go of body obsession Why defining your core values is key when working towards food freedom, body acceptance and full recovery from disordered eating What living an unrestricted life feels like and how to hold onto hope if you're on a recovery journey

    You can connect with Victoria on Instagram here or check out her podcast here.

    ❤️ Join my newsletter list for weekly motivation and inspiration and you'll also receive a FREE copy of my eBook "Body Confidence (for life!) guide"

    ❤️ Ready to get your period back? Join the next round of Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea!

    ❤️ Work with me and my team to improve your relationship with food and exercise by heading to www.sarahlizking.com and filling out the contact form.

    ❤️ Connect with Sarah on social media by following me on Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube

  • Today I'm joined by Ashlee Thomas, an eating disorder advocate and the co-founder of The Secret Burden. After surviving Anorexia and publicly sharing her recovery journey, Ashlee co-founded The Secret Burden with her mum in hope to start the conversation, challenge the stigma and create change in the eating disorder space.

    In today's episode of Holistic Health Radio Ashlee and I discuss:

    Her own personal journey with developing anorexia and receiving her diagnosis The factors that led to the development of her eating disorder The ups and downs of her recovery journey as she navigated treatment The biggest eating disorder myths and why dispelling them is important -What inspired her advocacy work within the eating disorder space Removing shame and stigma around eating disorders The importance of education around eating disorders within the community

    You can connect with Ashlee on Instagram here and follow The Secret Burden on Facebook here.

    ❤️ Join my newsletter list for weekly motivation and inspiration and you'll also receive a FREE copy of my eBook "Body Confidence (for life!) guide"

    ❤️ Ready to get your period back? Join the next round of Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea!

    ❤️ Work with me and my team to improve your relationship with food and exercise by heading to www.sarahlizking.com and filling out the contact form.

    ❤️ Connect with me on social media by following me on Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube

  • This week on the podcast I'm answering several listener questions including:

    Can restriction or over exercise ruin your metabolism? What are some tips for navigating bad body image days? How to deal with sluggish digestion and feeling full during recovery? What's the difference between menstrual spotting and a full period?

    ❤️ Join my newsletter list for weekly motivation and inspiration and you'll also receive a FREE copy of my eBook "Body Confidence (for life!) guide"

    ❤️ Ready to get your period back? Join the next round of Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea!

    ❤️ Work with me and my team to improve your relationship with food and exercise by heading to www.sarahlizking.com and filling out the contact form.

    ❤️ Connect with me on social media by following me on Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube

  • In today's episode of Holistic Health Radio I take a deep dive into the new Barbie Movie and the themes it touches on including body image, self-esteem and societal expectations. In this episode I discuss:

    The unrealistic body standards of Barbie The contrast between Barbie Land and The Real World and how this mimics a lot of themes between girlhood and adulthood The pressure we place on ourselves due to societal expectations as presented in America Ferrara's monologue Discussion of how social pressures can play out and influence our relationship with food, exercise and our body Why improving self-esteem and self-worth is a cornerstone of healing from disordered eating or an eating disorder

    Episodes mentioned within this podcast that are worth a listen:

    Episode 156: How to go from hating your body to accepting and appreciating it Episode 160: Overcoming comparison in recovery with Sabine McKenzie Episode 181: Raising self-esteem and rebuilding self-worth with psychotherapist Natalie A. Rose

    ❤️ Join my newsletter list for weekly motivation and inspiration and you'll also receive a FREE copy of my eBook "Body Confidence (for life!) guide"

    ❤️ Ready to get your period back? Join the next round of Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea!

    ❤️ Work with me and my team to improve your relationship with food and exercise by heading to www.sarahlizking.com and filling out the contact form.

    ❤️ Connect with me on social media by following me on Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube

  • Are you struggling with exercise avoidance? Maybe you've had bad experiences with exercise in the past, felt ashamed to be seen working out, or are nervous that you'll fall back into compulsive patterns if you start a fitness journey again. Whatever the case may be, exercise avoidance is just as common as compulsive exercise and deserves to be addressed so you can have a healthy and peaceful relationship with exercise again.

    In today's podcast I go through:

    What exercise avoidance is Some common reasons why people avoid exercise/struggle with exercise avoidance Signs and symptoms you might be struggling with exercise avoidance Why tackling exercise avoidance is important The benefits of having a healthy relationship with exercise and healing your exercise avoidance Step-by-step guide to overcoming exercise avoidance and reintroducing physical activity safely and peacefully back into your life

    ❤️ Join my newsletter list for weekly motivation and inspiration and you'll also receive a FREE copy of my eBook "Body Confidence (for life!) guide"

    ❤️ Want support in feeling strong, confident & empowered? Check out our 1:1 online personal training program Better Balance Training.

    ❤️ Ready to get your period back? Join the next round of Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea!

    ❤️ Work with me and my team to improve your relationship with food and exercise by heading to www.sarahlizking.com and filling out the contact form.

    ❤️ Connect with me on social media by following me on Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube

  • TikTok trends can be super tricky especially if you're working on improving your relationship with food, exercise, body image or working on period recovery.

    In today's episode of Holistic Health Radio, I discuss what "girl dinner" actually is and the pros and cons of this trend, especially for those working on a recovery journey. Some of the points I discuss in the episode are:

    The definition of "girl dinner" What foods can make up a "girl dinner" The pros of "girl dinner" including honouring your cravings and allowing yourself to eat "imperfectly" if that has become a food rule The downsides of girl dinner including that it may be too low in calories, and could perpetuate unhealthy beliefs about not needing a proper dinner How to create a balanced and nourishing "girl dinner" to ensure you get all the energy you need without having to cook How often you should be having "girl dinner" if you're craving this type of meal during the week.

    ❤️ Join my newsletter list for weekly motivation and inspiration and you'll also receive a FREE copy of my eBook "Body Confidence (for life!) guide"

    ❤️ Ready to get your period back? Join the next round of Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea!

    ❤️ Work with me and my team to improve your relationship with food and exercise by heading to www.sarahlizking.com and filling out the contact form.

    ❤️ Connect with me on social media by following me on Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube

  • Today's episode of Holistic Health Radio is a collaboration between myself and Ciandra Birnbaum, a recovery coach based in the UK and host of the podcast Recover to Flourish.

    Ciandra was kind enough to have me on her podcast to share more about the intersection between eating disorders and hypothalamic amenorrhea. In this episode we discuss:

    Our own personal experiences with eating disorders and missing periods due to hypothalamic amenorrhea What causes hypothalamic amenorrhea and which types of eating disorders or disordered eating does it impact? Discussing the reasons why a person might be afraid to recover their period during eating disorder recovery Common misconceptions and dispelling myths such as a missing period making you "sick enough" or a recovered period signifying full recovery from an eating disorder or disordered eating Types of exercise which are safe to engage in during hypothalamic amenorrhea recovery and which types to avoid Tips for anyone beginning their hypothalamic amenorrhea recovery journey.

    ❤️ Join my newsletter list for weekly motivation and inspiration and you'll also receive a FREE copy of my eBook "Body Confidence (for life!) guide"

    ❤️ Ready to get your period back? Join the next round of Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea!

    ❤️ Work with me and my team to improve your relationship with food and exercise by heading to www.sarahlizking.com and filling out the contact form.

    ❤️ Connect with me on social media by following me on Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube