نفس هو بودكاست يشجعك ان تنظر لما بداخلك من مشاعر وتتعلم كيف تتعامل معها بطريقة مختلفة . في كل حلقة سوف نأخذ نفس عميق ونسلط الضوء على مشاعرنا المزعجة ونناقش الحلول التي بداخلنا . تقدمه المدربة سماح العثمان . مدربة في السلام الداخلي و أول مدربة سعودية لتقنيات العلاج بمجال الفكرة. سماح هي مؤسس ( أكاديمية سماح) التي تقدم من خلالها دورات و ورش عمل للتطوير الذاتي وتشافي المشاعر. بدأت رحلتها في التدريب في عام ٢٠١٧ في أمريكا و ساعدت أكثر من ٢٠٠٠ متدرب للتخلص من المشاعر السلبية مثل القلق، الخوف ، مشاكل الثقة بالنفس وغيرها من المشاعر السلبية. للمزيد من المعلومات المجانية تابعونا على الانستقرام واليوتيوب @samaahalothman
ما تحتاج معرفته عن نفسك بدون مصطلحات برنامج شهري، يهدف إلى تقريب فهم العرب للمشاكل النفسية و كيفية التعامل معها بطريقة علمية. يهدف إلى تحديث فهمنا للمشاكل النفسية مغربلةً من الشوائب و المعتقدات الخاطئة و الخرافات. برنامج يسعى للتبسيط و الحديث بلغة مفهومة للجميع بدون تعقيدات المصطلحات إلا للضرورة العلمية أو الطبية. برنامج يهدف لأن يكون قريباً تفاعلياً يستقي مواضيعه من الواقع و المستمعين الذين هم أساس هذا الواقع. و من أهم ما يطمح له هذا البرنامج .. هو إلغاء الوصمة المتعلقة بالاضطرابات النفسية .. إعداد و تقديم د محمد صويلح طبيب طوارئ - لندن طبيب يختص في الطب النفسي- لندن ماجستير علم الأعصاب و الروابط الدماغية - كنجز كولدج لندن راسلوني بقصصكم و أسئلتكم على الإيميل [email protected] حقوق الموسيقى: أحمد فتحي -مقطوعة ساكورا الشعار من تصميم: تمام العمر
This podcast is an eye-opener for all indecisive, controversial Arabs in various life situations and experiences which they go through. It also educates them about different perspectives and worldviews on culturally sensitive and groundbreaking topics.
We talk about the “shoulds” and “musts” that we are conditioned by.
We also open Pandora's box on all the "taboos" that affect our identities as Arabs in the 21st century, providing a safe space to talk about all things that are controversial, yet with respect.
We Need To Talk is a safe place for each one of us living a paradoxical life, trying to fit into a box with no borders.
Hosted by Egyptian-Canadian Yasmine El Garhy, she is the youngest certified life and addiction recovery coach by the ICF in the MENA & current therapist in the making. Tune in every Wednesday at 6 am Cairo Time for new weekly episodes. -
.رحلة داخل أعماق النفس البشرية للوصل إلى لحظة السوية
"النفسية ومافيها"
What’s up, winners? I’m Kaylor Betts—life and business coach, no-BS truth-teller, and the unapologetic voice behind the top 1% podcast, Awake & Winning. If you’re here, you’re probably done with the BS, ready to dive into the rabbit holes, and craving some real talk about breaking free from the systems that are holding you back.
I wasn’t always winning. I know what it’s like to feel stuck—burned out, broke, and buried under the weight of a world designed to keep you small. But I decided to say f that, rebuild my body and mind, and create a life where I call the shots. Now, I’m bringing you along for the ride.
Every week, we’re diving into “awake” topics—breaking down the matrix, reclaiming your sovereignty, and winning in life and business. Whether it’s unfiltered conversations with disruptive leaders or straight-up truth bombs from me, this podcast is your ticket to leveling up and taking back your power.
If you’re ready to stop playing small, live an ungovernable life, and start winning—welcome to the rebellion. Let’s do this.
Don't miss out - stay connected and be part of the action!
YouTube: -
Author Devin Davis is a single father of three boys living in a tiny house in Northern Utah. He has a real goal to become a known author, and he's going to share with you that writing a book is completely possible regardless of the circumstances.
A deep dive into consciousness, energy, trauma, inner child work, intimacy, holistic health, nature, plant medicine, our tribal origins, the collective and spirituality.
This is a podcast that will equip you with the deeper knowledge associated to living a fulfilling, healthy and purposeful life! -
The Influential Introvert: A podcast for professionals with performance anxiety. If you’re a business owner or leader who wants to speak confidently in front of a room, online, and in social situations without becoming a sweaty, stressed out mess, follow this show.
Learn the essential verbal and non-verbal skills necessary to elevate your presence and charisma and capture people’s attention. Equally important, you’ll learn to manage your mind and body so you feel less anxious and more confident speaking up, being decisive, and connecting with others. -
Welcome to the High Vibe Podcast where we have radically honest and vulnerable talks centered around lifestyle, wellness, entrepreneurship, and personal growth.
This podcast is for women who want to tap into their highest self, learn about entrepreneurship, and elevate their soul and body.
Your host Tori Nishino (@torinishino) is a retired corporate girl turned full-time online influencer and entrepreneur.
Join me every week for conversations to help you conquer your life, health and happiness.
Instagram: @torinishino
TikTok: @torinishino
YouTube: -
Z.World is a place where I share my podcasts, I'm just a young podcaster who wants to change the world in 5 min by Spreading Awareness..
هبسطهالك بودكاست هدفه جاي من اسمه تبسيط كل ما هو صعب و غريب و جديد في مجالات كتير “ اجتماعيه،طبيه،اقتصاديه “ و مش عايزين ننسي بردو ان تاني اهم هدف لينا هو تسليط الضوء علي الاشخاص المؤثرين في المجتمع العربي و في خلال رحلتنا نتمي ليكم وقت ممتع و استفاده مميزه .. بالتعاون مع اركاست
Welcome to Dermatology UK The Podcast.
The podcast where we chat about all things skin!
We (Emmanuel & Aisling) are two clinical nurse specialists working in busy NHS dermatology departments in central London. As nurses, educating others is something we LOVE to do! Join us while we talk with some of the top professionals in the world of dermatology. Expect to hear about acne, skin treatment fads, skin cancer, anti wrinkle injections, hair loss, psoriasis and much much more. We will share our top tips, practical advice and aim to promote self-care in health and skincare
Don't forget to follow us on:
Twitter -
Gmail - [email protected] -
بودكاست يتمحور حول نقد الإشاعات الطبية ومقارنتها بالأبحاث العلمية في حلقات قصيرة. يقدمه طالب الطب محمد البواردي
"ثقافتنا الآن مسموعة"
"صوتيات الحب ثقافة" هي خدمة جديدة يقدمها موقعنا لمتابعيه، ويوفر من خلالها قراءة صوتية للمقالات الموجودة على الموقع.
نقدم هذه الخدمة لمحبي الاستماع للمحتوى الصوتي أكثر من قراءة المقالات، وكذلك نقدمها لقرائنا من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة.
فريق "الحب ثقافة" سوف يسعى لتوفير النسخة الصوتية للمقالات الأكثر رواجاً وقراءة على الموقع تباعاً.
تابعنا/ينا الآن لتستمع/ي لمقالاتنا في أي مكان، وقتما رغبت.
How do I boost my libido? What is feminine energy? How do I have better orgasms? What does hormonal birth control do? Is this SUPPOSED to be in my underwear? Can I *really* understand my body better + have a good relationship with it? Get Cliterate is here to answer all of those questions and more...
Conversations to educate women about how tf our bodies work. Discussing all of the taboo topics surrounding women‘s health, sexuality, + the female experience. -
Savannah explores phone sex, fantasy, roleplaying, and talks about sexual health and safety when making your fetish a reality. Support this podcast:
Each week, our hosts, Corinne Foxx and Natalie McMillan, cheers to the uncertainty of adulthood. And by “cheers,” they are being quite literal. A glass of wine (or two) makes this life “how to” podcast feel more like casual, after-work drinks with your best friend than a lengthy lecture.
Budding business owners and best friends, Corinne and Natalie know first hand how hard it is to navigate life’s biggest milestones, from completing your first tax return to buying your first home. They often find themselves calling each other for advice, frequently asking,
“Am I Doing This Right?”
And thus a sisterhood of common confusion has been born. Am I Doing This Right? is not a your typical “how to” podcast. Why? Well, Corinne and Natalie aren’t experts - in fact, they’re far from it. They’re just two best friends with 26 years of life experience, and a whole lot of questions about today’s rapidly changing world. For example,
How do I start my own business? Should I buy or lease my car? How do we survive student debt? What’s the best Hinge profile strategy? How do I balance work life and my personal life? Do I really need a 401k?
The goal isn’t to provide all the answers, but to bring comfort to our audience knowing they aren’t the only ones asking the same questions. This evergreen podcast will act as a guide book for young people on how to kickstart their adulthood. This “learning along the way” approach makes this podcast less of a Ted Talk and more of a happy hour.
For more life advice, follow us on Instagram:
Have a life question? We might answer it on our next episode!
Email your life question to: [email protected]
For more information, visit -
Löse deine emotionalen Widerstände auf, um wieder mehr Leichtigkeit in deinem Leben zu spüren! In diesem Podcast findest du Impulse für deinen Alltag, persönliches Wachstum und Übungen, die dir helfen deine wahre Essenz zu finden! Einfühlsam, tief gehend und nachhaltig!