
  • Do you relate to today's guest? Tamara Hawes Woods is the founder of Cȯcomadre, a career and personal development platform designed to help women who are STARs (skilled through alternative routes) and SEEkers (those who lack skills, education, and experience) to achieve their dreams. She created Cȯcomadre on the heels of a personal and catastrophic financial loss that left her with only $3.59 in her bank account. Tamara experienced firsthand how difficult it can be for a capable, unpaid caretaker who has been out of the workforce to find meaningful work. She created Cȯcomadre to support women who are seeking meaningful work. Most of Cocomadre’s population may have little paid experience that translates into resumed work and needs help to understand how the job market and industries have evolved, what roles are available, and where they would be a fit. Through Cȯcomadre, STARs and SEEkers can engage with the resources, training, and partners who can help facilitate meaningful work and purpose.

    Connect with Tamara and Cȯcomadre: https://www.cocomadre.com/https/classescocomadrecom/offers/iozc9kql

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cocomadre.co/

    Feeling FoMo because you missed the very last BOLDly You Retreat?! Take the sting out of by signing up for the first ever in person Decision Lab. Get your ticket for 50% off for a limited time only. Claim your spot at nextbestdecision.com/decisionlabboise

    Want support NOW?! Get on a call with me to see if you are a good fit for a Decision Day OR 1:1 coaching with me! Schedule your call here: https://calendly.com/jessicawiththeboldlogic/connectioncall

  • Let’s talk The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives. I have LOTS of thoughts about this show because I have watched it… Well, you will just have to listen to how many times I have watched it. And let me tell you, these women are making some decisions. We can all agree on that. HA! Many of which we ALL have opinions, but there is only one decision made (by two people) that really got to me.

    Get on a call with me. You deserve it. Please don’t convince yourself you are wasting my time. Don’t let your brain feed you that crap. If you want a call with me, book it right now. I have limited spots open. I just invited you to do it. You are not an inconvenience! If it is on your heart, do it… like right now. https://calendly.com/jessicawiththeboldlogic/healingcall

    Feel like you might be carrying around a pile of should, but not sure how much or where it is coming from? Take the Should Score Quiz and start scoping that should up today. heyjessicafrew.com/quiz

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  • We all have excuses that we carry. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you are carrying this excuse? Is it serving you? Are you ready to release it? Join me as I tackle some of the top excuses I hear for why you can’t take aligned action in your lives. Then send me a message or drop a review, letting me know which excuse you are ready to let go of. Can you guess which excuse I use most often?

    I can help you release the excuses that are holding you back. Join me in the LAST round of The Decision Lab for this year, and we will have you excuse-free by the new year… okay, maybe not completely free, but well, on your way. Claim your spot here before doors close on September 8, 2024. (https://nextbestdecision.com/decisionlab)

  • My friend, what communities are you a part of? Church? Family? Friends? Culture? Work? Are you sitting in them or GROWING in them?

    All of these communities have a unique impact on YOU. Therefore, it is important to be intentional with the communities you are a part of. Time to ask yourself some hard questions about your communities.

    Get signed up for the FREE Workshop happening TODAY! It is the last one this year. Register here!

    Missed the workshop but know you want the awesomeness of The Decision Lab?! Claim your spot NOW right here. Doors close Sept. 8, 2024.

    Not sure if trauma is impacting your decision-making?

    Click here to take the Should Quiz to find out where and how much you are shoulding on yourself.

  • How do you leave trauma decision-making patterns behind?

    Trauma comes in many forms, shapes and sizes. Therefore it impacts each of us in different ways and often leads to people pleasing tendencies, self sacrificing to keep the peace, and taking responsibility for other people’s thoughts, feelings and emotions. Which then directly impacts our decision making and lands us in Trauma Decision Making Patterns. How do we leave trauma decision making patterns behind? Find out in this episode of Your Next Best Decision.

    Get signed up for the FREE Workshop happening on August 28th! It is the last one this year. Register here! https://nextbestdecision.com/workshop

    Not sure if trauma is impacting your decision making? Take the Should Quiz to find out where and how much you are shoulding on yourself. heyjessicafrew.com/quiz

  • Addiction to blaming others. We all do it and probably always will. Why do we do it? How does it manifest in our lives? What do we do with it? Why does it matter? Join my favorite guest and me as we chat about all things that go into the blame game.

    Ready to leave blaming and victimhood behind and take control of your life? Get signed up for the FREE Workshop happening August 28th! It is the last one this year. Register here!


  • The Cost of Inaction…

    There is a side effect from inaction that you are not considering… By not investing mentally, physically, financially, you are giving up time, energy and connection to yourself, your kids, your family, friends, career, whatever it is that brings you joy. Today I am tackling three common excuses for inaction. Are you guilty of one or all of these?

    Wins people are having in The Decision Lab:

    “I realized that even in the hard times, I can still make decisions that are best for me.”

    “What stood out was even though this is hard doesn’t mean it’s not the right decision for me!”

    “I realized that it is okay to do things for myself. It is still scary and out of my comfort zone, but I am taking baby steps.”

    “I realized there are times I need to slow down and refocus my time and energies into what matters most.”

    “I am seeing the power of small steps towards a life that looks and feels good to me!”

    Get on the waitlist to be the first to know when doors open for my next FREE workshop AND for The Decision Lab. https://nextbestdecision.com/waiting

    Not sure if The Decision Lab (or the FREE workshop) is for you? Find out how much you are shoulding on yourself with the Should Quiz to get your answer in less than 5 minutes by clicking here.


  • At church a few weeks ago, a lady said this to me and it has stayed with me and inspired this episode. Today we are going to have a quick chat about this one thing that you think you need to claim the life you want but that you don’t really need at all. It is time to stop asking for this…

    You can get the results the ladies in the Lab are getting by making one simple decision… Get on the waitlist for The Decision Lab TODAY! https://nextbestdecision.com/waiting

    Not sure if The Decision Lab (or the FREE workshop) is for you? Find out how much you are shoulding on yourself to get your answer in less than 5 minutes by taking the should score quiz at heyjessicafrew.com/quiz.

  • I can tell you what your problem is... So many of us have over loaded our lives. We have filled it up by doing all the things without creating the space to know if it is in alignment with what we really want. But we forget to do this one thing to find true joy, peace, happiness, and fulfillment in life.

    Ready to create some space in your life? Get on the wait list for the decision lab TODAY! https://nextbestdecision.com/waiting

    Not sure if The Decision Lab (or the FREE workshop) is for you? Find out how much you are shoulding on yourself to get your answer in less than 5 minutes by taking the should score quiz at heyjessicafrew.com/quiz.

  • We have done all the things without questioning…

    We have followed the path.
    We have overloaded our lives.
    We have shoulded all over ourselves and allowed others to do the same.

    And we are left with what? Resentment. Anger. Bitterness.
    Here is what to do about it.

    We are three weeks into the decision lab, and here are my favorite takeaways so far…
    “I was really surprised at how many times I sat in my should, and it kept me from doing something. I feel like I am more conscious now.”
    “Ready to release how other people feel about my decisions.”
    “I finally feel like I put on my big girl panties and am showing up for myself.”
    “I have had so many wins this week! I feel like I can finally make and ACT on the big decisions.”
    “I am now aware of how much I am shoulding on myself and seeing how much I am shoulding on others.”
    And my FAVE! “I am not wasting another year of my life living the ways others feel I should live.”

    Do you want some of this?! Get on the wait list for the decision lab TODAY! https://nextbestdecision.com/waiting

  • We have all been there and done that… We have sat in a big old pile of should when it comes to our age and the timelines we envisioned for our lives. We should our pants by:

    Comparing ourselves to where we thought we should be in life.

    Comparing ourselves to others.

    Comparing ourselves to where society has told us we should be.

    It is time to clear ourselves up, put on a fresh pair of pants, and embrace what it is you actually want outside of the should.

    Are you shoulding on yourself?! Not sure?! Take the “Should Quiz” to find out where and how much you are shoulding on yourself.

    Get on the wait list for my next FREE workshop to help you dig yourself out of that pile of should. Wait with me here!

  • We will all have regrets. They are an important part of life! They provide us with information so that we can keep progressing towards what is in alignment for us. And while regrets are a part of life, there are ways we can learn to have less of them and most importantly, learn to not dwell on them or beat ourselves up for having them.

    Want to know where and how much you are shoulding on yourself? Get your free Should Score by taking the 5 minute

    “Should Quiz” here.

  • People had life-changing breakthroughs and ah-ha moments during last week's workshop, and I didn't want you to miss out! So here is one of the recordings from last week. (Minus a couple of bonuses and the Q&A. What can I say? It pays to be there live!)

    Your Next Best Decision is just around the corner, along with clarity, confidence, and concision. Don't wait another minute to take action! Get signed up for the decision lab before doors close! nextbestdecision.com/decisionlab

    Get signed up for the Daily Decider, where you receive tidbits of encouragement to keep making decision after decision after decision with clarity, confidence, and concision. https://theboldlogic.com/dailydecider

  • A story you need to hear, but I really don’t like sharing. It was the HARDEST decision of my life and was made at the lowest of lows. But it is by far one of the best decisions I have ever made.

    Last chance to make your next best decision for the rest of your life... https://nextbestdecision.com/workshop

    Missed the workshop? Don’t tell anyone but you can get signed up for The Decision Lab today! Where you will make one decision over the next six weeks to embrace a life of decisive decision-making from here on out. nextbestdecision.com/decisionlab

    Get signed up for the Daily Decider, where you receive tidbits of encouragement to keep making decision after decision after decision with clarity, confidence, and concision. https://theboldlogic.com/dailydecider

  • I know you have been told it is all your fault. That you are the one that makes “bad decisions”. That your feelings are wrong. Your thoughts are wrong. Your intuition is wrong. But here is the hard truth: IT ISN’T YOUR FAULT! (Not what you thought I was going to say, eh?)

    You may believe that your decider is broken, but I have good news for you: it isn’t, and neither are you. You aren’t too much of anything, and your decider is always right… maybe you just need to start trusting it a little more.

    You can “repair” your decider, and I am here to support you along the way. Start HERE with the FREE “Your Next Best Decision” Workshop happening June 19th and 20th. https://nextbestdecision.com/workshop

    Get signed up for the Daily Decider, where you receive tidbits of encouragement to keep making decision after decision after decision with clarity, confidence, and concision. https://theboldlogic.com/dailydecider

  • Do you ever ask yourself, “How the heck did I get here?” I ask myself that on the regular. Sometimes it is in awe of how awesome things are in that moment and other times it is in complete overwhelm.

    Today I am tackling this topic in regards to the shift in the podcast. This decision has been a long time in the making. We were just waiting for the right timing to pull the trigger and make the change. Maybe you can relate?! Listen in to hear all about how I got to this point and what ultimately pushed me to make the switch from Husband In Law to Your Next Best Decision.

    It is time to leave the weight of indecision behind and become a powerful decider. Start HERE with the FREE “Your Next Best Decision” Workshop happening June 19th and 20th. https://nextbestdecision.com/workshop

    Get on signed up for the Daily Decider where you receive tidbits of encouragement to keep making decision after decision after decision with clarity, confidence and concision. https://theboldlogic.com/dailydecider

  • This week, we finally have Matt and Steve back on the podcast, talking about something none of us saw coming.

    Stay up to date by joining The Daily Decider. https://theboldlogic.com/dailydecider


    Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook!


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts

  • Thais Gibson is here to share her experience growing up as a high-functioning addict. Listen in as she shares how she took that addiction as an opportunity to go create the Personal Development school and help others to find their way to healthy relationships.

    The Personal Development School is a leading global online institution that empowers individuals with tools for self-awareness, subconscious reprogramming, and life breakthroughs. Founded by Thais Gibson in response to high demand, the school quickly expanded across 117 countries, amassing over 40 million social media views and boasting a 95%+ satisfaction rate with an 88.7% reported relationship improvement. Drawing from her extensive experience and 13 certifications, including CBT, NLP, and somatic experience, Thais Gibson developed the innovative Gibson Integrated Attachment TheoryTM. This framework, merging traditional attachment theory, developmental psychology, and potent reprogramming techniques, underpins the school’s curriculum and certification offerings. Her bestselling book, “Attachment Theory: A Guide to Strengthening the Relationships in Your Life,” has gained acclaim, while the upcoming “Learning Love: Build the Best Relationships of Your Life with Integrated Attachment Theory” was highly regarded and released in late December 2023.

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@ThePersonalDevelopmentSchool

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ThePersonalDevelopmentSchool/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thepersonaldevelopmentschool/

    Website - https://university.personaldevelopmentschool.com/

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/thais-gibson-4543ba190/

    TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@thaisgibson

    Join Thais’s membership today and be on the roading to healing your attachment troubles in just 90 days! Be sure to use the code Jessica50 for a 50% off discount! https://university.personaldevelopmentschool.com/collections

    Tired of navigating betrayal on your own? Join the Betrayed Badass Community today! https://theboldlogic.com/bbs

    How much are you shoulding on yourself?! Take the quiz here! https://heyjessicafrew.com/quiz/


    Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook!


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts

  • TH and Jessica met when Jessica started dating TH’s best friend from high school. They became fast friends. Not only that, their husbands were friends and while traveling, raising kids, and doing life together appeared to be perfect, something was not right in either of their relationships… And while the truth set them free, it was not an easy thing to navigate. Listen in as they share their story and how they are making it through all these things!


    Above all else, exEXPERTS and the Divorce, etc… podcast provide honest, reliable, no-nonsense professional resources to help guide you through your divorce. T.H. & Jessica support, educate, and empower people to make the best choices when faced with this paramount occurrence. It’s trustworthy, simple to navigate, easy to understand, and written especially for you by us, the exEXPERTS!

    We are two best friends who got divorced at the exact same time…and although we had completely different experiences, we were lucky enough to have each other through it all.

    Rising from the lack of resources, support and information during our separate journeys, along with the desire to help others maneuver through the process, we created the exEXPERTS online community and Divorce etc… podcast. We are your reality check! We are an honest, encouraging and positive space for everyone in any stage of divorce. You don’t know what you don’t know, but the exEXPERTS do!

    Get your Free Divorce Rulebook Here!


    Website: https://www.exexperts.com,

    @exexperts on IG/FB/TikTok and Divorce, etc.. with exEXPERTS on Youtube

    Tired of navigating betrayal on your own? Join the Betrayed Badass Community today! https://theboldlogic.com/bbs

    How much are you shoulding on yourself?! Take the quiz here! https://heyjessicafrew.com/quiz/

    Get your FREE call with Jessica today, and let's get you feeling like YOU again! https://theboldlogic.com/call

    Have a question for Steve, Matt, or Jessica? Ask it here, and we will be sure to answer it in an upcoming episode. https://forms.gle/pPGHz9QxcFEgiz9B6


    Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook!


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts

  • Cameron met her forever partner when she was 40 and couldn’t wait to start their life together. But then, on their honeymoon, her partner started getting texts from the other woman, and she realized that maybe this wasn’t what she signed up for… It left her asking herself, where is the handbook for stepparents and co-parents?! And since there wasn’t one, she created the closest thing you could hope to find.

    Cameron Normand is CEO of Stepfamily Solutions and host of The Stepmom Diaries podcast.

    Through her coaching, courses, magazine, and summit, she has helped thousands of stepmoms and stepfamilies navigate their blended family lives. Cameron is a Certified Stepparent Coach, and her work has appeared in The Cut, Business Insider, CNET, and the Today Parenting Team, among others. Previously, Cameron spent 23 years working in politics, first on Capitol Hill, then leading policy strategy in various leadership roles at two of the world’s top movie studios. She serves on several non-profit boards and was named one of the Washington Business Journal’s “Women Who Mean Business.” Cameron received her BA from the University of South Carolina and her JD from Emory University School of Law.

    In her spare time, she loves to travel with her husband and try to rein in her energetic puppy, Ernest Hemingwoof.

    Want to feel less alone in your journey as a stepmom today?! Sign up for the FREE Stepmom Summit happening April 25, 2024 https://jessica0821--stepfamilysolutions.thrivecart.com/2024-ultimate-access-pass-fast-action/61128c9ab5f26/

    As if the stepmom summit wasn’t enough, here is another free gift from Cameron: 10 Daily Habits of Healthy Stepfamilies: www.stepfamilysolutions.com/daily-habits

    Connect with Cameron:





    Get your FREE call with Jessica today, and let's get you feeling like YOU again! https://theboldlogic.com/call

    Have a question for Steve, Matt, or Jessica? Ask it here, and we will be sure to answer it in an upcoming episode. https://forms.gle/pPGHz9QxcFEgiz9B6


    Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook!


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts