
  • Luke Mathers is an inventor, author, and philanthropist who is constantly looking to find better ways to improve the world around him. Luke is a true believer that stress can be good for you if you learn how to utilise it. In Episode 4 of Season 2 In The Drivers Seat, Luke shares 10 tips on how we can utilise stress to get more out of life, and shares that stress is not always a bad thing, we all just need to get better at it and make stress non-stick.

    Book - Stress Teflon https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B06XKVWKVC/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1489520462&sr=1-1&keywords=stress+teflon

    Website - https://lukemathers.com.au/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/LukeMathersOfficial/

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgd9DZVwJkw0UZ4ZC97U_vg

    Stress Mindset Survey - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgd9DZVwJkw0UZ4ZC97U_vg

  • A writer, podcaster, speaker and just generally a sassy bigmouth on social media. She also writes about motherhood, the domestic distribution of labour, relationships and gender inequality - this is Clementine Ford, the necessary feminist.

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/clementineford

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/clementine_ford/?hl=en

    Books - https://www.allenandunwin.com/authors/f/clementine-ford

  • Estão a faltar episódios?

    Clique aqui para atualizar o feed.

  • With decades of experience under her belt, Carol Fox shares the values, motivators and tools that she has learned about confident communication of women in the workplace. Carol teaches leaders from all walks of life to focus on what’s really important while bettering their communication, goal-setting and team-building skills.

    In the course of her career, Carol has worked with entire generations of leaders, influencing, guiding and inspiring them into effective, powerful, community-shaping action.

    She remains a vocal advocate for confident communication as a leadership tool to give women a voice and a presence on the field, in the workplace and in the Boardroom.

    Events - https://www.carolfox.com/events

    Book - Confident Communication for Leaders - https://www.lulu.com/shop/carol-fox-and-kathryn-gorman/confident-communication-for-leaders/paperback/product-23550010.html

    Website - https://www.carolfox.com/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/carolfox.confidentcommunication/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/carolfoxco/

    Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/carolfoxconfidentwomen/

  • “Courage is contagious” - Shanna Whan

    In episode 3 of Season 2, In The Drivers Seat, we are joined by Shanna Whan. Shanna Whan is the founder, force, and CEO behind nationally recognised bush charity Sober in the Country. Against all odds, Shanna made it back from the brink of her own battle with end-stage alcohol addiction in isolation, minus support. She's now a respected lived-experience ambassador, spokesperson and leader who is fighting for others while constantly challenging the status quo and creating vast social impact in the process.

    Shanna Whan is a national personality pioneering unprecedented social impact around alcohol awareness, education and change in rural and remote Australia. She advocates and fights for those who 'stick their hand up' and acknowledge they need a hand overcoming addiction in isolation but simply cannot get help or ongoing support in a timely manner that makes sense for them, thanks partly to geographic isolation and also due to the massive barriers such as stigmas that still abound in rural communities.

    Her philosophy - and now SITC's charity philosophy - is deeply rooted in the famous Desmond Tutu quote that ''there comes a time when we need to stop pulling people out of the river when they've already drowned - and go upstream and find out why they're falling in.''

    Shanna is going upstream and working to catch an entire overlooked demographic of hard working, rural men and women and fighting fiercely for change and support in this sector.

    Website - https://www.soberinthecountry.org/team

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/soberinthecountry

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sober_in_the_country/

    Donate - https://www.soberinthecountry.org/helpingout

    Australian Story Interview ‘Last Drinks’ - https://www.abc.net.au/austory/last-drinks/11705194

  • “Life does not end when we physically do.” - Stephanie Arnold

    Starring on the Netflix hit, ‘Surviving Death’, Stephanie Arnold joins us in the second episode of Season 2 of In The Drivers Seat to explain how she predicted her own death and what she experienced when she was declared dead for 37 seconds. Back from the dead, award-winning Author and documentary star, Stephanie Arnold spoils us with her spooky yet surprisingly comforting story!

    Book - 37 Seconds


    Netflix Series - Surviving Death, Season 1, Episode 1

    Learn more about Stephanie’s story here - http://stephaniearnold.net/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/StephArnold37

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/StephArnold37/

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/StephArnold37

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8eoN430Am9Cq0nkm4WmGHA

  • Kicking off 2021 with a bang, In The Drivers Seat is excited to announce the launch of Season 2! Season 2 of In The Drivers Seat will include your favourite quirky & questionable guests, while diving deeper into motivating, inspiring and downright interesting topics. Buckle up and we can’t wait for you to join us on this wild ride In The Drivers Seat!

    Holly Winter is a Speaker, Empowerment Coach and the creator of LIVE IN YOUR LIGHT. Based on the sunny Gold Coast, Holly connects with women through her one on one personalised coaching sessions, her speaking events and her signature workshops. She empowers women to connect back to themselves, to their inner knowing, their heart space, identify their souls’ purpose and confidently take action towards self actualisation!

    Instagram - @holly__winter

    Facebook - @hollyliveinyourlight

    Website - https://linktr.ee/holly_winter

    Book one of Holly’s many live events:





  • 2020 SA Local Hero, Emmah Evans is an author, mother, motivational speaker and Cystic Fibrosis Ambassador. Emmah lives with the life-threatening lung disease Cystic Fibrosis and knows firsthand the challenges that come with this debilitating invisible disease. With a life expectancy of just 37, she was given up for adoption at only days old after doctors believed she wouldn’t survive. Now in her thirties, Emmah has a list of credible achievements and inspires many globally.

    Australia’s Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee has ignored ongoing pleas from the Cystic Fibrosis community to add a miracle-drug, Trikafta to their November 2020 agenda. Around the world, Trikafta has changed the lives of people living with Cystic Fibrosis. In Australia, however, access to this drug costs $300,000 per year, making it largely inaccessible to more than 3,500 people affected by the condition.

    Join us in this movement to use our voices and power, together to make a much needed change! We cannot let the beautiful souls that live with this invisible disease suffer alone. We ask that everyone use the below points of contact to please reach out to our PM and the Minister of Health to ensure that the Trikafta drug is added to the PBAC November 2020 agenda. We urge you to come from a respectful place when addressing these figures. Together we are strong - raise your voice and let’s make a difference.


    Contact Greg Hunt MP and Prime Minister Scott Morrison and respectfully ask them to put Trikafta on the 2020 PBAC agenda Post a photo on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter tagging @greghuntmp and @scottmorrisonmp and ask them to add Trikafta to the 2020 PBAC agenda. If you don’t have a photo to share, head to @ecotan to repost our photo.Visit our Facebook page and share our recent post asking the PBAC to consider Trikafta at their next meeting.Call MP’s offices to request that they add Trikafta to the 2020 PBAC agenda! a.Call Greg Hunt MP – (03) 5977 9082 b.Call Chris Bowen MP – (02) 9604 0710 c.Prime Minister Scott Morrison – (02) 6277 7700

    We have even drafted a message that you can use to address these people!

    Dear Prime Minister Scott Morrison / Greg Hunt MP / Chris Bowen MP

    I’m asking you to help the 3,500+ Australians living with Cystic Fibrosis by adding Trikafta to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee’s 2020 agenda. At the moment, access to this miracle drug costs $300,000 per year. CF sufferers can’t wait any longer. Without making it more affordable, Australian lives will be lost. Please help our CF community improve their quality of life by ensuring Trikafta is considered by the PBAC in November.

    Points of Contact










    Also follow Emmah’s journey of surviving motherhood whilst living with CF on Facebook and Instagram:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CFMummy/

    Instagram: @cfmummy

  • Former gangster and jailbird, Owen Pomana shares how he went from bikie enforcer to homeless warrior. Having found the love of his life seven years after joining the Navy, Owen experienced a betrayal like no other by both his best friend and partner. After this broken relationship left his life in ruins, Owen turned to the streets and became consumed by sex, drugs and gangs. In and out of jail for the most part of 12 years, Owen’s life was spiralling to the point of no return. The downward spiral continued and Pomana began running from not only police, but hitmen and fighting bikie gangs while being addicted to methamphetamine and crack cocaine. On the brink of suicide, Owen received a supernatural and life changing message from a higher power. Saved by his faith, Owen now provides support & love all over the World to restore lives through God’s power.

  • Carmen Greentree, author of A Dangerous Pursuit of Happiness, has been in pursuit of her highest truth and purpose all her life. From a depressed and anxious young girl, she became a world-class pro surfer, travelling the world and riding the ecstatic waves of fame and fortune. Carmen took a deep dive into spirituality at 21 and headed to India to study with the Dalai Lama. Her quest for enlightenment was brutally derailed when she was abducted, had her passport and money stolen, and was raped, extorted, abused and kept a prisoner on a houseboat in Kashmir for two long months.

    Her journey back to healing and wholeness allowed her to find herself and forgive herself with a depth so profound, it set the scene for the rest of her life. Since then, Carmen has been on a journey of unconditional love, creating a space of support and compassion for all who cross her path.

    Find Carmen at:

    Facebook: carmenlgreentree

    Instagram: iamcarmengreentree

    Twitter: greentree7777

    Buy Carmen’s Book: https://www.bookdepository.com/author/Carmen-Greentree


    Website: https://www.carmengreentree.com/

  • Sonya chats to sex & intimacy coach Helena Nista about all things sex, orgasms and tantra.

    Covering topics like sex after childbirth, sexual dysfunction, sex after menopause, lack of sex drive, orgasms and the many different types of one (grab a wine & a pen as there is homework). Sonya asks Helena all the hard questions you didn’t even know you needed the answer to. They will blow your mind. Oceans of pleasure awaits!

    Learn valuable tools on the ability to get out of your head and be more present. Meditation tips. Slowing down. Disconnecting with the outside world. Breathe. Taking time for yourself and discovering a new deeper connection to yourself and your partner.

    About the Guest:

    HELENA NISTA - Sex & Intimacy Coach

    “Helena Nista is a sex therapist and a Tantra practitioner. She is a mentor, author, speaker and lover. She is a certified sexologist and Tantra teacher.

    She is passionate about helping her clients become the best lovers they can possibly be, overcome any sexual difficulties and create amazing sex lives.

    Her mission in life is to empower others to experience sex as natural, healthy and utterly beautiful. Helena does that through 1on1 sessions, online courses, books, workshops and events."


    To contact Helena:

    Website: https://helenanista.com/

    Sessions: https://helenanista.com/coaching/

    My online courses: https://helenanista.com/online-courses/

    Orgasmic Empowerment online course for women: http://orgasmicempowerment.com/

    Social media:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/helenanista/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/helenanista/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/helenanista

    Host: Sonya Driver, founder of Eco Tan & Eco By Sonya

    Get in touch: digital@ecotan.com.au

  • The domestic violence warrior Simone Patterson takes us inside this epidemic.

    Sonya chats to the Founder of The Sanctuary, a Domestic Violence sanctuary for women, children & pets, Simone Patterson.

    It is a very important conversation to have as it is Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month. A time to raise community awareness of domestic and family violence and to send a clear message that domestic and family violence in families and homes will not be tolerated. #notnownotever

    Sonya and Simone chat about why she started The Sanctuary, what it does for the women, children and pets. They also discuss the lack of Government funding available, plus the red-tape and legislations that need changing.

    They chat about hoarding, Simone’s life as a prison warden, and what the women need to feel empowered again.

    We can all do something. People Power.




    To donate a gift voucher please send it to:

    P.O. Box 9 Elanora, Qld 4221

    To donate money please transfer to the account details below:
    NAME- Retreat For Kids Inc
    BSB- 064 480
    ACC #- 1047 8994



    Host: Sonya Driver, founder of Eco Tan & Eco By Sonya

    Get in touch: Media@ecotan.com.au

  • Sit down, grab a cuppa or a wine, as Sonya chats to Bronwen Healy. Bronwen is one incredible bloody overcomer. Her story is one that will change you. From a messed up heroin addicted Sex worker to charity founder & crusader to help other women transform their lives.

    A fighter, a warrior. The shit life has thrown her way, you won’t believe. She falls down hard, gets back up, dusts it off and gets on with it.

    They talk about miracles and how they absolutely exist and Bronwen is one extraordinary example of this.

    Your past is not your future.

    Bronwen’s Spotify playlist is https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6i32Tj1DrmKxLf40mM9Ap3?si=_uuLO9bNQRCW1VP9uZI5PA

    And the TRUTH COLLECTIVE facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3200925886654325/?ref=share


    Bronwen Healy is a mum to 3 incredible teenage daughters. She is a writer, speaker and communicator of goodness on many platforms. She is the Founder and former CEO of the Hope Foundation and The LoveWell Project. The Founder and Curator of a brand new movement - the truth collective. She is a life-delighter, a truth-teller and a gatherer…

    Host: Sonya Driver, founder of Eco Tan & Eco By Sonya

    Get in touch: Media@ecotan.com.au

  • Sonya chats to Bec Megan, an amazing integrative health coach about all things food and how she teaches others to switch to healthier and yummier alternatives.

    We are all so confused with what to eat. Bec chats about how it really is simple to eat better. Whole foods, veges and good fats are essential.

    The benefits of juices and smoothies.

    Sonya also gets you the best ever hommus recipe. You will never buy it pre-made again.


    Bec's Bio

    Bec is an integrative health coach that inspires people to take charge of their health by loving their kitchen and making veg & whole foods ridiculously yummy. Her online Masterclass series is changing lives with a simple daily health protocol, loads of yummy cooking, coaching & teaching people how to shop so they can thrive.

    Website: https://www.rebeccamegan.com/

    Rebecca's online course https://www.rebeccamegan.com/courses/path-to-thriving-masterclass

    Hommus Recipe


    Tin organic chickpeas, drained & rinsed

    2 Tble tahini

    1 clove garlic

    1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

    1/4 cup lemon juice

    1/2 tea cummin

    1/4 tea Celtic salt

    1/4 cup filtered water (or less)


    Green Smoothie Recipe


    Stalk of kale - deveined

    Stalk bok choy

    Stalk celery


    Knob ginger

    Knob turmeric

    Pepper to activate the turmeric properties

    Handful rocket

    1/2 orange



    Filtered watered


    Host: Sonya Driver, founder of Eco Tan & Eco By Sonya

    Get in touch: Media@ecotan.com.au

  • Sonya chats with Tara Pavlovic about all things Reality TV and the actual reality of it.

    Sonya asks Tara the questions you've been wondering like is there a producers choice? Tara takes us behind the scenes on The Bachelor and Bachelor in paradise. Plus the two talk about life after Reality TV.

    Follow Tara on instagram @tarapavlovic

    Host: Sonya Driver, founder of Eco Tan & Eco By Sonya
    Get in touch: Media@ecotan.com.au

  • Sonya chats to Emma Page, wife, mum of 3, small business owner and warrior fighting stage 3 cancer.

    Keeping a positive mindset when your plate is piled high with responsibilities and you happen to be fighting stage 3 cancer.

    Host: Sonya Driver, founder of Eco Tan & Eco By Sonya
    Get in touch: Media@ecotan.com.au

  • The most important podcast episode you need to listen to in this time of stress...

    In this episode of IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT, Sonya chats with Rebecca Holt, a Psychologist with 17 years of experience who is passionate about empowering people through periods of adversity.

    Rebecca explains whole brain activation and why you need it now. In this time of stress and uncertainty it is important to remember your own mental health.

    YOUR ENERGY where to use it & recharge it.

    Learn the difference between your SAFETY BRAIN and your THINKING BRAIN.

    ABOUT BEC.....
    Rebecca is a Psychologist with 17 years of experience working with a wide range of patients at both an individual and organisational level in the public and private sector. She is passionate about empowering people through periods of adversity.

    Rebecca has a focused interest in perinatal mental health and has spent the past 7 years establishing a multidisciplinary practice working closely with Obstetricians, Gynaecologists, Doctors and midwives on the Gold Coast. In collaboration with other health professionals, Rebecca has focused on identifying predisposing factors to mental health issues, challenging mental health stigma, and building the support resources available to women and men in the perinatal period. Overall this has resulted in an approach that proactively aims to optimise psychological resources at all stages of the perinatal process from family planning to pregnancy, loss, delivery and transitioning into parenthood.

    Emphasising a practical, down to earth approach to therapy, Rebecca uses an eclectic range of therapy modalities including Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy and Interpersonal Therapy.

  • In the second episode of IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT, Sonya chats with Charles Bruno an absolute legend of a guy, about getting his life back and what led to his extreme decision to drink juice for 300 days straight without eating a morsel of food and what that did for his life, health and family. .

    You will be blown away by his story. A brilliant insightful amazing juice coach. Charles has been Sonya's secret weapon against her sabotage voice! He provides actionable tips that you too can use in your daily life.

    This is his story.

    Get in touch:

    Charles Bruno - Juicing Strong

    Host: Sonya Driver, founder of Eco Tan & Eco By Sonya

    Get in touch: Media@ecotan.com.au


    We are NOT health professionals, and advice received on this podcast is not to be taken as such. If you are looking to begin any change in your diet and exercise routine please check with your family doctor first.

  • In the first episode of IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT, Sonya chats with Kate Malvenan from @its_not_kates_time to discuss life, death, love and taking back the power.

    The young Gold Coast mum was given 6 months to live by doctors (that was 12 months ago). In her mind she was faced with two choices. Accept it gracefully or say f!$k off no thanks and rip off her gloves and fight for her life.

    Sonya and Kate talk about the choice she made and her incredible & inspiring journey along the way. There's tears, there's swearing. It's real & raw.

    Sonya and Kate chat about taking back the power and the positive strength she drew from the support of her community and strangers.

    This is Kate's Story.

    Guest: Kate Malvenan
    Instagram - @its_not_kates_time

    Kate’s Store -

    Instagram @masionandmaison
    Website: www.maisionandmaison.com.au
    Store address: 53 James St Burleigh, Qld, 4220

    Host: Sonya Driver, founder of Eco Tan & Eco By Sonya
    Get in touch: Media@ecotan.com.au