New show. New mission. Long-time show hosts Bob Dunlap, a businessman from North Carolina, and Eric Matheny, a criminal defense attorney in Florida, have moved to the Freedom First Network to deliver weekly patriotic brilliance. Formerly of “Weekly Wrap-Up With Bob & Eric," the outspoken duo are ready to take it to the next level. America is at a crossroads. Bob and Eric are here to keep people informed about the right directions to go. Catch them every Saturday at noon Eastern as they discuss the important issues of the week.
Trade expert Lori Wallach cuts through the complexity and jargon to make trade policy and politics and the myriad ways it affects our daily lives accessible to all.
Episodes 1 - 43 were produced in partnership with Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch. -
Let's Talk About Politics
Podcast Hubungan Internasional dikelola oleh Departemen Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Sebagai institusi pertama yang mengajarkan ilmu hubungan internasional di Indonesia, kami berkomitmen terhadap bina masyarakat global yang adil, damai, dan beradab. Setiap episode dalam podcast ini didedikasikan untuk memperkaya kajian seputar keamanan dan politik global, ekonomi politik dan pembangunan, serta studi perdamaian. Website: | instagram: @hi.ugm | twitter: @HIUGM | YouTube: HI UGM
Official Podcast dari Partai Keadilan Sejahtera. Mari kita ngobrol dengan bahagia.
A podcast to gather and connect the ideas of foreign affairs and international relations, covering the most - pressing global and regional issues in relates to democracy, geopolitics, international political economy, state-business relationship, global governance, and world youth trends.
Cokro TV Podcast menyajikan podcast alternatif yang menggembirakan dan mencerahkan.
NALAR adalah kanal pengetahuan yang menyampaikan informasi, pendapat, perspektif, dan sudut pandang tentang kejadian atau peristiwa dalam kehidupan publik dalam dimensi sosial, teknologi, ekonomi, ekologi, politik dan budaya.
Akbar Faizal Uncensored adalah Podcast yang dibawakan oleh Akbar Faizal dengan mengundang tokoh terkemuka, membahas berbagai hal tanpa sensor.
Jika anda pendengar cerdas anda harus mendengarkan
The Official Podcast of the Intitute for a Greater Europe, a pan-European youth led think tank based in Brussels, Belgium.
As well as our regular publications we wish to bring you a roundup of the news from each region the Institute follows. -
Courageous Reporting on Issues that Matter: Big issues, disruptions, and cutting edge innovation. Each episode brings you leading experts, visionaries, and newsmakers to provide insights on trends, fluctuating markets, and important issues.
Podcast #NgolahPolitik (ngobrolin ilmiah politik) bertujuan untuk mewadahi serangkaian kajian dan aktivitas intelektual yang terkait dengan isu-isu sosial politik & HAM dari perspektif kewargaan. Podcast ini dibuat oleh Center for Citizenship and Human Rights Studies (Pusat Studi Kewargaan dan HAM) UPN Veteran Jakarta.Instagram:
Fifteen Minutes Ov Flame has been streaming and podcasting since 2015. It's a daily, deep dive into politics, history, power, esoterica, and magic, past, present and future. Unscripted, it comes straight from the flow and inspiration of Robert Phoenix, researcher, commentator, explorer and diviner of the obscure, arcane and painfully obvious. Tune in live or just enjoy the podcasts.
Critically Thinking our way through the news and views of the day. Left, Right, Center, our goal is to focus on facts and truth as our guide through the insanity of today's world.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Valdir þættir úr símatímum. Pétur Gunnlaugson eða Arnþrúður Karlsdóttir ræða við innhringjendur í beinni.
Wir sind oft dagegen – gegen Sexismus und Rassismus, gegen Faschismus, Umweltzerstörung und Kapitalismus.
Wir sind aber auch dafür – für Feminimus und echte Gleichberechtigung, für Solidarität, Demokratie und einen Systemwechsel.
Wir sind Schüler*innen, Student*innen, Auszubildende, Angestellte, Selbstständige oder irgendwo dazwischen.
In unserem Podcast wollen wir interessante Personen interviewen, Fakten hinterfragen, Wissen teilen und unseren Diskurs, unsere Meinungen und Ideen noch weiter "da nach draußen" tragen.
Schön, dass du hier bist. Wir freuen uns von dir zu hören. -
Host Jon Olson, US Navy (Ret.) Interviews different experts to learn about current and historical events with a focus on national security. Topic's include: the economy, climate change, cyber security, nuclear weapons, intelligence operations, and more.
New episodes released Wednesdays. -
It is a series that discusses critical issues relating to India's national security and foreign policy with well-known experts from India and around the world.