
  • This week Pastor Mike Kai continues in the “If I Were King” series, delivered as a leadership-type session. We all need to be alert, awake and aware of the ceaseless spiritual battle and warfare going on in our lives designed to manipulate and intimidate. Forces that are intended to deny you freedoms, hurt and offend you, destroy relationships, disrupt your divine flow, and place you in seemingly unconquerable situations.

    Pastor Mike will encourage you how to overcome overwhelming situations to live an abundant life. Dwell in the will of God, make every thought captive and obedient to Christ. Guard your heart, let the Lord fight for you, and experience God’s healing presence. Learn “How Do We Prevent an Absalom Spirit from Gaining Ground” in this important message and regain your momentum!

    To partner with us in bringing the word of God around the world, click here: http://www.InspireChurch.live/give

    Get Pastor Mike's latest book "That Doesn't Just Happen" at: https://www.MikeKai.Tv

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  • In this installment of the “If I Were King” message series, Pastor DJ Garces goes through Biblical stories of kings and how Israel suffered the consequences of wanting a human king and rejecting God as the only divine true King.

    Like Israel, if you’re in a dark season and experiencing stress, negativity, anger, bitterness, or brokenness in failures, don’t self-sabotage! Instead, let God shape and condition your heart with His skillful hands. You’re called to receive a different, better season and encounter something greater.

    Discover the life God calls us to live of blessings, favor, peace, healing, prosperity, and provision. Align yourself with God and follow “God’s Path to Promotion” to achieve a fulfilled and impactful life!

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  • This week we are privileged to have an extraordinary guest speaker, Dave Roever, who shares his inspirational life story and quest to help others. He is the president & founder of the Dave Roever Evangelistic Association, Roever Foundation, and REAP International.

    Dave Roever is a speaker, author, and former U.S. Navy soldier and Vietnam veteran. He heartfeltly conveys stories of hope, courage, and faith while relating to the horrific pain and suffering he endured.

    You’ll be challenged to go deeper in your walk with Christ. Get motivated to journey “From Tragedy to Triumph” in all areas of your personal life and experience victory in the midst of tragedy.

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  • As we continue in this series we’ve learned about the power of different kinds of prayers. Pastor Mike Kai speaks on one of the most important things we need to remember and it’s not the words we use, it’s about the connection we have with Jesus.

    Pastor Mike refers to the perilous times we live in with civil unrest and upheaval in local, national, and worldwide events. Now, more than ever we need a revival to our nation. Learn how “A Nation-Changing Prayer” through trust, faith, and increased humility.

    Draw near to God and He will draw near to you, and it starts with having a relationship with Him. He wants to hear your voice.

    If you made a decision to follow Jesus, we'd love to take the journey with you! Click to Connect with our team at: http://www.Inspirechurch.live/online

    To partner with us in bringing the word of God around the world, click here: http://www.InspireChurch.live/give

    Get Pastor Mike's latest book "That Doesn't Just Happen" at: https://www.MikeKai.Tv

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    To find out more about Inspire Church, visit us at: http://www.InspireChurch.Live





  • Friend of Inspire Church, Colin Higginbottom discusses the challenges of maintaining courage in the current cultural climate, emphasizing the importance of having influential leaders like Pastors Mike and Lisa Kai and Pastors Jurgen and Leanne Matthesius who provide a backbone and model courage. Pastor Colin Higginbottom shares the significance of affecting different marketplace spheres for the kingdom of God, including government, arts, entertainment, sports, and more.He stresses the connection between winning in the marketplace and discipling people through our unique gifts, and a fresh fire from the Holy Spirit.

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  • Pastor Lisa Kai speaks of a crucial element of our prayer life and the vital need for resiliency. You’ll discover that it’s through prayer and your relationship with Jesus that you’ll be able to withstand and bounce back from the ever-certain storms in life.

    Allow the Holy Spirit that dwells inside of you to encourage you and supply wisdom for a solution that provides a way out of adversity. There is always another side to every situation, and you need to power your way through the testing and season of trials.

    Pastor Lisa provides comfort and assurance in sharing “How to Become Unshakeable in Times of Adversity That Makes Us Resilient.” Continue having faith and trust in Him and remember He’s always at your side!

    To partner with us in bringing the word of God around the world, click here: http://www.InspireChurch.live/give

    Get Pastor Lisa's latest book "Wake Up" at: https://www.LisaKai.Tv

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  • Friend of Inspire Church, Joel Holm discusses the importance of understanding what Jesus is currently doing for individuals and at Inspire Church. Joel Holm emphasizes how prayer is joining a conversation that is already happening, and he encourages us to focus on the revelation of Jesus during challenging times. He shares a story from John 11 about two sisters, Martha and Mary, and their brother Lazarus, illustrating how Jesus is at work even when the expected outcomes do not occur immediately. Joel Holm highlights that Jesus is not just praying for individuals but also revealing himself, fighting for them, and empathizing with their pain.

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  • We begin a new series this week entitled, “The Power of Prayer,” which will stir and elevate your faith to new levels. Pastor Mike Kai delivers an uplifting message and wants you to step into your miracle by removing the limits placed on God through your mindset and thinking.

    We serve a big God and Pastor Mike Kai encourages us to dream big and pray bigger. Have the confidence to pray God-size prayers that may seem radically unreasonable.

    Become empowered and develop clarity and closeness with Him by having Joshua-like faith. Having biblical faith and “Praying Out of the Box Prayers,” God answers with more than you can ask or imagine to get more in your life.

    If you made a decision to follow Jesus, we'd love to take the journey with you! Click to Connect with our team at: http://www.Inspirechurch.live/online

    To partner with us in bringing the word of God around the world, click here: http://www.InspireChurch.live/give Get Pastor Mike's latest book "That Doesn't Just Happen" at: https://www.MikeKai.Tv

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  • Pastor Mike Kai encourages and prepares us to set ourselves apart with this new year’s message. As we number our days, Pastor Mike conveys the fundamentals of our faith that are the cornerstones to keeping us on course throughout the year. Learn three biblical disciplines and their daily application to make life work. You’ll discover it’s all about the firsts, as we continue to reside in honoring and trusting God. Learn how to give, pray, and fast your way to becoming “Unstoppable” and having an amazing 2024! If you made a decision to follow Jesus, we'd love to take the journey with you! Click to Connect with our team at: http://www.Inspirechurch.live/online To partner with us in bringing the word of God around the world, click here: http://www.InspireChurch.live/give Get Pastor Mike's latest book "That Doesn't Just Happen" at: https://www.MikeKai.Tv

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  • As we prepare to crown the end of the year, Pastor Mike Kai provides biblical context and time-proven statistical data on why and how you can become a high achiever this coming year.

    Understand the need to plan which results in ready preparedness, coupled with the power of goal setting to plot your course. This also includes an essential need for a spiritual growth plan.

    You’ll learn “Six Things You Need to Build Momentum” and how you can get a special gift (free download) Pastor Mike developed in a 12-day devotional called “Small Tweaks, Big Peaks.” Get your free gift (for a limited time) at www.MikeKai.tv . This is an info-filled message you definitely don’t want to miss!

    To partner with us in bringing the word of God around the world, click here: http://www.InspireChurch.live/give

    Get Pastor Mike's latest book "That Doesn't Just Happen" at: https://www.MikeKai.Tv

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  • We had many great memories together this year! We've endure the happy and tough times together. Let's take a look at some of the best times that got us through the mountains and valleys of 2023, may God continue to bless you!

    Full messages here:

    Are You Prepared (Living Rapture Ready)

    Give Me A Double Portion (Position Yourself to Receive a Double Blessing)

    God-Sized It (Are You Ready for God to Increase Your Life?)

    To partner with us in bringing the word of God around the world, click here: http://www.InspireChurch.live/give

    Get Pastor Mike's latest book "That Doesn't Just Happen" at: https://www.MikeKai.Tv

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  • Are you ready for the Good News? God’s got a great message for you, as we worship Him this Christmas celebration weekend. Pastor Mike Kai transitions us from prophetic times, to concisely detailing the “fullness of time.”

    Pastor Mike speaks passionately about biblical complexities and walking in darkness. Jesus is the only one who can get you out of your dark place. We can take solace in God’s radiant glory and the light who is God. He is the light of the world and there is no darkness within Him.

    Embrace unwrapping your God-given gift and allow Jesus and the Holy Spirit to have their way with you. Draw closer to God and experience the realization of how much He cares about you, regardless of your past or present circumstances. Know that “With Jesus, We Encounter” many great things!

    If you made a decision to follow Jesus, we'd love to take the journey with you! Click to Connect with our team at: http://www.Inspirechurch.live/online

    To partner with us in bringing the word of God around the world, click here: http://www.InspireChurch.live/give Get Pastor Mike's latest book "That Doesn't Just Happen" at: https://www.MikeKai.Tv

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  • This week we launch a new series entitled, “A Prophetic Christmas.” Pastor Mike Kai references how prophesy is foundational to Christmas and how over 300 prophecies on the first coming of Jesus Christ have accurately come true.

    God orchestrates everything through a biblical forerunner who proclaims the coming of the Messiah. It’s another great example of God’s intervention in the story of John the Baptist. Pastor Mike uses scripture to reveal five things that provide a clear understanding of his calling.

    Today, we live in an age where we need to be the forerunners for God. He has called upon us to bring revival and reformation to a world that needs it. Pastor Mike will show you four ways “How to Be a Forerunner for Others to Find Jesus.” This prophetic Christmas, expect God to give you a word for 2024!

    To partner with us in bringing the word of God around the world, click here: http://www.InspireChurch.live/give

    Get Pastor Mike's latest book "That Doesn't Just Happen" at: https://www.MikeKai.Tv

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    Twitch: InspireChurch

  • Pastor Mike Kai has a word for everyone when telling an intriguing story from 2 Kings 5 about a powerful, decorated commander in the Aramean army named Naaman, who was afflicted with leprosy. The journey to get healed wasn’t easy and was met with tribulation and an inhospitable reception by Elisha. However, because he learned to exhibit humble obedience, he experienced the most miraculous moment in his life and was completely healed.

    Are you believing an incredible God-led miracle is waiting for you? Pastor DJ provides valuable life lessons on “Clearing the Path to Our Miracle with Humility,” and how to recognize and remove the “Obstacles Holding You Back.” We may not be covered with leprosy, but we do have sin we cannot wash away on our own.

    Get ready for a transformation from the inside out and don’t miss the opportunity to be obedient. It takes commitment and remember faith that doesn’t lead to obedience isn’t faith at all.

    If you made a decision to follow Jesus, we'd love to take the journey with you! Click to Connect with our team at: http://www.Inspirechurch.live/online

    To partner with us in bringing the word of God around the world, click here: http://www.InspireChurch.live/give

    Get Pastor Mike's latest book "That Doesn't Just Happen" at: https://www.MikeKai.Tv

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    To find out more about Inspire Church, visit us at: http://www.InspireChurch.Live

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    Twitch: InspireChurch

  • As we continue in the “Old School” series, Pastor Mike Kai ponders if you’ve ever received a Godly revelation concerning spiritual discernment and authority during your walk with the Lord.

    Scripture says that a great Aramean army was struck with blindness by the Lord, so they could be deceptively led into Samaria. Once there, the Lord was asked to reopen their eyes so they would realize how they had been entrapped. Pastor Mike uses this story to illustrate our self-reflection on “How Do You Know When You’re Living with Eyes Wide Open?”

    History is replete with misinformation and misdirection. However, one thing stands absolute and that is God’s covenant He made with the people of Israel. Mike gives context to the Middle East crisis and how to biblically resolve the conflict that may exist within us. Continue being blessed, and be sure to make God your first option, not your last resort!

    If you made a decision to follow Jesus, we'd love to take the journey with you! Click to Connect with our team at: http://www.Inspirechurch.live/online

    To partner with us in bringing the word of God around the world, click here: http://www.InspireChurch.live/give

    Get Pastor Mike's latest book "That Doesn't Just Happen" at: https://www.MikeKai.Tv

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  • This week Pastor Mike Kai continues in the “Old School” series emphasizing Elisha and the God-given double portion of blessings on his life. Elisha’s authoritative walk is possible because of the enduring generational faithfulness to God. Consider the story of Jericho with its fortified walls, and the specific instructions God commanded of Israel’s children. We serve the God who brought down those walls and purified the water within. God is willing and capable of breaking down every wall you have obstructing your personal life. Give Him total access to the sources creating those hurtful areas and allow Him to cleanse your heart and completely heal you. This message will provide you with fail-safe lessons on “How Do We Restore Our Hearts and Lives Back to God.” Make turning to God your first, not your last option. Jesus Christ is the only solution!

    If you made a decision to follow Jesus, we'd love to take the journey with you! Click to Connect with our team at: http://www.Inspirechurch.live/online

    To partner with us in bringing the word of God around the world, click here: http://www.InspireChurch.live/give

    Get Pastor Mike's latest book "That Doesn't Just Happen" at: https://www.MikeKai.Tv

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    Twitch: InspireChurch

  • While we remain mindful of honoring and respecting ongoing local and worldly events, this week we resume our “Old School” message series with Pastor Mike Kai speaking on the lives of Elijah and Elisha. He details how they embody life lessons on character traits necessary within us during our prophetic journey with the Lord -- loyalty, longevity, and faithfulness. One thing every Christian, in every church, should desire is the double portion blessing of God in our lives and there’s only one way to get it. You need to follow Jesus all the way. Pastor Mike takes us on an adventure on how we need to properly position ourselves by metaphorically visiting the three places like Elijah. Make the decision to trust God and begin to realize your full potential. Remember that delayed obedience is not obedience at all.

    If you made a decision to follow Jesus, we'd love to take the journey with you! Click to Connect with our team at: http://www.Inspirechurch.live/online

    To partner with us in bringing the word of God around the world, click here: http://www.InspireChurch.live/give

    Get Pastor Mike's latest book "That Doesn't Just Happen" at: https://www.MikeKai.Tv

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    Facebook: Inspire Church

    Instagram: @inspirechurchtv

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    Twitch: InspireChurch

  • In light of recent, ongoing world events, particularly in the Middle East, Pastor Mike Kai puts this massive conflict into a historical context rooted in Biblical principles. Three of the world’s major religions -- Christianity, Islam, and Judaism were born in the Middle East and are all linked to one another.

    You’ll learn what “The Abrahamic Covenant Assures the People of Israel” through scripture. Scripture also tells us hundreds of years ago that the land would always be under dispute, which is why it’s very important that we steadfastly and continually pray for peace over Jerusalem.

    As peripheral countries get involved in support of terrorist groups, it’s necessary for Israel to defend itself. "So We Need to Be Prepared for Christ’s Return” and Mike gives essential lessons on how to be “Rapture Ready” during this time of spiritual and physical war.

  • Our series continues with Pastor Lisa Kai delivering this week’s message as only she can in her unique and relatable way. We are all called upon to pray and rise up during our spiritual journey. Our Lord Jesus has placed upon each of us an anointing, but how will we respond when He comes calling to answer the opportunity? Our service of Him is not just within the church, but also at home, our workplace, or the community.

    Pastor Lisa starts off with “Two Questions for You and I” and follows up rhetorically with what kind of church member are you? She wraps everything up nicely by giving us a blueprint for success in “How to be Prepared for Our Devine Assignment” using our God-given special gifts and talents.

    If you made a decision to follow Jesus, we'd love to take the journey with you! Click to Connect with our team at: http://www.Inspirechurch.live/online

    To partner with us in bringing the word of God around the world, click here: http://www.InspireChurch.live/give Get Pastor Lisa's latest book "Wake Up" at: https://www.LisaKai.Tv

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    To find out more about Inspire Church, visit us at: http://www.InspireChurch.Live

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    Instagram: @inspirechurchtv

    YouTube: @inspirechurchtv

    Twitch: InspireChurch

  • Do real-life challenges like spiritual backlash, manipulation, fear, thievery, depression, and anxiety stand in your way of achieving your greatest victory? As Pastor Mike illustrates, we need to recognize it for what it is. We have a mighty God whose reformation and perfect timing in all things, is on our side.

    This message will identify how the enemy’s plan and a Jezebel spirit will affect your lives. Now that you know the warning signs, Pastor Mike will prepare you on, “How to Fortify and Protect a Sound Mind” through these sound teaching principles.

    If you made a decision to follow Jesus, we'd love to take the journey with you! Click to Connect with our team at: http://www.Inspirechurch.live/online

    To partner with us in bringing the word of God around the world, click here: http://www.InspireChurch.live/give

    Get Pastor Mike's latest book "That Doesn't Just Happen" at: https://www.MikeKai.Tv

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    To find out more about Inspire Church, visit us at: http://www.InspireChurch.Live

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    Instagram: @inspirechurchtv

    YouTube: @inspirechurchtv

    Twitch: InspireChurch