
  • I remember a time in my life when I was really struggling through some things and just thought that I would never really make it. I could not see to the other side because I was lost and fearful. Have you ever been in a place like that in your life? Many of us have.

    But what if you could use your struggles to help you move further in growing yourself and building your dreams? That would be awesome. It took me a long while to know how to use those hateful moments as motivators to get me closer to my dreams.

    My guest this week, Annya Miller, has been there too and is sharing her story to help transform the thoughts of another woman who needs it.

    Meet Annya....

    Guest Appearance - Annya Miller

    Annya is a resilient & strong woman, wife, Mom, & successful entrepreneur. After fighting through abusive relationships, cancer, & single Mom life she cut through the noise in an oversaturated market & created a 6 figure
    photography business – all while raising 4 kids.

    Now, Annya is on a mission to create an Updraft, lifting women & giving
    back! Her goal is to help women create upward mobility & a happier life through entrepreneurship, mindset and learning to manage the Motherload that comes with it all.

    The Updraft Podcast is all about helping women to overcome their struggles and trauma, rise up out of their current circumstances and build the life of their dreams. I cover basic marketing and entrepreneurship skills as well as
    topics like resilience and overcoming fear.

    Purpose Of This Episode

    To share a story of hope and enlightenment so that other women can know that there is life on the other side of immense struggles.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    Learning how to reclaim the YOU that you really want to be.
    Acknowledging that we are more than just mothers and we can overcome our fears to build a business we love.
    Understanding "who's on the ladder with you"?
    Tips for juggling kids and business and learning to be apologetic to yourself.

    Action Tip For The Episode:
    Annya Miller says "Understand that the only thing that holds you back is the thoughts in your head."

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

  • I looked at myself in the mirror today and wasn't really excited about what I saw. I know you have been there too. Come on....yes you have. Especially as women, we can be really critical of ourselves most of the time.

    What's even funnier is that my friends compliment me all the time about looking great. A guy friend of mine says I must have a deal with the devil because I look so much younger than my real age. Even after all that, I am still sometimes in doubt and find myself being negative.

    My guest, Christine Osoria, sat down to chat with me and she helped me with that. Listen in....

    Guest Appearance - Christine Osoria

    Christine Osoria is a working mom of 3, Motivational Speaker, Author,
    entrepreneur and Bronx native. Christine is best known as the Founder
    of CEO of My Curves a Self Love & Body Positive community for young girls and women.

    Christine has helped women connect with their soul, creating healthy habits through exercise, empower their minds, and fall in love with themselves and their lives. She recently released her first children’s book “Rosalia, the Honduran American”; she thrives in sharing inspirational messages through her high energy.

    Christine loves to read, dance, write and loves to have fun with her family & friends. She currently resides in Allentown, Pennsylvania with her husband & children.

    Purpose Of This Episode

    Self Love, Body Positive, Positive Mindset. Teaching women to love their body at all shapes and sizes.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    Learning how to start where you are by taking small steps towards showing your body self love.
    Acknowledging that we are more than just our bodies; we are confident, brilliant women.
    Understanding how to love your body while you are working on it.
    Being honest with you and asking yourself "What is amazing about my body today?"

    Action Tip For The Episode:
    Christine Osoria says "Speak to yourself with love. Start saying or writing beautiful things about yourself."

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

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  • Have you ever had a tween child that always seem to want to slam the door?

    It just seemed that no matter what you said or did, nothing would bridge the gap with the communication. It seems like you were from different planets and just couldn't speak each other's language.

    Well guess what? My podcast guest, Deborah Davis, has a decoder ring just for that.

    Listen in as she talks about it.

    Guest Appearance - Deborah Ann Davis

    Your relationship with your tween/teen girl is the most important female bond in her life. Why waste time with trial and error?

    Award-winning Author, Parenting Skills Coach, and Educator Deborah Ann Davis has drilled down three decades of accumulated experience with tween/teenagers into specific strategies you can start using today. Armed with an M.Ed in Supervision, a BS in Education, a Personal Trainer Certificate, and a 10th-grade sense of humor, Deborah knows what moms are facing because she's been there herself.

    Purpose Of This Episode

    Having tools and techniques to bridge the communication divide and make better relationship with your teens and tweens.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    Learning how to recognizing what shoes your kids are wearing; how you can walk together on those shoes.
    Having the tools at your disposal to create more effective communication on the spot.
    Knowing that conversation is the key.
    Understanding your child's personality type to help better bridge the communication gap.

    Action Tip For The Episode:
    Deborah Ann Davis says "Plan a time for a specific activity for just you and one daughter (make something together, polish your toenails, wash the car, etc.), and while you are casually occupied (and building a fond memory), bring up ONE touchy subject (new consequences for household rules, curfew, chores, screen time, dating), but discuss it in an indirect manner.

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

  • Your brand is a full representation of you! Did you hear me on that?

    Your brand is the first impression of you that people get to experience. No doubt about that. Is your brand representing you well? If not, now is the time to get some insight as to why it should.

    Meet my guest Laura Click, she is one smart brand lady!

    Guest Appearance - Laura Click

    Laura Click is a writer, speaker, brand strategist and entrepreneur and
    founder of Blue Kite, a brand strategy shop in Nashville and hosts the Make
    it Brave podcast.

    Purpose Of This Episode

    Raising awareness about what building a brand is about. Knowing it is more than a buzz word but about building a brand you truly believe in.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    Sometimes it takes you to step up to the plate. If you can't find it - build it.
    Pay attention to what people are saying about you and complimenting you on to find your secret sauce/magical ingredients.
    Learn what is at the core of your compelling brand stories that can uplevel your brand.
    Know how to build a brand you are proud of.

    Action Tip For The Episode:
    Laura Click says "Own your brilliance. Own what makes you, uniquely and wonderfully you. So often, women tend to downplay our gifts. But the magic happens when you show up fully as your wonderfully unique self. Embrace who you are. Dare to be different and be confident in the things that make you great. When you do that, people will be lining up to work with you."

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

  • How do you manage your anxiety? Do you know where to begin?

    Anxiety is best served when you can figure out what triggers you and how to manage that. You want to be able to calm and quiet your anxiety in a way that keeps you functioning well.

    My guest, Vikki Louise, understands all the brain science behind doing that and helps people get with ease.

    Guest Appearance - Vikki Louise

    Vikki worked in finance and tech before turning her personal development hobby into a successful career in 2016. Now she works with clients all over the world teaching them how to stop procrastinating and manage their anxiety. She has a no BS style and uses a combination of neuroscience, life coaching tools & tough love to get you unstuck.

    Vikki works with people all over the world helping them manage their anxiety & get sh*t done.

    Purpose Of This Episode

    To understand anxiety at a deeper level and help people who suffer to find ways to manage it so they are more productive in their every day lives.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    Anxiety is a part of our human experience. It has kept us alive over the ages.
    Understand what is happening with our brains that can help us manage.
    Learn how to create your own definition of anxiety that will serve you best.
    Know how you can change the more than 60K thoughts you have per day.

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

  • s your business legally secured? How do you know?

    There are many aspects of developing and growing a business that many business owners are not aware of. Starting an online business does not mean that you get everything done right from the start. There are many legal aspects of starting a business that we learn as we grow.

    Courtney English is our go to girl and she is hear to enlighten us all.

    Guest Appearance - Courtney English

    Courtney English is a licensed attorney. She serves small businesses both locally and online. She specializes in breaking down overwhelming concepts to make them actionable for you and your business. Her goal is always to be proactive in her approach to ensure you and your business is not only
    protected, but prosperous as well.

    She is a business attorney that assists businesses both locally and online. From trademarks to contracts, she protects businesses while helping
    businesses become prosperous.

    Purpose Of This Episode

    Giving businesses important legal information that will help them know exactly what to do when getting their business affairs in order.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    Know what steps to take to make sure your business is set up legally.
    Understand which business entity is the best fit for your online business.
    Learn how to protect your assets (trademarks and copyrights).
    Know that if you start your business right you will be able to end it right if need be.

    Action Tip For The Episode:
    Courtney English says "Check your business checklist!"

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

  • I have wanted to introduce more spirituality in my business for quite some time but wasn't sure how or when it would be a good time to do so. Have you ever felt that way?

    Knowing that God was calling you to do something more pronounced in your business but you were afraid to step out on faith? Oh boy, do I ever know what that feels like.

    Well my guest today has done that, unapologetically and successfully and she is sharing her journey to inspire us to action. Miranda Jo is indeed a Christian girl in a Yoga world.

    Guest Appearance - Miranda Jo Davis

    Miranda Jo Davis is a Christian Yoga, Pilates, and meditation expert with over 20 years in the industry. She is also a best-selling Author and award-winning freelance writer and uses God’s word to speak truth on a variety of modern-day topics.

    She specializes in Christian Meditation and helping women utilize this spiritual discipline as a pathway to peace, purpose, and abundance!

    Purpose Of This Episode

    Helping women to live healthier lives physically and spiritually on their desire to find peace and purpose for their lives.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    Why starting your day the right way is so important.
    Finding the presence of God in all that you do.
    Learning how to respond to life instead of reacting to life.
    The results you can achieve by combining your spirituality with movement.

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

  • Do you remember what it was like to give up on your dreams to choose motherhood instead? I do! It was a easy choice because my babies mean everything to me so it was what I needed to do at the time.

    Have you ever had to make that choice? Have you ever felt as though your dreams were not possible because of your motherhood? Like you had to give up on or dreams or give up on your kids? That is not thyou the case, ever!

    My podcast guest, LaWann Moses, is here to share with you how that is all possible. How you can have it all!

    Guest Appearance - LaWann Moses

    LaWann Moses is a Success Strategist and Business Executive with a consulting firm that provides coaching services to clients. She is the Creator of the More Than A Mother podcast, where she helps moms pursue their dreams and be great moms at the same time.

    LaWann is an advocate and visionary leader who has a passion for empowering others to rise up, reclaim their power, and live a life of boldness, purpose, and authenticity. She helps moms ditch the guilt, master their time, and maximize their energy so they can do more of what they love and enjoy.

    LaWann believes love is the greatest gift of all and she strives to do everything in love.

    Purpose Of This Episode

    To help moms to feel supported in pursuing their dreams and ditch the guilt about their families so that they can do more of what lights them up.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    Why following your dreams is the right thing to do as a mother
    Learn ways to balance your passions and motherhood
    Why guilt is a total LIE (yes you heard me)
    See what it takes for mom to reclaim their power and their passion

    Action Tip For The Episode:
    LaWann Moses says "Take a few minutes and take care of yourself"

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

  • Have you ever experienced a time when you thought that things in your mind were not quite right? Or maybe you were having thoughts that you feel were out of the ordinary? If someone had told me at one point that would be possible for me, I would have not believed it.

    But yes, I can honestly admit that I have had those times when I have felt uncertain in my mind or felt depressed and confused. It may have been triggered by a situation, or someone or something in my life but nonetheless, I have had the experience of feeling like I was losing my mind. Of feeling less than normal! My guest shares with us today that it is okay to have these feelings and how to cope.

    Guest Appearance - Kimberly Berry

    Kimberly Berry is the founder of Being UnNormal, a coaching and consulting group that assists people navigating the world of mental health. She is a sought after public speaker who has spoken in front of a wide
    range of audiences about a variety of mental health topics.

    She has been on various television segments, interviewed on podcasts, and featured in news articles focusing on spreading her mission of breaking down the stigma surrounding mental illness.

    Purpose Of This Episode

    To shine a spotlight on mental health and how it affects families and children and what we can do to help.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    ***What is mental health and how it is perceived in society today?
    ***Knowing what is considered normal and what is not? (Is there a normal?)
    ***How parents with children are dealing with their mental health.
    ***Learning ways to cope and have good self-care while dealing with mental health.

    Action Tip For The Episode:

    Kimberly Berry says "Ask yourself if what you know about mental health is true, and if not then what?"

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

  • Your marketing - such a vital part of your business. Without the right marketing strategy your business can be left lifeless and stagnated. It is just the honest truth. So it is super important to have the kind of marketing that makes your business shine but......

    Honestly marketing can be overwhelming and stressful. It is not always the simplest portion to get taken care of in your business. Wouldn't it be nice if it could be? What if it were easy? Meet my guest, Nicole, to help you with that.

    Guest Appearance - Nicole Bernard

    Nicole Bernard has helped business owners master their marketing so they can effectively grow their business without stress, worry and overwhelm!

    Nicole has been an entpreneur for 12+ years, her first business was a farm & brewery with herhusband for 7 years. They literally caused too much traffic and upset their neighbors. So she went to work for a digital marketing agency and then branched out completely on her own in 2016 so she could help business owners grow with what she has learned along the way!

    Purpose Of This Episode

    To help business owners know that there are simple ways to manage their marketing and without being overwhelmed and stressed out.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    Learn what is the most important thing that business owners need to focus on for their marketing.
    Know what foundational pieces of marketing strategy is most essential.
    What are the things that keep business owners up at night as struggles in their business?
    Learn how digitial marketing is a game changer for your business.

    Action Tip For The Episode:
    Nicole Bernard says "Know who you're marketing to- get your
    marketing foundation in place because it doesn't matter which tools you use, if you don't know your goals, your messaging or your target
    audience, you'll never grow."

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

  • My kids are amazing but I remember wanting them to grow up so I could have more time for me. I felt like they needed so much of my time that I wasn't able to really get some of my projects off the ground. Now that I look back, and they are older, that was all in my head.

    I waited until I was in my 40s to really start reclaiming me but I want women everywhere to know, you don't have to do that. You can start now! Don't wait...and my guest JaVaughna shares the same thoughts.

    Guest Appearance - JaVaughna Bevel

    JaVaughna is the founder of WILD MOMS Club, host of the Unapologetic
    Mom Podcast and creative and strategic life manager for moms. She's a mom of 4 that helps women with children "get their groove back" and
    live the life of their dreams.

    WILD MOMs Club is a community dedicated to the unity and success of
    women with children. It's a safe space to vent, grow and succeed.

    Purpose Of This Episode

    To help moms to see that they can live their dreams while raising their kids and to gain clarity around how to reach their goals.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    How to ask for help and learn how to accept it.
    What it takes to stay centered and grounded while working towards your goals.
    Start where you are and move towards what it is that you want to do.
    Learn how to release guilt and shame plus set boundaries to get where you want to go.

    Action Tip For The Episode

    JaVaughna Bevel says "Stop waiting, just start!"

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

  • What a topic! I know that no one wants to talk about this. It is taboo,right? I mean who wants to think about chronic diseases especially in this time of pandemics and shelter-in-place for us all.

    But sometimes we still need to cover the difficult thing and figure out ways to combat it before it is too late. That is what we discuss in this episode and I have one smart lady helping me talk about this. It is close to home for me so I want to know....don't you?

    Guest Appearance - Eboni Gee

    Eboni Gee is the founder of Living With A Purpose where they walk and talk the practical truths about dialysis wellness and kidney health. The core values they operate around are integrity, commitment, excellence, innovation and solution-focused action.

    Her desire is to make the world a better place by helping dialysis patients live a higher quality of life and to teach people who are at risk for kidney disease to protect their kidney health. That is very important for Eboni because impacting how families understand their health and the decisions they make can change their family history for the better. Because of this, her daily intention is to show up everyday and find the people who are looking to improve their health and the health of their families.

    Living With A Purpose is dedicated to teaching the concepts of dialysis wellness and kidney health for daily application in life to become the
    go-to company worldwide for all things dialysis wellness and kidney health.

    Purpose Of This Episode

    To talk about ways we can get people focused on their health at a deeper level and be more proactive about the fight around chronic disease.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    How chronic disease and dialysis patients can be generational.
    What are the major influencers that impact our health.
    Self-care is critical to your health. Honor your body with rest, healthy food, movement, peace
    Learn the 6 predicators you can use to evaluate YOU for better health

    Action Tip For The Episode:
    Eboni Gee says "Reflect on your current lifestyle. Which activities are going to get you to where you want to be. Prioritize what stays, what goes and what needs to be revised or streamlined and possibly delegated."

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

  • This is one of my favorite things to talk about - sharing your voice. Nothing gets me more excited than empowering women to be bold, confident and brave enough to really elevate their message and their voice. So love it!

    So of course I had to jump at the chance to have Karen come on and talk about the very thing I so love.

    Guest Appearance - Dr. Karen Lang

    Karen Lang, Ph.D. focuses her life’s work on helping teen girls and college-bound young women identify their sparks--purpose, talents, dreams, and passions--and to have strong voices in their lives and communities. Her business, SparkVoice, provides research-based and heartfelt mentoring, inspiration, and life tools to strengthen women’s confidence and ignite their bright futures. Her dissertation study on Voice and Women’s Advocacy sparked her dream to offer in-person camps and online workshops for young women navigating the pressures of today’s culture and to rewrite girl culture where needed--to celebrate instead of compare, collaborate instead of compete, and connect instead of isolate.

    Purpose Of This Episode

    To talk about some of the issues that shed light on the fact that as women our voices do matter.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    Why you should be visibile as women and share your voice.
    What does it mean to find your voice?
    Why superwoman is just a myth and perfection is not a goal.
    Learn why being a listening audience is so powerful for whatever you are doing.

    Action Tip For This Episode
    Watch your listening skills in life and work on improving them because that's how people feel loved. That's how people feel seen. That's how you'll connect. We all want more connection and when we really listen and ask a good follow-up question. People feel loved when we come back around and say hey, you told me that news, where are you this week with it? Nothing fills up our tank like that in my experience. So really listening to be a noticer is kind of a good mantra.

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

  • I want to live sassy, healthy and fit. Now doesn't that sound inviting?

    Well I can and so can you! It just requires you to be able to prioritize yourself and your health to make it all simple, sustainable and fun.

    My guest Hallie Avolio is here to tell you how.

    Guest Appearance - Hallie Avolio

    Hallie Avolio is the President & Founder of Sassy Healthy Fit, a lifestyle brand that empowers In Demand Women to prioritize themselves and unlock their sassy side without guilt. Hallie is a huge believer in the power
    of positivity, affirmations and taking action that is simple, sustainable and fun. Hallie is the host of Sassy AF TV, a writer, a speaker and a passionate leader for her growing community of In Demand Women.

    Purpose Of This Episode

    Adopting the right mindset to live a lifestyle that is simple, sustainable and fun that puts you in a frame of mind to enjoy your life and feel free.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    What's Hallie's definition of being sassy, healthy and fit - you will love it!
    Knowing what some of the challenges women face with their health and how to overcome them.
    Being mindful of the excuses you make are killing you and not serving you to live your best life.
    Adopting a power of positivity mindset that can change your life and the way you see yourself.

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

  • Have you ever really thought about what it means to "live your best life"?

    I know I have and although I feel as though I am getting so much closer to what my best life looks like everyday, I still can't stop thinking about how to get to that point. Your best life....defined by you and no one else. Sounds great, doesn't it?

    Gabe Cox has quite a bit of experience in how to live your best life. Ready to get started? Let's go.....

    Guest Appearance - Gabe Cox

    Gabe Cox is an author, speaker, coach, and the founder of Red Hot Mindset. She is also an RRCA certified running coach and is passionate about pushing others toward their goals and inspiring them to dream huge. She used the success principles outlined in her book, Mind Over Marathon, to achieve a bid to the 2016 and 2020 Boston Marathons. She continues to use these principles as she strives toward new goals in business, raising a family,
    and mentoring others.

    Purpose Of This Episode

    Understanding how having the right mental training coupled with success principles can help to prepare you to achieve the goals you set for yourself.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    Wrapping your mind around the fact that 80% of your success is mental and 20% is doing the work.
    Knowing mind enough to see the possibilities: we forget to dream and we forget that we can.
    Being mindful of how our thoughts translate into words. What we say is what we get; you first need to believe in what you are doing.
    Adopting the "if not me, then who?" attitude to develop the confidence and believe in yourself.

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

  • How often are you journaling? If you are like me, not often enough. Do you fully understand the effects that journaling can have on your life? Our minds are cluttered with lots of things that need to be cleared out periodically and journaling can help with me. How do I know?

    Because my guest Pamela Byrd told me all about it.

    Guest Appearance - Pamela Byrd

    Pamela Byrd is a Staunch Advocate for Women in helping them to identify their God-given potential. She focuses on partnering with courageous women who are ready to identify and remove the obstacles that prevent them from moving forward. She has a discernible gift for helping others to uncover their value allowing them to move toward achieving life’s goals.

    Purpose Of This Episode

    Understanding how journaling can benefit you and being able to set healthy boundaries all play into learning how to remove the obstacles that keep you stuck.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    How to be able to set the kinds of internal and external boundaries that keep you grounded
    People don't have to like our boundaries but they must learn to honor them and respect them
    Distractions will keep you from walking in your God given purpose
    One of the biggest distractions that women have is ourselves because we fail to recognize it

    Action Tip For The Episode:
    Pamela says "Ask yourself these 3 questions daily: What did I learn today? How did that impact me? What can I do with the information that impacted me?

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

  • Facebook seems to be the bain of my existence lately because it requires so much time and effort and I am not sure what it is all worth. Do you ever wonder the same? Also, why do they keep changing that darn algorithm?

    Well my guest this week has some insights.....

    Guest Appearance - Aubrey Renee

    Aubrey Renee, brand coach & social media strategist. Mother of an amazing 3 year old girl. Passionate about empowering women to be the best self they can envision themselves to be. Creator of HERtribe Community, a group of women who support other women through various stages of life.

    Purpose Of This Episode

    Learning the ins and outs of the Facebook algorithm so that we can have more insight into how to make it work towards success in your business.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    Learn how to choose a social media platform that will work for your audience
    Find out how an audit of your Insights will help your business
    Learn what Creator Studio is and how it will help you with social media
    Understand how the algorithm works and how it can work to your benefit
    Get a greater understanding about FB ads that will help you to grow your business

    Action Tip For The Episode:
    Breathe your personality into your brand and engage with your fan base. Empower yourself to stay involved with your following, the more they know the real you, the more they will support you longterm.

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

  • Being in a state of gratitude should be an easy thing to do because we are always so blessed with so many great opportunities and material things in life. Even being grateful for the very obvious things is very meaningful like breathing and walking and talking. Being in a state of gratitude improves your outlook in life. And know one knows it better than my guest Leah.

    Guest Appearance - Leah Carrillo Rivera

    Leah Carrillo Rivera is a wife, mom of 2, pediatric nurse by background
    and currently a life coach for parents raising little ones, ages 3 to 10 years old. She is also a business consultant for nurses who are starting in their entrepreneurial journey!

    Purpose Of This Episode

    To see the relationship between gratitude and your health so you can learn how to adjust your mindset for greater gratitude and greater health.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    Your mindset affects your health and everything else you do.
    Kids who are ill that have a positive attitude take less time to heal.
    I AM are the two greatest words - anything you start with I AM becomes reality.
    Live the life you love or it will affect your life if you don't.
    Focus on your gratitude - what you focus on you find

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

  • Have you ever met someone that really inspired you so much that you just want to hang out with them all the time?

    Well, that is how I felt with this guest. She is uber AMAZEBALLS! And that should not surprise you especially since she loves to help people grow!

    Guest Appearance - Nas Echeverria

    Nas Echeverria is a Business Growth Strategist, Owner of Next Level Up
    CEO and founder of the Unconditional Growth Method. She's here today to
    share her story on how she removed the conditions to her growth to create
    success and has helped hundreds of others create sustainable and
    profitable businesses that fit THEIR terms and their personality.

    Purpose Of This Episode

    Learn how women can remove the conditions for their growth and find their own version of success and grow their businesses and their lives beyond their wildest dream.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    Learn how to be resilient and trust your intuition so that other people's idea of you can't hold you back.
    Structure your business to be sustainable in what you are doing so that no matter what, you are able to continue doing what you love and earning a living with it.
    Stop looking around to find out what you can follow as the latest tren but focus on the skills you have and how to better develop them.
    The Unconditional Growth Method will put you on a path to continue to grow simply and effortlessly.
    Understand what conditions are holding you back from limitless success. There are 2 more but you will have to listen to the podcast to hear them.

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement

  • I recently went through a weight loss challenge to be able to lose the 17 pounds I needed to. But guess what? After doing that I figured out rather quickly that if I don't watch what I eat and create a lifestyle of healthy habits, I would soon be back in the I-need-to lose-17-pounds-again phase.

    I did not want to have to try a new diet fad every couple of weeks. And my guest doesn't want me to either. Louise Long is very serious about that.

    Guest Appearance - Louise Long

    Louise is a personal trainer, weight loss and confidence coach, as well as mum to three. Since having her children, she has lost 5 stones (70 pounds) and is very passionate about helping other women feel more confident.

    Purpose Of This Episode

    Helping women to fully understand that a lifestyle change is the real answer to the transformation they seek with their health and weight struggles.

    Tips To Follow In This Episode

    Even when you are not eating the right things, movement is still so essential. Exercising is not the only form of movement.
    You have to make a practice of fighting the urges, cravings and temptationsby pivoting and doing something else.
    Being healthy and being overweight are two totally different things. You can be healthy but overweight at the same time.
    Journal about the negative thoughts in your head so you can see them and then destroy the paper and start reframing your negative thoughts with positive ones.
    Look for small habit changes that will make the biggest impact such as a change in morning rituals, routine changes, eating patterns, etc.

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4081522/advertisement