Buying a business is an amazing path for many successful entrepreneurs. Learn how to buy a business from the entrepreneurs who have already done it. 2x per week: stories, insights, & valuable advice about acquisition entrepreneurship. Hosted by Will Smith, who is on his own path to acquire a business.
Also on YouTube:
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We talk to renowned investors about their favorite stocks. Subscribe now so you don't miss an episode.
Μακροοικονομία, χρηματαγορές, επιχειρηματικότητα, ιστορία και startups. Τo podcast της Καθημερινής για τις οικονομικές εξελίξεις, στην Ελλάδα και τον Κόσμο. Από τον Βασίλη Κωστούλα.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Monetizing your Business is a podcast for business owners seeking capital to stay and grow or maximizing value when it’s time to sell and go.
Your host, Walt Lipski shares over 30 years of real life deal experiences and strategies from helping business owners create the liquidity they need for: making an acquisition, taking a large dividend for personal financial diversification, buying out a partner and much more all while keeping majority control of their business or maximizing their proceeds when it’s time to exit.
So, whatever your timing for a transition, you will truly be able to say, “I did it my way.”
We explore minority recapitalizations, sourcing private equity and institutional capital, working with strategic buyers, understanding M&A deal structures and negotiating strategies, and initiatives you can take to maximize the overall value in your business, so when it’s time for a Transition, you can truly say, “I did it my way.” -
📌La finance peut sembler complexe et élitiste. Les connaissances pour faire fructifier son épargne sont inéquitablement réparties.
📌Pourtant, il est essentiel de comprendre que sans une gestion judicieuse de notre argent et un fléchage éclairé des capitaux, il est difficile d'innover, de créer des entreprises et de réaliser la transition énergétique dont notre monde a besoin.
📌L'épargne et la recherche d'un impact positif sont des moyens puissants de contribuer au changement.
🎙C'est pourquoi nous sommes ravis de vous présenter "L'ÉCLAIREUR" 🎙
1️⃣ Votre communauté d’experts, professionnels du secteur de la gestion d’actifs, du patrimoine et de l’économie.
2️⃣ Ici, des experts partageront leurs connaissances et leur expérience dans des domaines tels que l'épargne salariale, le PEA, l'épargne digitale, les holdings familiales, la construction de portefeuilles d'actifs, les obligations, l'innovation technologique, et bien d'autres sujets passionnants.
3️⃣ Nous vous donnons rendez-vous tous les quinze jours pour de nouvelles discussions éclairantes. Notre premier épisode sera diffusé la semaine prochaine, alors ne manquez pas ça ! 🚀
Nous sommes impatients d'interagir avec vous. N'hésitez pas à poser des questions, à suggérer des sujets ou simplement à dire bonjour en nous contactant à 📧 [email protected] 📧.
Eclairons ensemble le chemin vers une meilleure compréhension financière ! 💡
« Un investissement dans le savoir paie toujours les meilleurs intérêts. »
Benjamin Franklin -
The Impact Report outlines complex wealth management strategies and breaks them down into relatable and understandable solutions that can help you on your way to financial freedom.
Featuring the President & CEO of Impact Financial, Eric Lawton, this show brings over two decades worth of wealth management experience right to your doorstep. With each episode, Eric will be discussing an array of wealth management strategies that he utilizes with his clients and showcases the various benefits attached to them.
Each episode is meant to leave you with suggestions and considerations to help put you on the path to living an amazing life of significance.
Enjoy! -
Welcome to the RootsToFoods podcast, brought to you by AV-Ventures, your gateway to the dynamic world of African agriculture. Join us on this exciting journey as we dive deep into the agricultural sector, exploring innovative financing, investment opportunities, and cutting-edge technologies that are reshaping the landscape of African agriculture.
We’re here to empower you with knowledge and inspire you to be a part of the food resilience revolution on the African continent. In addition, the podcast will highlight approaches to challenges and specific strategies to achieve success. We will prominently feature the topics of building complementary teams, scaling ventures, and business building.
The RootsToFoods podcast is a rich resource hub and community of entrepreneurs, executives, and investors in the agtech, food systems, and climate adaptation sector in Sub-Saharan Africa. -
The Venturing in Climate (ViC) podcast was born to shine a light on climate tech entrepreneurs, investors and policymakers who are leading our efforts to tackle climate change. Hosted by Henry Hamilton, an early-stage climate tech investor, ViC helps unpack the key technologies, trends and insights for building a cleaner, more sustainable future.
Henry has over 7 years of investing experience across a variety of public and private markets, including 2 years in climate VC. He also has worked for Bulb's CEO team during 2020.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Get exclusive trade ideas from Tony 'The BAT' Battista on this Tuesday / Thursday podcast.
Der Finanzpodcast für Anfänger von Lena Kronenbürger und Ingo Schröder.
Warum werden wir so emotional, wenn wir auf unseren Kontostand gucken? Weshalb sollte man sein Geld investieren, anstatt es auf dem Konto zu horten? Und sind Investmentbanker wirklich alle nur gewissenlose Arschlöcher? Das fragt sich zumindest Lena. Sie arbeitet als freie Journalistin und Moderatorin und hat mit Finanzen nicht viel am Hut. Aber das soll sich jetzt ändern! In jeder Podcastfolge spricht sie daher mit dem Honorarberater und Finanzexperten Ingo – und fragt regelmäßig weiteren geladenen Expertinnen und Experten rund um das Thema Geld und Finanzen Löcher in den Bauch. Werdet Teil der #HIMMM-Community und lernt auf lockere Weise die Basics und Hintergründe der (manchmal ganz schön persönlichen) Finanzwelt kennen. Warum? Um eigenständig und mit handfestem (Ge-)Wissen gute Finanz- und damit auch Lebensentscheidungen treffen zu können.
Disclaimer: Der Inhalt dieses Podcasts dient ausschließlich der allgemeinen Information. Die im Podcast gemachten Aussagen sind nicht als Aufforderung oder Empfehlung zu verstehen, einzelne Finanzprodukte zu erwerben oder zu verkaufen. Alle Informationen aus diesem Podcast können und sollen eine individuelle Beratung durch hierfür qualifizierte Personen nicht ersetzen. -
Il podcast settimanale de “Il Rosso e il Nero”, la rubrica di strategia d’investimento a cura di Alessandro Fugnoli, Strategist di Kairos.
Per non perdere tutti gli aggiornamenti di Kairos, iscriviti alla sezione Approfondimenti del sito -
The laws of macro investing are being re-written, and investors who fail to adapt to the rapidly changing monetary environment will struggle to keep pace. Felix Jauvin interviews the brightest minds in finance about which asset classes they think will thrive in the financial future that they envision.
Follow Felix:
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Il podcast rivolto a chi desidera restare aggiornato sulle ultime notizie dai mercati finanziari raccontate da Alberto Tocchio, Head of Global Equity and Thematics di Kairos.
Per non perdere tutti gli aggiornamenti di Kairos, iscriviti alla sezione Approfondimenti del sito -
Zwei Ex-Investmentbanker, der eine Finanzprofessor, der andere Unternehmer, sprechen jede Woche über Finanzen, Börse, Wirtschaft und Karriere. Anekdotisch, humorvoll und lehrreich. Zum Podcast Discord Kanal: Prof. Dr. Holger Graf auf Instagram: @prof.goldgraf Thomas Kehl:
🎙️ Un podcast dédié à l’univers passionnant de l’investissement en bourse et de la finance. 📈💰
💼 Que vous soyez un investisseur chevronné ou un débutant curieux, notre podcast est conçu pour vous offrir des conseils, des stratégies et des analyses approfondies sur les marchés financiers. Nous explorons les dernières tendances, démystifions les concepts complexes, et vous aidons à prendre des décisions éclairées pour votre avenir financier.
🔊 Rejoignez-nous dès aujourd’hui et embarquez pour une aventure financière captivante ! Abonnez-vous pour ne rien manquer -
UPBEAT is a weekly motivational and personal development podcast hosted by Parker Kane, a dynamic beatboxer and inspirational speaker. Binge-listen to in-depth conversations with top-tier entrepreneurs about their stories of overcoming adversity, all while staying true to their values. Learn proven strategies, boost your mental well-being, turn opposition into opportunity, and embrace a faith-driven approach to life's challenges.
Parker and the guests will share mindfulness techniques, real-world experiences, and invaluable insights to help you navigate today’s entrepreneurial landscape with resilience and authenticity. New episodes drop every Monday – don’t forget to subscribe and review the show! -
The Indian Silicon Valley Podcast is a series of intricate conversations with Founders, Investors and Domain Experts from India's flourishing startup ecosystem, with the hope to decode the learnings from building legendary institutions.
The mission of this Podcast is to democratise the knowledge to building a truly spectacular Company!
Stay Tuned for an Episode each Sunday as your Host - Jivraj Singh Sachar brings to your some phenomenal conversations!
Feel Free to Reach Out -
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Der Marketing Mysteries Podcast beschäftigt sich mit den neusten und innovativsten Online Marketing Methoden. Teilweise spricht Philipp Kaul, Geschäftsführer der, im Monolog über bewährte Methoden, teilweise holt er sich hochkarätige Köpfe der Marketingwelt ins Interview. Seid gespannt und hört uns jeden Dienstag zu, um euer Online Marketing auf das nächste Level zu bringen.
If you’re ready to redefine your version of “success” while also thriving emotionally, financially, and physically, add Revolutionary Rising to your rotation.
Revolutionary Rising is a podcast for leaders of color who know they deserve more and refuse to conform. -
Many of us focus on winning at work. Then, with whatever time and energy is left, we give to our family and to ourselves. In the end, no one wins. Marriages suffer, kids are neglected, and you are not fulfilled. Learn from business leaders who are winning at both home and work.