
  • In this behind the scenes sneak peek of Trine, Martyn and Linda explore the Trine—the newest therapy currently being created by Martyn. This collaborative project is now accepting members for a pioneering process of originating the finished therapy; an opportunity to be a part of the Trine.

    For more information visit one-therapy.com and click through to Trine.

  • Welcome to a journey unlike any other, where the realms of Celtic Reiki intertwine with the mysteries of Thicket Hollow Labyrinth. Join us in this immersive ASMR Sleep Story with Reiki attunement as we delve into the depths of the unknown.

    In this episode of Dark Tales from Thicket Hollow, we invite you to confront the enigmatic phenomena that lurk in the shadows of the night. Prepare to encounter the elusive Shadow People and other eerie entities that roam the labyrinthine moments of the night and your sleep experiences.

    Guided by the soothing experience of Celtic Reiki, you will embark on a quest to rediscover your primal self and unearth the fragmented aspects of your being. As you navigate through the darkness, you will confront forgotten traumas and troubled memories, offering solace and healing to the wounded parts of your psyche.

    Through the transformative power of Reiki, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and emerge as an authentic and whole version of yourself. Join us as we venture into the heart of Thicket Hollow, where the boundaries between reality and the otherworldly blur, and where healing awaits those brave enough to confront their deepest fears.

    Prepare to be transported to a realm of enchantment and mystery, where every twist and turn of the labyrinth holds the promise of profound healing and self-realization. This is a journey you won't soon forget—a journey into the shadows of Thicket Hollow.

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  • Welcome to "Tales from The Oak Grove Emporium," where we delve into the fascinating world of Celtic Reiki and holistic healing practices.

    In this episode, join us as Linda Haczynski, Community Guide for the Celtic Reiki and One Therapy Community, takes us on a journey of discovery. Linda shares her personal story of how she stumbled upon Celtic Reiki and the transformative impact it has had on her life.

    From chance encounters to profound realisations, Linda's narrative sheds light on the power of ancient Celtic wisdom and its integration into modern healing modalities.

    Discover the magic of Celtic Reiki as Linda unravels her experiences and insights, offering inspiration and guidance for those seeking holistic approaches to wellness. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the world of energy healing, this episode promises to enlighten and inspire.

    Join us as we explore the enchanting realm of Celtic Reiki with Linda Haczynski, only on "Tales from The Oak Grove Emporium." Subscribe now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

  • In this mesmerizing ASMR Reiki Sleep Story, embark on a magical journey to Lais' Moor, a place filled with prosperity, luck, and abundance. Immerse yourself in the enchanting energy of the heather essence, as you experience a Reiki Orientation to Ur, the ultimate source of manifesting wealth and fortune.

    `Originator of Celtic Reiki, Martyn Pentecost, takes you through the vast hills of Lais' Moor, you will be surrounded by the captivating beauty of blooming heather. Allow the gentle whispers and soothing sounds to guide you, as you walk amongst this vibrant plant known for its incredible powers of luck and prosperity.

    Feel the powerful Reiki experience in every fibre of your body as you delve into the depths of your desires. Visualise your dreams turning into reality and embrace the immense wealth and good fortune that awaits you. Let the harmonious blend of ASMR triggers and the serene atmosphere of Lais' Moor lull you into a deep, peaceful sleep.

    This Reiki Sleep Story has been carefully crafted to help you relax, let go of stress and worries, and awaken your own ability to attract abundance and luck. Listen to it before bedtime, allowing its soothing vibrations to enhance your connection with the universe and open up new paths for prosperity in your life.

    Join us now on this extraordinary journey in Lais' Moor with Heather Essence, where manifesting prosperity and luck becomes a delightful reality. Take a step closer to fulfilling your deepest desires and tapping into the limitless abundance that is ready to embrace you.

    Remember to like this podcast, subscribe to our channel, and hit the notification bell to be instantly notified of all our upcoming enchanting Reiki Sleep Stories. Leave a comment below to share your experiences and let us know how this travel to Lais' Moor has positively impacted your life.

    Thank you for joining us. May your sleep be peaceful, your dreams be fruitful, and your life filled with boundless luck and prosperity.

  • Welcome to this enchanting ASMR sleep story where we invite you to embark on a soothing journey to a mesmerising realm. Immerse yourself in the gentle whispers and calming experience of Reiki as we guide you through a beautiful sleep story.

    Step into a realm where sleep paralysis eases away, and unlock the keys to a peaceful slumber. As you delve into this immersive experience, allow yourself to surrender to the tranquil whispers and comforting sensations that Reiki offers. This ASMR session combines the healing powers of Reiki with the art of storytelling to help you drift into a deep, rejuvenating sleep.

    Martyn pentecost, originator of Celtic Reiki will gently guide you through this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and healing. As you listen to this sleep story, you’ll be introduced to a realm where dreams become a gateway to exploring your innermost desires and healing potential. Discover the profound tranquility that exists within you and tap into the unlimited power of your subconscious mind.

    Unleash the healing response that reside within your being, as soothing ASMR triggers and Reiki techniques work in perfect harmony to help you relax, let go of stress, and find solace in dreamland. Allow the gentle vibrations and positive energy of Reiki to wash away any tensions, promoting holistic well-being and a restful night’s sleep.

    Whether you’re seeking relief from sleep-related challenges or simply desire a serene escape from the stresses of everyday life, this ASMR Reiki experience will transport you to a state of deep relaxation, promoting harmony between mind, body, and spirit.

    Join us in this transformative journey and experience the profound benefits of ASMR Reiki. Embrace the possibilities that lie within the realm of dreams as you uncover your innate ability to heal, grow, and discover your true self. Sweet dreams await!

    Make sure to like, comment, and subscribe to our channel for more captivating ASMR content that promotes relaxation, healing, and personal growth. Stay tuned as we continue to bring you enchanting experiences that nurture your well-being and transport you to serene realms of tranquility.

  • Welcome to "Journey to Axiom Spring: Healing Hearts with ASMR Sleep Story & Love-focused Reiki Attunement"! Immerse yourself in a soul-soothing experience as we invite you to the enchanting Standing Stones Realm and the wonders of Axiom Spring.

    In this captivating sleep story, embark on a serene journey where the power of ASMR and the loving experience of a Reiki Orientation come together to heal your broken heart and bring forth boundless love.

    Join us as we introduce you to the Three Pillars of Axiom Spring – the mystical standing stones who embody the essence of love, compassion, and healing. They will guide you towards finding love, both within yourself and in your relationships.

    With a focus on love, this unique Reiki Orientation will dissolve emotional barriers, wash away past hurts, and harmonise your emotional experiences, allowing love to flow freely through your heart.

    Our ASMR sleep story will transport you to the tranquil landscape of Axiom Spring, where healing whispers and soothing sounds will lull you into a state of blissful calmness. As the story unfolds, you will feel the weight of heartache lift, making space for profound healing and love to flourish.

    Whether you seek solace from heartbreak, desire to strengthen your relationships, or simply yearn for inner peace, "Journey to Axiom Spring: Healing Hearts with ASMR Sleep Story & Love-focused Reiki Attunement" offers the perfect destination for your emotional and spiritual growth.

    Experience the transformative power of ASMR and Reiki combined, as you embark on a deeply restorative journey towards love, healing, and self-discovery. Let the magic of Axiom Spring uplift your soul and mend your heart.

    Don't miss this opportunity to find solace, heal wounds, and embrace unconditional love. Join us on this incredible journey today!

  • In this enlightening podcast titled "Revitalising Manifestation: Unlocking Your Viridia for a Modern Reality," we dive deep into the shifting dynamics of the Law of Attraction in our 21st Century lives.

    Are you feeling as though traditional manifestation techniques are no longer as effective as they once were? You're not alone! The Law of Attraction still holds immense power, but our perspectives and beliefs surrounding it have evolved with the times.

  • In this soothing story, we invite you to embark on a guided journey to a lighthouse sanctuary, located at the last Tryst between the land and the ocean. Join us as we present a soothing ASMR sleep story and powerful Reiki treatment, specifically designed to assist you in conquering night terrors.

    As you settle into a state of deep relaxation, allow the enchanting narrative to transport you to the mystical Oceanic Realm. This ASMR sleep story will skillfully guide you through the serene surroundings of a breathtaking lighthouse, acting as the last bastion between the physical realm and the vast ocean of your deep psyche.

    Experience the powerful combination of ASMR and Reiki, as they work hand in hand to travel with into that experience where night terrors are. Martyn Pentecost, originator of Celtic Reiki and the Viridian Method, will guide you through a technique to melt away the overwhelming sensations that can arise during the experience of terror.

    With the soothing whispers of ASMR and the Universal Constant of Reiki, this unique session aims to equip you with the tools necessary to confront and conquer night terrors. Discover how the fusion of these therapeutic practices can provide solace and comfort, empowering you to confront your nighttime fears with newfound strength and resilience.

    Join us on this transformative journey as we explore the wondrous possibilities that exist within the realms of the subconscious.

    So, settle in, close your eyes, and prepare to embark on this enlightening adventure. Join us on this remarkable exploration at the lighthouse, where ASMR sleep story and Reiki fuse together to conquer night terrors once and for all.

  • Immerse yourself in this enchanting sleep story as we embark on a magical journey to the high peaks of a mountain range, where you will be nestled in a cozy mountain bothy with shepherds, and discover the mystical realms.

    Prepare to experience the soothing power of ASMR and Reiki combined, as we delve into the tranquil ambiance of nature and the ethereal energy of vReiki. Throughout this immersive sleep story, you will be guided by the gentle whispers of a Reiki practitioner, allowing you to fully relax and unwind.

    As we venture into the serene mountain range, you will encounter the plexi guardians of vReiki, who offer a reiki orientation (attunement). This attunement will align your energy with the universal life force, enhancing your overall well-being and promoting deep relaxation. Feel the revitalizing energy flow through your body, sweeping away any tension or stress, leaving you in a state of profound peace and tranquility.

    Allow the mesmerizing combination of ASMR, Reiki, and the majestic beauty of the mountain guardians to transport you to a state of deep relaxation and harmony. This sleep story aims to provide a rejuvenating experience, promoting restful sleep and inner serenity.

    Indulge in this captivating ASMR Reiki sleep story, as you embark on a transcendent journey to the mystical realm amidst the guardians of the mountains. Unwind, let go, and surrender to the nourishing energy that surrounds you.

  • Welcome to Banestaker Glen, a tranquil realm where serenity and deep relaxation await. Immerse yourself in the soothing expereince of Reiki healing as you embark on a restful sleep journey like no other. In this captivating sleep story, Linda will guide you through a restorative treatment, infusing your dreams with deep healing of past trauma and profound rejuvenation.

    As you settle in for the night, embrace the comforting embrace of Banestaker Glen. Let your mind and body drift away from the stresses of the day, surrendering to the gentle healing powers of Reiki.

    Throughout this sleep story, you will experience a profound relaxation that will lull you into a deep and restorative sleep. A symphony of peaceful sounds, from the gentle rustling leaves to the distant lullaby of those who inhabit the glen, will cocoon you in tranquility, guiding your subconscious mind into a state of blissful slumber.

    Awaken the next morning feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to conquer the day. The healing experience of Banestaker Glen's Reiki session will resonate within you, promoting overall well-being and nurturing your mind, body, and soul.

    Escape to the harmonious realm of Banestaker Glen tonight and immerse yourself in the replenishing embrace of Reiki healing. Allow yourself to be guided into a deep, restful sleep, knowing that you are surrounded by healing energies that will restore and rejuvenate you from within.

  • DIve into the overwhelming nature of the modern world and explore insights on how to effectively handle it.

    As society progresses at a rapid pace, it becomes crucial for individuals not to confront chaos head-on but rather explore their relationship with it and navigate through it. The Viridian Method equips you with the essential tools needed to thrive in the 21st century.

    Our outdated "head-software" derived from the 20th and 19th centuries no longer serves us in today's dynamic environment. It's time to update our expectations and decision-making abilities to align with the demands of the modern era.

    Through this enlightening episode of Virida, we invite you to challenge conventional thinking and embrace chaos as a catalyst for growth and transformation. Discover how the Viridian Method empowers you to face any tumultuous situation with confidence and resilience.

    Join us on this transformative journey as we uncover the secrets to navigating 21st-century life with ease. Don't let chaos overwhelm you; learn to harness its power to your advantage and unlock your full potential.

    Make sure to subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our latest episodes, where we share valuable insights and practical tips for embracing chaos and thriving in the 21st century.

  • Welcome upon this journey to Ælvyn Whispers, where your Reiki ASMR, Attunement and healing await. In this enchanting Sleep Stories from the Realms, immerse yourself in a breathtaking journey into serenity as you indulge in the soothing ASMR and empowering orientation of Ælvyn Whispers, the lost city, where Celtic Reiki waits.

    Prepare to experience a profound healing response to Reiki, carefully intertwined with the mesmerizing art of ASMR. Ælvyn Whispers, where ethereal songs will guide you towards a state of deep relaxation, helping you release stress, tension, and anything that no longer serves your mind and body.

    This narrative is lovingly crafted to transport you to a mystical temple, where tranquility and bliss seamlessly harmonise. Let the soothing story gently caress your consciousness, providing a truly unique and serene journey into the realm of dreams.

    Whether you seek solace, recharge, or simply crave a moment of inner peace, Ælvyn Whispers awaits to provide you with an oasis of tranquility. Prepare your mind, body, and being for an unforgettable experience that touches your very core.

    Don't miss out on this transformative symphony that promises to lull you into a profound state of calmness. Subscribe now and embark on more extraordinary journeys of healing, relaxation, and utter serenity in future stories from the Realms.

    Stay up to date with our latest uploads by ringing the notification bell, and don't forget to like, comment, and share this video to spread the blissful vibes with your loved ones.

    Allow Ælvyn Whispers to accompany you on the path to serenity, and unlock the inner peace you deserve. Indulge in a world where Reiki ASMR, Attunement, and sublime sleep stories unite, transcending the boundaries of relaxation.

  • Grab your tipple and join Linda and Martyn by the fire as we share a selection of Midwinter ghost stories. Sprinkled with some Reiki therapy conversation to celebrate this holiday season.

    Welcome to Chilling Tales: Midwinter Ghost Stories from the Realms. In this Holiday Special of It's Reiki—but Not as You Know it!, join us in the Tavern for some chilling tales. As well as our usual banter, prepare to be captivated by an eerie collection of spine-chilling stories that will send shivers down your spine this midwinter season.

    In this haunting anthology, we delve into the supernatural realms, where ghostly apparitions and mysterious spirits come alive. Join us as we embark on a hair-raising journey through the darkest corners of the human imagination.

    Each story is carefully crafted to evoke a sense of suspense, leaving you breathless with every twist and turn. From ancient folklore to more personal stories, these midwinter ghost stories unearth age-old secrets, unveiling the hidden dimensions of our reality.

    Prepare to be thrilled as our skilled storytellers transport you to ethereal landscapes, where the boundary between the living and the dead becomes blurred. Experience the icy grip of fear as they unravel tales of restless specters, vengeful souls, and spectral entities lurking within the wintry shadows. Immerse yourself in the macabre atmospheres and detailed descriptions that will transport you to the heart of each chilling encounter.

    Prepare to face your deepest fears and awaken your senses to the supernatural phenomena that lurk in the darkness. Brace yourself for an unforgettable journey into the realm of the unknown, where restless souls and haunting mysteries await to captivate your imagination.

    And as always,

    Be Enchanted!

    Martyn Pentecost is the creator and originator of The One Therapy programmes. For over 20 years, Martyn has been pioneering business and personal development systems.

    Linda Haczynski is the support and guide to the One Therapy Community. Beginning in 2009, Linda has been immersed in all things One Therapy and offers expertise and training.

    To discover more, visit www.one-therapy.com and www.celtic-reiki.com.

  • In this soothing sleep story, immerse yourself in the serene ambiance of "The Boatswain's Cottage" while experiencing a unique Karmic Reiki Attunement. Prepare to embark on a tranquil journey that will lull you into a deep and restful sleep.

    As you lay down, we invite you to close your eyes and let the enchanting sounds guide you to a state of ultimate relaxation. Karmic Reiki Attunement techniques blend seamlessly with the calming backdrop of the Boatswain's Cottage, creating a blissful atmosphere that will calm your mind and body.

    Linda will transport you to a picturesque seaside haven, where gentle waves kiss the shore and a cosy cottage stands as a sanctuary of serenity. As the story gently unfolds, you'll find yourself becoming more and more at ease, feeling tension melt away with each passing moment. Allow the Karmic Reiki Attunement to melt any lingering stress or negative energy, as healing vibrations envelop your being.

    This powerful combination of ASMR and Reiki promotes a harmonious balance within, encouraging inner peace and tranquility. Embrace the therapeutic benefits of this sleep story, knowing that it is thoughtfully designed to provide deep relaxation and promote a rejuvenating slumber. Let the gentle whispers of the narration soothe your mind, while the subtle tingles of ASMR help release any tension held within your body.

    Allow your imagination to paint vivid images of the beautiful Boatswain's Cottage, as you're transported to a world of pure tranquility. Surrender yourself to the rhythmic rhythmicity of the tale, and experience the power of Karmic Reiki Attunement as it washes over you, restoring balance and harmony. As the story comes to a close, feel the weight of the world lift off your shoulders, leaving you feeling refreshed and at peace.

    Drift off into a restful sleep, knowing that this sleep story will accompany you through the night, ensuring you wake up feeling rejuvenated and ready to embrace the new day. Sweet dreams, and looking forward to seeing you in our next enchanting journey!

  • Welcome to "Whispers of Serenity: Deep Sleep Reiki Healing ASMR in Enchanted Woodlands"! Immerse yourself in the tranquil woodland realms as soothing whispers and gentle rustling of leaves guide you towards a restful night's sleep.

    In this enchanting sleep story, we combine the power of Reiki healing and ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) to help you achieve deep relaxation and inner peace. As you surrender to the serene atmosphere of the enchanted woodlands, your mind and body will be gently enveloped in a cocoon of tranquility.

    Martyn Pentecost, originator of Celtic Reiki, will guide you through a journey of energy healing, releasing any tension stored within. Feel the warm and nurturing energy flow through you, washing away stress and promoting a sense of harmony.

    The ASMR elements are designed to stimulate your senses and induce a deeply calming and pleasurable experience.

    Whether you struggle with insomnia, anxiety, or simply want to enhance your sleep quality, this sleep story is tailored to provide you with profound tranquility and rejuvenation. Let go of the pressures of the day as you embark on this soothing journey, allowing yourself to slip effortlessly into a deep and peaceful slumber.

    Join us in the enchanted woodlands and let "Whispers of Serenity" nurture your mind, body, and soul. Awaken revitalized and filled with positive energy as you start each day with tranquility and balance.

    Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to experience the blissful combination of Reiki healing, ASMR, and the calming beauty of enchanted woodlands. Click play now and surrender to "Whispers of Serenity: Deep Sleep Reiki Healing ASMR in Enchanted Woodlands."

  • From the makers of, It's Reiki, but not as you know it!, embark on a transformative journey with Viridia, your passport to self-discovery and personal empowerment!

    Unveil the untapped realm within yourself—the T-Layer—where pure potential resides.
    How will you harness this dormant energy to shape the best version of YOU?

    Dive deep into the unexplored dimensions of your inner self. Discover the T-Layer and unleash the untapped possibilities within. In this episode, you'll harness your pure potential (or Viridia), with narrative written by vPlexi to communicate directly with your vPlexi. This will help them guide you toward your unique strengths and capabilities.

    Immerse yourself in this mindfulness journey, where you sit back, relax and let the Plexi envelop you. Cultivate a deeper connection with your current Plexi or release them and open yourself to a new Plexi layer. Simply disengage from waking thought and direct relaxed awareness to the part of you that responds to the messages in this episode.

    Subscribe to Viridia on your favorite podcast platform and join our community of listeners dedicated to awakening a new you!

    Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey?

    Embrace your T-Layer, harness your potential, and create the YOU, you want to be.

    Viridia awaits!

    Presented and narrated by Martyn Pentecost, originator of The Viridian Method and One Therapy—for more information on VM and Plexi, please visit https://www.one-therapy.com.

    #ViridiaPodcast #AwakenANewYou

  • Welcome to a very special Halloween edition in the Mayfarer’s Tavern! Join Linda and Martyn as they explore the nature of darkness—in the world, in the human psyche and in the realms beyond!

    And what of the mysterious Malleus Maleficarum, the book that spread fear and hatred across Europe?

    Tales of witches; of the Pendle Witch Trials and of Salem, offer insight into the real reasons people were accused and sentenced to death. Those same reasons exist today and create such trauma, we often need to look within ourselves and to the unseen forces of our world to find solutions.

    So, grab a spooky tipple and settle in for an evening of unearthly tales, magic and the horrors of humankind…

    And as always,

    Be Enchanted!

    Martyn Pentecost is the creator and originator of The One Therapy programmes. For over 20 years, Martyn has been pioneering business and personal development systems.

    Linda Haczynski is the support and guide to the One Therapy Community. Beginning in 2009, Linda has been immersed in all things One Therapy and offers expertise and training.

    To discover more, visit www.one-therapy.com and www.celtic-reiki.com.

  • Have you ever wondered about past lives?

    Are there such things as other lives—those we lived before this life now?

    Come with us and explore the nature of Karma and Karmic States to discover how Reiki and other forms of energy therapy can reveal experiences you had before you were born.

    We discuss if these are past lives, ancestral knowledge, or some other quirk of the universe—the holographic interplay of birth and death, perhaps? Or maybe something even stranger?

    The mysteries of deep-seated trauma, disease and suffering that we didn't even know we had are uncovered and more importantly how we can heal those experiences, learn from them, enable them to be our superpowers!

    From hungry ghosts and titans, to states of fluidity and miasmatic disease, let us meet in The Mayfarer’s' Tavern and explore the secrets of Karmic Regression Therapy.

    Be Enchanted!

    Martyn Pentecost is the creator and originator of The One Therapy programmes. For over 20 years, Martyn has been pioneering business and personal development systems.

    Linda Haczynski is the support and guide to the One Therapy Community. Beginning in 2009, Linda has been immersed in all things One Therapy and offers expertise and training.

    To discover more, visit www.one-therapy.com and www.celtic-reiki.com.

  • Join us on a magical adventure to Universe City—a mysterious place where the forces of the Universe are harnessed into a very different healing approach. In this mind-melting episode, Linda and Martyn explore how The Viridian Method, transforms the approach of healing and personal development modalities.

    When dealing with deep-seated trauma, be it childhood trauma, derived from online abuse, even just the challenges of navigating modern life, we often need a new approach. Traditional forms of therapy are amazing when it comes to holistic healing, however our world has changed so much, so fast, a therapy designed for the 21st Century can help dive deeply into our modern problems.

    The Viridian Method—one of the five One Therapy modalities—seeks connection with our Viridian Self. This aspect of the self is the person we are in V-State; the one who knows how they got there through the actions they took and the choices they made. When we connect with them, they impart how we can enter the transformative V-State in the here and now.

    A multidimensional voyage towards the boundaries of our energy therapy knowledge, this epic visit to Universe City will offer insight unlike any other, so grab your RT and join us in the tavern, we here we shall begin the adventure…

    Be Enchanted!

    Martyn Pentecost is the creator and originator of The One Therapy programmes. For over 20 years, Martyn has been pioneering business and personal development systems.

    Linda Haczynski is the support and guide to the One Therapy Community. Beginning in 2009, Linda has been immersed in all things One Therapy and offers expertise and training.

    To discover more, visit www.one-therapy.com and www.celtic-reiki.com.

  • In the Reiki modalities of One Therapy, we step into the healing environments of The Realms—some of these Realms are discreetly tucked away in our psyche, such as The Meadows of Celtic Reiki.

    The Meadows encourages us to approach life with childlike wonder—not the person we were told to be or have become to fit in with the world. When we strive to develop ourselves holistically, we need to tap into many of the childhood traits we have lost; such as complete absorption with play and defiance towards those who try to make us who we are not.

    The Meadows of Celtic Reiki encourage us to explore, to look behind strange doors and in dark corners—and they encourage us to giggle with joy at what we discover there.

    So, join Linda and Martyn as we set out from the Mayfarer’s' Tavern and towards the Realms...

    Be Enchanted!

    Martyn Pentecost is the creator and originator of The One Therapy programmes. For over 20 years, Martyn has been pioneering business and personal development systems.

    Linda Haczynski is the support and guide to the One Therapy Community. Beginning in 2009, Linda has been immersed in all things One Therapy and offers expertise and training.

    To discover more, visit www.one-therapy.com and www.celtic-reiki.com.