Amore e Psiche è una storia che ben si presta alle rappresentazioni artistiche. Una delle versioni più conosciute è quella di Antonio Canova, il protagonista di questo episodio.
La Lupa è una donna, una donna seducente e misteriosa, protagonista di una novella scritta da Giovanni Verga nel 1880.
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Ligabue could be quickly described as the Italian Van Gogh. Despite his psychiatric condition, Ligabue realised paintings and sculptures full of life and passion and he managed to establish himself as a great artist of natural talent.
Antonio Ligabue può essere facilmente descritto come l’equivalente italiano di Van Gogh. Nonostante la sua condizione psichiatrica, Ligabue realizzò dipinti e sculture piene di vita e di passione e riuscì a farsi riconoscere come un grande artista di dote innata.
Leopardi was described by Saba, another famous Italian poet, as “the one who cried and understood for everyone”. With his poems, Leopardi communicates depth, wonder and marvel but also sufferance and disillusion. He had an unfortunate life and little recognition, but today he’s one of the greatest poets of all times.
Leopardi fu descritto da Saba, un altro famoso poeta italiano, come “colui che pianse e capì per tutti”. Con le sue poesie, Leopardi ci trasmette profondità, stupore e meraviglia, ma anche sofferenza e disillusione. Ebbe una vita infelice e pochi riconoscimenti, ma è oggi uno dei più grandi poeti di tutti i tempi.
Giuseppe Ungaretti experienced the First World War on the front line. He joined up as a volunteer and he fought as an infantryman on the Carso. He soon realised the horror of the war and despite the sorrow he was witnessing in the trenches, he wrote beautiful poems full of life and love.
YouTube links where you can see Ungaretti reading his poems and talking about his life:
Giuseppe Ungaretti visse in prima persona la Prima Guerra Mondiale. Si arruolò volontario e combatté da fante sul Carso. Presto realizzò l’orrore della guerra e nonostante il dolore di cui era testimone in trincea, scrisse bellissime poesie piene di vita e di amore.
Link di YouTube dove potete vedere Ungaretti leggere le sue poesie a parlare della sua vita:
Drama, emotionality, wonder: there are Barocco’s characteristics. It’s not possible to talk about Barocco, without mentioning the renowned artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini and the eternal city of Rome.
Drammaticità, emotività, stupore: queste sono le caratteristiche del Barocco. E non si può non parlare del Barocco, senza citare il celebre artista Gian Lorenzo Bernini e la città eterna di Roma.
Gabriele D’Annunzio, since he was young, had the ambition to live an “inimitable life”. If you listen to this episode, you’ll understand that he totally succeeded. D’Annunzio was born in 1863 and he did thousands of things in his life: he was poet, journalist, politician, aesthete and even man of weapons. It’s still possible today to visit his residence on Lake Garda, material evidence of his eccentric way of life.
Gabriele D’Annunzio, fin da giovane, aveva l’ambizione di vivere “una vita inimitabile”. Se ascolterete questo episodio, capirete che ci riuscì in pieno. D’Annunzio nacque nel 1863 e nella sua vita fece mille cose: fu poeta, giornalista, scrittore, politico, esteta e persino uomo d’armi. È possibile ancora oggi visitare la sua residenza sul Lago di Garda, prova materiale del suo vivere eccentrico.
Borghese Gallery is a beautiful museum immersed in a beautiful park just outside the centre of Rome. Listen to this episode to find out about 5 artworks realised by famous artists such as Canova, Bernini and Caravaggio.
La Galleria Borghese è un bellissimo museo immerso in un grazioso parco appena fuori il centro di Roma. Ascolta questo episodio per scoprire di più su cinque opere d’arte realizzata da famosi artisti, tra cui Canova, Bernini e Caravaggio.
Ariosto sa bene che dei desideri e delle illusioni si può restare prigionieri e, con il palazzo di Atlante, l’autore ben rappresenta l’insoddisfazione umana. Ci descrive la condizione degli uomini che rincorrono effimeri traguardi pensando di raggiungere una sorta di felicità per poi però rimanere delusi ed insoddisfatti.
Ariosto knows well that we can be prisoners of our desires and illusions and with the story of Atlante's palace, he well represents human dissatisfaction.
Orlando Furioso (The Frenzy of Orlando) is a chivalrous poem written by Ludovico Ariosto and published in 1516. The poems talks about dames, knights, weapons and love stories. Despite it was written long time ago, its themes are still relevant today. Explore this labyrinth of stories by listening to this interesting episode.
Link for the revisited version of The Frenzy of Orlando, written by the Italian modern author Italo Calvino:
L’Orlando Furioso è il poema cavalleresco scritto da Ludovico Ariosto e pubblicato nel 1516. Il poema parla di dame, cavalieri, armi e di amori e nonostante sia stato scritto molto tempo fa, i suoi temi sono ancora rilevanti per noi oggi. Esplora questo labirinto di storie ascoltando questo interessante episodio.
Ecco il link della versione rivisitata dell’Orlando Furioso, scritta dall’autore moderno italiano Italo Calvino:
Canaletto and Guardi are probably the two most famous artists associated with the Vedutismo movement. Vedutismo spread in the Eighteenth century and it was strictly connected to the improvement of the camera obscura and the rising of the industrial bourgeoisie. Listen to this episode and you’ll find out that the vedutista artiworks are not that different from the pictures that we now take with your mobile phones.
Caravaggio is one of the most famous Italian painters, have you ever wondered why?
In broad lines, for three reasons: the first is for his troubled life, consisting of violence, death penalty and escapes. Second reason: his artistic gift, characterised by the absent background and especially by the attention to light, transparencies and reflexes. Third reason: the thin line between sacred and profane in Caravaggio artworks, which is the reason for lots of scandals.
Listen to this episode if you want to know more about his troubled life, art style and the scandals it raised.
Links of the artworks mentioned in the episode:
Canestra di frutta
Vocazione di San Matteo
Morte della Vergine
The Kiss is a very famous painting in the Italian art history, however few people really know the true meaning of it. The Kiss, painted by Francesco Hayez in 1859, represents a passionate kiss between two lovers but it hides historical references that allows delving into the Italian Risorgimento.
Il Bacio è un dipinto molto famoso nella storia dell’arte italiana, eppure pochi ne conoscono il vero significato. Il bacio, dipinto da Francesco Hayez nel 1859, raffigura un bacio appassionato tra due innamorati ma nasconde, in realtà, riferimenti storici che ci consentono di approfondire il Risorgimento italiano.
If you have a bad habit that you can’t quit or if you keep procrastinating a good intention, you’ll find easy to empathise with Zeno Cosini, the main character of a famous novel written by Italo Svevo – Zeno’s Conscience. Find out more about this interesting character and his worse quality: ineptitude.
If you’re interested in reading Zeno’s Conscience by Italo Svevo, here’s some useful links:
Italian version of the book
English version of the book
Simplified Italian version of the book (this version is meant for Italian mother tongue teenagers, so it’s simpler than the original novel but without tips for people who are learning the language)
These are affiliate links, which means that if you click the link and subsequently make a purchase, Italian Art Pods will earn a commission. You pay nothing extra – any commission Italian Art Pods' earn comes at no additional cost to you. It is a small and appreciated help to support the work Italian Art Pods offers to the audience. The recommendation is based on knowing the products and believing in their quality.
Dante Alighieri between approximately 1304 and 1321. In this episode, you will find out what kind of love, according to Dante and the medieval culture, will lead you to paradise and which one to hell. You will hear about Paolo and Francesca’s lustful souls and of the pure soul of Beatrice, Dante’s muse.
This is the link to the video mentioned in the episode:
Italian actor Roberto Benigni commenting Canto V https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTgefCBMAos&t=26s
Unfortunately, the video is not easy to understand for those who are learning Italian – get in touch if you need some help!
The poet Niccolò Ugo Foscolo wrote Dei Sepolcri in 1806. This work includes the poet’s opinions on the importance of graveyards and it could help us to reflect on some interesting questions: Do you consider it important that your body or your ashes are cherished in some places, or not? But above all…why?
Il poeta Foscolo scrisse nel 1806 l’opera Dei Sepolcri. L’opera racchiude le opinioni del poeta sull’importanza dei cimiteri e può aiutarci a riflettere sulle domande interessanti: considerate importante che il vostro corpo o le vostre ceneri siano conservate in un qualche luogo, oppure no? Ma soprattutto, perché?
Burri and Fontana are two artists who lived during the same period, developing with their artworks the same artistic movement called Informale. Nonetheless, their life were different and this is why their works have a quite different style and can tell very different stories of the same historical time.
Burri e Fontana sono due artisti che vissero nello stesso periodo, sviluppando con la loro opere lo stesso movimento artistico chiamato Informale. Nonostante ciò, le loro vite furono diverse ed è per questo che le loro opere hanno un stile piuttosto diverso, come diverse sono le storie che raccontano dello stesso periodo storico.
Luigi Pirandello is one of the most famous authors in Italian Literature. One, No One and a Hundred Thousand makes us reflect on who we really are and if there exists only one version of ourselves or as many as the people we interact with. Pirandello was a fascinating character who was interested in themes like relative reality and madness. He won the Nobel Prize in 1934.
If you’re interested in reading One, No One and a Hundred Thousand here’s some useful links:
Link to the original Italian version of the book
Link to the English version of the book
Link to a simplified Italian version of the book This version is meant for Italian mother tongue teenagers, so it’s simpler than the original novel but don't expect tips for people who are learning the language
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Italian Art Pods is a podcast channel run by Erika and Beatrice – two Italian native speakers who are passionate about Italian art and literature.
The aim of this podcast is to bring Italian art and literature to you using the beautiful Italian language. There’s no better way to spread the culture of a country than to use its own language, its nuances and melody.
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