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쉽고 재미있는 과학 이야기, 천방지축 어리둥절 빙글빙글 돌아가는 대학원생들의 리얼 라이프를 만날 수 있는 과학 팟캐스트
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Cells are the basic, fundamental unit of life. So, if we were to break apart an organism to the cellular level, the smallest independent component that we would find would be the cell.
Explore the cell notes to know what is a cell, cell definition, structure and functions of cells. These notes have an in-depth description of all the concepts related to cells. -
Trata sobre la contaminación del aire, aquí también encontrarás sus problemas generales, causas, consecuencias y también por supuesto algunas acciones que ayuden a contribuir a la mejora de nuestro ambiente.
Cover art photo provided by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash: -
la importancia de la fauna para los ecuatorianos
Need a kick in the Plants? The Flowerland Garden Show with Rick, Doug, and Dusty Miller can help you with their useful advice.
Welcome to Bear in Mind! Join zoo educators Lisa and Emily and a variety of guests as they talk about all things bear and dive deeper into the conservation, well-being, and education efforts of the Bear TAG (Taxon Advisory Group).
Introductory podcast of the channel Support this podcast:
¿Cómo implementar el Sistema de Gestión Ambiental 14001:2015 en una empresa?
POWER ON - This is the podcast for everyone who is interested in trends and challenges of the energy sector or who works in the field of energy technology. As host, Christian Schaider welcomes experts who discuss topics related to the energy transition, the transformer and new technologies in energy generation. Together, we delve deeper into topics related to the energy transition, power transformers and new technologies in energy supply. We will answer questions such as: What a transformer oil sample has in common with the human blood count, why the energy transition is taking place in the distribution grids and how green hydrogen will complement the power supply in the future. Stay tuned, and be sure to join us when we power on!
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Daily Astro papers on the arXiv in astro-ph.HE.
Chemistry can be a daunting aspect of science for many people. Luckily Drs. Jared Bruce, Megan Newcomb, Krista Fruehauf and Dan Huh are here to help you navigate the subject. From atoms to proteins, these four chemists give a lighthearted take on the world of science for everyone. Guests from industry, government and the academy give a unique view behind the process getting to their respective positions.
As oil exploration reaches its peaks, it is about time to introduce a new energy exploration. A greener one at that. From each episode, be prepared to engage on a whirlwind of perspectives and opinions of algae-derived biofuel talk, as Maryam Buraimoh invites guests from all around the oil sector to string out their viewpoints for you to ponder on. If you want to learn about greener energy options in Nigeria or just want to be passionate for the Earth's sustainability, then this podcast is worth a listen.
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