
  • [✐2. Andante, 3. Moderato] Vて+ いました past progressive tense, habitual behaviour in the past

    “I used to skip the classes.”


    Hello everyone.

    What did you use to do as a child? Adjective “yoku” is often added to express “often”. “As a child” is “kodomo no koro”.

    Repeat after me


    1. As a child, I used to read books.

    2. As a child, I used to listen to (phonograph/vinyl) records.

    3. As a child, I used to play with Lego.

    4. As a child, I used to fight with my brother.

    5. As a child, I used to watch Anime.


    There was a robbery in your neighbourhood. A detective came to you and interviewed you. “What were you doing yesterday?” Please answer the detective as follow.

    For example,


    What were you doing around 12 o’clock yesterday?

    Lunch, eat

    (your answer) → I was eating lunch.



    1. What were you doing around 3 pm yesterday?

    bank, withdraw money

    → I was withdrawing money at the bank.

    2. What were you doing around 5 pm yesterday?

    → I was buying clothes in a department store.

    3. What were you doing around 7 pm last night?

    friends, drink in Izakaya

    → I was drinking with my friends in Izakaya.

    (*Izakaya = Informal Japanese bar that serves alcoholic drinks and snacks.)

    4. What were you doing around 9 pm yesterday?

    in front of the station, wait for a taxi

    → I was waiting for a taxi in front of the station.

    5. What were you doing around 11 pm yesterday?

    At home, alone, watch TV

    → I was watching TV alone at home.


    I see. You were alone around 11 pm. You have no alibi. You are suspicious….


    「よく じゅぎょうを さぼっていました」

    [00: 08]


    What did you use to do as a child? Adjectiveよくis often added to express “often”. “As a child” is 「こどものころ」ですね。

    Repeat after me


    1. こどものころ、よく ほんをよんでいました。

    2. こどものころ、よく レコードをきいていました。

    3. こどものころ、よく レゴで あそんでいました。

    4. こどものころ、よく あにと けんかをしてい ました。

    5. こどものころ、よく アニメをみていました。


    There was a robbery in your neighbourhood. A detective came to you and interviewed you. “What were you doing yesterday?” Please answer the detective as follow.





    (your answer)→ ランチを たべていました。



    1. きのうの3じごろ、なにをしていましたか。


    → ぎんこうで おかねをおろしていました。

    2. きのうの5じごろ、なにをしていましたか。


    → デパートでようふくをかっていました。

    3. きのうのよる7じごろ、なにをしていましたか。

    ともだち、いざかやで のみます

    → ともだちと いざかや*で のんでいました。

    (*いざかや=Informal Japanese bar that serves alcoholic drinks and snacks.)

    4. きのうのよる9じごろ、なにをしていましたか。


    → えきまえで、タクシーをまっていました。

    5. きのうのよる11じごろ、なにをしていましたか。


    → うちで、ひとりで テレビをみていました。


    そうですか、11 じごろは ひとりでしたね。アリバイがありませんね。あやしいですね…。

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    Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.

  • [✐2. Andante] Detailed definition of noun : Vた + Noun (Note: imaichi = colloq.: not good enough)
    Note: imaichi = colloq.: not good enough


    Good morning, everyone. Listen to the first sentence, then repeat the next sentence.


    1. This is a book. I bought it yesterday.

    → This is the book that I bought yesterday.

    2. This is a film. I watched it the other day.

    → This is the film that I watched the other day.

    3. This is a photo. I took it.

    → This is the photo I took.

    4. That is an umbrella. My friend forgot it.

    → That is the umbrella that my friend forgot.

    5. It’s a vegetable juice.

    → It’s vegetable juice I made myself.

    Repeat after me


    1. Have you already read the book you bought yesterday?

    2. The film I saw the other day was interesting.

    3. I uploaded the photo I took on the internet.

    4. What colour is the umbrella your friend forgot?

    5. The vegetable juice I made myself is not very tasty.


    Next, listen to the [Key Words] and make a sentence, as follows.


    For example,

    [KW] I got it from my father, book

    → This is a book I got from my father.



    1. [KW] I took in San Francisco, Photo

    → (This is) a photo, I took in San Francisco.

    2. [KW] got for my birthday, bag

    → (This is) the bag I got for my birthday.

    3. [KW] I bought in Japan, mug

    → (This is) a mug I bought in Japan.

    4. [KW] I read it long time ago, novel

    → (This is) the novel I read long time ago.

    5. [KW] I learned this morning, news

    → (This is) the news I learned this morning.


    「さくばん みたえいがは いまいちでした」

    Note: いまいち= colloq.: not good enough





    1. これは ほんです。きのうかいました。

    → これは きのうかった ほんです。

    2. これは えいがです。このまえみました。

    →これは このまえ みた えいがです。

    3. これは しゃしんです。わたしがとりました。

    → これはわたしがとったしゃしんです。

    4. あれは かさです。ともだちがわすれました。

    → あれは ともだちが わすれたかさです。

    5. それは やさいジュースです。じぶんで つくりました

    → それは じぶんで つくったやさいジュースです。

    Repeat after me


    1. きのうかった ほんを もうよみましたか。

    2. このまえ みた えいがは おもしろかったです。

    3. わたしが とったしゃしんを ネットにアップしました。

    4. ともだちが わすれたかさは なにいろですか。

    5. じぶんで つくった やさいジュースはあまりおいしくないです。


    つぎはキーワード[Key Words]をきいて、おなじように ぶんを つくりましょう。



    [KW]ちちに もらいました、ほん

    → (これは) ちちに もらった ほんです。



    1. [KW] サンフランシスコで とりました、しゃしん

    → (これは) サンフランシスコでとったしゃしんです。

    2. [KW]たんじょうびに もらいました、かばん

    →(これは) たんじょうびに もらった かばんです。

    3. [KW] にほんで かいました、マグカップ

    →(これは) にほんでかったマグカップです。

    4. [KW]むかし よみました、しょうせつ

    →(これは) むかしよんだ しょうせつです。

    5. [KW]けさ しりました、ニュース

    →(これは) けさ しった ニュースです。

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    Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.

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  • [✐1.Adagio]
    Note: Japanese people are generally not good at small talk, but even if they don’t know each other well, they might have a small chat with neighbours or people working in the same building. "Weather" is always a good topic to start with!

    [00: 07]Hello everyone. Let’s talk about the weather today.
    Repeat after me


    1. It’s a good weather today, isn’t it?

    (Lit.: Today is a good weather, isn’t it?)

    2. It’s clear/sunshiny/fine today, isn’t it?

    3. It’s warm today, isn’t it?

    4. It’s cloudy today, isn’t it?

    5. It’s cold today, isn’t it?

    6. It’s cool today,isn’t it?


    You have no problem so far, right?

    Repeat after me


    1. It’s hot every day, isn’t it.

    2. It’s hot and humid/muggy today, isn’t it?

    3. It’s raining a lot, isn’t it?

    4. It’s a strong wind, isn’t it?

    5. It will be snow tomorrow, won’t it?

    6. It’s strange weather, isn’t it?


    Then, let’s answer as follows.

    For example,


    How is the weather there?

    here rain

    → It rains (it’s raining) here.



    1. How is the weather there?

    here, hot

    → It’s hot here.

    2. How is the weather there?

    nice weather

    → It’s nice weather here.

    3. How is the weather there?

    here, very cold

    → It’s very cold here.


    4. How is the weather there?

    today, muggy

    → It’s muggy today.

    5. How is the weather there?

    since yesterday, rain

    → It’s been raining since yesterday.

    6. How is the weather there?

    nice weather, but cold/chilly at night

    → It’s nice weather, but cold at night.


    Now, let’s make a sentence in past form.

    For example,

    it rains, yesterday

    → It rained yesterday.



    1. It snows, yesterday

    → It snowed yesterday.

    2. It’s hot, last week

    → It was hot last week.

    3. It’s chilly, this morning

    → It was chilly this morning.

    4. It’s clear, in the morning

    → It was clear in the morning.


    Next comes Dialogue.

    In the office building, Tomoko san(A) dashed and got in the elevator just before the door closed. A man(B) inside asked what floor she wanted to go to and pressed the elevator button for her. They had a little conversation about the weather.


    A: Ah, I made it.

    B: Which floor (would you like to go)?

    A: 9th floor please. Thank you.

    B: Sure, 9th floor… It’s muggy today, isn’t it?

    A: Yeah, and it was very windy yesterday, wasn’t it?

    B: It will be heavy rain tomorrow.

    A: Really? It’s a strange weather recently, isn’t it?

    Repeat after me


    1. 9th floor please.

    2. It’s muggy today, isn’t it?

    3. It was very windy yesterday, wasn’t it?

    4. It will be heavy rain tomorrow.

    5. It’s a strange weather recently, isn’t it?

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    Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.

  • ✐4.Allegretto, 5.Allegro] (You can try "shadowing" from 07:55.)
    “It seems so.”


    Hello everyone. Today, we practice 〜rashii (it seems… apparently).

    Note 1: “〜rashii” and “you(na)” are often interchangeable, but technically 〜rashii conveys hearsay or presumption based on an indirect information. With “〜you(na)”, it can be based on either direct or indirect information and sounds a bit more certain.

    Note 2: 〜rashii also expresses typical properties; “はるらしいてんきですね” means “ it’s a typical spring weather, isn’t it?“.


    There are rumors in the office as follows.

    Repeat after me


    1. Higashi san seems to be leaving the company.

    2. It seems that Minami san also want to quit the company.

    3. The manager doesn’t seem to know that yet.

    4. There seems to be a drinking party on Friday.

    5. Apparently the manager will also come to the drinking party.

    6. It seems that the two will talk to the manager there.


    Now, make a sentence as follows.

    For example,


    Suzuki san, car, bought with a loan

    → Suzuki san seem to have bought a car with a loan.



    1. → It seems that the department store in Shinjuku is on sale now.

    2. → That road seems to be closed due to a typhoon.

    3. → The Shinkansen seems to have stopped due to the earthquake.

    4. → Apparently the concert tickets aren’t selling very well.

    5. → It seems that valuables were placed here.

    6. → It seems that yesterday’s test wasn’t too difficult.





    オフィスにはつぎのような うわさが あります。

    Repeat after me


    1. ひがしさんは かいしゃを やめるらしい。

    2. みなみさんも かいしゃを やめたいらしい。

    3. ぶちょうは そのことを まだ しらないらしい。

    4. きんようびに のみかいが あるらしい。

    5. のみかいに ぶちょうも くるらしい。

    6. そこで ふたりは ぶちょうとはなすらしい。






    → すずきさんは くるまをローンで かったらしいです。



    1. しんじゅくのデパート、いま、セールちゅう

    → しんじゅくのデパートは いまセールちゅうらしいです。

    2. あのみち、たいふう、つうこうどめ

    → あのみちは、たいふうで つうこうどめらしいです。

    3. しんかんせん、じしん、 とまっている

    → しんかんせんは じしんで とまっているらしいです。

    4. コンサートのチケット、あまりうれていない

    → コンサートのチケットは、あまり うれていない らしいです。

    5. きちょうひん、ここにおいておいた

    → きちょうひんは ここにおいておいたらしいです。

    6. きのうのテスト、それほど むずかしくなかった

    → きのうのテストは それほど むずかしくなかったらしいです。


    では、つぎのように、すべて、「そうらしいです(ね)」または「そうらしいね」で こたえてください。




    → そうらしいですね。


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    Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.

  • [✐2. Andante] 〜まで(until, up to)? 〜までに(by)?

    “I want to get married by the age of 40.”

    [まで(made) is often used in conjunction with verbs which represent the time width(duration), such as ”is”, “continue, “wait, “work”, “rest", and so on. までに(madeni) indicates the time limit by which an action should be done, most of the time followed by verbs such as “return”, “finish”, “submit”, “marry” etc.]


    Good morning, everyone. We practice “made” and “made ni” today.

    [00: 15]

    What’s the difference between; “raigetsu made hon wo karimasu” and “raigetsu madeni hon wo karimasu”?


    The first one: “raigetsu made hon wo karimasu” is ”I will borrow and keep the book until next month. Here we are talking about the duration.


    Meanwhile,”madeni” indicates the time limit. Therefore “raigetsu madeni hon wo karimasu” implies I haven’t borrowed a book yet, and I will borrow a book by next month.


    Let’s start with “made”.

    Repeat after me


    1. Until what time is your work (Until what time do you work)?

    2. My work is (I work) until 5 pm.

    3. I work from 9 am to 5 pm.

    4. Lunch (time) is from 12 am to 1 pm.

    5. There is (I have no) break until 3 pm.


    Now, listen to the key words first. Then repeat the sentence.


    For example,

    [KW] Test, 2 pm till 3 pm

    → The test is from 2 pm to/till 3 pm.



    1. [KW] work, Friday, off

    → Work is (I’m) off until Friday.

    2. [KW] 8 pm, online meeting

    → I had (There was) an online meeting until 8 pm.

    3. [KW] father, 70 years old

    → My father worked until 70 years old.

    4. [KW] it’s your turn, wait here

    → Untill it’s your turn, please wait here.

    5. [KW] Mori san, until a while ago, was

    → Mori san was here until a while ago.


    「40さいまでに けっこんしたいです」




    What’s the difference between;

    “らいげつまで ほんを かります” and “らいげつまでに ほんを かります”?


    The first one: “らいげつまで ほんをかります” is ”I will borrow and keep the book until next month. Here we are talking about the duration.


    Meanwhile,までに indicates the time limit. Therefore “らいげつまでに ほんを かります” implies I haven’t borrowed a book yet, and I will borrow a book by next month.

    [00:54]Let’s start with まで.

    Repeat after me


    1. しごとは なんじまで ですか。

    2. しごとは 5じまで です。

    3. 9じから 5じまで はたらきます。

    4. ランチは 12じから 1じまで です。

    5. 3じまで きゅうけい*が ありません。

    (*きゅうけい = break, time off)


    では、キーワード[Key Words]をきいて、それからぶんをリピートしましょう。



    [KW] テスト、2じから3じ

    → テストは2じから3じまでです。



    1. [KW]しごと、きんようび、やすみ

    → しごとは きんようびまで やすみです。

    2. [KW]よる8じ、オンラインかいぎ

    → よる8じまで オンライン かいぎでした。

    3. [KW]ちち、70さい

    → ちちは 70さいまではたらきました。

    4. [KW]じゅんばん、ここでまちます

    → じゅんばんがくるまで、ここでまってください。

    5. [KW]もりさん、さっきまで、いました

    → もりさんは さっきまで ここにいました。

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    Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.

  • “It may be fake news.”

    ☆ 「〜kamo shiremasen」 is quasi “I think 〜 (but not sure).“ , and lesser degree of certainty in comparison with 「 〜deshou (e.g “I’ll bet…“)」.

    [00: 08]

    Hello everyone. How are you doing? Today(‘s topic) is “it may/might be.…”.


    There is a party tomorrow. Please answer followings with maybe or maybe not.


    For example;Are you going to tomorrow’s party? / maybe → I may go.



    1. Is Erika san coming? / maybe

    → She may come.

    2. Is Richard san also coming? / maybe

    → He may come.

    3. Is Stephan san also coming? / maybe not

    → He may not come.

    4. How about Alexander san? Are you going? / maybe

    → I may go.

    5. How about Daniela san? Are you going? /maybe not

    → I may not go.

    6. Are you, Yang san, also going? / well, may be

    → Well, I may go.


    Repeat after me

    1. I may eat lunch later.

    2. I may take a day offor holiday) next month.

    3. I may quit Karate.

    4. I may not in time.

    5. Suga san may not drink alcohol.


    Apparently, Prime Minister Suga doesn’t drink alcohol, by the way.


    When you’d like to say somebody may have done something, たta-form will be used.







    Maybe or maybe notでこたえましょう。




    → いくかもしれません。



    1. エリカさんは きますか / maybe


    2. リチャードさんもきますか / maybe

    → くるかもしれません。

    3. シュテファンさんもきますか / maybe not

    → こないかもしれません。

    4. アレクサンダーさんは?いきますか /maybe

    → いくかもしれません。

    5. ダニエラさんは?いきますか / maybe not

    → いかないかもしれません。

    6. ヤンさんもいきませんか /そうですね、may be

    → そうですね、いくかもしれません。


    Repeat after me

    1. ランチは あとで たべる かもしれません。

    2. らいげつ、やすみをとる かもしれません。

    3. からてをやめるかもしれません。

    4. じかんに まにあわない かもしれません。

    5. すがさんは おさけを のまない かもしれません。




    When you’d like to say somebody may have done something, たta-form should be used.

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    Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.

  • “My job is tough, but fun.”


    Hello everyone. How do you say, “Japanese language is not easy, but fun”? It is; “Nihongo wa kantan dewa arimasenga, tanoshii desu.” - isn’t it? Let’s begin.


    First, you hear [Key Word]. Then you repeat after me.


    [Key Word: tough, fun]

    1. Studying is tough, but fun.

    2. My job is tough, but fun.

    3. Parenting is tough, but fun.


    [Key Word: I don’t like, do every day]

    1. I don’t like studying Kanji, but I do it every day.

    2. I don’t like jogging, but I do it every day.

    3. I don’t like cooking, but I do it every day.


    You can say “suki dewa arimasen“ in stead of “suki ja nai“, as you may know.

    We continue.


    1. Yesterday was snow(it snowed yesterday), but (it was) not cold.

    2. The hotel room was small, but clean.

    3. The test was difficult, but I did my best.

    4. The taxi is expensive, but convenient.

    5. I have a cough, but no fever.

    (seki ga deru = have a cough)

    6. I don’t have money, but I’m happy.


    Now, make a sentence as follows.

    For example,

    night, still bright

    → It’s night, but still bright.



    1. Sunday, go to work

    → It’s Sunday, but I go to work.

    2. This restaurant, expensive, not delicious

    → This resraurant is expensive, but (the food is) not delicious.

    3. Disneyland, fun, many people

    → Disneyland is fun, but there are many people.

    4. still February, already warm

    → It’s still February, but it’s already warm.



    みなさん、こんにちは。How do you say, “Japanese language is not easy, but fun”?

    “にほんごは かんたんではありませんが、たのしいです”、ですね。では、はじめましょう。


    まず、キーワード[Key Word]をききます。それからリピートします。



    1. べんきょうは たいへんですが、たのしいです。

    2. しごとはた いへんですが、たのしいです。

    3. こそだては たいへんですが、たのしいです。



    1. かんじの べんきょうは すきじゃないですが、まいにちします。

    2. ジョギングは すきじゃないですが、まいにちします。

    3. りょうりは すきじゃないですが、まいにちします。


    You can say すきではありません instead of すきじゃない, as you may know.



    1. きのうは ゆきでしたが、さむくなかったです。

    2. ホテルのへやは せまかったですが、きれいでした。

    3. テストは むずかしかったですが、がんばりました。

    4. タクシーは たかいですが、べんりです。

    5. せきがでますが、ねつは ありません。

    (せきがでる= have a cough)

    6. おかねは ありませんが、しあわせです。




    よる、まだ あかるいです

    →よるですが、まだ あかるいです。



    1. にちようび、しごとに いきます

    → にちようびですが、しごとにいきます。

    2. このレストラン、たかい、おいしくないです

    →このレストランは たかいですが、おいしくないです。

    3. ディズニーランド、たのしい、ひとがおおい

    →ディズニーランドは たのしいですが、ひとが おおいです。

    4. まだ2(に)がつ、もうあたたかいです

    → まだ2(に)がつですが、もうあたたかいです。


    For adjectives, 〜ですが can be replaced by 〜けど。For example, instead of “しごとはいそがしいですが、たのしいです”, you can say “しごとはいそがしいけど、たのしいです”.

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    Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.

  • [✐2.Andante + 3.Moderato]Vた+らいいですか、+らいいですよ
    ask for advice/instruction、advice/recommend something

    “You should order a beer for now.”


    Hello everyone. Suga san is busy with work and is stressed. Let’s give him some advice.

    Repeat after me


    1. Suga san, you should take a break.(take a little rest)

    2. You should go jogging.

    3. You should watch movies.

    4. You should cook.

    5. You should eat something delicious.

    6. Suga san, you should listen to your favourite music.


    Now, make a sentence as follows.

    For example,


    Let’s do yoga.

    → You should do yoga.



    1. Let’s make a reservation online.

    → You should make a reservation online.

    2. Let’s read this book.

    → You should read this book.

    3. Let’s do the work tomorrow.

    → You should do the work tomorrow.

    4. Let’s do the homework by the end of today.

    → You should do the homework by the end of today.

    (kyoujuuni = by the end of today, by tonight)

    5. For now, let’s order a beer.

    → You should order a beer for now.


    “Toriaezu” means “for the time being” or “for now”. You’d hear a lot especially in Izakaya that Japanese people order first drink by saying “Toriaezu, Bi-ru!” = I’ll start off with a beer.” And then make a toast with Beer before looking at the menu.


    When you don’t know what you should do, just ask ”sumimasen, kore, doushitara iidesuka?”, desune.

    Repeat after me


    1. Where should I park my bicycle?

    2. By when should I apply?

    3. Where should I withdraw money?

    4. Who should I give this document to?

    (watasu = give, pass, hand over)


    「とりあえず ビールを たのんだらいいですよ。」



    Repeat after me


    1. すがさん、ゆっくりしたらいいですよ。

    2. ジョギングをしたらいいですよ。

    3. えいがをみたらいいですよ。

    4. りょうりをしたらいいですよ。

    5. おいしいものをたべたらいいですよ。

    6. すがさん、すきなおんがくをきいたらいいですよ。






    → ヨガをしたらいいですよ。



    1. ネットでホテルをよやくをしましょう。

    → ネットでホテルをよやくをしたらいいですよ。

    2. このほんをよみましょう。

    → このほんをよんだらいいですよ。

    3. そのしごとはあしたやりましょう

    → そのしごとはあしたやったらいいですよ。

    4. しゅくだいはきょうじゅうにしましょう。

    → しゅくだいは きょうじゅうに したらいいですよ。

    (きょうじゅうに= by the end of today, by tonight)

    5. とりあえず、ビールをたのみましょう。

    → とりあえず、ビールをたのんだらいですよ。


    とりあえず means “for the time being” or “for now”. You’d hear a lot especially in Izakaya that Japanese people order first drink by saying とりあえず、ビール!”I’ll start off with a beer.” And then make a toast with Beer before looking at the menu.


    When you don’t know what you should do, just ask「すみません、これ、どうしたらいいですか」、ですね。

    Repeat after me


    1. どこにじてんしゃをとめたらいいですか。

    2. いつまでにもうしこんだらいいですか。

    3. どこでおかねをおろしたらいいですか。

    4. このしょるいはだれにわたしたらいいですか。

    (わたす = give, pass, hand over)

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    Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.