
  • This episode focuses on identifying areas for change and making positive transformations. We discuss practical steps for self-reflection, goal-setting, and maintaining a growth mindset during the change process.

    Key Topics:

    Identifying what you want to change through self-reflection Setting clear and achievable goals for transformationCreating an action plan and timeline for changePracticing self-compassion during the change process

    Action Steps:

    Carve out time for journaling and self-reflectionBreak big goals into smaller, manageable tasksCelebrate small wins and learn from setbacksFind an accountability partner for extra motivation


    Look inward before trying to change outward circumstancesEmbrace the journey of personal growth and change You create your own reality through your beliefs and intentions


    Brianna Wiest's book "101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think"

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  • In this solo episode, host Zoe Haydn Jones discusses imposter syndrome - a phenomenon characterised by feelings of self-doubt among high achievers.

    Zoe explores the origins of imposter syndrome, its impact on women, and societal factors that contribute to feelings of inadequacy. She shares tips for developing a "winning mindset" through identifying your unique value and practicing self-compassion.

    Key Takeaways:

    Understanding imposter syndrome and why 70-82% of people experience itThe role of gender discrimination and societal expectations in perpetuating self-doubtDeveloping self-awareness of your strengths and value through inner workPracticing self-care and speaking to yourself with compassion

    Looking Ahead:

    Join the Jobs for Women You are not the imposter live webinar session where we will dive deeper into imposter syndrome and providing tools for overcoming self-doubt. Sign up using the link in the show notes.

    We are working on the date - add your name to the waitlist here.


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  • Guest: Tara Nash, author of Conscious Grief and spiritual psychologist

    Zoe interviews Tara Nash about her personal experiences with grief after losing both parents at a young age. Tara discusses her journey to studying spiritual psychology and writing Conscious Grief. They explore topics like societal attitudes towards grief, creative mourning practices, emotional processing, and more.

    Tara's background and journey to studying griefDefining conscious grief vs unconscious griefMoving death rituals out of the home and impact on mourningCreative mourning practices people have shared with TaraUnderstanding grief's impact on the mind, body, and spiritTara's grief group program and case-by-case approachManaging difficult emotions like anger and triggersAdvice on identifying feelings and journaling for processing

    [00:00-00:30] Tara's background and journey to studying grief - how she pursued spiritual psychology after personal losses.

    [00:30-01:00] Defining conscious vs unconscious grief - Tara explains how she unconsciously avoided grief for years vs a conscious approach.

    [01:00-01:30] Moving death rituals out of the home - Tara discusses how mourning traditions have changed and the impact on grieving.

    [01:30-02:00] Creative mourning practices - Tara shares examples of meaningful ways people have honored and remembered lost loved ones.

    [02:00-02:30] Understanding grief's holistic impact - Tara explains how grief affects us emotionally, physically, spiritually and intellectually.

    [02:30-03:00] Tara's grief group program - An overview of her case-by-case approach and goals for participants.

    [03:00-03:30] Managing difficult emotions - Tips from Tara on identifying feelings and journaling as a way to process triggers.

    Links: consciousgrief.co.uk, taranash.com


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  • This episode of the Women Work Wellbeing podcast focuses on reflecting on what you truly want in your career and life.

    Zoe Haydn Jones asks you to think about your current job or business and what you really want to get out of it. She discusses the importance of self-reflection through journaling or meditation to understand your values and goals.

    Zoe also talks about ignoring societal expectations and living according to your own vision. The episode encourages visualizing your goals through a vision board and manifestation to align your intentions with positive action. Zoe provides tips on celebrating successes and making practical plans for career transitions.

    A short burst of thought-provoking conversation to get you thinking more deeply and making changes right now to get the life and career you love.

  • Kathy Gifford shares her career journey from accounting to coaching and founding Empower Yourself Academy

    - She discusses her early career success and struggles with imposter syndrome that led to burnout Recognizing Imposter Syndrome:

    - Kathy reflects on realizing she had imposter syndrome after conversations with colleagues

    - Common signs like perfectionism and excessive work hours are identified Childhood Traumas and Limiting Beliefs:

    - How past experiences like childhood trauma can lay dormant and be triggered later in life

    - The role of the subconscious mind in developing rules and limiting beliefs Uncovering the Root Causes:

    - Mind mapping process to align goals and uncover past memories and limiting beliefs

    - Modalities like belief coding and hypnosis to clear memories Addressing Imposter Syndrome in the Workplace:

    - Suggestions for organizations to promote open conversations and support

    - Impact on women's career advancement and importance of culture changes Resources:

    - Details on connecting with Kathy through her social media and website I hope these show notes help capture the key discussion points. Let me know if you need any other details included.

  • Why Taking Breaks Makes You Better at Your Job, How you can Recharge and Refuel plus Tips for Balancing Work and Life to be Successful

    This week we talk all things taking rest.

    Zoe discusses the importance of taking breaks and using vacation time to avoid burnout, citing a UK statistic that 42% of adults don't take their full holiday allowance.She relates her own past experience of feeling stressed trying to handover work before vacations and how managers checking emails on holidays can blur boundaries.Zoe talks about societal pressures that glorify productivity and busyness, making it hard to prioritize self-care. She reflects on her own struggles to take time for herself.The emotional labor and pressures women often face in juggling multiple roles is highlighted, with women more likely to experience burnout.Tips are provided on setting boundaries with work communication while on vacation, as well as trying a short digital detox challenge to fully disconnect.Listeners are encouraged to check their vacation schedules, prioritize pre-holiday self-care, and find small ways to take breaks daily/weekly at work to recharge.Resources on setting boundaries and manifestation from the Jobs for Women community are recommended.


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  • In this episode, we speak to 2024 Apprentice winner Rachel Woolford about her experience on the hit BBC show. Rachel discusses the intense audition process and the stress of creating products under tight deadlines with limited resources.

    We delve into Rachel's journey starting her fitness business North Studio and what inspired her entrepreneurial spirit from a young age. Rachel shares how she has faced sexism in the media responses to her win, with trolls claiming she only won due to her looks.

    Hear how Rachel is using her platform to educate and inspire young women entrepreneurs. She offers advice on having self-belief, embracing mistakes, and backing yourself even when unsure - lessons that led to her Apprentice victory.

    Rachel also opens up about overcoming online abuse and the support that keeps her motivated. Don't miss this inspiring conversation on proving the critics wrong through determination and grit.


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  • This week we sit down with former England Women's Rugby star Danika Priim to discuss her journey into rugby from school days to representing her country in the World Cup plus the insane online abuse female pundits are experiencing every single day.

    Danika shares her experiences overcoming societal barriers as a woman in rugby and highlights the lack of support she received early in her career. She also reflects on the progress that has been made in recent years for women's rugby in terms of funding, media representation, and participation.

    Danika is a passionate advocate for continuing to push the boundaries in women's sports and shares her optimism for the future of rugby league. Tune in for an inspiring conversation on gender equality, following your dreams, and never giving up on change.

    Danika just this week shared how she is still subjected to vicious online abuse in her role as a pundit.

    Connect with Danika




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  • We talk all things fear, chemical engineering, moving abroad, women in cyber, career transitions and how any career including a career in cybersecurity is possible with Robyn Sutherland, Cybersecurity Manager at PwC

    In this episode, we explore why cybersecurity presents incredible opportunities for women looking to transition careers or enter a booming industry. This chat is NOT just for women in tech, it's for everyone. A career in cyber is possible no matter what degree you do or you current occupation.

    Robin Sutherland, shares how she pivoted from chemical engineering into the diverse world of information security. Robin discusses the variety of roles available, from technical to people-focused positions, and how cyber impacts every organization. She also offers advice on overcoming imposter syndrome and using your unique skills and perspectives to succeed in this future-proof career path. Learn why cybersecurity could be the field to set your sights on for long-term career growth and impact.

    Key Learnings:

    - It's possible to transition into cybersecurity from non-technical backgrounds with passion and willingness to learn new skills

    - Having supportive mentors who connect you to opportunities is invaluable for career growth

    - Pursuing personal interests outside of work provides balance and builds confidence both personally and professionally

    - Taking risks such as moving abroad or changing jobs can lead you down unexpected career paths

    Connect with Robyn on Linkedin.

  • Guest: Kate Waterfall Hill, Leadership Coach and Founder of Waterfall Hill

    Summary: Zoe and Kate discuss the benefits of leadership coaching, navigating gender biases in the workplace, and tips for advancing your career. They cover topics like self-reflection, setting boundaries, communication strategies, and embracing your authentic leadership style.

    Show Notes:

    - Learn more about Kate's coaching programmess at waterfallhill.co.uk

    - Follow Kate on TikTok @katewaterfallhill for daily leadership tips

    - Read our recap of key discussion points on the Jobs for Women membership site

    - Take notes on the action items suggested like having career conversations with your manager

    - Consider group coaching to connect with other professional women

    - Check out Kate's Instagram @katewaterfallhill for additional resources

    - Subscribe and rate the Women Work Wellbeing podcast

    - Share this episode with other women looking to progress their careers


    Did you know we have a free members club for women? Free masterclass, free training and free yoga and mindfulness. There is no reason not to join - add your name to the list now.


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  • Are you feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list and constantly thinking about the future or past? In this episode, Zoe Haydn Jones shares simple practices to help you stay present.

    You will discover what mindfulness is and how just a few minutes a day focusing on your senses can reduce stress and boost well-being. Learn how incorporating brief mindfulness routines into daily activities like walking and eating can make a big impact.

    Discover Zoe's favourite morning ritual for setting an intentional tone for the day. Hear specific tips for taking "mindful moments of pause" to hit the reset button when life feels hectic.

    You'll also get ideas for keeping a gratitude journal that flips negative perspectives. Zoe shares how reflection changed her relationship with food and her ability to truly enjoy meals.

    Find calm and presence, even on your busiest days, with these mindfulness hacks you can start using today. Tune in to feel more relaxed and reconnect with what really matters - living fully in the present moment.


    If you want to share your story, please email us; [email protected].


    I'm on the lookout for guests. If you work in HR, diversity, and inclusion, or perhaps you're leading the way at your male-dominated place of work, I'd love to hear from you; [email protected].


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  • Using a Brag File to Improve Visibility and Opportunities with Aimee Bateman

    In this interview, entrepreneur and career coach Amiee Bateman shares invaluable lessons from her journey of founding an online learning platform from her kitchen to acquisition. Amy discusses the challenges women face in the workplace and provides strategic advice for taking control of your career.

    There are so many things you can learn from this interview and start implementing immediately.

    Key Takeaways:

    - Document your successes in a "brag file" to improve visibility and opportunities when advocating for promotions or new roles. Amy recommends focusing on 3-5 key strengths.

    - Intentionally network by surrounding yourself with high-achieving mentors, peers on your level, and those you can mentor. Amy calls this building your "tribe triangle" for support.

    - Asking for a promotion? Do a skills gap analysis and advocate for yourself by explaining how you and the organisation will benefit from the new role. Boost confidence by focusing on feelings over just tasks.

    - Entrepreneurship is difficult but rewarding. Consider your financial situation and desired lifestyle before starting a business to find the right path for you.

    - Create peer support networks at work through messaging groups to share wins, get advice, and feel less isolated in your career journey.

    Take the next step in owning your career by connecting with Aimee Bateman on LinkedIn and YouTube to learn from her experience and mentorship. Applying Amy's strategic advice can help you advance your career on your own terms.


    Did you know we have a free members club for women? Free masterclass, free training and free yoga and mindfulness. There is no reason not to join - add your name to the list now. 


    Are you a HR leader, Talent Aquisition Specialist or DEI champion? We are a jobs board and employer branding platform ready to help position your organisation as a leading inclusive employer. Contact us today.

  • In this episode, Zoe discusses the importance of investing in yourself through self-development and how it can lead to greater success both personally and professionally.

    Topics covered include:

    - Why self-investment is crucial for personal growth and achieving your goals

    - Overcoming fears and self-doubt that hold you back from committing to self-development

    - The power of goal-setting and how to craft SMART goals

    - Examples of ways to invest in yourself like courses, training, coaching etc.

    - Reframing your mindset around "failure" and viewing it as a learning experience

    - Creating a plan of action to invest in yourself through goal tracking and budgeting

    - Identifying your "why" as motivation to prioritize self-care and development

    Key takeaways:

    - Investing in yourself is not selfish - it's an act of self-love and empowerment

    - Small, consistent steps towards your goals can lead to big results over time

    - View challenges as opportunities for growth rather than failure

    - Make self-development a non-negotiable


    Did you know we have a free members club for women? Free masterclass, free training and free yoga and mindfulness. There is no reason not to join - add your name to the list now. 


    Are you a HR leader, Talent Aquisition Specialist or DEI champion? We are a jobs board and employer branding platform ready to help position your organisation as a leading inclusive employer. Contact us today.

  • This week we speak to Menstrual Cycle Coach Lissa Higgins

    Lisa introduces the concept of inner seasons that correspond to the four phases of the menstrual cycle - She discusses how each week can be likened to a different season in nature and the emotions/energy associated - Lisa explains how to embrace the "hibernation" of menstruation through rest, self-care and nourishing activities - She shares tips for maximizing creativity and productivity during the "spring" and "summer" phases - Lisa discusses reframing the premenstrual phase as an opportunity for reflection like the autumn season - She emphasizes the importance of slowing down and listening to your needs during this inner autumn time

    Action Items: - Listeners are encouraged to start tracking their cycle to gain self-awareness of patterns - Tips provided on flexible work arrangements and self-care strategies for different cycle phases.


    Did you know we have a free resource centre with free training, free yoga and mindfulness. There is no reason not to join - add your name to the list now. 


    Are you a HR leader, Talent Aquisition Specialist or DEI champion? We are a jobs board and employer branding platform ready to help position your organisation as a leading inclusive employer. Contact us today.

  • Do you spend time on things out of your control? Worrying about the future, focusing on what might have gone wrong in the past? I have been there - don't worry, we will make some changes!

    What you will learn from listening:

    Acknowledging the Uncontrollable:

    Reflect on the myriad aspects of life that are beyond our influence:

    The past: It's immutable, yet its impact often lingers.The result: Despite our best efforts, outcomes aren't always in our hands.The future: Uncertainty looms, reminding us of the fragility of control.Other people's opinions: External perceptions can sway, but they're not definitive.What others think of me: A construct shaped by myriad factors, often beyond our reach.

    What you are in control of

    My words: A reflection of my intentions and values, within my command.My thoughts: The lens through which I perceive reality, is subject to my influence - start to notice your thought patterns.My response: Start to pay awareness on how you respond in situations.Self-awareness: A journey inward, it takes time but become aware of what you are saying to yourself.How I treat others: A testament to empathy and kindness, within your sphere of influence.
  • Does networking make you cringe?

    The thought of putting yourself out there, not knowing anyone and looking stupid...

    So many people I know have shared these thougts about networking with me. But you know what? Networking needs to become your new best friend for your career and life.

    Here's why

    When you need people in your circle of interest, industry or at work it could take you to places you hadn't thought about before. It might not have an immediate impact but keep those contacts close and you don't know what doors they might open.

    Here are some key actions you will learn from the episode:

    Set Clear Goals: Define your career objectives and what you hope to achieve through networking. Whether it's finding a new job, seeking mentorship, or expanding your industry knowledge, having clear goals will guide your networking efforts.

    Attend Networking ALL Events: Actively participate in industry-related networking events, conferences, workshops, and seminars. These gatherings provide valuable opportunities to meet professionals in your field, exchange ideas, and build meaningful connections.

    Utilise Online Platforms: Take advantage of the recent 1 billion users on LinkedIn to expand your professional network. Join industry groups, engage with relevant content, and connect with professionals who share your interests or work in your desired field. Do you use the Events function to search for events that might be of interest?

    Follow-Up: My best piece of advice - after making initial connections, be sure to follow up promptly. Send a personalised email or message expressing gratitude for the conversation and expressing your interest in staying in touch. Following up reinforces your connection and keeps the dialogue open for future opportunities. And say something memorable - find something in common or a common ground you can remind them off - something you discussed at the events so they instantly remember your chat.

    Offer Value: Look for ways to add value to your network. Share valuable insights, offer assistance or support when needed, and be proactive in helping others achieve their goals. By providing value to your network, you'll strengthen relationships and increase the likelihood of reciprocity in the future.

  • This week I help you find balance in your life to be the brilliant woman you are.

    Here's what you will learn

    Redefining Rest

    Let's start by challenging the age-old myth that rest equates to laziness. In our pursuit of success, we often overlook the power of leisure, forgetting that it's the silent partner to productivity. Integrating quality rest into our schedules isn't just beneficial; it's essential for sustaining creativity and avoiding the pitfalls of burnout.

    Habitual Health

    Routine is the backbone of productivity, but it's also the framework for well-being. Establishing a consistent schedule that includes time for focused work, exercise, and rest can significantly enhance our efficiency and spark our creative flames.

    Mindful Pausing:

    I have been there when you are so busy you can barely give yourself a loo break or you sit at your desk for twelve hours straight. I explore taking mindful deliberate rest—taking strategic breaks when we still have fuel in the tank. This approach allows us to recharge effectively, preventing the onset of procrastination and maintaining our momentum throughout the day.

    The Power of Small Breaks

    Make your breaks part of your day. Block them in. Ever wondered why some of your best ideas come to you during a leisurely walk? That's your brain leveraging the power of subconscious problem-solving. We'll delve into how short, regular breaks, including walks and naps, can significantly enhance our cognitive abilities and creative output.

    The Foundation of Sleep

    Sleep is not a luxury; it's a cornerstone of health and productivity. We'll uncover the science behind sleep's role in memory, emotional regulation, and creativity, emphasizing the importance of a regular sleep schedule for long-term success.

    Physical Wellness Equals Professional Success

    Finally, we cannot ignore the symbiotic relationship between physical health and professional achievement. Regular exercise not only keeps our bodies in peak condition but also sharpens our minds, making us more effective and resilient in our careers.


    Did you know we have a free members club for women? Free masterclass, free training and free yoga and mindfulness. There is no reason not to join - add your name to the list now. 


    Are you a HR leader, Talent Aquisition Specialist or DEI champion? We are a jobs board and employer branding platform ready to help position your organisation as a leading inclusive employer. Contact us today.

  • Cheryl Thompson talks about being diagnosed with Autism and ADHD in her mid-career and making a load of money due to her Neurodiverse traits.

    Here's what you will learn by listening

    🔍What it's like to receive a Neurodiverse diagnosis mid-career.

    🔍 How Neurodiversity can shape careers and leadership - celebrate the superpowers within!

    🔍Understanding human behaviour and prioritising employee wellbeing.

    🔍The skills you need to be a good leader - so simple but so effective!

    🔍 How Neurodiversity brings with it incredible traits such as curiosity, attention to detail, and systemisation - these can all be celebrated and become career advantages, if they are supported in the right environment.

    🔍How to make your workplace inclusive by respecting individual differences and create psychological safety.


    Do you want to reach more women? Improve your employer branding? Sponsor the podcast? Well we can help. Contact us today or visit our Become a Partner Page for more.


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  • This week we discuss reclaiming your power with time planning

    You will learn

    Sleep schedule management - make a plan that works fo you, don't get caught up with the books telling you what to do, find a schedule that works for you. Planning your week ahead on a Friday evening, Saturday or Sunday - remove the anxiety from the week ahead. This was a game changer for me. Adding some adventure/fun to your week - I talk a lot about the treadmill of life, make sure you add some sort of adventure/fun into your week.Three pillars to planning your week - we are not living to work, so separate your week into: work/movement /self-care


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  • This week we discuss the critical need for slowing down in both our professional and personal lives, highlighting the risks associated with a constant state of busyness.

    Self-Care and Self-Perception:

    I will encourage you to explore the connection between self-care and how we view ourselves, prompting you to evaluate if you allocate enough time for personal well-being.

    The Paradox of Slowing Down in a Fast-Paced World:

    We will discuss

    The challenge of slowing down in a society that values constant connectivity and accessibility, creating a paradox in personal and professional life.The importance of prioritising health as a foundation for professional success and overall well-being.The misconception that slowing down equals a lack of commitment, arguing that it can lead to increased productivity and success.Burnout and the realisation of its impact, along with advocating for more attention and research into women's health issues.Actionable advice on integrating practices like restorative yoga, meditation, and mindfulness into daily routines.The need to learn to say 'no' and set healthy boundaries for improved self-care and mental well-being.


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