Journey with us as we review the latter half of the book of Deuteronomy. We'll also practice March's memory verse (1 Samuel 16:7), AND we'll celebrate March's birthdays! You can email your riddle responses (from 2/24 episode) OR April birthdays to [email protected].
Journey with us as we review several key events since the Israelites left Mt. Sinai. We'll also play a couple rounds of Guess the Imposter, AND we'll hear a new Riddle Time riddle! You can email your riddle responses OR March birthdays to [email protected].
Estão a faltar episódios?
Journey with us as we review TWO Bible stories, play guess the sound, and play a memory game.
The stories reviewed today are re-releases from season 1 in 2023. You can find the full episode by going to season 1 and searching for "The Bronze Snake and Balaam's Donkey". Otherwise, you can find another episode from the Israelite's wandering and rebellion by going to season 1 and searching for "Korah's Rebellion".
Journey with us as we review TWO Bible stories, go on a quick scavenger hunt, and hear YOUR responses to our most recent riddle!
The stories reviewed today are re-releases from season 1 in 2023. You can find the full episodes by going to season 1 and searching for "The Israelites Complain" and "Spies in the Land". If you want more detail on how the Israelite camp was organized, you can find that in season 1's episode titled "Rounding the Troops". -
Journey with us as we review TWO Bible stories, practice this month's JTJ memory verse (Deuteronomy 6:4-5), and celebrate a few February birthdays!
The Tabernacle story in today's episode is a re-release from season 1 in 2023. If you'd like to hear the full episode, just go to season 1 and search for "The Tabernacle". -
Journey with us as we review TWO Bible stories, play Guess the Sound, and hear a new Riddle Time riddle!
The stories reviewed today are re-releases from season 1 in 2023. You can find the full episodes by going to season 1 and searching for "Ten Commandments" and "Golden Calf". If you want more detail on what happened at the Red Sea, you can find that full story in season 1 as well! Just search "Red Sea Celebration" as mentioned in today's episode. -
Journey with us as we review TWO Bible stories, play a memory game with involving the 12 sons of Israel, and play guess the imposter.
The stories reviewed today are re-releases from season 1 in 2023. You can find the full episodes by going to season 1 and searching for "The Burning Bush" and "Plagues and Passover". If you want more detail on what happened to Joseph that brought the Israelites to Egypt, you can find two episodes worth of stories in season 1 as well!
Journey with us as we review TWO Bible stories, practice this month's JTJ memory verse (Exodus 34:6), and go on a quick scavenger hunt.
The stories reviewed today are re-releases from season 1 in 2023. You can find the full episodes by going to season 1 and searching for "Abraham" and "Jacob Wrestles with God". If you want more detail on what happened between Abraham's story and Jacob Wrestling with God, you can find three episodes worth of stories between them in season 1 as well! -
Journey with us as we review TWO Bible stories, celebrate a January birthday, and review an answer to last month's Riddle Time.
The stories reviewed today are re-releases from season 1 in 2023. You can find them by going to season 1 and searching for "Creation and Fall" and "The Flood".
A brief update on our plans for the new year. We'll review Bible stories we've heard, new stories we haven't heard yet, and playing a few games in between. Join us on January 6th for our next episode of Join the Journey Junior!
Journey with us as the long lost engine gets installed back onto the Windbreaker! Once there we find out a few MORE SURPRISES about the Windbreaker and Papa Jack's past. Otherwise, go ahead and send in your birthday shoutouts for next month! Send all of those emails to [email protected], writing the word "junior" somewhere in the subject line.
Check out the other resources already available!
Join the Journey’s Daily Devotionals & Discussion Questions:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/Join the Journey Jr. Reading Plan:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/jr/6732-how-do-we-make-godly-decisionsGrab a Join The Journey Jr. Journal:
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPPBY9BP/ref=sr_1_3?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-3Join the Journey Podcast (for grown-ups):
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/join-the-journey/id1600151923Grab a Join The Journey Journal (for grown-ups):
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPJ7WXN5/ref=sr_1_2?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-2 -
Journey with us as we review this month's Preschool (Luke 2:11) and Elementary (Isaiah 43:7) memory verses. PLUS we'll play Guess the Sound, Simon Says, and celebrate one more December birthday! To submit birthdays for next month, or responses to Riddle Time... send emails to [email protected].
Check out the other resources already available!
Join the Journey’s Daily Devotionals & Discussion Questions:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/Join the Journey Jr. Reading Plan:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/jr/6732-how-do-we-make-godly-decisionsGrab a Join The Journey Jr. Journal:
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPPBY9BP/ref=sr_1_3?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-3Join the Journey Podcast (for grown-ups):
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/join-the-journey/id1600151923Grab a Join The Journey Journal (for grown-ups):
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPJ7WXN5/ref=sr_1_2?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-2 -
Journey with us as we review this month's Preschool (Luke 2:11) and Elementary (Isaiah 43:7) memory verses. PLUS we'll play a memory game, go on a scavenger hunt, and play guess the imposter! To submit birthdays for next month, or responses to Riddle Time... send emails to [email protected].
Check out the other resources already available!
Join the Journey’s Daily Devotionals & Discussion Questions:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/Join the Journey Jr. Reading Plan:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/jr/6732-how-do-we-make-godly-decisionsGrab a Join The Journey Jr. Journal:
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPPBY9BP/ref=sr_1_3?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-3Join the Journey Podcast (for grown-ups):
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/join-the-journey/id1600151923Grab a Join The Journey Journal (for grown-ups):
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPJ7WXN5/ref=sr_1_2?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-2 -
Journey with us as we review this month's Preschool (Isaiah 33:22) and Elementary (Isaiah 43:7) memory verses. PLUS we'll play Guess the Sound, Simon Says, celebrate birthday shoutouts for December, AND hear a new riddle! To submit birthdays for next month, or responses to Riddle Time... send emails to [email protected].
Check out the other resources already available!
Join the Journey’s Daily Devotionals & Discussion Questions:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/Join the Journey Jr. Reading Plan:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/jr/6732-how-do-we-make-godly-decisionsGrab a Join The Journey Jr. Journal:
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPPBY9BP/ref=sr_1_3?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-3Join the Journey Podcast (for grown-ups):
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/join-the-journey/id1600151923Grab a Join The Journey Journal (for grown-ups):
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPJ7WXN5/ref=sr_1_2?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-2 -
Journey with us as the missing piece of the Windbreaker gets brought to Papa Jack's workshop. Once there, Bart talks with his friend Terrence about the difference between joy and happiness. We'll continue visiting his family on the last Monday of each month with more Pirates of the Mountain Stories. Otherwise, go ahead and send in your birthday shoutouts for next month! Send all of those emails to [email protected], writing the word "junior" somewhere in the subject line.
Check out the other resources already available!
Join the Journey’s Daily Devotionals & Discussion Questions:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/Join the Journey Jr. Reading Plan:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/jr/6732-how-do-we-make-godly-decisionsGrab a Join The Journey Jr. Journal:
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPPBY9BP/ref=sr_1_3?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-3Join the Journey Podcast (for grown-ups):
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/join-the-journey/id1600151923Grab a Join The Journey Journal (for grown-ups):
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPJ7WXN5/ref=sr_1_2?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-2 -
Journey with us as we review this month's Preschool (Isaiah 33:22) and Elementary (2 Corinthians 9:7) memory verses. PLUS we'll go on a scavenger hunt, play guess the imposter, celebrate a birthday, AND hear YOUR responses to our most recent riddle! Send emails to [email protected], writing the word "junior" somewhere in the subject line.
Check out the other resources already available!
Join the Journey’s Daily Devotionals & Discussion Questions:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/Join the Journey Jr. Reading Plan:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/jr/6732-how-do-we-make-godly-decisionsGrab a Join The Journey Jr. Journal:
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPPBY9BP/ref=sr_1_3?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-3Join the Journey Podcast (for grown-ups):
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/join-the-journey/id1600151923Grab a Join The Journey Journal (for grown-ups):
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPJ7WXN5/ref=sr_1_2?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-2 -
Journey with us as we review this month's Preschool (Joshua 1:9) and Elementary (2 Corinthians 9:7) memory verses. PLUS we'll play a memory game, Simon Says, AND hear a new riddle that we want YOUR responses to! Send emails to [email protected], writing the word "junior" somewhere in the subject line.
Check out the other resources already available!
Join the Journey’s Daily Devotionals & Discussion Questions:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/Join the Journey Jr. Reading Plan:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/jr/6732-how-do-we-make-godly-decisionsGrab a Join The Journey Jr. Journal:
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPPBY9BP/ref=sr_1_3?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-3Join the Journey Podcast (for grown-ups):
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/join-the-journey/id1600151923Grab a Join The Journey Journal (for grown-ups):
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPJ7WXN5/ref=sr_1_2?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-2 -
Journey with us as we review this month's Preschool (Joshua 1:9) and Elementary (2 Corinthians 9:7) memory verses. PLUS we'll play Guess the Sound, go on a scavenger hunt, celebrate birthday shoutouts for November, AND hear some of YOUR responses to the Riddle Time riddle! To submit birthdays for next month, send emails to [email protected].
Check out the other resources already available!
Join the Journey’s Daily Devotionals & Discussion Questions:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/Join the Journey Jr. Reading Plan:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/jr/6732-how-do-we-make-godly-decisionsGrab a Join The Journey Jr. Journal:
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPPBY9BP/ref=sr_1_3?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-3Join the Journey Podcast (for grown-ups):
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/join-the-journey/id1600151923Grab a Join The Journey Journal (for grown-ups):
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPJ7WXN5/ref=sr_1_2?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-2 -
Journey with us as Bart tells his Mom and Dad about the treasure that he found. Mom gets sad thinking about potentially leaving Tippytop, so they talk about how to prepare their hearts for when they DO find out for sure. We'll continue visiting his family on the last Monday of each month with more Pirates of the Mountain Stories. Otherwise, go ahead and send in your birthday shoutouts for next month! Send all of those emails to [email protected], writing the word "junior" somewhere in the subject line.
Check out the other resources already available!
Join the Journey’s Daily Devotionals & Discussion Questions:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/Join the Journey Jr. Reading Plan:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/jr/6732-how-do-we-make-godly-decisionsGrab a Join The Journey Jr. Journal:
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPPBY9BP/ref=sr_1_3?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-3Join the Journey Podcast (for grown-ups):
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/join-the-journey/id1600151923Grab a Join The Journey Journal (for grown-ups):
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPJ7WXN5/ref=sr_1_2?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-2 -
Journey with us as we play a memory game, go on a scavenger hunt, play guess the imposter, AND hear a NEW riddle! PLUS we'll review what some of you are learning in the Join the Journey Junior Journal... Psalm 119:65-80. Send emails to [email protected], writing the word "junior" somewhere in the subject line.
Check out the other resources already available!
Join the Journey’s Daily Devotionals & Discussion Questions:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/Join the Journey Jr. Reading Plan:
https://www.jointhejourney.com/jr/6732-how-do-we-make-godly-decisionsGrab a Join The Journey Jr. Journal:
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPPBY9BP/ref=sr_1_3?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-3Join the Journey Podcast (for grown-ups):
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/join-the-journey/id1600151923Grab a Join The Journey Journal (for grown-ups):
https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Feeling-Gods-Way-Journey/dp/B0CPJ7WXN5/ref=sr_1_2?crid=20YPC3Z0WB1CQ&keywords=join+the+journey+watermark+2024&qid=1704431265&sprefix=join+the+journey+watermark+2024%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-2 - Mostrar mais