A platform for Muslim girls to voice their opinions on current affairs and discuss a variety of topics such as identity, education, community & social media.
Inspire FM – Positively Inspiring the Community. -
Halkan ka dhagayso ama download-garayso isagoo mp3 ah Tafsiirka Quraanka kariimka ah oo dhan oo af-soomaali inoogu akhriyayo Sheekh Maxamed UMAL
Presence and mindfulness are more than just ‘nice ideas’. They’re the essence of the spiritual path and the key to the inner-peace and psychological ease and wellbeing we’ve all been searching for. However, most of us struggle to be ‘present’ for more than just a few minutes at a time.
This podcast introduces you to ‘The Psychological Switch’ - a new paradigm of personal development and inner change-work that offers hope, and the promise of lasting transformation, to anyone who has been seeking the benefits of mindfulness, CBT, NLP, emotional release techniques and other forms of self-help.
The Psychological Switch leads us to naturally develop more presence and a deeper level of presence, along with many of the virtues we all wish to see in ourselves and others. Instead of trying to ‘force’ our minds to be present, this approach leads us to eliminate the source of the noise, clutter and insecurity that distracts the mind from its natural state of presence.
This leads us into more clarity, confidence and psychological freedom than we’ve ever known. This changed my life beyond imagination. My hope is that The Psychological Switch - based on the teachings of Sydney Banks and his student, Dr Keith Blevens PhD - will have a similar, or even deeper impact on you. -
Living With Barakah - audio recording of The Productive Muslim Company live shows on Facebook and YouTube connecting spirituality to personal and professional development.
A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Younus Kathrada in which he explains some rules about lowering our gaze.
Ensimmäinen islamia monipuolisesti käsittelevä podcast Suomessa. Mitä moskeijassa tai rukoushuoneessa tapahtuu? Millainen al-Hol-operaatio todellisuudessa on? Miten islam uskontona ja osana yhteiskuntaa pitäisi ymmärtää? Väännämme käsitteitä rautalangasta, keskustelemme tavallisista muslimeista, äärijärjestöistä ja näkökulmista.
Islamista keskustelevien vieraiden seurana studiossa ovat toimittajat Nina Järvenkylä ja Jenni Kivessilta.
Jaksojen aihepiirejä ovat islam, moskeijat, jihad, jihadismi, terrorismi, terroristijärjestöt, uskonto, sota, kalifaatti, Isis, vierastaistelijat, radikalisoituminen, Koraani, al-Hol, Irak, Syyria ja Afganistan. -
Follow me as I embark on a new life as a muslimah. As I face stereotypes,wearing my hijab, discrimination,love, world events and much more. Follow me as I discover my true self while building and getting to know the merciful most gracious Allah SWT Support this podcast:
نبی صلى اللہ علیہ وسلم کا فرمان ہے کہ " روئے زمین پرکوئی گھر ایسا نہیں باقی بچے گا جہاں اسلام نہ پہنچے گا عزت والے کی عزت کے ساتھ اورذلت والےکی ذلت کےسا تھ. کیسٹ مذکورمیں تاریخ اسلام کے متعلق نہایت ہی اہم گفتگوکی گئی ہے ضرورسنيں.
Holy Quran translation in urdu language
This is a podcast containing all the lectures delivered by Javed Ahmed Ghamidi when teaching his commentary of the Qur'an; Al Bayan.
يتناول برنامج لطائف قرآنية بعض المفردات الواردة في القرآن الكريم وبعض دلالاتها يقدمها الدكتور عبدالله الهتاري
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم الدنيا متاع و خير متاعها المرأة الصالحة ، السعادة الزوجية ، من أهم ما يتحصل عليه المرء في هذه الدنيا ، فكم من بيوت تهدمت و كم أسر تشردت بسبب عدم التفاهم أو التوافق ، أو خطأ في الاختيار ، أذكر مرة أن أحد أصدقائي استوقفني قال لي لقد نصحتني لكن لم أستمع لنصيحتك ! قلت و ما ذاك و قد نسيت الموضوع ، قال استشرتك و قلت أنا أبحث عن أجمل امرأة تقع عليها عيني ، فقلت لي اترك شيء لله !! قال لكن لم أستمع نصيحتك ، و كان ما أردت تزوجتها جميلة و أنجبت منها أبناء و أنا اليوم في أشد الندم و قد طلقتها ، فقلت له هذه نصيحة رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم قال : اظفر بذات الدين تربت يداك ، في هذه الدورة ستتعرف على الأنماط الشخصية فتعرف نمطك و نمط زوجتك ثم تتعرف على أعمال تقوم بها تؤلف بين القلوب و تحفظ البيوت من الفتن و تنزل فيها البركة ، و معرفة أسباب الاتفاق لتمارسها و أسباب الخلاف لتجتنبها ، مع آداب المعاشرة الزوجية ، و أهم ما يميز هذه الدورة هو استبان خاص بالنساء و آخر للرجال ، فلو تحصلت على أكثر 50% فأنت نحو التوافق و إلا فنحو الطلاق .
We are the Brothers of the cave. That's not literally but metaphorically. We live in an era where we are similar to the People of Cave mentioned in the Surah Al Kahf in the Quran. So, brothers and sisters in Islam and humanity let's rejoice the differences we share.So, Please, Like, Share, and Subscribe to support us. Send us your thoughts, prayers, and ideas at [email protected] you. Support this podcast:
Assalamu alaikum! My name is Shahid Hashi , and I am the host of Dhahal podcast. 🇸🇴Islam has given us a road map to navigate through our lives in order to succeed both in Dunya and AkhirahIt’s reported that Imam Ali (as) said, ”Learn your religion, do not inherit it”. Ifwe wish to learn anything in life, we must start at with & master the basics, the foundation, the principles. This is A podcast that seeks to explore the many stories that make up thecurrent world of Islam, You are going to hear Islamic history like you have never heard it before . Insha allah This is your place for learning Your deen Want to Support our Podcast? Click here to donate & help our podcast thrive, Jazakallah. -
Current Islamic views on societal issues. Translation of Islamic book in Somali. Islamic education and growth.
Menjawab pertanyaan kamu seputar Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin #ngaji #hijrah #kaffah
We Preach The Words Of Allah
Bediuzzaman osoitti helposti ymmärrettävien tarinoiden, vertailujen, selitysten ja perusteltujen todisteiden muodossa, että uskonnon totuuksien, jotka eivät ole ristiriidassa modernin tieteen havaintojen kanssa, näiden havaintojen materialistinen tulkinta on irrationaalista ja järjetöntä.