LectioYouth.Net est un programme catholique pour la lecture et l’étude systématiques de la Parole de Dieu. Il est destiné à des groupes ou à des personnes individuelles, plus particulièrement aux jeunes, en Afrique et à Madagascar.
religion without the Religion ;-)
The Women in Ministry Leadership podcast is a conversation to encourage and validate women on their ministry journeys. Hosted by Julie Cole, this podcast is an extension of the Women in Ministry Leadership program at The King's University.
Luisteraars stellen vragen over zingeving en geloof, en een vast panel (Kristl Van Cleemput en Joris Geldhof of Hans Geybels) behandelt in elke podcast één vraag. Moderator: Wim Corbeel.
(foto: Joris Geldhof, Kristl Van Cleemput, Wim Corbeel -c- Katrien Matthys, bewerking Tanja Milos) -
Besoin d'un moment à vous ? De réconfort, de douceur, d'écoute ? "Un temps pour soi" est un Podcast de méditation en français accessible au plus grand nombre, porté par la voix unique et chaleureuse de Valentine Ressaire. Découvrez un vaste choix de méditations guidées, yoga nidra, chants et textes inspirants adaptés à votre quotidien et créés avec simplicité et bienveillance.
Laissez-vous porter durant quelques minutes.
Bienvenue dans votre lieu sacré, votre tanière, notre sanctuaire.
- Toutes les méditations sont des créations originales de Valentine Ressaire, professeure de yoga reconnue pour sa douceur, son accessibilité et son engagement social.
- Possibilité de télécharger les épisodes depuis
- Contact : [email protected]
- Réseaux sociaux : @yogaavecvalentine + -
Dé podcast van Vlaanderen over Geluk, Persoonlijke ontwikkeling en Succes.
- 1% groei, 99% fun! -
Er is niet één weg naar geluk en succes, iedereen heeft z’n eigen route. Wij in(fo)spireren je bij jouw zoektocht naar meer geluk en succes in je leven.
Tof dat je luistert, wij zijn Timothy en Tom. Wekelijks spreken wij een inspirerende gast. Op onze eigen(wijze) manier voelen we die aan tand over zelfontwikkeling.
Met de nodige humor om het ijs te breken, met tijd en ruimte voor een diepgaand gesprek. Sappige levensverhalen vol praktische tips voor het ontwikkelen van je persoonlijke groei.
Aude : une femme authentique, pleine de vie et surtout de MAGIE !
J'ai envie de partager avec vous mon quotidien de Sorcière Moderne, de Witch, de Femme Sauvage qui s'accepte comme elle est. 🌙
Féminin sacré, Rituels de Lune, sabbats, ésotérisme, divination et magie blanche...
Envie d'en savoir davantage ?
Découvrez ma FORMATION GRATUITE de 5 vidéos pour devenir, vous aussi, une sorcière moderne. -
Wild Witches Queens & Crones (formerly Witch and Goddess) explores inspiring and troublesome femmes, goddesses, and witches and what they can teach us about being defiantly magical.Join professional witch, educator, and devotional priestess Patti Black for an inciting journey beyond the world of the "good girl."Access exclusive rituals and meditations for $4.99 a month!
Soul Cages
Open conversation with people who have opened themselves up to powerful possibilities that this life is only a part of a bigger picture.
Personal beliefs gathered and shared.
The fact that there is so much that we do not know and furthermore, don't even know that it exists.
Each podcast will explore the possibilities of what we do not know.
New knowledge driven by personal experience starts here.
[email protected]
Dominic J Zenden (Facebook.) Auraprofiling Instagram -
Dans ce podcast, je pratique une astrologie engagée et inclusive tout en démystifiant cette pratique millénaire. J'espère te donner de nouvelles perspectives sur cet art et t'inspirer : la créativité est un style de vie et l'astrologie est mon outil de prédilection pour t'aider à gagner en clarté et imaginer un nouveau champ des possibles.
Abonne-toi pour ne manquer aucun épisode et n'hésite pas à laisser un commentaire et 5 ✨
Si tu veux en savoir plus sur mon univers :
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Mon autre podcast Sphères & Symboles :
Crédit photo : Claire Bergès
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Espacio para toda la familia con un profundo sabor catequético en el que estudiar la fe que profesamos en el Credo, celebramos en los sacramentos y vivimos a través de los mandamientos y la oración. Todo ello a la luz del Compendio del Catecismo. Escucha todos los podcasts de Radio María España en
Spiritualiteit met beide voeten op de grond. Over heksen in jeans, ET-ondernemers en sjamanistische dokters. Filosofisch en nuchter, kritisch en uitnodigend, to the point en humoristisch. Zo wilt Goedele het taboe rond spiritualiteit doorbreken.
Spiritueel leiderschap staat in Goedele's werk als coach centraal. In deze podcast deelt ze mijmeringen, spiriwiri-belevenissen en alles wat ze tegenkomt op haar pad van persoonlijke en spirituele groei waarvan ze denkt dat het jou ook inspireren kan. Enjoy!
Ideeën, vragen, bemerkingen? Welkom op [email protected]. -
Time Out for Something Spiritual
Michael G. Reccia, trance medium responsible for the eight internationally acclaimed books in the Joseph Communications series, and Tony Clarkson, founder of the Sanctuary of Healing, a long-established major complimentary therapy and spiritual centre located at the heart of the UK, invite you to join them weekly for their lively Time Out for Something Spiritual podcast.
Enjoy a regular break from the pressures and demands of the physical world as you tune in to Michael and Tony, who each week will share knowledge offered by an advanced soul group as they focus on, examine, explain and often redefine aspects of spiritual life you may long have sought further insights into.
From life after death to angels; reincarnation to spirit guides…. Time Out for Something Spiritual offers an engaging, informative, no-nonsense, non-denominational approach to spirituality, demystifying the mystical and revealing who and what you really are, why you are here, the amazing things you are capable of, and the active transformational role you can choose to play not only in your own life but also in the future shaping of our world and the quality of experience of all life here.
Be sure to catch this unique weekly podcast.
For more input, please also check out our websites and channels: -
Mesaje pentru a hrăni sufletul tău și pentru a te încuraja să-l cauți pe Dumnezeu mai mult decât ai făcut-o până acum.
Au Large Biblique, le podcast explore la Bible.
par François Bessonnet, enseignant bibliste et prêtre.
Chaque semaine, le podcast explore un passage, un fait ou un personnage biblique, tant du point de vue archéologique que littéraire, sans esprit de prosélytisme. | flux RSS -
Get ready to receive wisdom and guidance from some of the country’s most respected Christian men on how to strengthen your marriage, be a better father, get control of your finances, heal the wounds from your past, be the spiritual leader of your family, and walk faithfully with God. Learn the things your dad should’ve taught you, but probably didn't. No judgment, no shame, just real answers for real men with real challenges seeking real change for God's glory.
To connect with the hosts or for readings, please call the listener line, 914.338.0164. For inquiries regarding personal readings, please call 562.596.7818.
World-renowned psychic Neil Baker and his psychic protege and wife, Kristin Baker, are featured on this hour long show which deals with the vast, expansive world of psychic phenomenon. This show delves into the extraordinary mysteries that reside beyond the physical realm of common experience. Neil and Kristin are your guides and teachers as they establish a stage that is both personal and universal, while callers have the opportunity to connect with Neil and Kristin for on-air readings.
ABOUT THE HOSTS: Neil Baker has been a psychic for over 45 years, having discovered his gifts at the age of 4 years old. Kristin Baker encountered Neil on a radio show in 2011 and began working with him in order to further develop her psychic abilities. As Kristin’s third eye started to open, she began to awaken to the deep and mystical bond between herself and Neil. Neil then revealed to Kristin written material composed over a period beginning 41 years prior to their meeting that contained Kristin’s name, the sacred numerological codes shared between Kristin and Neil, references to their past life journeys, as well as uncanny events that later unfolded and continue to be revealed in their lives as a couple.
Thereby, Neil’s and Kristin’s bond was established on both a personal and professional level. Neil has conducted nearly 100,000 personal readings, and Neil and Kristin often extend their services to house calls and parties, with clients ranging from housewives to Hollywood celebrities. Neil and Kristin are currently writing their first book together, a groundbreaking work on the deep cosmic codes of birthdates, the more hidden codes of past lives, and the phenomenon of twin souls. In their continued service to the public, they expect to share increasingly profound insights into to the astral realm and bey -
Laidos autoriai ieško brandaus kultūros ir religijos sąlyčio pavyzdžių šiandienos pasaulyje, aptaria aktualias Lietuvos bei tarptautinio gyvenimo problemas, supažindina su intriguojančiomis biografijomis. Sekmadieniais 17.03 val. per LRT RADIJĄ ir pirmadieniais 17.30 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ.
Benvinguts al nostre podcast. Ciutat Nova és una església per a la ciutat de Barcelona i una comunitat de persones normals i imperfectes que volem aprendre a viure segons la voluntat de Déu. Si et subscrius al podcast rebràs setmanalment les nostres predicacions. Et convidem també als nostres cultes. Per més informació i l'adreça: