Un modelo pedagógico es un sistema que pretende establecer una serie de técnicas, estrategias y medios de enseñanza. El objetivo de los modelos pedagógicos es lograr que los alumnos alcancen un aprendizaje significativo. Además, mediante los modelos pedagógicos se pueden establecer criterios y secuencias de evaluación.Por otro lado, los modelos pedagógicos actuales difieren mucho de los que se utilizaban hace algunos años. Los estudios y la investigación en pedagogía avanza a ritmos agigantados, y por eso es importante conocer cada uno de estos tipos de modelos pedagógicos, así como sus principales características. Solo así será posible que el profesor aplique aquel que mejor se ajusta a la realidad de aula.
Tomado de: https://www.obsbusiness.school/blog/modelos-pedagogicos-que-son-y-que-tipos-hay#:~:text=Un%20modelo%20pedag%C3%B3gico%20es%20un,criterios%20y%20secuencias%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n.
How important is bilingualism in Colombia?
"Bilingualism can become a fundamental source of social opportunities, to the extent that it opens possibilities and expands freedoms and to that extent it becomes a tool for individuals who move in the new global society"
Taken from:https://repositorio.ecci.edu.co/bitstream/handle/001/2157/Trabajo%20de%20grado.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y#:~:text=El%20biling%C3%BCismo%20puede%20convertirse%20en,en%20la%20nueva%20sociedad%20global.
Estão a faltar episódios?
“The WorldStudy on Homicide is a search for solutions. By gathering the available data,the Office of the United Nations against Drugs and Crime seeks to shed light ondifferent phenomena, from the lethal gang violence and the role of firearms tolinks to inequalities and murder related to gender, and in this way supporttargeted action. I hope that the investigation and analysis contained in thestudy are used in this spirit, not to designate “murder capitals” but to learn,understand and strengthen prevention. Criminal activity is responsible for farmore deaths around the world than armed conflict and combinations of terrorism.Unless the international community takes decisive action, the goals of the SustainableDevelopment Goal 16 to significantly reduce all forms of violence and rates of relatedmortality by 2030 will not be reached.”
“The WorldStudy on Homicide is a search for solutions. By gathering the available data,the Office of the United Nations against Drugs and Crime seeks to shed light ondifferent phenomena, from the lethal gang violence and the role of firearms tolinks to inequalities and murder related to gender, and in this way supporttargeted action. I hope that the investigation and analysis contained in thestudy are used in this spirit, not to designate “murder capitals” but to learn,understand and strengthen prevention. Criminal activity is responsible for farmore deaths around the world than armed conflict and combinations of terrorism.Unless the international community takes decisive action, the goals of the SustainableDevelopment Goal 16 to significantly reduce all forms of violence and rates of relatedmortality by 2030 will not be reached.” (UNODOC, 2019)
Leer es un acto de pensamiento que implica una intensa movilización cognitiva para interpretar y construir el sentido de la lectura, en una permanente interacción entre el lector y el texto, que requiere, también, la intervención de la afectividad y las relaciones sociales.