
  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    In this episode, we meet Sang’udi Sang’udi in the context of our special focus on diagnostics being developed in developing countries. He is the Operations Manager for Saratani AI, a young start-up from Tanzania aiming to use Artificial Intelligence to improve cervical cancer diagnostic screening services.  Created following a local hackathon, Saratani AI, is comprised of Sang’udi and several other multidisciplinary colleagues who banded together to pursue this objective.

    If you would like to get in touch with Sang’udi to learn more about Saratani AI you can find him on LinkedIn

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast

  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    In this episode, we meet Konstantinos Makris. Konstantinos’ work and research focus on exposomes. What is an exposome? Konstantinos clearly defines it and provides a context for its potential future use. While still in the early stages, the advances and investments being made into research in this field suggest it should be on everyone’s radar.

    If you would like to get in touch with Konstantinos, you can find him on LinkedIn

    To learn more about exposomes:

    · The All of US research program aims to collect data from about 1 Million people from diverse backgrounds and health profiles to focus on the future of precision medicine. https://allofus.nih.gov/

    · National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences https://www.niehs.nih.gov/research/supported/exposure/bio/index.cfmand https://www.niehs.nih.gov/news/events/pastmtg/2022/exposomics2022/index.cfm

    · The European Human Exposome Network https://www.humanexposome.eu/

    · Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health, CUT https://www.cut.ac.cy/faculties/hsc/cii/?languageId=1#:~:text=The%20Cyprus%20International%20Institute%20for,it%20operates%20within%20the%20CUT

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast

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  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    In this episode, we asked Ahneez Abdul Hameed, to interview Chee-Onn Leong.

    Chee-Onn launched a new venture making advanced genomics services available via their facilities in Kuala Lumpur. In this episode, he shares the benefits of these services, explores the challenges of making genomics services available to the wider clinical community, and shares his advice for others considering work in this field.

    If you would like to get in touch with Chee-Onn, you can find him on LinkedIn

    Some of the organizations mentioned during this podcast:

    · AGTC Genomics  https://agtcgenomics.com/

    · International Medical University Malaysia https://www.imu.edu.my/

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast

  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    Our special guest in this episode is Susanti. Working through her academic career in the UK as a cancer researcher, she is diagnosed with cancer during a visit back home to Indonesia.  It becomes apparent that advanced diagnostic approaches aren't readily available to her loved ones and fellow citizens.  She shares her story, not only of launching a diagnostics company but getting the first product through regulatory approvals and into the market.

    If you would like to get in touch with Susanti, you can find her on LinkedIn.

    Some of the organizations mentioned during this podcast:

    · PT. PathGen Diagnostik Teknologi https://pathgen.co.id/

    · Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto https://ump.ac.id/

    · University of Nottingham https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/

    · The Australian National University https://www.anu.edu.au/

    · Universitas Gadjah Mada https://www.ugm.ac.id/

    · Islamic Development Bank https://www.isdb.org/

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast/

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  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    Our special guest in this episode is George Anene Nzelu. His work focuses on leveraging epigenetics to better address heart failure. Following the completion of medical school in Cuba, George took the path of research via an impactful time spent in Singapore obtaining his PhD and conducting research alongside key mentors. He shares an overview of his research and helps advise current students and early careerists on the best path toward a future in research.

    If you would like to get in touch with George, you can find him on LinkedIn.

    Some of the organizations mentioned during this podcast:

    · L’institut de cardiologie de Montréal, Université de Montréal https://www.icm-mhi.org/en/research

    · National University of Singapore https://www.nus.edu.sg/

    · Latin American School of Medicine https://instituciones.sld.cu/elam/

    · Genome institute of Singapore https://www.a-star.edu.sg/gis

    · Illumina https://www.illumina.com

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast/

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  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    Our special guest in this episode is Emmanuel Marshall. After the completion of his studies and early career in Fiji, Emmanuel took the opportunity to explore work opportunities abroad and found a new adventure in the Cook Islands. This step has paid off for Emmanuel and circumstances, and his performance, helped him become Head of Department and PCR Molecular Section Lead Scientist. Learn more about what leading a Molecular Section entails on a small island nation and more in this episode.

    If you would like to get in touch with Emmanuel, you can find him on LinkedIn.

    Some of the organizations mentioned during this podcast:

    · Fiji National University https://www.fnu.ac.fj/college-of-medicine/

    · Ministry of Health and Medical Services https://www.health.gov.fj/

    · Pacific Pathology Training Center https://pptc.org.nz/

    · Te Marae Ora Ministry of Health Cook Islands https://www.health.gov.ck/

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast/

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  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    Our special guest in this episode is Jignesh Sharma.  He is a great example of what a high-performing career looks like just 5 years after his undergraduate degree. In this short window of time, he has made a reinvestment into furthering his education. On track to complete his Masters' degree this year. Occupied continuously more challenging professional roles. Sought growth in opportunities as they arose and committed himself to advancing his profession with a VP role in a recently composed professional body, the Fiji Institute of Medical Laboratory Science.

    If you would like to get in touch with Jignesh, you can find him on LinkedIn.

    Some of the organizations mentioned during this podcast:

    · Fiji National University https://www.fnu.ac.fj/college-of-medicine/

    · WHO Regional office for the Western Pacific https://www.who.int/westernpacific

    · Fiji Institute of Medical Laboratory Science https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100066785359720

    · Ministry of Health and Medical Services https://www.health.gov.fj/

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast/

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  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.
    Our special guest in this episode is Zia Ashraf.  Medical laboratory professionals most commonly specialize in supporting diagnoses of patients to help them stay alive. But those same skills can also be used to help diagnose causes of death. Some take up this endeavour to focus their skills on forensics and better identify the cause of death. Zia is one of those professionals having been previously employed by the Punjab Forensic Science Agency. Beyond performing diligent analysis of both the living and dead, he has focused on lecturing at the Government College University, Faisalabad. He is an active member of the Pakistan Biological Safety Association as a Biosafety Trainer and for the past few years, the Punjab provincial Chapter head.
    If you would like to get in touch with Zia, you can find him on LinkedIn.
    Some of the organizations mentioned during this podcast:
    · Nishtar Medical University https://nmu.edu.pk/
    · Bahauddin Zakariya University https://www.bzu.edu.pk/
    · Chughtais Lahore Lab https://chughtailab.com/
    · Punjab Forensic Science Agency https://pfsa.punjab.gov.pk/
    · Government College University Faisalabad https://gcuf.edu.pk/
    · Pakistan Biological Safety Association https://pbsa.org.pk/
    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast/
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  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    Our special guest in this episode is Ali Kwizera. Through a successive series of career advancements, Ali has demonstrated the impact one can have on the laboratory profession despite having fairly little bench experience. From providing direct support to LQMS programs, transforming how a country handles the diagnostics around a particular disease, optimizing laboratory networks or supporting global procurement of key diagnostics, Ali’s journey will share the importance of those at the bench, and those beyond the bench.

    If you would like to get in touch with Ali, you can find him on LinkedIn.

    Some of the organizations mentioned during this podcast:

    · Makarere University https://www.mak.ac.ug/

    · International Health Sciences University https://ciu.ac.ug/

    · Institute of Human Virology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine https://www.ihv.org/

    · CDC https://www.cdc.gov/

    · Center for Clinical Care and Clinical Research https://cccr-nigeria.org/

    · Elizabeth Glaer Pediatric Aids Foundation https://www.pedaids.org/

    · USAID https://www.usaid.gov/

    · Central Public Health Laboratory, Uganda https://cphl.go.ug/

    · African Society of Laboratory Medicine https://aslm.org/

    · WHO- AFRO https://www.afro.who.int/

    · ICF www.icf.com

    · John Snow Inc https://www.jsi.com/

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast/

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  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    Our special guest in this episode is Yaw Aniweh. As a career researcher, Yaw has been persistent in exploring the depths of malaria. Just as consistent, has been his ability to leverage global funding opportunities to advance his research. Following his bachelor's degree in Laboratory Technology in Ghana, he has pursued further studies and research opportunities during stints in Singapore, the US, UK and more. Each of those opportunities ended with a deliberate return home to Ghana where he is currently a Senior Research Fellow at the West Africa Center for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens housed at the University of Ghana. Yaw explicitly shares the various funding avenues that provided these opportunities and his rationale for returning home after each stint abroad.

    If you would like to get in touch with Yaw, you can find him on LinkedIn.

    Some of the organizations mentioned during this podcast:

    · Singapore International Graduate Award https://www.a-star.edu.sg/Scholarships/for-graduate-studies/singapore-international-graduate-award-singa

    · University of Cape Coast https://ucc.edu.gh/

    · Nanyang Technological University https://www.ntu.edu.sg/

    · Developing Excellence and Leadership In Science in Africa (DELTAS Africa) https://scienceforafrica.foundation/deltas.php

    · University of Ghana https://www.ug.edu.gh/

    · West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens (WACCBIP), University of Ghana https://www.waccbip.org/

    · Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (NIBR) https://www.novartis.com/research-development/novartis-institutes-biomedical-research

    · The Francis Crick Institute https://www.crick.ac.uk/

    · Tackling Infections to Benefit Africa (TIBA) https://www.ed.ac.uk/global-health/research/research-programmes/tackling-infections-to-benefit-africa-tiba-partner#:~:text=The%20Tackling%20Infections%20to%20Benefit,policy%20and%20strengthening%20health%20systems

    · Africa Oxford Fellowship https://www.afox.ox.ac.uk/senior-afox-visiting-fellowships

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast/

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  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    Ahneez Abdul Hameed reprises her role as guest host for this special episode with guest Thane Moze Darumalinggam. The transfusion medicine specialist is responsible for Donor Procurement at the National Blood Center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Thane shares an interesting overview of the profession, and the role transfusion medicine plays in clinical practice and discusses rare blood type antigens not commonly understood.

    If you would like to get in touch with Thane, you can find her on LinkedIn.

    Some of the organizations mentioned during this podcast:

    · National Blood Center Malaysia https://pdn.gov.my/v2/

    · Malaysian Blood Transfusion Society https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100056870813835

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast/

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  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    Our special guest in this episode is Pedro Lewis. The Director of the Guyana National Blood Transfusion Service. Trained as both a medical doctor and medical laboratory technologist, Pedro took on the challenge of the transfusion medicine specialty. In addition to his contribution to the stability of the national blood bank system, he is a regular collaborator in several research programs and has most recently been active in sharing the importance of non-remunerated, voluntary blood donations. He touches upon several key themes, including the rationale behind choosing a field for your future studies and more.

    If you would like to get in touch with Pedro, you can find him on LinkedIn.

    Some of the organizations mentioned during this podcast:

    University of Guyana https://www.uog.edu.gy/ Asociacion Argentina de  Hemoterapia Inmunohematologia y Terapia Celular(AAHITC) https://aahitc.org.ar/ Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies https://www.aabb.org/

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast/

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  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    Our special guest in this episode is Emmanuel Anasonye. After completing his MLS degree in Nigeria and completing his internship, his drive for seeking an affordable medical school opportunity led him to Guyana. Beyond medical school, he found ways to leverage his medical laboratory background. He is currently an instructor in multiple local medical schools in the areas of microbiology and pathology. After progressing through the US Medical Licensure Exam he is now awaiting his ECFMG certification. His longer-term aim is to specialize in Pathology, a passion reinforced during his MLS.

    If you would like to get in touch with Emmanuel, you can find him on LinkedIn.

    Some of the organizations mentioned during this podcast:

    · Nnamdi Azikiwe University https://unizik.edu.ng/

    · Texila American University, Guyana https://tauedu.org/

    · Lincoln American University https://www.laumed.org/

    · American Society of Clinical Pathology https://www.ascp.org/content#

    · Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates https://www.ecfmg.org/

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast/

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  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    Our special guest in this episode is Kirk Douglas. As the current Director of the Center for Biosecurity, he is actively involved in developing and sharing frameworks that help broaden the perspective of biosecurity. He is an active leader seeking to strengthen the Caribbean’s resilience to zoonosis and climate related challenges by expanding local research capacity.

    If you would like to get in touch with Kirk, you can find him on LinkedIn.

    Some of the organizations mentioned during this podcast:

    · The University of West Indie, Cave Hill Campus https://www.cavehill.uwi.edu/home

    · University of Warwick – Warwick Business School https://www.wbs.ac.uk/

    · Hospital for Sick Kids https://www.sickkids.ca/

    · Lenstec Inc https://www.lenstec.com/

    · Center for Biosecurity Studies https://www.cavehill.uwi.edu/biosecurity/home.aspx

    · George Alleyne Chronic Disease Research Center https://www.uwi.edu/cdrc/cdrc-home

    · Broad Institute https://www.broadinstitute.org/

    · Erasmus https://www.erasmusmc.nl/en/

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast/

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  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    Our special guest in this episode is Maopa Raikabula. Her journey shares the story of beginning a career in a rural setting, as a 1 person lab department. Moving her way through the government health services system. Taking on responsibilities in supporting an entire country’s TB laboratory testing response for a Global Fund funded project in Fiji. Changing roles and locations by moving to the Federated States of Micronesia and eventually continuing her profession in American Samoa.

    If you would like to get in touch with Maopa, you can find her on LinkedIn.

    Some of the organizations mentioned during this podcast:

    · College of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Sciences https://www.fnu.ac.fj/

    · The Global Fund https://www.theglobalfund.org/en/

    · Ministry of Health and Medical Services https://www.health.gov.fj/

    · Federated States of Micronesia Health Department https://hsa.gov.fm/

    · American Samoa Public Health https://americansamoapublichealth.com/

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast/

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  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    Our special guest in this episode is Bolarinde Lawal. His journey through the laboratory industry was greatly affected by his acumen in the area of project management. From his earliest roles, his ability to deliver results and manage other people’s execution transformed his path. Formalizing the training in both quality management and project management helped him support the accreditation of laboratories and take on increasingly complex and higher profile laboratory management challenges. Currently, he is the Laboratory Manager for the London School of Tropical Medicine Ebola Vaccine Trials Lab in Sierra Leone.

    If you would like to get in touch with Bolarinde, you can find him on LinkedIn.

    Some of the organizations mentioned during this podcast:

    · Federal School of Medical Laboratory Science Jos: https://fedmedlabtech.com.ng/

    · Benue State University https://www.bsum.edu.ng/

    · Euclid University https://www.euclid.int/

    · Nigeria Fellowship of Evangelical Students https://nifes.org.ng/

    · Medical Research Council Unit The Gambia https://www.mrc.gm/

    · London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine: lshtm.ac.uk

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast/

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  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    Our special guest in this episode is Divine Agyemang Lardey.  He shares his story of pursuing his Medical Laboratory Science studies to their apex in his country. For many, that would have been plenty. But not for Divine. He decided to gain a broader perspective with an MPH and completed much of his graduate studies while progressing in the world of IVD Diagnostics.  He is currently representing one of the top 5 global IVD manufacturers, BD, across West Africa.

    If you would like to get in touch with Divine, you can find him at LinkedIn.

    Some of the organizations mentioned during this podcast:

    · Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) https://www.knust.edu.gh/

    · University for Development Studies https://uds.edu.gh/

    · University of Ghana https://www.ug.edu.gh/

    · University of Leicester https://le.ac.uk/

    · DCL Laboratory Products http://www.dcllabx.com/

    · Cepheid https://www.cepheid.com/

    · Becton Dickinson https://www.bd.com

    · Inspire THEM Foundation https://www.facebook.com/Inspirethemfoundation/about/

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast/

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  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    Our special guest in this episode is Sajad Ahmad.  He shares the story of the medical laboratory professionals in Pakistan. Like many colleagues in other countries, he had aspirations of owning his own laboratory to leverage his knowledge and alter his future.  He walks us through that process and points out the bright spots in the near future for professionals in the country.

    If you would like to get in touch with Sajad, you can find him at LinkedIn.

    Some of the organizations mentioned during this podcast:

    · Rawalpindi Medical College https://rmur.edu.pk/

    · Gomal University http://www.gu.edu.pk/

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast/

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  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    Our special guest in this episode is Zunaira Qureshi. She shares her journey from academia through to her current role as Assistant Director of Research, at the Medical Devices Development Center at the National University of Science and Technology. Along the way, she describes the two patents she holds, how her focus has shifted to drug discovery and medical device development, and her advice for young professionals that find their way hampered by senior professionals that feel they are moving upwards too quickly.

    If you would like to get in touch with Zunaira, you can find her on LinkedIn.

    Some of the organizations mentioned during this podcast:

    · National University of Sciences and Technology  https://nust.edu.pk/

    · N-ovative Health Technologies Pvt https://www.nhtpl.pk/

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast/

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  • The LabOpp Global Leaders podcast is a series of conversations about Careers, the Lab Industry, Training, and People.

    Our special guest in this episode is Adedamola Oyekunle. He shares his journey from bench professional to key contributor in Federal Ministry of Health laboratory strengthening activities. He was recently involved in the launch of the national Essential Diagnostic List (EDL). As Nigeria was the first country in Africa and one of the very few globally to have completed this work, Adedamola graciously shared the process involved in creating the EDL, the various challenges faced and some lessons learned.

    If you would like to get in touch with Adedamola, you can find him on LinkedIn.

    Some of the organizations mentioned during this podcast:

    · Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (https://www.lautech.edu.ng/)

    · University of Lagos (https://unilag.edu.ng/)

    · Synlab Nigeria (https://www.synlab.com.ng/)

    · Federal Ministry of Health Nigeria (https://www.health.gov.ng/)

    If you have suggestions for future guests or comments about this podcast, please visit us at labopp.org/podcast/

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