
  • Imagine going into the holiday season feeling confident in your food skills rather than anticipating a massive blowout and then “starting over” in January? In this episode, I give you 3 things to focus on with your nutrition in the next few months so that you can enter the holiday season feeling more confident than ever. Get out your Kellie notebook and tag me @kellielargay on social media!

    If you’re ready to stop winging it and learn exactly how to eat so that you can feel healthy & confident, your next step is to watch my program video (less than 3 mins) to learn about my LEANbody Coaching Program, then fill out my consult form for options to work with me here: https://acebarbell.com/nutrition-coaching/

    -OR pop into my free Facebook Community, where my team and I share nutrition trainings and recipes: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ACEnutrition

    -You can also connect with me on instagram for nutrition tips: @KellieLargay https://www.instagram.com/kellielargay/

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a 5 star rating and review. I appreciate your support!

  • In this episode, I chat through the process of how to gain muscle when your goal is weight loss. You know that muscle results in a healthier metabolism and easier fat loss, but building muscle can also feel scary because it can cause the scale to increase. This episode offers practical advice for achieving both goals. Whether you’re trying to tone up, improve your metabolism, or simply enhance your overall health, this episode is packed with insights to help you find balance.

    If you’re ready to stop winging it and learn exactly how to eat so that you can improve your metabolism and relationship with food, your next step is to watch my program video to learn about my LEANbody Coaching Program, then apply for coaching here: https://acebarbell.com/nutrition-coaching/

    -OR pop into my free Facebook Community, where my team and I share nutrition tips and recipes: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ACEnutrition

    -You can also connect with me on Instagram and fill me in on what YOUR definition of success looks like: @KellieLargay https://www.instagram.com/kellielargay/

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a 5 star rating and review. I appreciate your support!

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  • In today’s episode, I break down what it looks like to build unshakable self-belief and define what success really looks like on a weight loss journey.

    Success comes in so many different forms, but you may be failing to see it. This can result in frustration and, eventually, giving up altogether.

    Whether you’re struggling with confidence issues or struggling to understand why you’re falling short despite knowing what needs to be done, this episode will help inspire you to continue putting in work even in moments of frustration.

    If you’re ready to stop winging it and learn exactly how to eat so that you can feel healthy & confident, your next step is to watch my program video to learn about my LEANbody Coaching Program, then apply for coaching here: https://acebarbell.com/nutrition-coaching/

    -OR pop into my free Facebook Community, where my team and I share nutrition tips and recipes: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ACEnutrition

    -You can also connect with me on instagram and fill me in on what YOUR definition of success looks like: @KellieLargay https://www.instagram.com/kellielargay/

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a 5 star rating and review. I appreciate your support!

  • In today’s episode, I chat about how the definition of female health has changed over the past few decades. We’ve gone from wanting to be skinny and starved to training for muscle growth and eating to fuel that muscle.

    This is making us stronger, more confident, more mobile, more energetic, AND it’s helping us improve our relationship with food because we now understand that food = energy!

    If you’re ready to stop winging it and learn exactly how to eat so that you can feel healthy & confident, your next step is to watch my program video to learn about my LEANbody Coaching Program, then apply for coaching here: https://acebarbell.com/nutrition-coaching/

    -OR pop into my free Facebook Community, where my team and I share nutrition tips and recipes: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ACEnutrition

    -You can also connect with me on instagram and fill me in on how YOUR definition of health as changed over the years: @KellieLargay https://www.instagram.com/kellielargay/

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a 5 star rating and review. I appreciate your support!

  • In today’s episode, I sit down with mindset & stress coach Lyndsay Gilson to chat about the role of your mindset in a health & weight loss journey. We discuss overcoming all-or-nothing thinking, how to overcome negative self-talk, bridging the gap between knowing what to do and ACTUALLY doing it, and how to use failure as an opportunity for growth.

    Related links:

    Follow Lyndsay on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embody__you?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==

    Apply for nutrition coaching: https://acebarbell.com/nutrition-coaching/

    Join my free Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ACEnutrition

    I hope you enjoy this episode and if you do, please leave a 5 Star rating and review!

  • In this episode, I break down my 4-step process to get you started with tracking macros. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast looking to optimize your nutrition, or a beginner wanting to understand how to track macros effectively, this episode is for you. Join me as I break down my proven 4-step process to get you started with tracking macros in a simple, manageable way.

    If you need support to get dialed in with your macros and are ready to learn exactly how to eat so that you can feel healthy & confident, fill out my coaching application below! I have a decade of experience helping women reach their weight loss & body composition goals. Your next step is to watch my program video to learn about my LEANbody Coaching Program, then apply for coaching here:


    Related links:

    Macro Cheat Sheet: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGKwbcXp3I/bNy47QNGUW_PNFHo7w5HxA/view?utm_content=DAGKwbcXp3I&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor

    Macro Tracking Guide: https://acebarbell.com/product/guide-to-tracking-macros/

    Join my free Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ACEnutrition

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review and share it with a friend! And make sure to hit the subscribe button so you never miss an episode.

  • In this episode of the LEANbody show, I’m answering questions you’ve submitted via social media. I discuss whether or not you should be adding in calories burned in your workouts, tips to help overcome emotional eating, and how to hit your protein goal during your fat loss phase.

    If you’re ready to stop winging it and learn exactly how to eat so that you can feel healthy & confident, fill out my coaching application below! I have a decade of experience helping women reach their weight loss & body composition goals. Your next step is to watch my program video to learn about my LEANbody Coaching Program, then apply for coaching here: https://acebarbell.com/nutrition-coaching/

    Related links:

    FREE Protein Starter Kit: https://acebarbell.com/product/leanbody-protein-starter-kit/

    Reliability and Validity of Fitness Watches for Energy Expenditure Study: https://mhealth.jmir.org/2020/9/e18694/

    Strength Training Templates: https://acebarbell.com/product/ace-fitness-ace-nutrition-strength-training-template/

    I hope you enjoy this episode and if you do, please leave a 5 star rating and review!

  • In today’s episode I discuss how to determine if you need to eat more. If you want a healthy metabolism, this means getting out of the restriction mentality. And in some situations, you may need to eat MORE to reach your weight loss goal. Give this episode a listen to learn how to determine if you need to be eating more calories.

    Ready to stop winging it and learn exactly how to eat so that you can feel healthy & confident? I have a decade of experience helping women do just that. Your next step is to watch my program video to learn about my LEANbody Coaching Program, then apply for coaching here: https://acebarbell.com/nutrition-coaching/

    You can also check out my free Reverse Dieting Guide here:


    Strength Training Templates: https://acebarbell.com/product/ace-fitness-ace-nutrition-strength-training-template/

    I hope you enjoy this episode and if you do, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts!

  • In today’s episode, I’m joined by my husband Ryan Largay to chat about strength training. Ryan is a strongman athlete who has been competing at the world level for 7 years, and is also the owner/operator of our gym ACE Fitness, where he works with clients of all ages and abilities to help them get stronger and improve their quality of life. We discuss the basic principles of progressive overload, how to get started with strength training, how often you should be lifting, how many reps you should be doing, and how to know if you’re lifting heavy enough to gain muscle.

    Related links:

    Ryan’s Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/ryan_largay/

    ACE Fitness Strength Training Templates: https://acebarbell.com/product/ace-fitness-ace-nutrition-strength-training-template/

    ACE Fitness website: https://acebarbell.com/

    ACE Fitness Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AceFitnessCenter

    Apply for Nutrition Coaching here: https://acebarbell.com/nutrition-coaching/

    I hope you enjoy this episode and if you do, please leave a 5 star rating and review. Huge thanks to everyone who has left a review thus far!!

  • In this episode, I’m separating fact from fiction and busting some of the most common nutrition myths. Should you avoid fruit? Do you need a juice cleanse to detoxify your body? Will you gain weight if you eat at night? You’ll find out in today’s episode!

    Ready to stop winging it and learn exactly how to eat so that you can feel healthy & confident? I have a decade of experience helping women do just that! Your next step is to watch my program video to learn about my LEANbody Coaching Program, then apply for coaching here: https://acebarbell.com/nutrition-coaching/

    -OR pop into my free Facebook Community, where my team and I share nutrition tips and recipes: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ACEnutrition

    -You can also connect with me on instagram and fill me in on a nutrition myth you’re wondering about! @KellieLargay https://www.instagram.com/kellielargay/

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a 5 star rating and review. I appreciate your support!

  • I’m taking you behind the scenes in today’s episode to fill you in on our coaching method at ACE Nutrition and how we help our clients get sustainable results!

    Ready to stop winging it and learn exactly how to eat so that you can feel healthy & confident? I have a decade of experience helping women do just that! Your next step is to watch my program video to learn about my LEANbody Coaching Program, then apply for coaching here: https://acebarbell.com/nutrition-coaching/

    You can also check out my free Reverse Dieting Guide here:


    OR pop into my free Facebook Community, where my team and I share nutrition tips and recipes: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ACEnutrition

    If you enjoyed this episode, I’d love for you to leave a review! I appreciate your support!

  • Part of a successful & sustainable health and weight loss journey is having the tools to address social situations where food is abundant. Fun can and should fit into your plan! But you need to have the right strategy. So in today’s show, I’m giving you tips to navigate parties and social events while continuing to make progress with your nutrition goals.

    Ready to stop winging it and learn exactly how to eat so that you can feel healthy & confident? I have a decade of experience helping women do just that! Your next step is to watch my program video to learn about my LEANbody Coaching Program, then apply for coaching here: https://acebarbell.com/nutrition-coaching/

    You can also join my free Facebook Community, where my team and I share nutrition tips and advice:


    OR say “Hi” on Instagram @KellieLargay https://www.instagram.com/kellielargay/

    I hope you enjoy this episode and if you do, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts!

  • One big mistake I see women make all the time in their quest for fat loss is to neglect strength training. Muscle is the key to living long, looking lean and losing fat more easily! In today’s episode, I go over some nutrition considerations you need to make so that you can optimize muscle gain.

    Ready to stop winging it and learn exactly how to eat so that you can feel healthy & confident? I have a decade of experience helping women do just that! Your next step is to watch my program video to learn about my LEANbody Coaching Program, then apply for coaching here: https://acebarbell.com/nutrition-coaching/

    If you’re looking for a strength training plan that you can do anywhere, check our my Strength Training Templates: https://acebarbell.com/product/ace-fitness-ace-nutrition-strength-training-template/

    OR say “Hi” on Instagram @KellieLargay https://www.instagram.com/kellielargay/

    PS: If you enjoyed today’s episode, please leave a rating and review of the show to help me reach other women who want to lose fat and gain muscle without sacrificing their relationship with food!

  • In today’s episode, I teach you exactly how to troubleshoot a weight loss plateau. If you’re feeling stuck, there’s a reason for it and you need to check a few things before you make ANY changes to your plan!

    Ready to stop winging it and learn exactly how to eat so that you can feel healthy & confident? I have a decade of experience helping women do just that! Your next step is to watch my program video to learn about my LEANbody Coaching Program, then apply for coaching here: https://acebarbell.com/nutrition-coaching/

    You can also check out my Fat Loss Jumpstart Course here: https://acebarbell.com/product/fat-loss-jumpstart-course/

    OR say “Hi” on Instagram @KellieLargay https://www.instagram.com/kellielargay/

    PS: If you enjoyed today’s episode, I’d greatly appreciate it if you took a moment to leave a rating and review of the show. This helps the show reach more women! I appreciate your support!

  • Today’s episode is all about ditching the all-or-nothing mentality and finally putting an end to the restrict/binge cycle. By the end of the episode, you’ll have an action plan on how to stop eating “good” all day, only to lose control in the evening.

    Ready to stop winging it and learn exactly how to eat so that you can feel healthy & confident? I have a decade of experience helping women do just that! Your next step is to watch my program video to learn about my LEANbody Coaching Program, then apply for coaching here: https://acebarbell.com/nutrition-coaching/

    You can also check out my free Reverse Dieting Guide here:


    OR say “Hi” on Instagram @KellieLargay https://www.instagram.com/kellielargay/

    I hope you enjoy this episode and if you do, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts!