
  • Today we are talking about the hot topics of fear & anxiety and the FREEDOM to be found from it with a sister in Christ who I have had the opportunity to walk in ministry with for a few years now, the founder of Fearless Unite, Christy Boulware. Here’s the deal ladies, I am never walking you into a conversation on fear and anxiety without showing you the door to freedom. I am passionate about the freedom found in Christ from crippling fear.

    First, though, we get into the nitty gritty of what fear and anxiety have done to us…what it may look like when they show up for you…and the very REAL feelings that accompany them that leave us feeling dark, hopeless, and broken. We break down what Christy calls “the superwoman struggle” many of us face in today’s culture and how it led her to the brink of suicidal thoughts.

    But we don’t leave the story there because there’s freedom in Christ. Christy honestly shares what her nervous breakdown looked like and how the Lord used it to break her through to His truth! It’s our responsibility as your sisters in Christ to tell the WHOLE story. So, we dive into ways we can heal and the truth found both in God’s word and surrender to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And yeah, it’s not “easy” but it is simple…and today, more than anything, I hope through God’s light shining through Christy’s fight, that you see the possibility of experiencing FREEDOM from the fear and anxiety that’s haunting you.

    Christy Boulware is first a passionate follower of Christ. She is also wife to an incredible man named Troy and mom of three beautiful children. With a deep desire to set women and teens free from the chains of fear and anxiety, Christy founded and leads the not-for-profit organization, Fearless Unite. Through conferences, workshops, retreats, Bible studies, and devotionals, Christy speaks and writes about drastically decreasing the alarming statistics of anxiety in our world.

    I am so eager for you to meet my FEARLESS friend, Christy! Let’s dive in…

    Christy’s IG: @christymboulware

    Fearless IG: @fearlessunite

    Websites: christyboulware.com / fearlessunite.com

    Facebook facebook.com/christy.boulware facebook.com/fearlessunite

    To purchase her book “Nervous Breakthrough”: https://www.christyboulware.com/book

    To sign up for Christy's mentoring group, click here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScIv80JNoGwlpmdLESaZPo412hTvJEZQqtJcNLTQfz76Yr6Yw/viewform?usp=send_form

    Maria’s IG: @RiaRambles

    Take Part Foundation: Take-Part.org

    As always to recommend a guest, email [email protected].

  • I feel passionate about giving a voice to young people who fight lifelong medical battles. We have had mothers on here in the past, and this week, I decided we needed to hear from one of those warriors herself. We had the privilege of meeting her incredible mama, Abby, on episode two of this season, but it’s time we meet the warrior behind the mama! So, ladies, meet Aly Puckett - a fierce young woman who boldly shares with us her experience battling a lifelong condition, hydrocephalus, and how she refuses to let it dim God’s light in her life. Even in her firm stance on her faith and how God is working in her story, Aly doesn’t shy away from sharing the darkness and anxiety that looms over her at times and how she works through that struggle.

    We talk about what it’s like to be a “seemingly normal” college student and sorority girl battling an “invisible” looking yet life-threatening condition. Aly breaks down how friends and family have played critical roles in her perspective on her life and how parents can support their kids facing battles like Aly’s.

    I cried and cheered re-listening to this episode myself because Aly radiates the glory of God with every word she speaks - and many of us who don’t struggle daily like her could benefit from hearing her praise God even in her fight. Don’t miss this episode, friends.

    Aly was diagnosed with Hydrocephalus when she was one year old, and has had 10 brain surgeries since then. Hydrocephalus is the overproduction or lack of draining of spinal fluid on the brain. And if you want to learn more, Aly loves educating others on this condition and fighting for those who walk this journey with her through the Hydrocephalus Association. She is currently a senior at the University of Arkansas and will be graduating THIS MONTH! Go Aly! She is head over heels for her great dane, Vayda, and when she’s not with her pup, you’ll find her trying out new restaurants or cookin’ up something new.

    Don’t hesitate to reach out to Aly on social media - she LOVES connecting with others and sharing her story of God’s glory.

    Okay y’all, it’s time to meet the bright and shining vessel of the Lord’s love and light, the sweet and brave, Aly Puckett!

    Aly’s IG: @alypuckett

    Hydrocephalus Association: https://www.hydroassoc.org/about-hydrocephalus/

    American Heart Association: https://www.heart.org/

    Maria’s IG: @RiaRambles

    Take Part Foundation: Take-Part.org

    As always to recommend a guest, email [email protected].

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  • My friend Madi Gray is on the podcast today and y’all I am PUMPED. This could be my most “different” episode in the sense that I wanted to provide Madi’s conversation as a resource for those of us in the “fight” to see how we can settle into the rest and restoration God has for us. This is the convo we all need, or at least I did! And maybe you’ll get something out of it too ;)

    Madi and I dig into her journey of shedding the expectations of living life as the world calls us to live it. We dig into how living outside of God’s expectations actually adds stress and overwhelm that we weren’t meant to carry in our souls, and how walking in heavenly expectations releases us to receive the joy and peace God has been giving us all along. We introduce some tangible and practical things you can do today to begin walking that way - small adjustments you can make to restore simplicity in a world that wants to overcomplicate your human experience. I truly believe this convo could be the catalyst for many of us to walk in the freedom God has already established in our lives.

    So ladies, let’s dig in. It’s time for you to meet my humble and wise-beyond-her-years dear friend, Madi!

    Madi’s IG: @madisungray

    Madi’s YouTube: @madisungray

    Madi’s Resources and Site: https://madisungray.teachable.com/p/wholehearted

    Some books mentioned in the podcast:

    Changes that Heal by Dr. Henry Cloud

    Resilient by John Eldredge

    Maria’s IG: @RiaRambles

    Take Part Foundation: Take-Part.org

    As always to recommend a guest, email [email protected].

  • Today y’all get a chance to meet my friend, Brit Wilson, who has personally impacted my health and fitness journey - as well as encouraged me to maintain a healthy mindset as I live healed from anorexia. We go all in on the lies that take us down as women in the health and fitness world - the push to be skinny and the healing that comes from regaining strength. We break open what it looks like to be misunderstood by people you love as you shift and try to navigate life’s twists and turns. She unpacks the struggles of single motherhood while managing three jobs and overcoming mental and physical struggles in the midst of both disordered eating and divorce.

    We take some time to talk about the difference between control and self-discipline - and the effect it has on us spiritually in our walk with Christ. Brit and I both feel passionate about encouraging women to avoid cultural traps in the “health and fitness” world to be skinny, drained, and under-nourished and to find places and spaces that encourage you to grow your body through strength and nourishment to take on the life God has for you!

    Over the last 10 years Brit has both educated and supported clients all over the world - as a personal trainer with certifications ranging from pregnancy and postpartum corrective exercise to strength training and nutrition - in order to help people both in person and online. She’s constantly learning and growing herself in order to benefit those she serves. From beginners to athletes, she is committed to helping others reach their goals. Brit’s philosophy isn’t to “kill” you in the gym but to help you learn your body better, help you move better and to make you stronger and more confident by doing workouts with a purpose. She truly believes in wanting to make you the best physical version of yourself.

    I can’t wait for you to meet my empowering and bold friend, Brit!

    Brittany’s IG: @britwilsonspt

    Force Performance IG: @forceperformancestl

    Website - stlforceperformance.com

    Maria’s IG: @RiaRambles

    Take Part Foundation: Take-Part.org

    As always to recommend a guest, email [email protected].

  • Today y’all get to meet one of my Fight Shine sisters, Abby Puckett, who has shown me what it means to walk in affliction and point back to Jesus IN it all. Today on the episode you’ll hear Abby and I walk through her obvious fight with her daughter Aly’s battle with Hydrocephalus, the back to back losses of her mother and best friend, and the shock that comes from almost losing the kid who isn’t your “sick” child. We candidly talk about the pressure struggle puts on family and friends and how to choose a wider lens in order to love people well through your own suffering.

    I feel like you are getting an inside listen into Abby and I’s private voice note conversations here. We share a little insight into our own marriages and the lessons we’ve learned in how to keep things healthy at home even in chaos.

    Abby is a mama of three, a wife to her wonderful best friend Jamie, and a clean-wine enthusiast as a Scout and Cellar Executive Director. But I also know her as a lover of people, a local encourager of women, and a passionate follower of Jesus. She is a GEM and I can’t wait for y’all to meet my bold and loving friend, Abby.

    Abby’s IG: @ahp73

    Hydrocephalus Association: https://www.hydroassoc.org/about-hydrocephalus/

    American Heart Association: https://www.heart.org/

    Maria’s IG: @RiaRambles

    Take Part Foundation: Take-Part.org

    As always to recommend a guest, email [email protected].

  • Meet this week’s FIGHT SHINE sister - Kira Andersen. We dive head first into what it looks like to walk alongside your spouse as they receive a stage 4 cancer diagnosis, show up as a parent in the thick of it for three toddlers, and single-handedly navigate through the medical research community to make a potentially life-saving drug available not just for your husband, but many others. Her fearlessness to go where God calls her is inspiring - and her relatability is refreshing. Kira candidly shares how she faced criticism, ridicule, and judgment for “taking care of herself” in the fight - and we break down what it looks like as Christ followers to “wake up and get dressed” even in the struggle. Kira is a well-known and well-loved St. Louis based fitness instructor and health and wellness coach. She is also a fierce and compassionate mama to her 3 little ones. I adore this BOLD new friend and cannot wait for you to be moved by God working in her life. Kira’s husband Kyle went to be with the Lord after recording but prior to the release of this episode. Please see below to donate in his memory to the pancreatic cancer fund.

    Kira’s IG: @theessentialsbykira

    To learn more about Kira’s health & wellness programs: www.KiraAndersen.com

    To donate to the pancreatic fund: https://kapc.betterworld.org/events/pancreatic-cancer-research-fund

    Maria’s IG: @RiaRambles

    Take Part Foundation: Take-Part.org

    As always leave a review or a love note for us here or over on IG! And to recommend a guest email: [email protected].

  • The season 1 FINALE is here! And your “special guest” today is actually me…interviewed by the ONE person who can dig into my story unlike any other - my husband Matt. Oh yeah, and we recorded this on our anniversary! So it’s an extra special one ;)

    We go hard into my not so visible “struggles” and how that compares to my very visible “fights”. We talk about things I’ve never touched on a podcast, stage, or platform before and how they’ve shaped me to develop this “let your fight shine” mindset. We dive into the realization that we actually all have affliction that is relatable but how we often overlook ours because it doesn’t compare to the girl next to us…and how that could be damaging the character we are meant to build. Y’all it’s spicy today, it’s real today, and I hope our real dig into my past sheds light on what God is doing in your story too.

    So, meet me over on episode 7 - our finale - and let me know how it speaks to you.

    Thank you for being part of the FIGHT SHINE crew for season 1, it’s been such an honor to walk alongside these incredible women and their stories, and to hear how it’s impacted you in your life.

    As always, DM me over on instagram at @RiaRambles to share any insights, feedback, comments, or guest ideas!

  • I’ve got a little something different for you this week, sister! I was inspired by the “voice notes” I send back and forth with my dear friends - and wanted to share some of that with you today as a little mid-week truth checkup!

    Can you do me a favor and share this with a sister who needs to know she has someone walking alongside her in the fight, someone God has equipped in their own fight to comfort her in hers?

    And don’t forget to check back next week for the FINALE of season 1…I cannot wait!

    Follow along with me at @RiaRambles for more updates on the Let Your Fight Shine Podcast.

  • Oooooh I love this week’s episode! My incredibly resilient friend and mentor, Ciara, and I dive into the nitty gritty of what it looks like to really walk (and cry) through a season of seeing things fall apart…and HOW to be real with the people around you while you’re in the mess (especially your kids and spouse!). This week is a reminder to not run away from the mess, but to grow from the mess as you forge through it.

    Ciara reminds us that a firm foundation in Christ is critical and that even though we experience bankruptcy, hardship, let down, personal attacks, etc., we can anchor to who God says we are…and that will carry us through.

    Ciara Stockeland, has owned and operated businesses since her early teens. As a serial entrepreneur, her business mindset and tenacity led her to opening her first store in 2006 which she then franchised. Her vast experience in both retail and wholesale industries led her to launch the first to market wholesale subscription box for boutique retailers, which she built and sold within 18 months. Most recently Ciara has launched the Inventory Genius, a coaching program for inventory based business owners.

    She has twice had the opportunity to testify before two U.S. Senate Committees regarding the “joint employer” standard for businesses and its effect on small businesses and franchises. Additionally, in 2015 she represented small businesses at a White House Summit on Worker Voice and again in 2018 for a Summit on Economics.

    Ciara has been recognized as a Small Business Champion through SCORE, has held a seat on the United States Chamber of Commerce Small Business Council and is a Profit First Certified Coach. Through her coaching program, Ciara strives to motivate business owners to build profitability and peace of mind into their business.

    In her free time Ciara enjoys training for endurance races and most recently completed her second Ironman in Juneau, Alaska.

    She currently resides in Tennessee with her husband Jim and her Great Pyrenees, Bentley.

    So, come join me and get to know the light that shines through the story of my tenacious and wise friend, Ciara!

    Ciara’s IG: @ciarastockeland

    To learn more about what Ciara does: https://www.ciarastockeland.com/

    Maria’s IG: @RiaRambles

    Take Part Foundation: Take-Part.org

    As always to recommend a guest, email [email protected].

  • This week’s guest and I met on instagram! And after a while I felt a pull to reach out to her to be a guest for season 1…and I’m so glad I did. Lindsey Love is committed to being a truth speaker and helping mamas break the chains that surround decision making for their families. She isn’t afraid to step out for what she believes! She is no stranger to struggle - from walking in freedom from addiction and time in juvenile detention, to mothering special needs kiddos in a world without all the answers - Lindsey shows us how our fight can be where the light begins if we allow it to be.

    On today’s episode, we explore the pain that comes from losing a parent at a young age to suicide, being left to fend for your emotional health at a vulnerable age, overcoming addiction, how to advocate best for your own kids today and so much more!

    I cannot wait for you to meet my brave and bold friend Lindsey! Let’s dive in.

    Lindsey’s IG: @faithfullyfreedmama

    Maria’s IG: @RiaRambles

    Take Part Foundation: Take-Part.org

    As always to recommend a guest, email [email protected].

  • Y’all I am PUMPED. Today’s guest is the go-to-girl when you need to be spiked with a healthy dose of TRUTH & ENCOURAGEMENT & MOTIVATION. In fact, entire communities are being built around it as we speak. My friend, Chelsea Thomas, is a powerhouse for the Lord all because she is willing to walk in obedience and show up in her weakness to do the things He has called her to do. And it hasn’t come easily…or without struggle.

    On today’s episode, we touch on something we haven’t breached with other guests yet: financial and professional struggle. What do you do when it all falls apart? What do you do when everything you’ve built your life on slips out from under you? Don’t miss Chelsea’s golden nuggets on why we don’t have to lose everything even when we “lose everything” if it’s built on the right “something”…and how we can be set up for what’s next if we are paying attention to what God is doing all around us. If you’ve ever struggled with identity, purpose, professional struggle, fear of losing it all, or how to rebuild…this one’s for you, sis.

    Chelsea Thomas and her husband Levi (their love story is one of my favorites btw!) are owners of two F45 Training locations (Chesterfield, MO and Ofallon, IL) as well as an upcoming Oregon location! They have two spunky and adorable kiddos - Maycee and Layton - with plans to keep growing (I’m giving life to this comment for ‘23 for them, ha!). I just know you’ll fall in love with sweet Chelsea just like I have.

    Come hang out with me and meet my mountain moving sister-in-Christ, Chelsea!

    Chelsea’s IG: @_chelsthomas

    Chelsea + Levi’s F45 IGs: @f45_training_chesterfield, @f45training_ofallonil, @f45training_northalbany

    Email Chelsea to collab: [email protected]

    Maria’s IG: @RiaRambles

    Take Part Foundation: Take-Part.org

    As always to recommend a guest, email [email protected].

  • Some people just do the whole community thing really well, and today’s guest, Erin Kramer, is one of those people. She has been one of the foundational “mama warriors” who taught me by example how to suffer and still shine light. Erin lets people in, she has reverence for the story God is writing through their family’s life, and she isn’t afraid of what you might think about all of it because she knows what she values and she knows what’s true. Today’s convo was actually my first episode I recorded, but I saved it for today :)

    On today’s episode we dive into the real emotions and fears that come at the beginning of a “fight”, how to shift your mindset in order to grow, and how to use that growth to shine light - not just for yourself, but for all those around you.

    Professionally, Erin has been a Speech Language Pathologist for 12 years and now serves full time as Director of Gwendolyn’s Gifts, the nonprofit she founded with her husband inspired by their daughter, Gwen! In 2010, she married her highschool sweetheart, Mark (who is just as awesome!). And together, they have three beautiful daughters that each have their own unique story. Erin is also a foster mom (currently on pause), adoptive mom, and special needs mom all in one.

    Come hang out with me and meet my sweet and powerful friend, Erin.

    Erin’s IG: @emkramer10

    Gwendolyn’s Gift IG: @gwendolyns_gifts

    Learn more about + support Gwendolyn’s Gifts: https://gwendolynsgifts.org/

    Maria’s IG: @RiaRambles

    Take Part Foundation: Take-Part.org

    As always to recommend a guest, email [email protected].

  • Today, I want to do something a little different and share a very special person in my life with you, the daughter of my aunt who inspired the motto Let Your Fight Shine, my cousin Nina Dufrenne. Nina is mama of 4, part time photographer, and social media influencer on the rise who can relate to struggle unlike any person I know: from a traumatic accident at 2 and losing her father at 12, to infertility, miscarriage, birthing triplets and walking through the end of her own mama’s life this past July.

    This conversation to me is like sitting down for a big cup of coffee with your sister or best friend. We talk a little fast, we laugh a lot, and we realize some big life “aha’s” right in the moment. More than anything I hope that you walk away inspired by Nina’s story of choosing joy despite her circumstances and with a deeper understanding of the real stories behind Let Your Fight Shine that have shaped this mindset for me from 7 years old.

    I feel like we are opening our diaries to you with this one. I hope you are ready for the ride ;)

    Nina’s IG: @elle.plus.four

    Nina’s TikTok: @elle.plus.fourr

    To support Nina’s photography business: Louelle & Embree Photography

    Maria’s IG: @RiaRambles

    Take Part Foundation: Take-Part.org

    To recommend a guest, email [email protected]!

  • Welcome to the Let Your Fight Shine Family, y’all! We are so pumped to launch our podcast with my new friend and humble powerhouse, Stephanie Brooks. Stephanie Brooks is a true Midwestern girl at heart and style who is currently living in Texas. She enjoys spending time with her husband of almost seven years and their young kids. Inspired by her daughter Charlotte, who had a traumatic birth injury, she and her husband founded The Charlotte Letter, an adaptive clothing company that is boldly making steps major brands have failed to make in the adaptive clothing world for kids! Stephanie enjoys hand embroidery and watching Husker football in her small amounts of free time.

    On today’s episode we dive into the nitty gritty of special needs parenting - the highs, the lows, and the opportunities to solve everyday problems that many don’t even know they face! Steph is a true example of what it means to turn a struggle on its head and innovate through it in order to usher God’s light into a place many have allowed to remain dark. You don’t have to be a special needs parent to appreciate the beauty in her story and to take a little bit of the light along with you in your own fight.

    The Charlotte Letter IG: @TheCharlotteLetterClothing

    Shop the Charlotte Letter: https://thecharlotteletter.com/collections

    Support Adaptive Clothing for a Family in Need: https://thecharlotteletter.com/pages/subscribe

    Maria’s IG: @RiaRambles

    Take Part Foundation: https://take-part.org

    To recommend a guest, email [email protected].

  • Welcome to Episode 1 of LYFS! We are so happy you're here.

    Listen and subscribe for more episodes starting next Wednesday!

    Follow along with our host Maria @riarambles or learn more about our sponsor - Take Part Foundation at Take-Part.org.