Continuing in our theme of a God of New Beginnings, Dr Peter Rogers (one of the Elders of Liberty Family Church) takes us into the story of the resurrection of Lazarus (John 11:1-44). Peter considers how his resurrection would have changed Lazarus’ life. Peter makes the case that such miracles bring faith, confirm faith and increase faith.
In this message, visiting speaker Peter Owen share is insights into the implications of imitating Christ.
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In this message, visiting speaker Chris Blacker, shares his analogy of the church as a vehicle. He gets us to come along and learn about the church by considering a family round Australia trip he and his wife and three boys took some years ago.
Continuing in our theme of a God of New Beginnings, Dr Peter Rogers takes us into the story of the encounter of a few fishermen with Jesus as he calls them to be disciples (Matthew 4:18-22). This encounter raises three questions for us: Is God calling you to something new in 2025? How will you respond if Jesus makes the call? How can I fish for people in my calling?
Continuing in our theme of a God of New Beginnings, Dr Peter Rogers takes us into the story of the encounter of a few fishermen with Jesus as he calls them to be disciples (Matthew 4:18-22). This encounter raises three questions for us: Is God calling you to something new in 2025? How will you respond if Jesus makes the call? How can I fish for people in my calling?
In our first message for 2025, Gerry Beimers (one of the elders of Liberty Family Church) begins with a look at the implications for us in the call of Abraham. The story is found in Genesis 11:27 - 12:7.
In his final message as Lead Pastor at Liberty Family Church, Pastor Joel Hawting shares from Micah 6:8, encouraging us to make 2025 truly meaningful by living out justice, showing steadfast kindness, and walking humbly with our God.
In the final message of our Behold Christmas series, Pastor Joel Hawting explores how the shepherds beheld Jesus with openness and joy. He invites us to embrace the same posture - not only at Christmas, but every day.
In the second message of our Behold Christmas Series, Ps Joel Hawting reflects on how some wise men from a foreign land beheld Jesus and dropped everything to come and bow down and worship Him.
In this opening message of our Behold Christmas Series, Ps Joel Hawting explores how King Herod perceived Jesus’ arrival as a threat to his power and position. Instead of following Herod’s example, we’re challenged to respond differently—by beholding Jesus and fully surrendering to Him as our true King.
In the final message from our Parables of Jesus series, Ps Joel Hawting explores Jesus’ Parable of the Talents from Matthew 25:14-30 and challenges each of us to utilise the gifts we’ve been given to glorify God because, in the end, that’s all that matters.
In this message, Peter Rogers continues our Parables of Jesus series and shares a children’s message, exploring two short parables that Jesus tells to illustrate the profound worth of His Kingdom from Matthew 13:44–46.
In this message, Ps Joel Hawting continues our Parables of Jesus series and explores Jesus’ Parable of the Rich Fool from Luke 12:16-21 and challenges each of us to be fully aware of the dangerous eternal implications of wealth so we can guard ourselves against becoming rich fools too.
In this message, Gerry Beimers continues our Parables of Jesus series and explores a parable that’s often misunderstood and difficult to understand; the Parable of the Fig Tree from Luke 13:6-9.
In this message, Ps Joel Hawting continues our Parables of Jesus series and explores one of Jesus’ shortest parables; the Parable of the Leaven from Matthew 13:33.
(Apologies for the audio quality - we had a technical error).
In this message, Laura Hawting continues our Parables of Jesus series and explores one of the most well-known parables of all; the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
(Apologies for the audio quality - we had a technical error).
In this message, Ps Joel Hawting introduces our Parables of Jesus series by reflecting on what parables are, why Jesus taught in parables, and how we’d be wise to position ourselves to know the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven contained within them.
In this message, Ps Joel Hawting reflects on the immutable nature of God and encourages us to remember that while change is a constant reality for us, God never changes and He never will.
In this message, Peter Rogers reflects on Paul’s teaching to the church in Ephesus - from Ephesians 4:4-16 - and encourages each of us to play our part in seeing Liberty Family Church grow up into the church God is calling us to become.
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