Louisa Bann (Head of Adult Services) and Deb Fagnan (Head of Youth Services) join Regina and Sara to reveal all there is to know about this year's summer reading program.
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· Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Sara Branagan (Librarian, Dennis Branch)
· Producer: Jess Lester (Head of Technical Services)
· Music: John Mastrogiovanni
Bill Truran, the Sussex County Historian and author of five books, chats with Regina and Sara about what he's working on now and discusses county historical markers, artist Louis Larsen, and other topics of local interest.
Email us: librarylines@sussexcountylibrary.org
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· Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Sara Branagan (Librarian, Dennis Branch)
· Producer: Jess Lester (Head of Technical Services)
· Music: John Mastrogiovanni
Estão a faltar episódios?
Systems Administrator Heather Lubchansky talks to Regina and Sara about the library's new app and print management system, e-resources, the "Library of Things," and tomatoes.
Email us: librarylines@sussexcountylibrary.org
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· Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Sara Branagan (Librarian, Dennis Branch)
· Producer: Jess Lester (Librarian, Franklin Branch)
· Music: John Mastrogiovanni
Join Jerry and Regina for an interview with Local History Librarian Tara Schaberg! Tara talks about some of the resources you can use to research genealogy, historical home and property information, and other local history topics. Additionally, learn more about some of the unique collections we have at our libraries and about some of the research challenges her role presents.
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· Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Jerry Galante (Librarian, Dorothy Henry Branch)
· Producer: Jess Lester (Librarian, Franklin Branch)
· Music: John Mastrogiovanni
Tis the sea-son… Summer Reading 2022: Oceans of Possibilities is starting soon! Tune in for all you need to know about this year’s program, including how to register and log what you’ve read as well as what prizes are available and what events we’ll be offering (think aquariums, pirates, and carnivals, just to name a few)! Jerry and Regina also highlight some new titles coming out this summer. Check out our summer reading page for more information: https://sussexcountylibrary.org/summer2022/
A special thanks to our summer reading experts Julie Knapp and Sarah Mango (of Adult Services at Main Library), and Kim Jerger (Youth Services Associate at the Dorothy Henry Branch).
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· Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Jerry Galante (Librarian, Dorothy Henry Branch)
· Producer: Jess Lester (Librarian, Franklin Branch)
· Music: John Mastrogiovanni
Join Regina and Jerry as they interview SCLS Assistant Director Ellen Callanan.
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· Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Jerry Galante (Librarian, Dorothy Henry Branch)
· Producer: Jess Lester (Librarian, Franklin Branch)
· Music: John Mastrogiovanni
What is the Library of Things? Why is poetry considered nonfiction? Why do you still have to wear a mask when you visit the library? Why does this podcast even exist? What would the hosts do if they weren't librarians? Jerry and Regina answer these questions and more!
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Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Jerry Galante (Librarian, Dorothy Henry Branch) Producer: Jess Lester (Librarian, Franklin Branch) Music: John Mastrogiovanni -
Regina and Jerry interview bestselling author and podcaster Mallory O’Meara! Mallory is the author of The Lady from the Black Lagoon, which uncovers the life and work of Disney animator Milicent Patrick. Her latest book, Girly Drinks, is a microhistory of women and alcohol, telling the stories of fifteen women who’ve made their mark on drinking culture. She also co-hosts the popular Reading Glasses podcast, a show designed to help people read better. Reserve a copy of her books from the library here, and check out her podcast!
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Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Jerry Galante (Librarian, Dorothy Henry Branch) Producer: Jess Lester (Librarian, Franklin Branch) Music: John Mastrogiovanni -
Regina and Jerry chat with Eleanor Wagner, the author of Sussex County Hauntings and Other Strange Phenomena, parts 1 and 2. Eleanor provides background on her team of Lady Ghostbusters and touches on such topics as the definition of a ghost, malevolent spirits, and the most haunted town in Sussex County. Her new book Warren County Hauntings and Other Strange Phenomena was published at the beginning of October, and she plans to release part 3 of her Sussex County series next year. Visit her website at authoreleanorwagner.com to see exclusive photos from her expeditions, and reserve a copy of her books from the library here.
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Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Jerry Galante (Librarian, Dorothy Henry Branch) Producer: Jess Lester (Librarian, Franklin Branch) Music: John Mastrogiovanni -
Join Regina and Jerry as they interview full-time Dennis Branch Librarian and part-time sustainable farmer Sara Branagan.
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· Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Jerry Galante (Librarian, Dorothy Henry Branch)
· Producer: Jess Lester (Librarian, Franklin Branch)
· Music: John Mastrogiovanni
Join Regina and Jerry as they discuss the current phase of reopening, highlight upcoming books, and interview Franklin Youth Services Associate Christine Clear about 2021 Summer Reading.
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· Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Jerry Galante (Librarian, Dorothy Henry Branch)
· Producer: Jess Lester (Librarian, Franklin Branch)
· Music: John Mastrogiovanni
Join Regina and Jerry as they interview Head of Adult Services Louisa Bann.
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· Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Jerry Galante (Librarian, Dorothy Henry Branch)
· Producer: Jess Lester (Librarian, Franklin Branch)
· Music: John Mastrogiovanni
Join Regina and Jerry as they interview SCLS Director Will Porter.
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· Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Jerry Galante (Librarian, Dorothy Henry Branch)
· Producer: Jess Lester (Librarian, Franklin Branch)
· Music: John Mastrogiovanni
Join Jerry and Regina as they recap their favorite reads/views of 2020. Regina is quizzed on the top books and films of the previous decade.
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· Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Jerry Galante (Librarian, Dorothy Henry Branch)
· Producer: Jess Lester (Librarian, Franklin Branch)
· Music: John Mastrogiovanni
Join Regina and Jerry as they chat with award-winning graphic novelist Benjamin Wilgus.
Visit Benjamin's website for more info: https://www.benjaminwilgus.com/
Check out their titles available at the SCLS
Mars challenge Flying Machines Chronin volumes 1&2Email the show at librarylines@sussexcountylibrary.org.
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· Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Jerry Galante (Librarian, Dorothy Henry Branch)
· Producer: Jess Lester (Librarian, Franklin Branch)
· Music: John Mastrogiovanni
In celebration of the spookiest time of the year, Jerry and Regina talk about some of their favorite horror books and movies. They also share staff recommendations and a reminder that all branches are now open every Saturday!
Judy’s recommendations:
The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix / book / ebook / audiobook / eaudio (cloudLibrary)
A Quiet Place / movie
Halloween Classics / CD
Sarah’s recommendation:
Carrie by Stephen King / book / audiobook / ebook
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· Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Jerry Galante (Librarian, Dorothy Henry Branch)
· Producer: Jess Lester (Librarian, Franklin Branch)
· Music: John Mastrogiovanni
Join Regina and Jerry for an interview with special guest Andy Mulvihill, the author of “Action Park: Fast Times, Wild Rides, and the Untold Story of America's Most Dangerous Amusement Park.” Mulvihill’s father opened the notorious amusement park in Vernon in 1978, and it quickly became one of the most dangerous attractions in the country. His book chronicles the history of this unique place and his father’s quest to become the Walt Disney of New Jersey.
Click here to place a hold on the book.
Email the show at librarylines@sussexcountylibrary.org.
Go to Picktime to schedule a library visit or a holds pickup.
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· Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Jerry Galante (Librarian, Dorothy Henry Branch)
· Producer: Jess Lester (Librarian, Franklin Branch)
· Music: John Mastrogiovanni
On this episode of Library Lines, Jerry and Regina highlight the library’s current virtual book clubs as well as some new books coming out this fall. They also discuss the latest updates to the library’s phased reopening, including how to schedule an appointment to visit the library using Picktime, and share staff recommendations.
Jenn’s read: The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. Also available as an ebook & eaudiobook on hoopla.
Christine’s reads: several titles by Drew Hayes, available on hoopla.
Email the show at librarylines@sussexcountylibrary.org.
Go to Picktime to schedule a branch visit, a computer use visit, or a grab-and-go holds pickup.
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See summer reading program information here!
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Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Jerry Galante (Librarian, Dorothy Henry Branch)
Producer: Jess Lester (Librarian, Franklin Branch)
Music: John Mastrogiovanni
Welcome back to Library Lines! On this episode Jerry and Regina talk to Youth Services Coordinator Leigh Wilkinson about this year’s virtual summer reading program. They also provide an update on the library’s phased reopening, discuss upcoming programs, and share staff recommendations.
Paula’s read: The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
Doreen’s read: Deacon King Kong by James McBride
Email the show at librarylines@sussexcountylibrary.org.
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See summer reading program information here!
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· Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Jerry Galante (Librarian, Dorothy Henry Branch)
· Producer: Jess Lester (Librarian, Franklin Branch)
· Music: John Mastrogiovanni
Welcome to the inaugural episode of Library Lines, the podcast from and about the Sussex County Library System! Join Jerry and Regina as they discuss what’s been going on behind-the-scenes at the library during the COVID-19 shutdown, upcoming virtual programs, and the library’s digital offerings, as well as recent reads and what they’re missing most about normal life.
Jerry’s read: Heaven & Hell: A History of the Afterlife by Bart D. Ehrman
Regina’s read: Greenwood by Michael Christie
Email the show at librarylines@sussexcountylibrary.org.
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See summer reading program information here!
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Hosts: Regina Bohn (Librarian, E. Louise Childs Branch) & Jerry Galante (Librarian, Dorothy Henry Branch)
Producer: Jess Lester (Librarian, Franklin Branch)
Music: John Mastrogiovanni