
  • In this episode of the Life Boost with Amelia podcast, Dr. Amelia, recovered burnt out veterinarianan and integrative health and life coach, dives deep into the root factors that are leading to burnout in veterinary medicine. She shares six essential questions that veterinarians need to ask (but often skip) to gain an awareness and deeper understanding of what has led you to this point and what you need in order to recover and find a more fulfilling and sustainable career (in or outside of veterinary medicine). Packed with expert advice, real-life examples, and actionable tips, this episode is a must-listen for any vet struggling with burnout.

    Resources mentioned:

    Faster EFT - one minute anti-anxiety tools for shifting out of survival mode and brain reprogrammingBeat The Burnout: What We Should Have Learned In Veterinary SchoolThe 3 Month Game Changer ProgramThe 6 Month Life Boost Mentorship ProgramUnicorn Vet Hospital List Beat The Burnout: Life Boost for Vets Facebook group

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

  • I have been meaning to make this episode about gut health for 2 years and it finally happened. šŸ™ŒšŸ» I recently watched the new Netflix Documentary "Hack Your Health: Secrets of the Gut" and that was the motivation I needed to re-share an Instagram live that I did a couple of years ago that is packed with info that is going to surprise you when it comes to gut health.

    The reality is that most people are pretty hush hush when it comes to bathroom habits, which means most people don't even know if their normal is actually healthy. If we don't talk about signs of poor gut health, then how can we fix it? The best part about gut health is that everything you do either positively or negatively impacts your gut. When you know how to support your gut, you become empowered to create huge positive change in your life when it comes to your metabolism, cravings, hormones, immune system, energy, anxiety, depression, blood sugar regulation, digestion, and even your genes!

    What are signs of an unhealthy gut? What causes an unhealthy gut? What is optimal for bathroom habits? If you have an imbalanced gut (dysbiosis), how can you bring it back into balance? How do you make changes that actually stick instead of watching a documentary or listening to a podcast, being excited for a week, and then going back to normal? We cover all of that in this podcast episode!

    If you've watched the Netflix documentary, this episode has lots of new information that wasn't covered in that show. One of the things that I loved the most about that documentary is that they talked about the importance of all 3 Life Boost B's: Belly, Brain, and Blood sugar instead of only talking about the gut. Everything is connected and they totally got that right! They also highlighted why our current norm is leading to rising rates of obesity, mental health issues, and chronic diseases which is so aligned with my message that if you want to feel good, you really have to break the norm.

    If you enjoy this episode and find it helpful, please share it with someone you love or leave a review. If you write a review, let me know and I'll send you a guided mental rehearsal as a thank you (the same technique elite athletes, CEOs, top surgeons, etc use to improve performance).

    Resources mentioned in the show:

    One Month Life Boost Challenge: https://www.lifeboost.today/onemonthlbchallengeSelf-Love Month: https://www.lifeboost.today/selfloveAnti-Anxiety Tools: https://www.lifeboost.today/byestress Circle of Life Exercise6 Month Life Boost Mentorship: https://www.lifeboost.today/mentorship

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

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  • In this episode, I have a conversation with guest, Yvonne Chung, about the ingredients to live life without regret and how human design can be a valuable tool for increasing self-awareness and living life in a way that increases energy, pleasure, and fulfillment in your life instead of draining it.

    Yvonne is a certified coach, self-love mentor, dream architect, and human design guide whose work lies at the intersection of the practical and the mystical, the research and the woo. With a focus on positive psychology and Human Design, she helps heart-led, soul-missioned leaders overcome self-doubt, master their energy, and create lives of meaning, deep fulfillment, and ease. Having faced her own mortality at 32 years old, her mission now is is to help as many people as she can live fearlessly so they can die without regrets.

    Get your human design chart here: https://www.humandesignamerica.com/chart

    Connect with yvonne here:
    instagram @yvonnechung.co
    substack @yvonnechungco
    Masterclasses: https://www.yvonnechung.co/humandesignmasterclass

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

  • Weā€™re doing something new today! Last month, I did a major update to my Game Changer and added an audio option to each lesson so that you have the option to listen to your daily 10-15 minutes lesson during your commute, while going for a walk, or while washing dishes or folding laundry instead of having to sit down and read. My goal is to make this journey as easy as possible for you.

    Since I now have the audio, this is a glimpse of one of the first lessons in the Game Changer that teaches a key concept if youā€™re wanting to make healthy changes but keep promising yourself youā€™ll start tomorrow or if youā€™re making healthy changes but they feel hard and unsustainable. There are really 3 Wellness Levels, but our world acts like here are only 2 and both of those are pretty unappealing and uncomfortable. After listening to this episode, let me know which one sounds most familiar to you!

    P.s. Check out "Life Boost with Amelia" podcast Episode 57: Unleashing Your Inner Unstoppable Bad-Ass. Around minute 28 there's an exercise with a guided mental rehearsal/hypnosis to help you to start unchaining the things that have been holding you back.

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

  • In this episode, Dr. Stacey Cordivano shares her story of experiencing and recovering from burnout. As a solo ambulatory equine veterinarian and mom with two kids under the age of 3, she knew something had to change when she found herself driving to the hospital to have her appendix out after cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Just a couple of months earlier, she had been diagnosed with Lyme disease and experienced the emotional trauma of needing to wean her second child from nursing early. Despite making some changes, a year later she found herself asking, "What am I doing? Am I really making a difference?". That's when she started to discover personal development podcasts which introduced her to a whole new world that helped her start her journey of recovering from burnout.

    Now, in addition to being a practice owner, equine vet, and mother, she is the host of the podcast, The Whole Veterinarian, where she has conversations with out-of-the-box thinkers who share new ideas on ways veterinarians can add more joy to their life to feel whole again. In this episode, she shares tips that have helped her to recover from burnout and she shares her perspective as a practice owner for what helps to create a "unicorn veterinary hospital" - a hospital where employees feel lucky to work at their practice because they're supported, respected, and valued so that they can provide veterinary care in a way that feels good and still have energy left at the end of the day to be a human outside of vet med.

    Stacey is such a cool person, and I know you're going to get so much out of this conversation!

    Here are ways you can connect with Stacey:
    Instagram: @Thewholeveterinarian
    [email protected]

    Resources mentioned in the show:
    Free Beat The Burnout series for veterinarians
    The 3 Month Game Changer Program to shift out of survival mode and regain your energy and sanity in just 10-15 minutes per day
    The 6 Month Mentorship program to unleash your most confident, healthy, energized self in a way that feels like a breath of fresh air
    Send me an email at [email protected] to participate in the workplace well-being assessment or if you think that your veterinary hospital qualifies as a "unicorn"

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

  • A lot has happened since my last episode! I'm starting this season with a review and reflections from 2023 (which was a huge year of learning, growth, and creation - especially when it comes to all things MIND like self-directed neuroplasticity, memory reconsolidation, and hypnosis ) and then I dive into 2024 which has already been a wild ride in unexpected, scary, but also eye-opening and exciting ways.

    Some of the things mentioned in this episode:
    The Game Changer
    The 6 Month Mentorship program
    Free resources:
    Beat The Burnout series
    Fast EFT Secret Weapon

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

  • Any time I tell someone outside of the veterinary profession about the high burnout and suicide rate, they're surprised. And that's totally understandable - from the outside being a vet seems like a really fun gig. We get to see puppies and kittens, after all! But there is a darker side of vet med that's important to talk about in order for it to change. Once someone learns about the high burnout and suicide rate, their next question is WHY. This podcast episode dives into the root issues of what leads to burnout in the veterinary profession AND discusses solutions to each of those including how veterinary professionals and pet owners can help to be a part of positive change.

    This episode is for animal lovers, pet owners, and veterinary professionals. Please share it to help raise awareness about what each of us can do to be a part of creating positive change.

    Free resource for everyone in the veterinary profession: "Beat The Burnout: What We Should Have Learned In Vet School": www.lifeboost.today/beatburnout

    Free anti-anxiety tool resource: www.lifeboost.today/mysecretweapon

    Compare pet insurances at www.petinsurancereview.com
    VIN student loan repayment simulator: https://www.vin.com/studentdebtcenter/

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

  • In the span of a few weeks, Hannah called off her engagement, moved out of the home she loved, packed up her Subaru, and went on a solo 6 week cross country road trip to hike in National Parks and to start living the life she wanted instead of continuing down the "easier" path everyone expected.

    The week leading up to the trip she felt "so anxious...terrified". 6 weeks later as she finished her trip, she thought "This is 100% what I should have done. I regret nothing."
    Listen to the episode for all the details of how she found the courage to leave her safe and settled life to follow her heart and to start living the life she wanted, crazy stories from her trip, and her advice for anyone feeling stuck like she was.

    I'm so thrilled to introduce you to Hannah - the coolest person I know who also happens to be my sister. She has an incredible story and I know you'll find it inspiring!

    Check out Hannah on Instagram:
    @hannknight - to see photos of her trip
    @hannknightart - to see her incredible artwork

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

  • If I had to boil down everything that I teach in order to create positive change and to live a fulfilling life to three words they would be compassion, curiosity, and connection. In this episode, I talk about why each of these is crucial in order to enjoy the journey instead of feeling stuck or living in the "things will be better once..." mindset.

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

  • Earlier this year, I had a human design reading with HD expert Yvonne Chung and I was blown away by how accurate it was! I felt so seen and it really summarized what led me to burnout and why I now feel like I'm living my purpose and living a life that feels authentic and fulfilling.

    In this episode, I share my thoughts about Human Design and how it can be useful in deconditioning from patterns that are draining you so you can connect with the truest version of you in order to live a life that gives you energy. This is basically I'm sitting down chatting with a friend as I share some of the information from my human design reading. As I share parts of my personality you may not know about, I also cover a huge range of little tips and stories about a huge range of topics like imposter syndrome, delegating, veterinary medical acupuncture, postural restoration techniques, creating a "choose" to-do list, recovering from burn out, trauma responses, overcoming people pleasing and perfectionism, the different types of fear and ditching your helicopter parent nervous system, gut health, creating a new norm in the veterinary profession and our approach to health, why Big Food and Pharma companies set us up to fail, and so much more! It's basically a glimpse into my brain. šŸ˜Š

    I highly recommend Yvonne Chung's free master classes to learn about your Human Design type or getting a full reading! Find info on her master classes and deep dive readings here.

    You can find your Human Design chart for free: https://www.myhumandesign.com/

    Links To Things Mentioned:

    Schedule a complimentary 1 hour clarity coaching callMy favorite 1 minute anti-anxiety tool Sign up for the Beat The Burnout seriesThe Life Boost Starter Kit (free)Learn more about the 1 year Life Boost Mentorship programLearn more about the Game Changer course

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

  • In this podcast episode, Dr. Amelia, a certified integrative health and life coach and recovered burnt out vet, discusses trauma responses and their connection to stress, burnout, and unhealthy habits. She shares her personal experience as a veterinarian (she was stuck in survival mode without even realizing it) and highlights how trauma responses can lead to burnout in the profession. Dr. Amelia explains the flight, fight, freeze, and fawn responses and their associated signs so that you can recognize them in yourself and others to create positive change. Dr. Amelia shares how to shift out of survival mode and highlights why ditching judgment and embracing curiosity is key in order to be recognizing signs of stress in your body (even when your brain is gaslighting you), to understand why things have been feeling hard or overwhelming. and to connect with what you truly need to feel your best. She also discusses the impact of trauma responses on relationships and how recognizing these signs others can lead to greater compassion and connection.

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    Schedule a complimentary 1 hour clarity coaching call Free 1-Minute Anti-Anxiety Tool + 6 Powerful Ways To Use It To Create Positive Change: www.lifeboost.today/mysecretweapon Free Beat The Burnout series for all veterinary professionals: https://www.lifeboost.today/beatburnoutLearn more about my programs here: www.lifeboost.today/lbprograms

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

  • The moment my life changed was the moment I started to see the unconscious chains that had been holding me back from everything that I wanted but I didn't think was possible. It felt like suddenly the clouds were parting and everything seemed sunnier and more colorful. Since that moment, I've been on a mission to help others experience that same feeling like a huge weight is being lifted off your shoulders and you can breathe again. In this episode, I give examples of how unconscious chains (like limiting beliefs and automatic habits/patterns) hold us back and make our life harder and more uncomfortable than it has to be.

    Here are the free resources mentioned in this podcast episode:

    My Favorite 1 Minute Anti-Anxiety Tool + 6 Powerful Ways To Use It: https://www.lifeboost.today/mysecretweaponThe Life Boost Starter Kit: https://www.lifeboost.today/lifebooststarterkitSchedule a complimentary 1 hour coaching clarity call here or get the clarity worksheetBeat The Burnout Series for all veterinary professionals: https://www.lifeboost.today/beatburnout

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

  • Today during my run, I realized that the relationship between our body and mind is a lot like a horse and rider. In order to work most effectively, there needs to be mutual respect, kindness, and teamwork. How do you respond when your body is bucking, rearing, or injured? Listen to this episode to think about what kind of "rider" you have been.

    Register For The Beat The Burnout Series: www.lifeboost.today/beatburnout
    Get my favorite 1-minute anti-anxiety tool: https://www.lifeboost.today/mysecretweapon

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

  • In this episode, I talk about how our society has normalized turning to things that don't make us feel good in order for a brief reprieve from the judgmental inner thoughts and voices that are holding us back and weighing us down. It has been so normalized that most people don't even realize the price they're willing to pay for those moments when they feel free. When you start to become aware of those thoughts and inner critics and call them out, you start to feel free in life and those things like alcohol and unhealthy food become so much less appealing.

    The first part of the episode includes a chat about a recent trip to Richmond and Williamsburg, Virginia, geocaching, exploring, epic wedding ideas, and the struggles of natural deodorant. šŸ˜‰

    Favorite dance party song: Edamame by Bbno$

    Start creating change and ditching the negative thoughts and voices with my favorite 1 minute anti-anxiety tool and secret weapon: https://www.lifeboost.today/mysecretweapon

    If you enjoy this episode, please leave a review!

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

  • This podcast episode almost didnā€™t happen for so many reasons, but itā€™s out in the world now! For better or worseā€¦ šŸ˜‰

    I start out sharing something that I was kind of shy about sharing but I decided to own because itā€™s making me super happy. 1

    And Iā€™m so glad this episode did happen, because it inspired me to create a brand new resource that Iā€™m SO proud of. Even better - itā€™s free so that everyone has access to it! If youā€™ve been wanting to change something, but you feel like you keep hitting a wall this resource will be a game changer. Iā€™m sharing my favorite 1 minute anti-anxiety tool and 6 powerful ways to use it decrease stress, break bad habits, make every morning feel more doable, get better sleep, and more. See how powerful it is?! You can get your free copy here: https://www.lifeboost.today/mysecretweapon

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

  • This episode is going to be a game changer for you! By the end of this episode, you're going to feel different, because you will have already started to unleash yourself from the things that are holding you back. In the second portion of this episode, I walk you through a powerful exercise so that you can begin to unleash your inner unstoppable bad-ass. Let me know what you think!

    Sign Up For The Free Intro To My Game Changer Course
    Schedule your call to Meet Your Inner Unstoppable Bad-Ass Here

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

  • What if you could feel and look the way you want without all the parts of being healthy or losing weight that feel hard? You can have that!

    I help you truly WANT to do healthy things so that you donā€™t have to white knuckle your way through life. In this episode, I share the exact steps I take to help people who feel like they have tried everything and who have struggled with sugar cravings their entire life see donuts and truly not want them.

    Getting healthy should make you feel ALIVE, energized, and motivated every step of the way. Thatā€™s what my Life Boost approach does. My approach is different from everything else you've tried because it actually works. :-)

    Sign Up For My 1 Year Life Boost Membership
    Schedule a Complimentary 1 Hour Call
    Free Intro To My Game Changer Course

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

  • This episode was inspired by the new weight loss injection, Wegovy, and the recent narrative that obesity is mainly caused by genetics and other factors out of your control. If you're overweight or obese, it's highly likely your doctor will recommend Wegovy, and there are some very important things you should be aware of before deciding if that's right for you.

    This episode is for everyone regardless of your health status or weight. This is a PSA to shed light on why the norm in our country is to be sick, overweight, and/or unhappy. You will be shocked to learn how many of the health and nutrition messages and guidelines you likely trust are actually coming from individuals and companies who benefit from you being sick and overweight. We are stuck in a vicious cycle in our country when it comes to health, and in order to free yourself from the cycle and to approach healthy in a way that helps you to feel energized and alive you need to break the norm. I share simple things you can start doing TODAY to start feeling in control of your health, happiness, and success.

    Ultra-processed Diets Cause Excess Calorie Intake and Weight Gain (Cell Metabolism 2019)
    Details Of The Food From The Above Study
    OAC's Funding From NovoNordisk
    Study Showing Weight Gain After Discontinuing Semaglutide
    The Role of Epigenetics in Obesity
    Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Funding and Stocks
    Are America's Nutritional Professionals In The Pocket Of Big Food?
    Consumption of Ultra-Processed Food in Children
    Ultra-processed Food Consumption Among U.S. Adults

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

  • One thing that isnā€™t talked about a lot: sometimes in order to step into the truest, most authentic version of you and to live in ā€œLife Boost Wellness Level 3ā€, you need to let go of parts of your identity. In this episode, I share how a recent dental procedure had some really valuable lessons on releasing and letting go of the parts of you that have been causing pain and making your life harder or more uncomfortable than they have to be, as well as other valuable lessons on navigating challenging circumstances.

    Mentioned in this episode: Untitled Art Non-Alcohol Beer https://www.drinkuntitled.com/products/non-alcoholic-beer/

    Free First Module in My "Game Changer Course" - Hacks For Decreasing Stress + The Life Boost Approach To Journaling!

    Learn More About My Programs Here

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

  • January is a long, cold, dark month. Random acts of kindness are an amazing way to combat SAD to and to boost the mood and energy for both you and those around you!
    Join me in my mission to do at least one random act of kindness every day. I encourage you to do one for someone else and one for YOU.
    If you join me, share what you do by tagging me on social media and using the hashtag #lifeboostkindness. Together we can start a positive ripple effect of kindness that causes a tsunami of positive change. ā¤ļø

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or TikTok!

    Learn more about how I can help you here!
    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].

    Music: ā€œPlay Thingā€ by Ketsa
    From Free Music Archive

    Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today

    I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at [email protected].