Is a utopian world possible? Can humans come together and live harmoniously with each other and the natural world? If so, what might it look like, and how might we get there?
This episode is a chapter from the book, The Realm of Unity, written by V.M. Elyse, is a metaphysical fantasy novel that explores this question.
In this book, join Rose on a whimsical journey through a utopian realm. There, you meet ascended humans called Luminoles and learn the ways of the enlightened world.
We hope you enjoy this glimpse into a magnificent future and decide for yourself what is possible.
For more information about The Realm of Unity, go to: Www.therealmofunity.com
To buy, go to: https://www.amazon.com/Realm-Unity-V-M-Elyse-ebook/dp/B0DMWG7SNB/
Episode Title: Guardian Angel
Author & Narrator: Jerry Land
Guardian Angel is a story written and narrated by Jerry Land. It was inspired by a heartfelt childhood memory. This story was the inspiration for Jerry to write a book about Guardian Angels and people who have a spiritual gift, and to prompt discussion on some thought-provoking questions, like:
Have you ever had a profound experience as a young child that made you wonder if others have had something similar? Could it be that we have more than one guardian watching over us? Do they take on different roles—such as one being a protector, another a guide or life coach, and perhaps one influencing our conscience and reasoning? Are our lives preordained? In this story, Jerry describes how one guardian seemed unfriendly for many years, yet events unfolded in ways that defied logic. How does the universe align with us so perfectly that it feels as though everything happens for a reason?Follow Us: Facebook Group
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Episode Title: The End
Author: Brownell Landrum
Narrators: Eliza Kaye and Zahan Mehta
The End by Brownell Landrum is based on a true story from 2024 that profoundly changed her life. The reading is performed by the incomparable Eliza Kaye and Zahan Mehta.
Many are asking if there’s a Part Two, and the answer is YES. Follow Brownell Landrum on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube and request the link. Or stay tuned to this channel to listen to the “rest of the story”.
If you have any questions or want to discuss this story, please join our Facebook group called The End Discussion Group.
Download “The End: A Love Story to the Universe” by Brownell Landrum for FREE
The End Discussion Group
Brownell’s 'We Meet Again' trilogy on Amazon (first book only 99 cents!)
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Episode Title: Forgiveness Meditation
Author: Brownell Landrum
This "episode" is a bonus - a unique, quick, and astoundingly powerful meditation on Forgiveness. It's a companion to Brownell's story: The End Part Two: Christmas is Forgiveness. Start with Part One of "The End: A Love Story to the Universe" which is FREE to download here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/a4s6x8lwk5
This meditation is also a companion to Brownell's upcoming Forgiveness Playbook, a fun and transformative "journal" to achieve happiness and peace. Stay tuned by following Brownell on Facebook or better yet, joining the Life is a Trip! Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/lifeisatripstories.
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Website: Life is a Trip!Music and Sound Credits: Soaring Spirit by pinkzebra - Audio Jungle
Episode Title: Chakra Cord Cutting Meditation
Author: Brownell Landrum
Does it feel like you're getting your "wires crossed" in a relationship? That you're tied in knots, perhaps?
This meditation can help you "cut the cords" on a relationship tying you up. Does it mean it's "over" with the other person? That's up to you. What it does mean is that if there is a future it would start fresh without the gnarly stuff.
This meditation is also a companion to Brownell's upcoming Forgiveness Playbook, a fun and transformative "journal" to achieve happiness and peace.
Let us know your experience and #shareyourstory in the Life is a Trip! Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/lifeisatripstories.
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Episode Title: Clearing Meditation
Author: Brownell Landrum
Okay. This meditation might seem weird. But does that matter if it works? If you believe everything is "energy," then it's possible "bad" energies might exist, right? If so, they could be influencing you without knowing it. Give it a try. I promise you'll feel lighter afterward!
Join the Life is a Trip group on Facebook and #shareyourstory.
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Episode Title: Denouement
Author: Brownell Landrum
Denouement is part poem and part song lyrics written by Brownell Landrum for a musical and novel by the same name.
The musical is about a grief-stricken documentary filmmaker who is cajoled into interviewing a bizarre cast of seventy-something characters at a mysterious, remote event, when he’s confronted with the one thing that terrifies him the most: Joy.
If you or someone you know is interested in reading the Denouement novel or script, let Brownell know at Brownell@BrownellLandrum.com.
Thanks for listening!
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Episode Title: No Fear
Author: Laurel Ellis
Narrators: Wayne Jay, Tracey Roath, Robin Roth, Patrick Hurley, Peggy Hurley
Laurel was inspired to write the story about how an understanding of reincarnation helped alleviate her daughter’s fear of death. A child who is very healthy and autistic who had fixated on death and scared herself silly.
Laurel and the whole life is a trip group thank you for listening to No Fear. Laurel is a screenwriter, a cemetery restorer, and a mom. To reach Laurel her email is laurel.storylines@gmail.com.
And a BIG THANKS to the amazing actors from Voices on Paper who brought this story to life.
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Episode Title: Donnie Ray
Author & Narrator: Brownell Landrum
Thanks for listening to Donnie Ray by Brownell Landrum. I hope the story offered both understanding and hope for a complex world. Please like and subscribe to the podcast, and take a listen to the song I wrote to go with the story, entitled, "What Can I Do?" available on Youtube.
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Episode Title: A Story for America
Author: James King
Narrator: Beth Beyer
A Story for America offers one of the most powerful and profound messages we need in the world today. It’s especially personal for me, as the message will be echoed in Part Two of The End: A Love Story to the Universe.
James King, Beth Beyer, and the Life is a Trip group hope you enjoyed the story. James himself is not a medium, as such, but has spent most of his life in close contact with spirit and has written several books published by Oaklea Press of Virginia, USA. Should you have any questions concerning the content or James’s experiences of spirit you can contact him at shortxking@gmail.com.
Beth Beyer is an exceptionally talented spiritual hypnotherapist who can be found at www.renolifebetweenlives.com.
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Episode Title: Restless Heart
Author: Michael Danese
Narrator: Beth Beyer
Besides being a writer of short stories, Michael Danese is also a playwright, photographer, and video writer-producer-director.
Michael resides in the Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania. You can find dozens of additional stories by Michael Danese on Amazon, Draft-2-Digital.com, Smashwords.com, and several other outlets. He can be contacted atdanesemc@pdt.net, or connect on X, Facebook, Linkedin, or Instagram.
Beth Beyer is an exceptionally talented spiritual hypnotherapist who can be found at www.renolifebetweenlives.com
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Episode Title: The Song That Never Ended
Author & Narrator: John Novello
John was inspired to share this incredible true story after visiting his two diseased wives in the afterlife and the many ADC's that followed and continue to this day which confirm that our song indeed never ends!
John is a Grammy award winning jazz pianist and composer, Amazon #1 bestselling author, motivational speaker, and the foremost authority on integrating the Invisible Architect, the Quantum Intelligent Energy Field that permeates everything, into your daily life with elite one on one mentorship to manifest the perfect life you deserve!John’s Main site: johnnovelloauthor.com
To hire John as a personal mentor go to: go.johnnovelloauthor.com/register
John’s music site: keysnovello.com
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Episode Title: Goodnight Sweet Prince
Author & Narrator: Tony Binns
"Goodnight Sweet Prince" was written by Screenwriter, Comedian, and Drama Geek Tony Binns. Tony says he was inspired to write the story after a dream he had, where he was in a theatre watching Richard Harris playing King Lear, and then thought "Wait a minute, isn't he dead?"
If you want to see more of Tony's work, his teen rom com film #Roxy is available to stream on Amazon Prime, or can be downloaded via Apple or YouTube. His play "Waiting for Waiting for Godot" will have a workshop public premier on Bowen Island, BC this January 2025.
Follow him on Facebook,or just drop him a line atbinnsynerd@gmail.com. He doesn't get out much and would appreciate the basic human contact.
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Episode Title: Enduring Love
Author & Narrator: Lindsay Stanton
Lindsay was inspired and guided to write this story to help others on their journey.
Lindsay is a certified grief coach, trained in Somatic Therapy, a Reiki Master and Intuitive. Lindsay can be reached on IG at @thehealinggriefguide and through her website, www.thesoulrevival.com.Follow Us: Facebook Group
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Episode Title: Dream Weavings: A Letter to My Beloved
Author & Narrator: Selah Sophia
Selah is a psychologist and creatrix of sacred feminine ritual and healing work.
I don't know about you but this powerful story certainly brought up a lot of questions for me. Have you ever felt guided to meet someone and felt it was destiny, and it turned into something completely different from what you expected? Join the discussion in the Life is a Trip group on Facebook.
To reach Selah, contact her at selah.sophia@yahoo.com
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Episode Title: Preparing For Battle
Author: Del Garrett
Narrator: Chris Rogers
"Preparing For Battle," was written by Arkansas Hall of Fame writer Del Garrett. It was inspired by an experience he had that felt too real not to be real. Let’s see what you think.
Del is a retired journalist who has written seven novels and countless short stories. To reach
Del, his e-mail is prowriter001@yahoo.comFollow Us: Facebook Group
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Website: Life is a Trip!Music and Sound Credits: Soaring Spirit by pinkzebra - Audio Jungle
Episode Title: Have You Ever Met a Zombie Robot?
Author & Narrator: Bri Lafferty
Bri has always been sensitive to the things we can’t fully explain—the energies, the synchronicities, the strange coincidences that don’t quite add up on paper but carry deep meaning in our souls. But it wasn’t until her experience as a zombie robot that life completely changed for her.
As a Death & Spiritual Doula, Brianna Lafferty, offers a comprehensive and compassionate range of services designed to support individuals and their families through the profound and often challenging transitions that come with end-of-life, chronic illness, and spiritual growth. Her mission is to provide holistic support that addresses the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs of those facing life’s most difficult moments, ensuring that no one has to navigate these experiences alone.
We hope you enjoyed Bri’s Zombie Robot story. To reach Bri you can find her at bri0nicllc.com
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Episode Title: The Dream of Worlds...of Different Worlds
Author & Narrator: Dr. Sharda Bhagchandani
Welcome to this episode, where we feature the captivating story The Dream of Worlds...of Different Worlds, written by Dr. Sharda Bhagchandani from India. Sharda drew inspiration for this story from recurring dreams she experienced during her childhood—a time before she knew much about science or had access to the internet. According to Sharda, this story reflects real experiences from her past.
Dr. Sharda Bhagchandani is a distinguished Professor in Biotechnology, as well as a poet and novelist. Her childhood was marked by recurring dreams of past lives, which inspired her to find joy through meditation. In addition to her literary work, Sharda teaches art journaling as a tool for mental wellness.
To get in touch with Dr. Sharda Bhagchandani, you can reach her via email at sharda.spforever@gmail.com.
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Episode Title: That Light
Author: J.G. McGrath
Narrator: Erin Sterling
Welcome to this episode of Life is a Trip. Today, we present a thought-provoking story from author J.G. McGrath. In That Light, McGrath explores a deeply philosophical concept: what might signify the end of everything? Imagining a final vision that could unmistakably mark the end, McGrath envisions elements like the Grim Reaper, a void, and That Light, crafting a narrative that invites contemplation on our ultimate conclusions.
J.G. McGrath, the author behind this intriguing tale, currently resides in the Netherlands. Though he hasn’t yet encountered that proverbial shepherd, you can connect with him through his website at wordybeast.wordpress.com or on social media under the handle Wordy Beast. There, he shares his strong opinions on AI in art and the art of writing.
A special shout-out to the talented Erin Sterling for narrating the story with such skill and emotion. We appreciate her contribution to this episode.
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Episode Title: Sumac Lemonade
Author & Narrator: Alycin Hayes
Welcome to today’s episode, where we bring you a captivating story titled Sumac Lemonade, written and narrated by the talented Alycin Hayes. This evocative piece was inspired by Alycin’s personal experiences and memories from camping in the serene woods of Southwestern Ontario, Canada. This land, rich with history, was once the traditional territory of the Attawanderon People, whose spirits continue to dwell in these ancient forests.
Alycin Hayes is an award-winning author and filmmaker, originally hailing from Canada. Her latest memoir, Amazon Hitchhiker: A Woman’s Adventures from Canada to Brazil, has quickly become a bestseller on Amazon, detailing her extraordinary travel adventures. Alycin’s children’s book, Milo and the Mustang, earned the R Morrow Award for "Best Great Kid Books for Road Trips". Her film, Wild Florida's Vanishing Call, has garnered accolades at film festivals across the United States and the United Kingdom. Currently, Alycin is working on a new children’s book and a collection of short stories.
To connect with Alycin Hayes or learn more about her work, visit her website at Echo Hill Productions.
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