
  • We've got another Q&A on the agenda!!


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    0:00 Introduction + Gratitude

    4:18 How can you have a better mindset with improving your physique?

    7:00 Do you think everyone is meant to have a big purpose or are some meant to be "average"?

    9:55 What area of life makes you feel best right now?

    10:34 How do you still accept yourself while having goals you're working towards?

    14:01 How to be open to long term relationships as a child of divorce?

    20:25 How to stop anxiously overthinking about the future?

    24:53 How do we find and grow into our independence and individuality?

    28:28 Tips for comparing yourself to others?

    35:35 Tips for staying in your power?

    40:22 I'm 22 and have never been in a relationship, advice for feeling like something's wrong with me?

    43:53 What's your opinion on the fitness community on socials?

    46:04 How can I select the right friendships / relationships?

    48:21 Can you explain more about your retreats - what to expect and what guests can gain?

    54:13 Thoughts on twin flames?

    58:24 Can you explain your beliefs of collective consciousness?

    1:04 Affirmation and Closing


    Affirmation: "I live in the frequency of love, abundance, and gratitude."


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  • Welcome to an in depth story time of my spiritual journey, clarity on my spiritual beliefs, and actionable steps on how you can start exploring your spirituality today <3


    Book Mentioned: The Healing Self by Deepak Chopra

    My guide for Self Led Meditations



    0:00 Introduction

    5:25 My Spiritual Journey

    25:26 My Spiritual Beliefs

    34:19 How You Can Start Yours

    48:47 Affirmation and Closing


    Affirmation: "I am open and receptive to the stream of consciousness within."


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  • Our first ever REAL podcast guest!!! Thank you so much to Kela for creating with me and sharing so much wisdom. This conversation was pure gold! Enjoy my loves :)

    Kela's Podcast: Skinny Dipping

    Kela's Instagram



    0:00 Introduction

    6:02 Welcome Kela Rose!

    16:07 Healing Hyper Independence

    29:06 Trusting Your Path

    43:25 Evolving with Your Partner

    1:07 Advice for Keeping Your Independence in Your Relationship?

    1:14 Affirmations!!!


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  • What if I told you the way to become your best self wasn't by meditating, affirming, and journaling? Or more specifically, wasn't JUST by meditating, affirming, and journaling? The key that a lot of people miss when intending to align with their higher self is the cruciality of embodiment, of ACTING from that space. It's one thing to talk about it, think about it, visualize it, and write about it, and those things are important, but it's a whole other thing to BE it and THAT is how you bridge the gap between where you are and where you wanna be. In today's epi we talk about 3 downloads that I received in meditation that were the exact reminders I've been needing and maybe you have been too.

    The Reminders:

    1. Choose your highest self over your ego.

    2. Place more action behind your intention to be a beacon of light.

    3. Make more of an effort to NOT feed into lower frequencies.


    THE LIVFIIT RETREAT IN BALI // https://www.bylivfiit.com/retreats


    WATCH ON YOUTUBE // https://www.youtube.com/@livfiitlistens/videos


    Today's Affirmation: “It is safe for me to step into my highest self and greatest potential.”


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  • We always hear the phrase “fill up your cup!!” But what about emptying it? I guess I should clarify that we have two cups, bins, tanks (however you wish to visualize it) - one to add to to make us feel fulfilled and happy and one to subtract from to release bottled up emotions, trauma, and hurt. For every input channel, there is always an output but it can take sitting in stillness to actually gain awareness of when your subtraction tank needs emptying. In today’s epi I share the story of my powerful meditation session of emotional release in a way I’ve never experienced before, the need to sit with your feelings in stillness, and why releasing what feels heavy is imperative to step into healing.


    THE LIVFIIT RETREAT IN BALI // https://www.bylivfiit.com/retreats


    WATCH ON YOUTUBE // https://www.youtube.com/@livfiitlistens/videos


    Today's Affirmation: “It is safe and okay for me to feel.”


    0:00 Welcome and Gratitude!

    4:20 Epi Intro

    5:30 My Meditation Story

    9:37 What Happens with Stuck Emotions

    12:42 My Subconscious Triggers

    20:14 EFT Tapping

    23:44 My Overall Takeaway

    24:56 My Visualization Release

    28:07 Sit With Your Emotions!

    30:46 Empty Your CUP!

    32:59 Card Pull hehehe

    37:20 Final Thoughts and Affy:)


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  • As much of an advocate as I am for personal development and productivity, rest is also just as imperative. We think that the more and more we work, the more productive we will be and its just not the case. There comes a point where there are diminishing returns with the more time we put in without breaks. In today's epi we're speaking about how taking time to recuperate allows you to come back more innovative and work even BETTER. If you struggle to take time off, it's a NEED to listen to this one!!


    SHOP STICKERS HERE // https://www.bylivfiit.com/stickers

    THE LIVFIIT RETREAT IN BALI // https://www.bylivfiit.com/retreats


    WATCH ON YOUTUBE // https://www.youtube.com/@livfiitlistens/videos


    Today's Affirmation: “I give myself permission to rest so that I can come back stronger.”


    0:00 Welcome and Gratitude!

    4:17 Epi Intro6:30 My Experience

    11:15 How Rest Makes You Work BETTER

    14:25 Self Awareness is Key Here

    15:55 How More Rest Has Helped Me

    21:08 Final Thoughts and Affy:)

    22:40 Bali Retreat Reminder!


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    Youtube (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.youtube.com/c/Livfiit/videos

    Instagram (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.instagram.com/livfiit/?hl

  • Damn this epi is a close one to my heart and I really hope it touches each one of yours. I know body image can seem like a shallow concept, but with today's society and what we collectively tend to value, it's a super relevant conversation and something that a lot of us struggle with. In this epi, I take you through my own personal journey with body image and share some perspective shifts and reframing work that I've done to really become more at peace with my appearance and also not have it weigh so much over me. I used to be bound by the way that I looked and now I feel so free once realizing what truly matters and I'm so honored to share those points with you today. I really hope this can help those who need to hear it. All my love.


    SHOP STICKERS HERE // https://www.bylivfiit.com/stickers

    THE LIVFIIT RETREAT IN BALI // https://www.bylivfiit.com/retreats


    WATCH ON YOUTUBE // https://www.youtube.com/@livfiitlistens/videos


    Today's Affirmation: “My beauty extends much deeper than my surface.”


    0:00 Welcome and Gratitude!

    5:28 What Makes Us Feel Our Best

    6:43 Epi Introduction

    8:13 My Body Image Journey

    19:46 Finding The Importance of Mindset and Inner Work

    25:13 Self Love Exercises

    29:54 Building a Relationship with Yourself

    36:19 Mindset Shifts that Helped with My Body Image

    43:24 Final Thoughts and Affy:)


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    Youtube (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.youtube.com/c/Livfiit/videos

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  • Welcome to another epi!! We're sticking with the theme of mindset because I'm just so dang passionate about it and have been putting a lot of energy into mine lately. Today we're discussing two of the biggest mindset shifts I'm making to help me come into alignment with my goals and a happier life. First one being, not having my mindset fall victim to my current environment and secondly, to make every situation a self serving one!!


    SHOP STICKERS HERE // https://www.bylivfiit.com/stickers

    THE LIVFIIT RETREAT IN BALI // https://www.bylivfiit.com/retreats


    WATCH ON YOUTUBE // https://www.youtube.com/@livfiitlistens/videos


    Today's Affirmation: “The life of my dreams begins in my mind.”


    0:00 Welcome and Gratitude!

    4:14 Epi Intro

    5:17 Stop Falling Victim to Your Environment!

    16:21 Making ALL Scenarios Self Serving Ones

    27:05 Closing and Affy:)


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    Youtube (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.youtube.com/c/Livfiit/videos

    Instagram (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.instagram.com/livfiit/?hl

  • Welcome to season 3 of Livfiit Listens!! We're kicking off the New Year with my 2024 mindset ins and outs. Essentially sharing what hasn't been serving me and to leave behind in 2023 and what new self serving mindsets I want to bring in with me for the new year. I hope this epi can give us all some mental alignment that we may be needing. Thank you for being here and listening!! Cheers to a beautiful new year.


    SHOP STICKERS HERE // https://www.bylivfiit.com/stickers

    THE LIVFIIT RETREAT IN BALI // https://www.bylivfiit.com/retreats


    WATCH ON YOUTUBE // https://www.youtube.com/@livfiitlistens/videos


    Today's Affirmation: "I am open and receptive to the guidance of the universe.”


    0:00 Welcome and Pod Updates!

    3:11 2024 Podcast Goals

    4:32 Epi Intro

    5:46 My 2023 Mindset Reflection

    9:30 2024 Outs

    23:08 2024 Ins

    37:28 Closing and Affy:)


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  • Holding your energy while being around chronically negative people or while in draining environments can be challenging at times. However, it is imperative to do so if you are looking to be a creator of your own life and remove yourself from victimhood. Today we are speaking about the importance of declaring your energy and tips for coping with negative people and environments.


    SHOP STICKERS HERE // https://www.bylivfiit.com/stickers

    THE LIVFIIT RETREAT IN BALI // https://trovatrip.com/trip/asia/bali/indonesia-with-olivia-catania-may-2024


    LIVFIITMAS SCHEDULE // https://www.canva.com/design/DAF1wD1wQvc/6tgsFFsWMKdTSEAZUlWfdw/view?utm_content=DAF1wD1wQvc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor


    WATCH ON YOUTUBE // https://www.youtube.com/@livfiitlistens/videos


    Today's Affirmation: “Other’s energy does not dictate my own.”



    0:00 Welcome & Gratitude

    4:10 Epi Intro

    5:40 Your Energy is YOUR Responsibility

    7:40 Take Care of Yourself First

    11:15 Energetic Force Field

    16:14 Don't Accept Other's Low Vibration

    19:47 Stay Present with Affirmations

    20:44 Create Space

    23:08 Cleanse Your Energy

    24:31 It is okay to let go.

    28:27 Closing & Affy :)

    29:23 Bali Retreat!!


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  • What if its not solely a lack of willpower and discipline that's preventing you from showing up as your best self and sticking with healthy habits...what if it's your environment? The biggest component we overlook is how the container we're in is impacting our life. If we have goals but our environment is set up in a completely contradictory way, how easy is it going to be to adhere to them? Today's epi is all about why it's so important to set yourself up for success by intentionally designing your environment and how to do so. There are some great journaling prompts in this one so get out your journal and follow along!!


    SHOP STICKERS HERE // https://www.bylivfiit.com/stickers

    THE LIVFIIT RETREAT IN BALI // https://trovatrip.com/trip/asia/bali/indonesia-with-olivia-catania-may-2024


    LIVFIITMAS SCHEDULE // https://www.canva.com/design/DAF1wD1wQvc/6tgsFFsWMKdTSEAZUlWfdw/view?utm_content=DAF1wD1wQvc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor


    WATCH ON YOUTUBE // https://www.youtube.com/@livfiitlistens/videos


    Today's Affirmation: “I set myself up for success with the intentional design of my environment."



    0:00 Welcome & Gratitude

    2:09 Bali Retreat Update!!!

    5:05 Dream Self Reflection Exercise

    6:22 Examples of How Your Environment Impacts Adherence

    8:04 Maybe its not your willpower, it's your environment...

    9:00 How to Make it EASY

    14:09 Willpower is a Mental Muscle

    16:22 Upgrade Your Environment to Upgrade Your Life

    19:37 Closing & Affy :)


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    Instagram (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.instagram.com/livfiit/?hl

  • Welcome to yet another Q&A! In today's we're touching on psychedelics, masculine and feminine energy in relationships, letting go of control, making decisions, finding your purpose, and SO much more. Enjoy <3


    SHOP STICKERS HERE // https://www.bylivfiit.com/stickers

    THE LIVFIIT RETREAT IN BALI // https://trovatrip.com/trip/asia/bali/indonesia-with-olivia-catania-may-2024


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    WATCH ON YOUTUBE // https://www.youtube.com/@livfiitlistens/videos


    Today's Affirmation: “I release the reigns of control and focus on all that lies within my own hands."



    0:00 Welcome & Gratitude

    2:33 Epi Intro

    3:12 What's something you would tell little Liv about the future?

    5:01 Do you ever see yourself doing a triathlon?

    6:07 I'm struggling to find my purpose, help?

    11:45 How to let go of control?

    15:12 What do you feel like your life purpose is?

    17:40 How do I remain aligned with my goals, without getting attached to expectations?

    22:02 What is one thing you wish you knew before starting your podcast?

    23:18 How do you feel like you know when you're ready for a relationship?

    25:20 What are your beliefs around God?

    29:07 Any details for Bali retreat? I'm saving up to go.

    33:03 What makes you feel at peace with your decisions?

    37:42 Advice for students far from home?

    38:13 Best time of day for a workout and length?

    39:35 In what ways do you think you've changed over this past year?

    40:41 How to you know when to pull back on calorie tracking?

    41:38 Advice for setting realistic intentions and expectations for the day/week?

    43:26 What does it mean to "set your intentions?"

    45: 27 Does the change of seasons affect you? How do you deal with it?

    47:30 Have you ever tried psychedelics?

    50:01 Perspective on the dance between masculine and feminine energy in a relationship?

    55:27 Closing & Affy :)


    BOOK A 1:1 CALL WITH ME // https://stan.store/Livfiit

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    Instagram (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.instagram.com/livfiit/?hl

  • Sometimes our egoic mind takes over and fills our thoughts with worry, doubts, and fears but its so important to remember none of those things are truth and more importantly, they have nothing to do with who you truly are. In todays epi, we're discussing the remembering of your true self.


    SHOP STICKERS HERE // https://www.bylivfiit.com/stickers

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    WATCH ON YOUTUBE // https://www.youtube.com/@livfiitlistens/videos


    Today's Affirmation: “I release and unlearn all that I thought I was so I can meet who I truly am.”



    0:00 Holiday Chat

    2:52 Gratitude

    4:15 That's Not the Real You

    10:40 We Choose What Thoughts We Energize

    13:15 Traumas Are Not Truth

    15:01 Get Present to Just BE

    16:44 Closing & Affy :)


    BOOK A 1:1 CALL WITH ME // https://stan.store/Livfiit

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    Instagram (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.instagram.com/livfiit/?hl

  • Hey y'all welcome back to another epi! Today is a short but spicy one hehe consisting of a recent message that came through so clearly to me. We tend to dread the possibilities of challenges arising in our life in fear of them taking us out of the game but in this episode I'm sharing with you why they actually are what make life worth living and the best way to be indefinitely resilient to them. If you're going through something, this one is worth the listen <3


    SHOP STICKERS HERE // https://www.bylivfiit.com/stickers

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    WATCH ON YOUTUBE // https://www.youtube.com/@livfiitlistens/videos


    Today's Affirmation: “I am ruthlessly persistent in the face of life’s challenges to be destined for success.”



    0:00 Hi hi!!

    2:57 Epi Introduction

    3:29 Challenges tend to be met with fear.

    4:25 Dedication is Indestructible.

    6:37 Adversities make life worth living!

    7:34 Take Your Power Back!!

    9:00 When it's time to give up...

    9:44 You HAVE what it takes.

    11:00 ACTIVATE Your Power

    13:52 Closing & Affy :)


    BOOK A 1:1 CALL WITH ME // https://stan.store/Livfiit

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    Instagram (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.instagram.com/livfiit/?hl

  • If you’re feeling not good enough or like you don’t have what it takes to achieve your biggest goals and desires, this episode is just for you. When things get hard, it’s so common to think “I’m not cut out for this”, when in reality it’s just an opportunity to show your devotion to your dreams and a way for you to pay your dues now for an “ easier” tomorrow. This is such a powerful epi with so many perspective shifts and so many tokens of encouragement. You’re doing amazing and I believe in you.


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    THE LIVFIIT RETREAT IN BALI // https://trovatrip.com/trip/asia/bali/indonesia-with-olivia-catania-may-2024


    WATCH ON YOUTUBE // https://www.youtube.com/@livfiitlistens/videos


    Today's Affirmation: “I know I have what it takes to keep working towards my dreams”



    0:00 Gratitude and MERCH!

    4:19 Epi Introduction

    5:28 Doubtful Thoughts Aren't TRUTH

    9:34 Failure is Apart of Success

    12:00 Success is NOT Always Linear

    14:08 You're Doing Amazing.

    15:08 Don't Get Out of Line

    17:44 Pay Now or Pay Later

    25:00 Closing & Affy :)


    BOOK A 1:1 CALL WITH ME // https://stan.store/Livfiit

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    Youtube (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.youtube.com/c/Livfiit/videos

    Instagram (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.instagram.com/livfiit/?hl

  • My relationship with food wasn’t always the healthiest but the most ironic part was that I thought I was being the healthiest I possibly could, which I guess is what made it become unhealthy. I do think too much of anything can be too much and for me, that was my fixation on eating as perfectly healthy as possible 100% of the time. It just wasn’t sustainable for me and led me feeling very food focused with very little wiggle room. Today I truly have the most balanced relationship with food I’ve ever had in my life, eating both intentionally but also giving myself the space for enjoyment, totally guilt free. I feel so grateful to have gotten to this point and I would love to share with you what helped me so here are 5 of my top tips for a healthier relationship with food.


    MERCH DROPPING 11/1 at https://www.bylivfiit.com/


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    WATCH ON YOUTUBE // https://www.youtube.com/@livfiitlistens/videos


    Today's Affirmation: “I detach my identity and worth from my food choices.”



    0:00 Welcome :)


    6:42 Epi Introduction

    8:02 My Previous Relationship with Food

    11:56 Where I'm at Now

    13:44 The Food is Not Going ANYWHERE

    17:31 Detached My Worth and Identity From What I Ate

    21:10 Released Food Guilt

    24:27 Your Progress WILL NOT Be Wrecked

    27:53 Life is Too Precious for Restriction

    31:50 Closing & Affy :)


    BOOK A 1:1 CALL WITH ME // https://stan.store/Livfiit

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    Youtube (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.youtube.com/c/Livfiit/videos

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  • Look who's back already!!! You guys gave Joe an encore and so did I so he had to make his return!! We had such an extensive Q&A session touching on topics from starting a business, to choosing a life partner, to parenting, to fitness and everything in between. I LOVED this epi even more than the first one and I hope you guys do too!! Thank you for asking such stellar questions!

    Disclaimer: I have a very joking, casual relationship with my dad and I speak to him in a funny voice sometimes and it couldn't help but come out during the interview lolz


    SHOP STICKERS HERE // https://www.bylivfiit.com/shop

    THE LIVFIIT RETREAT IN BALI // https://trovatrip.com/trip/asia/bali/indonesia-with-olivia-catania-may-2024


    WATCH ON YOUTUBE // https://www.youtube.com/@livfiitlistens/videos


    Today's Affirmation: “I prioritize good character and live life passionately."



    0:00 Epi Intro

    2:38 Welcome and Gratitude!

    3:45 Best Way to Save Money?

    5:04 Favorite Thing About Having Daughters?

    6:18 How has your perspective on working out changed with age?

    8:43 If you could go back and change one thing you did or didn't do, what would it be and why?

    11:59 Would you say your life changed for the better once you had kids? Were you ready or do you wish you focused on yourself first?

    13:56 How do you maintain relationships while putting yourself first?

    16:15 What was the hardest part of parenting?

    17:47 How does Joe provide attention to all of his kids?

    19:57 Advice for starting a business?

    22:57 How does Joe feel about your content creation career?

    28:54 What does Joe consider to be his biggest failure?

    30:34 Do you have advice for choosing a life partner?

    35:30 The key to happiness?

    36:34 What are some mindset characteristics for a man and woman to develop?

    38:41 How to deal with being overwhelmed when your dreams feel ginormous?

    40:40 Closing & Affy :)


    BOOK A 1:1 CALL WITH ME // https://stan.store/Livfiit

    SUPPORT ME // https://linktr.ee/livfiit

    Shop EHP Labs // http://www.ehplabs.com/discount/livfiit10 code: "LIVFIIT10" to save & support

    Shop my favorite books here // https://www.amazon.com/shop/livfiit?listId=20MNY4GGY77KN

    *This is my affiliated Amazon Storefront. I do receive a small commission when you shop through this link.*


    Youtube (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.youtube.com/c/Livfiit/videos

    Instagram (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.instagram.com/livfiit/?hl

  • I know it can be difficult to see adversity and challenges as anything other than just shitty times, but today we're discussing their higher purpose and how they actually are constantly serving us. A truth of life is that most favorable character traits are developed through learning lessons and how are we supposed to learn any lessons without going through any contrast, adversity, and the like? How do you expect a diamond to be formed if it does not undergo pressure? How do you expect patience to be formed if you never had to wait for a desire to come in? How do you expect to develop work ethic if you've never had to work for anything? How do you expect to be responsible if you've never had to tend to anything before? These adversities that come into our life that we see solely as something to cause suffering, is actually just a form of tough love, that we all need from time to time, to deepen into personal growth and become a more evolved soul.


    SHOP STICKERS HERE // https://www.bylivfiit.com/shop

    THE LIVFIIT RETREAT IN BALI // https://trovatrip.com/trip/asia/bali/indonesia-with-olivia-catania-may-2024


    WATCH ON YOUTUBE // https://www.youtube.com/@livfiitlistens/videos


    Today's Affirmation: “I trust that all is happening for me, not to me."



    0:00 Welcome and Gratitude!

    5:30 Epi Intro

    7:37 Adversity is serving a higher purpose

    8:52 Adversity is a way to receive lessons

    10:35 It's all to help us evolve

    13:55 You receive what you are ready for

    15:27 It's all for the greater good

    17:00 It's our responsibility to extract the lessons

    19:14 Get bitter or get better

    20:43 Adversity is tough love

    21:55 Closing & Affy :)


    BOOK A 1:1 CALL WITH ME // https://stan.store/Livfiit

    SUPPORT ME // https://linktr.ee/livfiit

    Shop EHP Labs // http://www.ehplabs.com/discount/livfiit10 code: "LIVFIIT10" to save & support

    Shop my favorite books here // https://www.amazon.com/shop/livfiit?listId=20MNY4GGY77KN

    *This is my affiliated Amazon Storefront. I do receive a small commission when you shop through this link.*


    Youtube (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.youtube.com/c/Livfiit/videos

    Instagram (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.instagram.com/livfiit/?hl

  • Happy October peeps!! DANG this is SUCH a powerful episode with so much value, we touch on so many key topics!! This is the perfect epi if you're looking to step into your power and get in the driver seat of your own life to finish out the last quarter of the year strong! The actions we feel pulled to take are directly impacted by the emotions that we feel which are directly impacted by our thoughts, mindsets, beliefs, and self concept. Today we're talking about my 4 daily non negotiables that I've been doing every morning to set my mindset up and ultimately my day up for success and fulfillment along with why I chose them specifically. But before then, I go deep into how manifestation really works and that it's much more than wishing on a star and that it has everything to do with how you're showing up mentally and therefore actionably every single day. In today's epi, I connect the bridge between daily habits and manifesting your dream reality into fruition.


    SHOP STICKERS HERE // https://www.bylivfiit.com/shop

    THE LIVFIIT RETREAT IN BALI // https://trovatrip.com/trip/asia/bali/indonesia-with-olivia-catania-may-2024


    WATCH ON YOUTUBE // https://www.youtube.com/@livfiitlistens/videos


    Today's Affirmation: “I follow through on the promises I make to myself.”


    Timestamps0:00 Welcome and Gratitude!

    4:03 I was on a podcast :)

    5:19 Epi Introduction

    8:52 This doesn't HAVE to be a morning routine

    10:45 Your Dream Life Begins on the Daily

    17:18 What makes you feel empowered?


    22:29 Affirmations

    30:24 EMBODY Your Dreams FIRST

    32:12 Chug Water

    34:25 Mindfulness!

    39:19 Podcasts rock


    43:35 Closing & Affy :)


    BOOK A 1:1 CALL WITH ME // https://stan.store/Livfiit

    SUPPORT ME // https://linktr.ee/livfiit

    Shop EHP Labs // http://www.ehplabs.com/discount/livfiit10 code: "LIVFIIT10" to save & support

    Shop my favorite books here // https://www.amazon.com/shop/livfiit?listId=20MNY4GGY77KN

    *This is my affiliated Amazon Storefront. I do receive a small commission when you shop through this link.*


    Youtube (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.youtube.com/c/Livfiit/videos

    Instagram (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.instagram.com/livfiit/?hl

  • Today's episode serves as the reminder we all need from time to time of how blessed we truly are. And I'm not talking about these big blessings that our egos love - extra bonuses at work, promotions, a new relationship, status etc. I'm talking about the things we don't even realize because they seem mundane and "the norm". Rather than thinking we need big news or solutions to our problems to feel blessed and abundant, why aren't we acknowledging and appreciating the bazillion amount of blessings in our life, just by things going smoothly, every single day? The amount of blessings and protection we're receiving daily by staying safe and healthy are testamates to how abundant we all really are. In today's epi we dive deep into this with a story I recently experienced and also end with how feeling gratitude directly correlates to manifesting a fulfilling life.


    SHOP STICKERS HERE // https://www.bylivfiit.com/shop

    THE LIVFIIT RETREAT IN BALI // https://trovatrip.com/trip/asia/bali/indonesia-with-olivia-catania-may-2024


    WATCH ON YOUTUBE // https://www.youtube.com/@livfiitlistens/videos


    Today's Affirmation: “I have abundant, countless, endless blessings coming my way every single day.”



    0:00 Welcome!

    2:01 I launched stickers!!

    9:40 Bali Retreat Update

    13:02 Gratitude Storytime

    18:11 Our days are FULL of blessings

    20:48 THIS robs us from seeing the magic in life...

    21:31 We are SO abundant, constantly!!

    22:05 STOP waiting for the "big things"

    23:22 The more abundance you have, the less special it seems...

    24:12 The Impacts of Practicing Gratitude

    26:24 The TRUTH of How Gratitude Works for Manifesting

    33:29 Closing & Affy :)


    BOOK A 1:1 CALL WITH ME // https://stan.store/Livfiit

    SUPPORT ME // https://linktr.ee/livfiit

    Shop EHP Labs // http://www.ehplabs.com/discount/livfiit10 code: "LIVFIIT10" to save & support

    Shop my favorite books here // https://www.amazon.com/shop/livfiit?listId=20MNY4GGY77KN

    *This is my affiliated Amazon Storefront. I do receive a small commission when you shop through this link.*


    Youtube (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.youtube.com/c/Livfiit/videos

    Instagram (@LIVFIIT) // https://www.instagram.com/livfiit/?hl