An Inspirational Community for Single Christian Women Over Fifty
The only podcast for single, Christian women over 50. TOP 5% GLOBALLY.
Do you struggle with loneliness and self-worth? Do you feel invisible at church? Are you afraid your best years are behind you? Do you wonder if you’ve fulfilled God’s calling for your life? Are you looking for inspiration and information to help you pursue your calling and live a fruitful life? Do you wish you had a community of sisters to encourage you and do life together? Do you want to be healthy and feel good about yourself?
Welcome! We’re Janine Jordan and Ellie MacCormick and we’re so glad you’re here at Jesus People Sisterhood.
We’re both coaches and Christian single women in the last third of life. We’ve seen and experienced firsthand the many issues single Christian women our age face. Believing the most purposeful years of our lives are still ahead of us, we completed the training and became coaches. We’re here to tell you that you are a treasure trove of wisdom and experience, and the last third could and should be your most fruitful years of life.
Inside this podcast, you will find encouragement and inspiration to dream again, tools to help you know and pursue your calling, life hacks and info to live a healthy and fruitful life, and, most importantly, a supportive community of sisters to come alongside as you face life’s triumphs and trials.
We’ll review helpful books and articles, chat with guest speakers, share success stories, and enjoy some fun and laughter along the way as we build a sisterhood community.
So, grab your favorite drink and get ready to download some inspo and info.
Join the free Facebook community:
Jesus People Sisterhood Community
Connect with our Facebook page:
Visit our websites:
Janine Jordan at
Ellie MacCormick at
Email us: [email protected] -
Rab'bin Söz'ünü öğretmeye çalışan bir kişi olarak daha öncesinde kendimi geliştirmek için aldığım vaaz ses kayıtlarını burada paylaşıyorum.
Sorularınız ve iletişim için: [email protected]
Join Kevin Wilson as he brings faith and real-life topics together. With a mix of studio recordings and live Podcast in the Park sessions, this podcast offers a unique and dynamic listening experience. Tap in as Kevin and his guests dive into relevant issues and share their personal faith journeys. Whether you're looking for inspiration, education, or just a good time, A Christian Podcast has what you need.
The Dudes That Babel podcast is simply ministry-related nonsense. Hosted by 3 Twin Cities Catholic Youth Ministers, follow along with H, John, and Austin as they talk about all things Catholic and cultural!
The Daily Horoscope is a podcast that provides daily horoscopes for all 12 zodiac signs. Each episode features a general overview of the day's energy, as well as more specific readings for love, career, finances, health, and spirituality. The podcast is hosted by a team of experienced astrologers who are passionate about helping people understand their horoscopes and use them to live their best lives.
Click here To Unlock deeper weekly readings on love, career, finances, and health For Only $3.00 Per Month
horoscopes, astrology, zodiac signs, love, career, finances, health, spirituality, daily readings, personal development
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Привет! Меня зовут Нина, мне 24 года, я родилась и выросла в Москве. Сейчас я замужем, мы с супругом строим семью, работаем и путешествуем по миру. В начале 2023 года, перед свадьбой, я сделала ещё один осознанный выбор – приняла веру мужа – ислам. В этом подкасте я рассказываю свою собственную историю жизни. Мне интересно поговорить о мифах и стереотипах, правах и свободах женщин в исламе, есть ли тут место для феминизма и действительно ли это такая «удобная» религия для мужчин? Подпишись, чтобы не пропустить новый выпуск!
Подпишись на Телеграм канал, чтобы смотреть видео и фото к выпускам:Для связи:
instagram - nina_mamotina (ну и просто подпишись, если интересно)
telegram - nimamotina (моя личка)
Welcome to Conversations with Buddy, where you will hear the stories of everyday people fighting through life’s challenges for meaning and purpose. From fear to faith, struggles to success, trials, and tribulations to triumph and victory. Where did they muster the courage to overcome and where does their hope come from? What is the lesson life has taught each of these people who share their stories and then be willing to share it with the world?
Aynur Xəlilovanın təqdim etdiyi "Hərşeyşünas" podkastı. Podkastın əsas məqsədi tanıdığımız, gördüyümüz, rastlaşdığımız ictimai şəxslərin fərqli tərəflərinin aşkarlanmasıdır.
Welcome to Men of the Hearts, a monthly podcast from the Archdiocese of Detroit Office of Priestly Vocations. Join your hosts, Fr. Craig Giera and Fr. Drew Mabee, as they explore the priesthood, hear vocation stories from priests all over the Archdiocese, and answer questions about discerning a priestly vocation. Tune in every month to wherever you get your podcast and learn more at
Marriage Stories is a podcast hosted by Taha, founder of Zawaj Cards, alongside the cast of Malik, Yahya, and Zak. Each episode explores real-life marriage stories, offering diverse perspectives, advice, and honest conversations. The panel reacts live to each shared story, providing insights and support.
With a perfect blend of humour, empathy, and expert advice, Marriage Stories creates a supportive community for listeners navigating their marital journeys. From navigating challenges to celebrating triumphs, the podcast offers a fresh perspective on marriage and practical tips for building a strong and lasting marriage.
Join us every Sunday for a new story, filled with benefits.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Didik Didik Freud'un son bölümü.
Hiç, kendini sevilemez hissettin mi? Hiç, yetersiz ya da eksik olduğunu düşünerek kendini suçladın mı? Peki ya bu suçlamaların dindiğinde kendi varlığınla mutlu oldun mu? İyi ki buradayım dedin mi? İyi ki buradasın. İyi ki varsın.
Yakın İlişkiler; uykunu kaçıranlara eşlik eden, bunu ben nereden bileyim diye düşündüklerine cevap arayan, belki tanıdığın sevdiğin, belki tanımadığın bilmediğin insanlarının mücadelelerini dinleyebileceğin bir ifade alanı.
Psikolog Dr. Gizem Sürenkök ve Podbee Media'nın beraber hazırladığı Yakın İlişkiler podcastinde ikili ilişkilerden tut da kendinle ya da dünyayla kurduğun birçok ilişkilenme çeşidine dair hem bilimsel hem tecrübesel paylaşımları bulabilirsin.
Tekrar, iyi ki buradasın!
Yazılı, görsel paylaşımlar ve daha fazlası için "Yakın İlişkiler" hesaplarını takip edebilirsin.
Don’t worry this is not another couple making a relationship podcast, it’s WAY more than that! Listen in on what are normally Alia and Yoni’s private, day-to-day, honest conversations about their relationship, friendships, careers, fears, feelings, and whatever else is leftover. Being different ages, meeting on a little app called Tinder, and growing up on different sides of Europe (Romania & Belgium), it keeps people wondering what the conversations behind closed doors are really like. Get ready for an honest, raw, uncomfortable, and hilarious time!
Welcome to Audiodesires, where sexual wellness meets your pleasure. We create short, audio erotica stories for women and couples, bringing your most intimate fantasies to life.
Join us here on Spotify to listen to sneak previews of some of our favorite stories to help improve your overall health and sexual wellbeing.
For exclusive access to hundreds more stories, visit us at Audiodesires.
Kırmızı hap, Erkek kadın ilişkileri, Maskülenite
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قصص عن تلك الطاقة التي تحرك الكون. عن الحُب؛ بكل صوره وتجلياته، وبكل أفراحه وتعقيداته.
بودكاست بِحُبْ من إنتاج شبكة كيرنينج كلتشرز.
هذا البودكاست من تقديم شهد بني عودة و إعداد الفريق العربي. الاشراف الصوتي لمحمد خريزات والتصميم الغرافيكي لأحمد سلهب.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Aşk, ilişkiler, kadın, erkek, çoğunlukla kadın ama :), seks, cinsellik, konuşulmayan ne varsa burada!