
  • This episode of the Love Sex and Leadership podcast features Jamin, a hugely inspirational figure and friend, about his leadership path and dedication to self-improvement. Aaron explores into Jamin's background, from his early involvement in leadership and sports to his evolution into an aligned leadership coach and ultra-marathoner. A substantial chunk of the chat revolves upon Jamin's choice to embark on a year-long feminine fast, which involves abstaining from romantic interactions in order to create a deeper connection with his inner self. They highlight the obstacles and lessons gained from this journey, emphasizing the value of aligned and real leadership. Jamin provides personal anecdotes about his disciplined approach to personal development and the profound insights he has gained from his experiences. The episode is a compelling look at how dedicated self-inquiry and commitment can lead to transformative leadership and personal evolution.

    Check out more on Jamin at: https://mountainsandmarathons.world/

    See the Aconcagua climb that Aaron & Jamin will lead this year: https://mountainsandmarathons.world/summit25/

    Learn more about Aaron at www.AaronKleinerman.com

  • This episode of the Love Sex and Leadership podcast delves into the concept of embracing both the light and dark aspects of the masculine energy to foster a fully integrated and heart-centered leadership. The podcast explores the importance of understanding and integrating the darkness within, not as something sinister, but as a source of power and growth.

    It differentiates between darkness, shadow, and evil, emphasizing the natural synergy between light and dark. Techniques for connecting mind, body, heart, and emotions are discussed to achieve balance. The importance of owning one's power and potential, overcoming societal conditioning, and stepping into a more embodied life are underscored. The episode promotes self-discovery, alignment, and authenticity as key components of true leadership.

    Discover more about Aaron at www.AaronKleinerman.com
    This is a live teaching from the Initiation Journey retreats: www.theinitiationjourney.com

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  • In this episode of the 'Love Sex and Leadership' podcast, Aaron engages in a profound conversation with Pele, a mentor and a multifaceted spiritual leader. The discussion revolves around Pele’s transformative journey from an orthodox Jewish upbringing to becoming a proponent of conscious sexuality and sacred Eros. They delve into how true leadership involves embracing vulnerability, acknowledging personal shadows, and fostering authenticity within communities. Pele emphasizes the importance of aligning love, freedom, and empowerment as pillars of epic love leadership. The conversation also explores how cultural and religious constraints on sexuality stem from a fear of autonomous, erotic power. In addition, they discuss the challenges faced by leaders in being projected upon and the critical role of transparency and authenticity in evolving as genuine leaders. Throughout, Pele draws on Kabbalistic teachings and personal experiences to advocate for a holistic integration of eroticism in leadership, highlighting upcoming transformational events aimed at fostering deeper soul initiation and leadership development.

  • In this episode of the 'Love, Sex, and Leadership' podcast, Aaron and Lourdes dive into the notion of Tantra, focusing on its ancient knowledge and polarity principles - the interaction of male and feminine energies inside us and in nature. Understanding these opposites allows for a greater grasp of the human experience and a more balanced life. They also highlight the necessity of physically expressing these principles, which fosters a deeper connection with oneself and the cosmos.

    Aaron emphasizes the need of balancing and harmonizing the masculine and feminine within oneself, finding equilibrium, and living life fully. Furthermore, they urge listeners to accept all aspects of themselves and their bodies, understanding that faults are a part of divine perfection. Lourdes delves into the practical aspects of Tantra, such as its impact on sexual and orgasmic experiences, and shows how these may be transformed into holistic, life-affirming activities that go beyond physical pleasures. Finally, the episode serves as a call to live truthfully, to embrace the delight of being alive, and to act in loving service to oneself and the world, while acknowledging the grand organized design (G.O.D.) in everything.
    This video and audio was a live recording from the Ecstatic Tantra Practitioner Training.
    You can learn more about the Ecstatic Tantra Practitioner Trainings that Lourdes and Aaron teach at: www.aaronkleinerman.com https://www.ecstatictantra.org/ https://www.malachitevents.com/practitioner

  • Embark on a deep examination of the feminine spiritual path and Tantra through interviews and discussions with Ma Ananda Sarita that delve into the historical dismissal of feminine spirituality. Discover the importance of love, commitment, and emotional fluidity in empowering women and building a peaceful world. Learn about the importance of embracing divine feminine and male energies, understanding relationships, and the transformational potential of practices such as Tantra and soulmate training.
    Discover the wisdom of combining sexuality, love, and spirituality to promote balance and unity in personal and collective domains, encouraging listeners to deeper self-realization and empowerment via online courses and services.
    Learn more about Sarita's work: https://www.anandasarita.com/

    Learn more about Aaron's work: https://www.aaronkleinerman.com/

  • The episode explores the concept of shadow work, highlighting the significance of identifying and integrating one's unconscious elements in order to achieve personal transformation. Aaron and Tara talk about the power of accessing the unconscious through breath, sound, and movement, as well as how suppressed shadows may wreck one's life if not addressed. Shadow work is identifying personal and collective shadows, such as victimization, domination, greed, and others, and owning them in order to keep them from negatively harming one's life. They emphasize the transformative nature of shadow work, characterizing it as a short way to long-term change that leads to self-discovery and empowerment.

    They also emphasize the importance of going beyond cognitive comprehension to embody and feel uncomfortable aspects of oneself, so gaining a deeper sense of power and authenticity. Individuals can break free from old patterns and align with their genuine essence by bravely confronting and dealing with their shadows. They encourage listeners to engage in shadow work on a regular basis, make promises to change old behaviors, and apply gained insights in daily life for long-term growth and personal evolution.

  • In this 6th episode of Love, Sex & Leadership, discover how Tantra transformed Margot Anand's life and the lives of others, as well as the complex connections between spirituality and sexuality. The discussion explores the difficulties of striking a balance between spiritual development and libido, from Margot's mystical experiences to the difficulties of teaching Tantra in an ethical manner in today's world. In addition to discussing individual experiences with Tantra gurus, the conversations cover the range of pedagogical philosophies and the pursuit of enlightenment. The examination of life lessons and camaraderie among practitioners is deepened by themes of integrity, legacy, and the blending of Buddhist teachings with Tantric practices. This is a not to be missed episode of this powerful and transformational podcast!

  • The episode explores the ideas of leadership, self-discovery, and changing the world. In order to live an inspired life, it stresses embracing one's distinct nature and soul's knowledge. Aaron encourages conscious leadership and genuine self-expression, pushing everyone to acknowledge their uniqueness and potential influence. Recognizing both personal and cultural obstacles, the script promotes introspection and purpose alignment.
    It talks about the path to self-realization, managing ego, and discovering happiness by leading an authentic life. The significance of communication, self-love, and service are emphasized, as is the notion of growing and accepting change. He highlights the importance of speaking up and personal development, calling on people to realize their divine potential and have a constructive impact on the world. This audio and video was taken from the Living Tantra Retreat; a retreat Aaron teaches around the world with the Embodied Awakening Academy.

  • In this episode, Bruce Lyon & Aaron explore social conditioning and personal development as they relate to conversations about spirituality, masculinity, and sexuality. It delves into the iconic 'cock and balls' depiction of masculine strength and fragility, highlighting the necessity for men to rediscover their fundamental manhood at a more profound level. The discussion explores the emotional, mythical, and historical dimensions of masculinity while arguing for a rethought, well-rounded strategy that really combines spiritual and sexual energy. Furthermore, the intimate exchange between these two brothers, Aaron and Bruce demonstrates deep gratitude, inspiration, and the term "bravety," which denotes a combination of courage and gravity in their connection and ultimately results in a strong bond of brotherly support and admiration.

  • This episode comes from a live workshop teaching with Aaron. This talk explores sacred sexuality and healing via tantric teachings, emphasizing the importance of accepting one's inherent power and developing a thoughtful, deliberate relationship with one's body and about how cultural beliefs affect sexuality, stresses the need to distinguish between ejaculation and orgasm for multi-orgasmic experiences, and promotes emotional expression and intimacy throughout romantic relationships.

    This episode emphasizes the value of establishing a holy and secure environment where couples may respect one other's bodies and feelings, which eventually results in a stronger bond between the individual and the divine energy found in close partnerships.

    This episodes explores some of the sexual taboos for male bodies and ways to overcome shame, fear and guilt around your sexuality.

  • "Embracing Gratitude and Self-Discovery: Insights from Dr. John DeMartini"

    Renowned educator and human behavior specialist Dr. John DeMartini offers insightful commentary that reveals the transformational potential of self-discovery and appreciation. Dr. DeMartini, who has over 49 years of expertise optimizing human potential, clarifies the importance of leading a life that is purpose-driven and motivated by appreciation.

    Dr. DeMartini delves into the idea that the forebrain's thankfulness region might serve as a doorway to self-actualization and fulfillment in his engrossing talk. He questions accepted ideas about trauma and exhorts people to find hidden benefits in trying times. Through the practice of embodied appreciation and soul-purpose alignment, we may realize our full potential and lead genuine lives.

    In today's fast-paced society, Dr. DeMartini's teachings are a light of wisdom, reminding us to develop daily appreciation practices, go on self-discovery journeys, and make sure our behaviors are in line with our core beliefs. We are motivated to accept thankfulness as a life-changing force and investigate the route to soul alignment and authenticity by his instruction.

  • This episode is Aaron Kleinerman's introduction to the Love, Sex, and Leadership podcast. Aaron discusses his goals for the podcast in the beginning expressing his intention to create a space for healthy conversations around sexuality, love, and leadership. He recounts his experience as a former ship captain and world traveler, as well as the reasons behind his exploration of sexuality and love. In addition to highlighting the significance of comprehending and incorporating sexuality into our lives, Aaron hopes to start discussions that some people may be reluctant to start. He also talks on the importance of conscious leadership in many facets of life, as well as the value of embodied leadership. Aaron hopes to inspire and educate listeners by urging them to recognize their inherent leadership potential. Aaron discusses the concept of duality, the importance of embodied leadership, and his mission to inspire listeners to awaken the wisdom inside their souls. He emphasizes the interconnectedness of love, sexuality, and leadership and invites guests to share insights on these topics in future episodes.