The one about dream control, supplements, and dream recall
The one about sleep habits and lucid dreaming
Estão a faltar episódios?
The one about the struggle of lucid dream training
The one about frequent lucid dreaming, dream darkness, and Carlos Castaneda
The one about blind people’s dreams
The one about lucid dream challenges and astral projection
The one about my weird childhood dreams, macropsia, micropsia, and WILD
The one about dream emotions, lucid dream animals, and recurring dream elements
The one about dream recall habits and how to record many dreams
The one about lucid nightmares, dream characters, and enlightenment
The one about the differences between WILDs and MILDs, hypnogogic sensations, and my research
The one about programming your mind to dream about a pre-determined topic
The one about sleep duration, sleep quality and the MILD technique
The one about memory, reality test apps, and lucid dreaming in dreams
Reach me at: tim@snoozon.com
The one about lucid dream bracelets, out-of-body experiences, and archetypes
The one about the mechanisms underlying dream control and lucidity
The one about dream vividness, dream recall, and dream control
The one about programming dream themes, making dream drawings, and engaging in dreams
The one about alarm clocks and post-sleep meditation
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