Et samtaleprogram om tro, eksistens og livsforandrende erfaringer. Gæster og præster mødes i Maries Rum i samtale om livets største spørgsmål
Podcast by Harmony Bible Church
The Podcast of Immanuel Nashville.
Our mission is to make the real Jesus non-ignorable in our city and far beyond. Expect Sunday sermons, seminars and more!
To support this ministry please visit -
Denne podcast indeholder forkyndelser, som bliver delt i kirken hver søndag formiddag
Weekly sermons from the Tana City Church English meeting.
Fasten er over os og denne podcast vil give dig små tanker, refleksioner og opmuntringer til din faste. Det har været kirkens tradition altid at faste, og fasten ser forskellige ud i traditionerne. Ens for den kristne kirke er, at fasten frem mod påske er 40 dage. Tallet 40 henter traditionen fra fortællingen om Noah, historien om Goliat, israelitternes vandring og til sidst i Jesu egen faste.
Lyt med her frem til påske - vi er glade for at være på vandring sammen med dig.
Må Guds fred og velsignelse være over din fastevandring -
Lyt med på Ribe Stifts podcast, hvor vi udforsker spændende emner inden for tro, kultur og samfund. Dyk ned i inspirerende samtaler og opdag nye perspektiver på tro og liv i vores stift og verden omkring os.
Katolsk Liv er en frivillig organisation der udgiver video og podcast om livet som katolik.
Katolsk Liv er en del af det verdensomspændende medienetværk EWTN. -
Every Sunday, Pastor Jack would say, “If you will grab hold of this message, it will change your life,” and we can all vouch that it did. Pastor Jack Ruth, or Pastor Jack, as we called him, and Peggy Joyce started Living Word Church in Brownwood, Texas. They pastored together from the '80s to “retirement” in the early 2000s. Jack’s childlike faith set the vision and foundation for the church and the Psalm 91 ministry that followed. At one of the recordings with Sid Roth where Peggy Joyce was to speak, Jack simply introduced himself as Mr. Peggy Joyce Ruth. Everyone burst into laughter. In honor of "Mr. Peggy Joyce Ruth" we hope his teachings bless your life as much as they have ours.
Welcome to the Church of the City Podcast.
Church of the City New York is a church community passionate about making disciples who "practice the way of Jesus together for the renewal of the city." We believe in the authority and power of the scriptures to shape our communal life and practice, as we seek to teach God's word with clarity and conviction.
Most of the teaching in our community is done by Pastor Jon Tyson and our teaching team. We have both morning and evening services and meet in the heart of Manhattan.
For more information visit: -
BibelBreak er en samtale-podcast, hvor vi sammen læser og diskuterer tekster fra Bibelen. I fællesskab forsøger vi at blive klogere på, hvad Bibelteksterne gerne vil fortælle os, og hvordan vi kan bruge dem i vores liv. Lyt med hver onsdag!
Vært: Nicolai Kaltoft -
Prædikener fra Mariagerfjord Frikirke
Kimberly Jones, known as Real Talk Kim, travels the world fulfilling her passion and purpose of loving people back to life.
She is a mother, pastor, entrepreneur, best-selling author, entertainer and most importantly a worshiper after God’s own heart.
Pastor Kim is the Senior Pastor at Limitless Church in Fayetteville, Georgia and has two sons.
She is a human rights advocate with a passion for giving back and believes in the compassion of the Holy Spirit, delivering it to those who need it most. Pastor Kim is an advocate partner with Rock Paper Scissors Foundation, a Non-profit Organization, which exists to foster healing and give a voice to those who have been silenced.
Pastor Kim has been featured on The Doctor Oz Show, Oxygen’s Network Series’ Preachers of Atlanta, Your World with Creflo Dollar on BET, ABC’s Nightline, The Word Network, CNN, Praise in the Park’ Atlanta and numerous magazines and radio shows. She is truly a living and walking testimony of God’s redemption plan in action. -
'Prædiken på vej' er en fri og teologisk kvalificeret samtale om de tekster, der prædikes over ved gudstjenesten kirkeåret rundt. Podcasten produceres af et hold af præster og bliver fra palmesøndag 2023 og et år frem til i et samarbejde mellem Folkekirkens Uddannelses- og Videnscenter og Haderslev Stift.
Prædikener fra Kronjyllands Frimenighed i Randers
Recorded at Generations Church, we hope this music inspires and encourages you to pursue a genuine relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. For more information about Generations Church, go to
What did God say today? God is speaking powerfully through the miraculous daily collisions of heaven and earth. The Touched by Heaven podcast shares encounters with angels, divine interventions, visions, near-death experiences, and God-incidents to fortify the faithful and awaken the fallen away.
This podcast is primarily focused on news events that support Bible prophecy. Signs Of The Times originates as a weekly radio program provided through The Way Media and Calvary Knoxville, a non-denominational Christian Church.
As a result of Motivation Meditation with Leslie V, a devotional style study, you'll receive tools to live your best life ever, overcome weaknesses, grow in a deeper personal relationship with God, and fulfill your God-given destiny. Leslie Vaughn