
  • People mostly spend time trying to fit in. That's the way society programs us from the time we're born. They teach us to meet everyone else's expectations – how we should act, what we should wear, how we should think.

    Sound familiar? I know it does.

    But life is too short to spend it the way you're expected to, instead of the way you desire to.

    We need to break free from the expectations that have been holding us back and step into the full, authentic version of ourselves. Let's ask ourselves for a moment – is there any valid reason to change who we are for anyone? We aren't meant to be someone else's version of perfect.

    And that's the topic of this week's episode – I talk about saying no to the world that constantly tries to box you in.

    I also share my own journey of battling self-doubt, people-pleasing, and trying to meet expectations that weren't even mine. But then I realized I shouldn't care – and neither should you. People will judge you without knowing your story, but that's not your burden to carry.

    So, if you're ready to stop conforming and start living for yourself, this episode is exactly what you need.

    Tune in, and let's talk about how to stay true to who you are – no matter what.

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Overcoming self-doubt and insecurities (01:36) Unlock Your Greatness in London (03:04) Healing through vulnerability (04:05) Judging without knowing the full story (08:26) Be your own safe space (10:30) No to people-pleasing (13:48) Reincarnation analogy: repeating life if you don’t fulfill your purpose (18:56) Meeting your true self in heaven (23:00) You attract what you resonate with (31:36) It’s okay to be "selfish" when you're saying yes to your future (42:10)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

  • Our time is the most precious resource we have. That’s the only thing we can never get back. Yet, many of us waste it doing things we don’t like and that don’t serve us. I see it all the time (and I bet you do too): people stuck in jobs they hate, in relationships that drive them crazy, in routines that suffocate them.

    I used to be in that place, too.

    I was obsessed with trying to meet others' expectations – fitting in, being cool, being accepted, being what people around me wanted. In all that pretending, I forgot about my own desires.

    In fact, it's easy to get caught in a spiral where you are chasing the wrong goals and thinking that your own dreams aren't so important. It’s easy to forget that you can never truly achieve success or happiness if you're not prioritizing yourself. It’s not selfish – it’s necessary.

    So, I made a decision that literally changed my life. I decided to invest time and money into becoming a better version of myself because I couldn't expect anyone else to do it for me. And once I started focusing on my personal growth, everything changed.

    It wasn’t just in my perception. My life, the people around me, energy, opportunities – everything literally changed.

    This can happen to you, too. And the best part is that you don't have to wait for the perfect moment to start. There's no perfect time to begin working on yourself. You just have to start.

    In this week's episode, I'm talking about how you can begin to invest in yourself, reclaim your time, and finally start moving in the direction of your dreams.

    This is one you don't want to miss – tune in now!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Progress equals happiness (00:56) Be your own best friend - invest in yourself (04:42) Consistency leads to success (07:30) Stop tolerating negativity (09:22) Unlock Your Greatness (10:14) From suffering to greatness (12:39) Risk everything to be yourself (17:40)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • Where does overthinking come from? Why do we replay the same scenario in our heads a hundred times? What if they’re mad at me? What did I say wrong? Why am I always doubting myself?

    It often happens when there’s confusion or a lack of communication in your relationships – maybe with family, friends, or even at work. When you don’t have clarity, your mind jumps to conclusions, filling in the gaps with doubt, assumptions, and unnecessary stress.

    In this episode, I’m sharing my own experience with overthinking and how I finally put a stop to it.

    For me, the turning point was realizing that communication is everything. Instead of letting my mind run wild with “what ifs,” I started asking the right questions and getting the clarity I needed. That alone brought me so much peace.

    I also talk about how protecting your energy and surrounding yourself with the right people can make a huge difference in how you think and feel every day.

    If you’ve been feeling stuck in your head lately, this episode will show you how to get out of that cycle. It’s time to start communicating better, let go of those assumptions, and reclaim your peace.

    Let’s dive in and break free from overthinking once and for all!⁤

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) The importance of peace in relationships (01:33) Assumptions grow from lack of clarity (03:40) Communication – the cure for overthinking (05:47) Everything you reveal, you heal (09:40) The impact of connection in lonely times (10:27) Why positive people elevate your life (19:57) Protecting your energy for inner peace (21:28)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

  • Ever feel like no matter what you do, you’re just not making the money you know you’re capable of? There’s a reason for that – and it’s something I’ve seen again and again.

    In this episode, I talk about the one decision that completely shifted the way I think about money, and it changed everything for me. We all carry stories from our past – about what we deserve, what’s possible, or how hard it should be to earn more. But the truth is, those stories aren’t helping you.

    What if I told you that making just one choice could shift your entire reality? When you decide to start thinking differently, you’ll see opportunities you didn’t even know were there. I’m sharing exactly how I did that, and how you can too.

    If you’ve been waiting for a sign that it’s time to step up and claim the life you want, this is it.

    Let’s make it happen – hit play!

    P.S. This one decision really did change everything for me – give the episode a listen and see what it could do for you!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) I wanna dance with you (02:35) Putting yourself first - easier said than done (03:58) Changing your mindset to focus on growth (06:50) The most important decision you need to make today (15:32) It’s not enough to keep saying “I'm awesome” - prove that (22:23) Don't be afraid to lose people (26:43) My success is your success, and your success is my success (29:54)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

  • When I was in my mid-30s, I was living what many would consider a cool life. I had a stable job and a decent salary, hung out with my friends, and partied regularly – the routine looked great on paper. But deep down, something felt off. Every morning, I woke up with a feeling in my gut that I was missing out on something important.

    I kept telling myself I was fine, that I had more than many people would ever have, that I should be satisfied... until I couldn’t ignore it anymore.

    I realized I wasn’t excited about anything in my life. I was just going through the motions, doing what I thought I was supposed to do, and it was draining me. I had been ignoring the signs for too long – the feeling that I wasn’t living in alignment with who I really was or what I truly wanted.

    That’s when I made the decision to change.

    Now, this wasn’t some overnight transformation. It took time, reflection, and a lot of self-questioning. But it all started with one crucial realization: the life I was living wasn’t the life I wanted. If you’ve been feeling stuck, like something just isn’t right, maybe it’s time for you to listen to that inner voice, too.

    In this episode, I talk about how you can recognize the signs that it’s time for a life change and, more importantly, how to take action once you do.

    Tune in now to start your journey toward a life that feels right for you. ⁤

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Law of reciprocity: What you put out comes back (01:37) Perseverance and trusting the process (04:03) Overcoming obstacles through consistency (06:49) Personal growth and expanding your horizons (09:40) Listen to your internal compass to find your true path (11:17) Take action – your life is worth fighting for (13:42)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

  • Many of us pile up the weight of our past and carry it for years without realizing it makes us feel like we’re running in a hamster wheel. It’s because unresolved pain, trauma, and insecurities keep holding us back, making it hard to move forward and start living the life we want instead of the one we’re forced to live.

    Yes, the healing process is the first step to changing your life. But before you can truly heal from the pain, shame, or trauma you've experienced, you have to learn to love yourself. Without self-love, the emotional wounds of the past keep festering.

    In this episode, I share my own journey of breaking free from past trauma when I finally managed to build a deep, loving relationship with myself. That allowed me to create the strength to face my past, rewrite my story, and become the confident person I always wanted to be.

    Would you like to free yourself from the pain of your past, old scars, and limiting beliefs?

    Tune in to this episode to begin your own healing journey.

    Don’t wait another day – jump in right now!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Fear of hurting other people's feelings (02:51) The biggest investment you can make (11:15) Surround yourself with greatness (23:10) Everything is a mirror (32:12) The truth will set you free (36:45) How to get out of suffering (39:33) Building a strong, loving relationship with yourself (52:38)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!
    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

  • How many times have you put on a brave face and said, "I'm fine," when, deep down, you knew you weren't?

    We're all experts at hiding our pain. We pretend we're fine and tell ourselves and others that everything's OK. But pretending won't make the hurt go away. In fact, the more you ignore it, the heavier it gets, and eventually, it may even start affecting your health.

    Being happy doesn't mean being strong all the time or acting like you've got it all together. If you want to find peace and fulfillment, you need to heal first.

    And real healing begins when you stop pushing your emotions aside and start facing them. You need to feel what you need to feel and work through it ᅳ whether it's old trauma, toxic relationships, or just the weight of everyday stress.

    The formula is simple, but not easy. Let go of the emotional baggage you're carrying and be honest with yourself and those around you. Stop tolerating toxicity, start living authentically, and create a life where you can truly grow.

    As you can see, real healing takes courage, but it leads to freedom ᅳ freedom to be your true self, to let go of old pain, and to move forward into a life of peace and happiness.

    Want to find out who can help and how? Tune in to this episode!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) The body naturally heals itself (01:49) Stress and anger lower vibration and cause disease (02:37) Most people hide their true feelings (05:10) Resonance and connection are key to healing (07:21) Stop seeking external validation (12:08)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

  • Have you ever felt like you were living someone else’s life? Like you were following a script written by society, your family, or even your past self? I used to feel that way, too. Deep down, I knew I could be a happy, fulfilled person. But I felt like that amazing person was paralyzed inside me.

    Until I dared to be my true, authentic self. Unapologetically. I didn’t care what people around me would say – I finally started being me.

    That beautiful person is waiting for you too, lying inside of you, waiting for you to let them shine. So, stop conforming to others' expectations. When you start being genuine and showing up for yourself, you'll feel a sense of satisfaction that no external validation can provide.

    Authenticity is one of the topics I discuss in this week’s episode. Join me, and we’ll also explore:

    The importance of self-discovery and self-creation

    The impact of negative programming from parents and society

    Why we shouldn’t give up on our dreams even when it’s hard and doesn’t make sense

    How to have uncomfortable conversations and speak your truth to avoid the trap of overthinking

    How to use your mind power and change your thoughts to change your whole life

    So, tune in and start creating a reality that's true to yourself!

    See you there!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Authenticity - the key to your freedom/success (01:24) Self-discovery vs. self-creation (03:29) You don't deserve s**t… unless you work for it (06:14) It's okay to be where you are (08:09) What happens when you think in a way you've never thought before (11:23) How parents negatively programmed our minds (16:37) The importance of how you treat others (21:00) How to have uncomfortable conversations (a gym example) (28:40) If something feels off - that's because it is (34:58)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

  • Here's a story about a 62-year-old client of mine.

    Lisa joined my 20-week superpower mastermind program to heal and change her life. Her peers usually think it's too late to begin anything new at their age, let alone chase their dreams. But Lisa decided to try.

    However, right at the beginning, she hit a massive roadblock: technology. I know this seems simple to you and me, but she wasn't very tech-savvy, and even logging into the program was a real challenge for her.

    She was so frustrated that she almost quit right then and there.

    But it was also the turning point: she could have given up, but instead, Lisa pushed through. I spent almost an hour guiding her step by step until she could navigate the system on her own.

    Now, why am I sharing this with you? Because this is not just a story about how the elderly can learn how to use technology – it's also about proving to herself that she can overcome any obstacle, no matter how big or small.

    All she needed were two things that we all need if we want to reach our goals, make our dreams come true, or succeed in any area of life. Curious about what those two things are?

    Join me and find out in this episode!

    Tune in now.

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Be your own best friend (01:25) Lisa's story (05:11) Patience – a critical skill (09:42) Keep going despite challenges (10:37)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!
    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

  • It’s so common that people get stuck in their comfort zones. At one point in my life, I felt like I was running in place – until I realized that comfort was actually my biggest enemy.

    I remember the moment it hit me.

    I was stuck in a full-time job that was safe and secure, but it was slowly suffocating my dreams. Every day, I’d dabble in my passions, but fear and familiarity kept me stuck in my "comfortable" life. Everything changed when I finally stepped into discomfort.

    When you’re doing the same thing for a long period of time, you become comfortable. You don’t even need to like (let alone love) what you’re doing – but you’re comfortable with it. And that's the exact reason why you're not living your best life or chasing your dreams.

    But here's the truth: pressure builds diamonds. The pressure to step out of your comfort zone will push you to move, show up for yourself, and claim what you deserve – like it did for me.

    You just need to stop playing small and dabbling in your dreams.

    In this episode, I explain why getting out of your comfort zone is the only way to grow. I share the hard truths about pain, fear, and other setbacks you think are in your way.

    Join me – you won’t regret it!

    Tune in now!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Being open to change (01:26) Tap into the Luke Mind Power spirit (05:00) Review from Candy via Apple Podcasts (13:33) The Universe is going to start working in your favor (21:45) Many of us are working in jobs that we hate (27:22) Your body thrives off a positive environment (34:34) I had an amazing time in Europe (36:50) Recap (42:42)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

  • I often talk about surrounding yourself with successful people to attract success, and I mean it. But they should be around you to inspire you, not to give you success or save you. Staying close to the right people will help you, but true success comes from within. You must do your part – leave your comfort zone and show up for yourself.

    In this episode, I share how living in Poland pushed me to grow in ways I never expected. I learned to trust the process, to be patient, and, most importantly, to take full responsibility for my own success.

    I’ve also seen how the environment shapes our mindset. My time in Dubai, surrounded by affluence and success, has been mentally stimulating and transformative. But I’ve also learned the importance of balance – of finding peace in quieter, simpler surroundings.

    If you’re ready to stop waiting for success to find you and start creating your own path, join me and find out how to begin your own journey of growth.

    Tune in now!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Trusting the process of success (00:48) Living in Poland – language learning and growth (02:06) Self-reliance and creating success (09:11) Mindset and perspective on challenges (13:09) Appreciating the journey (14:22) Upcoming live event in London (15:12)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

  • So many people are constantly waiting…

    waiting for someone to tell them they're good enough

    waiting for someone's approval before making big decisions

    waiting for the right moment to start living their dream life... ⁤

    ⁤Are you one of them? ⁤

    If your answer is yes, you don't need to worry or be ashamed – I was there too. ⁤⁤I spent years seeking validation from others, thinking that if they accepted me, then maybe I could finally become worthy of love, friendship, success... ⁤

    ⁤In this week's podcast episode, I talk about my own struggles with codependency and seeking validation outside. ⁤⁤But through my failures and rejections, I learned to be resilient and to stand up for myself. ⁤

    ⁤It hasn't been an easy journey – it takes patience, self-reflection, and courage. ⁤

    On that journey, ⁤I learned that the only approval I needed was my own. ⁤⁤I stopped waiting for someone else to say “Yes” to me and started saying it to myself. ⁤⁤And only then did my life begin to change. ⁤

    ⁤But the change wasn't about distancing myself from others or thinking I'm better than them. ⁤⁤It was a journey of healing my inner demons, recognizing my worth and power, and attracting healthy relationships. ⁤

    ⁤See, this episode isn't just about me – it's also about you. ⁤If you join me you'll find out how to take that same step, to stop waiting for approval, and to start living the life you were meant to live. ⁤

    ⁤Tune in now!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) It's not going to be easy all the time (01:41) Love yourself out of your trauma (04:59) Your past is not your future (08:16) We have all the answers (the “Insecure scared little Luke” episode) (11:40) What are you dependent on? (21:23) Self-love is a journey you go on so that you can evolve (25:49) How do you teach your kids to stand up for themselves? (32:21) Tough times build strength at the moment (38:31) What's meant for you will always be (45:07)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

  • You know that feeling when you're just stuck? Like you're trying to move forward, but something's holding you back?

    Many of us are unable to add more positive stuff to our lives because we're holding on to old baggage, old relationships, and expired energy.

    I was there, too, until I realized I was clinging to expired energy. Just like stale bread that's been sitting in the corner for months, clinging to the past only leads to stagnation and disappointment.

    In this episode, I discuss why letting go is the first step to real growth, from relationships that weigh you down to habits that keep you stuck in the same place.

    Don't let stale energy hold you back any longer. Click to listen and start making space for the new.

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) The treasure you seek is hidden in action (01:01) How surroundings impact daily routines (01:51) Developing self-love is crucial for change (03:40) Never think low of yourself (04:39) Holding on to expired energy prevents growth (05:01) Overcoming fear of letting go (06:39) Unlock Your Greatness Live Event (08:03)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

  • Do you find yourself struggling to stay disciplined when life gets overwhelming?

    In this rerun episode, I explore the power of discipline and how it can be your key to success, even when motivation runs dry. I often talk about the importance of consistency and pushing our limits. But at the core of it all is discipline.

    But discipline isn't just about grinding 24/7. I will talk about the importance of listening to your body, finding balance, and avoiding burnout.

    You'll discover how to tune into your energy levels and make disciplined choices that serve your long-term success.

    The people you surround yourself with play a huge role in your discipline. If you’re around those who are taking action, you’ll be inspired to do the same.

    Whether you're an entrepreneur, fitness enthusiast, or simply someone looking to level up your life, this episode is packed with actionable insights to help you build unshakeable discipline.

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) The power of discipline (00:42) Personal growth, family dynamics, and overcoming limitations (04:32) How to be fulfilled in a relationship (12:10) The challenges of changing habits and behaviors (24:45) How to overcome self-limiting beliefs (26:24) Give up on a few things (30:44)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    Reach out to me on social media:

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

  • Let's talk about something that can completely change your life. I know it's a word thrown around a lot, but confidence is the fuel you need to move towards your dreams. It's the magnet that attracts all opportunities in life.

    I used to be the epitome of insecurity. I'd compare myself to others and question my worthiness. But something shifted. It was the decision to invest in myself and feed my mind with positivity and motivation.

    I started listening to motivational speakers while driving, turning my car into a mobile university. Les Brown, Jim Rohn, and Bob Proctor became my mentors.

    I realized that confidence isn't something you're born with but a muscle you build. It's about continuously stepping out of your comfort zone.

    Remember, building confidence takes time. There will be ups and downs, but stay committed. You're stronger than you think.

    Listen in to this week's episode as I share exactly how I became more confident, the opportunities that followed, and how you can do it, too!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Using YouTube as a resource for motivation and learning (00:44) The "Unlock Your Greatness" live event in London (03:06) The concept of an "alter ego" and inner hero (05:03) How to build self-confidence (07:18) Personal experience of financial growth through coaching (08:16) Attract more abundance in your life (11:46) Take action and invest in yourself (12:49) Final thoughts (18:58)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!
    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

  • In this rerun episode, I share my incredible journey of living and training with Shaolin monks in Kunming, China, for a few months.

    As a huge Bruce Lee fan, I was inspired to learn Kung Fu from the legendary warrior monks and step out of my comfort zone for personal growth.

    Despite the initial challenges of an unfamiliar environment, I fully immersed myself in the Shaolin Temple lifestyle.

    The monks' dedication to their craft through repetition for hours each day was an inspiring life lesson. I also got to observe that:

    Repetition is the mother of skill - mastery comes through consistent practice Stepping out of your comfort zone leads to profound personal growth Saying yes to your divine purpose, marked in your heart, is the key to living with passion Self-love is the highest vibration you can operate from

    My time in China taught me to embrace being a beginner, let go of what no longer serves me, and prioritize self-love.

    I share these life-changing lessons and more from my unforgettable experience living and training with Shaolin monks in Kunming. Get ready to be inspired to pursue your own divine assignment with determination!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Living in a temple in China (03:00) Don't be afraid to be a beginner (13:17) The importance of your environment (17:54) Repetition is the mother of skill (19:14) How do you reconnect with yourself? (25:45) Your thoughts become your beliefs (28:23) Self-love is the highest frequency (36:48) Don't force things - if it's not meant to work out, it’s OK (40:41) Leaving comfort zone - speaking at a live event (43:48) You have to start if you want to change (48:37) No one needs to like you (49:04)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

  • Pain is a universal language spoken fluently in every corner of the globe. It is the unwelcome guest who comes to our lives to steal our joy.

    In this episode, I want to challenge you to change your perception of pain. Start viewing it as the catalyst you need for growth.

    Pain should be our greatest motivator, not something we endure. For us to grow, we must embrace its transformative power.

    Many of us only seek change when we hit a certain threshold of discomfort. When the pain of staying the same becomes unbearable. It’s in those moments of desperation that we find the courage to take action.

    But we can lean into pain instead of shying away from it. Dig into it and let it fuel our desire for change.

    Tune in to the full episode for tips on how to use pain to change your life!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Creating strong habits and paradigms for personal growth (03:22) Importance of environment in maintaining motivation (06:22) Hitting a threshold of pain as a catalyst for change (09:01) Staying consistent is challenging but necessary (12:23) Reframing past experiences as motivation for growth (15:45) Self-compassion and forgiveness in personal development (18:30) Shifting your mindset from self-hatred to empowerment (21:48)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

  • What does it take to truly stand out on social media and build a genuine following?

    Today, I'm sharing the exact strategies that have skyrocketed my social media presence and can do the same for you.

    As someone who's built a massive online presence with over 500,000 followers on Facebook alone, I share insider tips you won't find in typical marketing guides.

    It’s not just about posting regularly. It’s about the energy you bring to each piece of content. I reveal the art of creating authentic content that resonates with people.

    I also share my personal tips on avoiding the social media rabbit hole while still leveraging its power for your business growth.

    Listen to the episode and learn a few social media secrets.

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Transitioning from an unfulfilling job to a purpose-driven career (04:20) Practice of gratitude during challenging times (09:51) Strategies for creating engaging social media content (14:15) Importance of using specific sounds in social media videos (19:15) The connection between energy and dance in video content (24:30) Balancing technology use and human connection (29:08) Announcement of upcoming live event in London (33:45)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    Reach out to me on social media:

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    🔹⁠ ⁠Facebook⁠⁠

    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

  • I often talk about the importance of solitude for personal growth, and I'm aware that I always insist we need to learn to be alone and not rely on others. But solitude alone is not enough.

    We also need human connection because feeling fulfilled is about finding a balance. Of course, spending time alone is important for building a loving relationship with yourself. But we're emotional beings who thrive on connection with others.

    I learned this while living in Dubai. I spent so much time alone that I started to feel drained and anxious. I was overworking myself, going from podcast to podcast, coaching session to coaching session, without any real connection.

    This led to panic attacks and health issues like high blood pressure and fatigue. I'd forget what I was talking about mid-sentence and felt something was missing. My energy levels dropped, and I wasn't feeling truly positive.

    When I reconnected with my family in Poland, I realized how important it is to have genuine interactions with others. But I also learned that I don't need to choose solitude over social interaction or vice versa.

    The point is to find the right balance, and it's the key to maintaining mental clarity and emotional stability.

    Join me for this week's episode as I talk about this balance that you can't achieve personal growth and well-being without.

    Tune in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Importance of spending time alone (01:28) Personal experience of mental fatigue in Dubai (02:33) Realization of the need for human connection (03:40) Emotional stability through family connections (04:21) Self-awareness and fear of solitude (06:12) Training the brain for independence (08:13) Managing life's challenges (10:29) Join the "Unlock Your Greatness" event (11:04)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get your ticket to my live event in London

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    Reach out to me on social media:

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

  • A few years ago, I was working a nine-to-five job that drained me. I felt like I was meant for something more but didn’t know where to start. Or how to start. Or how to express what I actually wanted to do…

    I started realizing that if I wanted my life to change for the better, I had to improve myself first and overcome my fears and doubts.

    One of my biggest issues was public speaking. I was mortified by it. Actually, I was afraid of speaking in front of just a few people. On those occasions, I was constantly thinking, What if I said something stupid? What if I embarrassed myself in front of them? They seem so smart - what if they noticed that I’m not on their level?

    The what-iffing was my reality at the time. And I became aware that it had to change ASAP. I needed to build my self-confidence and improve my communication skills. Because you can never succeed in anything if you are not confident and if you don’t know how to talk to people.

    My first investment in myself was joining a speaking program. And it was big-time bingo! I learned not only how to communicate effectively but also how to build a deeper relationship with myself.

    If I were to answer what was the one thing that transformed my life the most, I’d say the decision to invest in myself through that program. It helped me find my voice and gain confidence. And the rest is history…

    So this week, I decided to talk about the importance of investing in yourself. No matter how old you are, it's never too late to start speaking your truth. Being your authentic self leads to incredible personal and professional growth.

    Imagine where you could be six months from now if you start investing in yourself today. Time waits for no one, and the best time to begin to invest in yourself is now!

    Tune in for this episode as I share my journey and the steps and strategies that helped me unlock potential I didn’t even know I had!

    Join me and learn how you can become the best version of yourself too.

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Align with your goals (01:34) Avoid comparison - stay unique (06:11) Online business opportunities and freedom (09:54) Importance of effective communication (13:37) Overcoming fear and self-doubt (17:11) Reprogramming your mindset (22:21) Surround yourself with positivity (25:07) Upcoming events and community support (27:18)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    Reach out to me on social media:

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE