Partial Solar Eclipse in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
29 March 2025
Partial Solar Eclipse in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra, in the very heart of sidereal Pisces, will mark the culmination of this eclipse season, with impressive 6 planets aligned together in Pisces. Saturn will move into Pisces just hours after the eclipse. With 6 of the Navagrahas accumulated in Bhadrapada nakshatras, stars of Rudras, fierce aspects of Lord Shiva who represent forces of time, transformation and symbolic death, we all will be powerfully called towards inner transformation. With Sun and Moon perfectly aligned with Earth, and other planets joining, it is a powerful time for all of us to realign with our purpose and allow unnecessary desires and disappointments to burn in the fire of purification.
It’s incredibly significant that during this eclipse season both of the lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu, dwell in the amsha of Goddess Cinnamasta in the D20 (Vimshamsha) chart of spiritual progress. Cinnamasta, the Goddess who beheads Herself and drinks Her own blood, while immersed in ecstatic dance, represents the notion of unlocking spiritual bliss within by beheading our ego and disconnecting for a moment from the narratives and stories of our mind. While Her image may seem gruesome to some, She represents this force of aliveness within us, which we all have access to, if we choose to drop awareness from our head to our bodies for a moment, and liberate ourselves from the dictatorship of the mind.
If you want to learn more about interpreting eclipses, you can watch this workshop dedicated to decoding astrological meaning of eclipses: https://academy.discoveringyouniverse.com/courses/eclipses-in-vedic-astrology/
Here you can also learn more about 10 Mahavidya Goddesses: https://academy.discoveringyouniverse.com/courses/mahavidyas-10-mystical-goddesses/
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Total Lunar Eclipse in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
13-14 March 2025
Upcoming Total Lunar Eclipse in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra will be one of the biggest planetary shifts of this year. Both luminaries (Sun and Moon) will be dwelling right on the border of their respective rashis: Sun in between Aquarius and Pisces, while Moon in between Leo and Virgo, continuing the recent trend of Full Moons coinciding with Sankrantis (solar ingresses). While Moon will stationed alone in the last degrees of Leo (Kemadruma Yoga), Sun will be simultaneously surrounded by his enemies (Papa Kartari Yoga), tightly squeezed in between Saturn and Rahu, and too far from Venus retrograde. This combination will invite a lot of pressure into our lives, while simultaneously will provide very little support from the outside.
Needless to say, though, with Total Lunar Eclipse accompanied by 5 planets in Bhadrapada nakshatras, stars of profound spiritual transformations and symbolic death, this will be also a powerful time of inner purification and spiritual growth for many of us.
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New Moon in Shatabhisha Nakshatra
27-28 February
The next conjuction of Sun and Moon will take place at the heart of sidereal Aquarius in Shatabhisha Nakshatra, in proximity of Saturn in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra. The day before this particular New Moon is known as Mahashivaratri, the Great Night of Lord Shiva, and usually marks a time of great purification and inner transformation - the theme which continues for quite some time already, and is just about to get intensified.
During this particular New Moon many planets will be already accumulating in Bhadrapada nakshatras (Purva and Uttara) known for their shared themes of death, transformation, letting go and unburdening, while refocusing on what is truly important. These two lunar mansions, ruled by 2 of the 11 Rudras, fierce forms of Lord Shiva, also represent the transformative power coiled at our root chakra and opportunity to rise above our own limitations.
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Full Moon in Ashlesha Nakshatra
12 February 2025
Full Moon completing the auspicious time of Kumbha Mela will occur this year in the very last minutes of Ashlesha nakshatra within sidereal Cancer - right on the border between Ashlesha and Magha, in the heart of the gandanta, which represents our third eye chakra and the last energy knot in our energy body (rudra granthi) to be transcended on the path to spiritual awakening. When Sun aligns itself at the very center of zodiacal muladhara chakra, between Capricorn and Aquarius, and Moon shines in its fullness in the gandanta between Cancer and Leo, it’s a time pregnant with spiritual vibrations and opportunities to transcend our limitations.
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New Moon in Shravana Nakshatra
29 January 2025
The upcoming New Moon in Shravana Nakshatra holds special experience in Vedic calendar. It is called a Mauni Amavasya or “Silent New Moon” - the New Moon of going within, back to the source of our being. This particular New Moon is also among the most important days within the entire sacred period of Kumbha Mela to take a holy dip in the sacred rivers. It is believed that waters of Mother Ganga turn into amrita or nectar on that special day.And there are so many ways to honour that. As saint Kabir wrote, Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati, also flow within us, in the form of our central energy channel (sushumna) and two polar channels accompanying it (ida and pingala). To go within and reconnect with our central channel, with the core of our soul, is to take a sacred dip into eternity.
Learn more about the astrological significance of this upcoming New Moon in today’s podcast.
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The first Full Moon of this year will be a truly unique one, as it will coincide with Makar Sankranti - solar ingress into sidereal Capricorn. While Sun will be dwelling in its own Uttarashadha Nakshatra of realigning with our true purpose and right direction in life, Moon will be simultaneously shining in its fullness in Punarvasu, the star of hope and symbolic return of light, signifying new beginnings. Moon will be also conjuct with retrograde Mars in Punarvasu Nakshatra, which may both amplify the intensity of current transit of Mars (often resulting with more sensitivity experienced), as well as give us a stronger push towards letting go of habits and actions which do not serve us anymore, and consciously choosing better ones. Sun and Moon will be occupying the very last minutes of the last degrees of their respective signs during the climax, which will add to the intensity of this experience.
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The last New Moon of this year will occur in Purvashadha Nakshatra, at the heart of sidereal Sagittarius, which is the constellation often associated with Goddess Saraswati - Goddess of inner flow of inspiration and wisdom, who calls us to realign with our higher purpose. With Jupiter and Mars simultaneously retrograde, this New Moon will be calling us to question are we truly aligned with what is important to us and are we heading towards the right direction in life. In today’s podcast, as a little New Year’s gift, you will also find a short re-aligining practice, which can be helpful to you not only now, but whenever you need to re-center yourself.
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The meeting of Sun and Moon in sidereal Scorpio is often one of the toughest New Moons in a year - for not only Moon becomes debilitated in Scorpio and therefore starving (Kshudhita Avastha), but in conjuction with Sun also becomes combust and agitated (Kshobhita Avastha).
Additionally, this year debilitated Moon will be in parivartan yoga with Mars debilitated in Cancer. Both Sun and Moon will be also conjuct with retrograde Mercury, aspected by retrograde Jupiter and Saturn agitated by the aspect of debilitated Mars. Needless to say, such an intrinsic connection between almost all of the Navagrahas will bring a lot of intensity and mixed feelings into our lives.
You can hear me dividing deeper into all the juicy details of the energies that upcoming New Moon is going to bring into our lives in today’s podcast.
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Full Moon in Krittika Nakshatra, the star of Agni, opposed by debilitated Sun, is always calling upon us to align with our truth and make a deeper inquiry into what is really true to us. So many parts of ourselves which contain immense creativity, wisdom and lifeforce, often remain suppressed, due to our fears, insecurities, feelings of shame and social expectations. Full Moon shining in sidereal Aries in the star of Krittika, opposed by the Sun in sidereal Libra, always calls us to reintegrate those exiled parts of ourselves and embrace them without fear. This message is particularly prominent this year as both Sun and Moon will be occupying last degrees of their sidereal rashis which maps to the amsha of Goddess Matangi in D20 chart (Vimshamsha) of our spiritual progress. Additionally Sun will be aspected by strong Saturn, while deblitated Sun is aspected during this entire fortnight by debilitated Mars. This dynamics naturally increases our fears and insecurities and enhances the inner conflict between them and our natural wish to self-express and stand in our truth.
Needless to say, this entire fortnight might be quite volatile to some, with fiery nakshatras being very active, while fiery planets experiencing a very low dignity. It’s good to avoid making impulsive decisions, speaking unpleasant truths in too direct ways or stressing about things beyond our control.
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Every year, when New Moon occurs in Libra, Sun’s debilitation place and zodiacal heart chakra, we celebrate Diwali, a festival of light, to bring illumination into our homes and into our hearts; to remind ourselves of our inner light, when the external light of the Sun is temporarily dormant.
This year Moon and Sun will conjoin in Swati nakshatra on 1 November (New Moon tithi will already begin on 31 October). Both luminaries will be aspected by the debilitated Mars. With two fiery planets occupying their place of debilitation, we may experience big fluctuations in our energy levels and increased need to turn within. At the same time, both Sun and Moon will be conjuct in the amsha of Goddess Lalita in the D20 (Vimshamsha) chart of spiritual progress, thus inspiring us not to always take life so seriously, but to invite more curiosity, play, connection and creativity in order to restore our enthusiasm and energy levels.
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The upcoming Full Moon in Ashwini Nakshatra, a culmination of Devi Paksha (fortnight of the Goddess) brings with itself powerfully transformative energies this year. During the culmination Sun will be just entering the sidereal Libra (below one degree, which is also known as Sankranti dosha), sign of its debilitation, while Moon will be dwelling in deep gandanta in the beginning of sidereal Aries. Both luminaries will be also conjoined with lunar nodes in the Navamsha (D9) chart and occupying the amsha of Goddess Kali in the Vimshamsha (D20) chart of spiritual progress. This is both a very volatile time, as well as a powerful period for inner transformation, renewal and new beginnings. Learn more in today’s podcast.
Learn more about the 40 Goddesses of Vimshamsha (D20) divisional chart: https://academy.discoveringyouniverse.com/courses/goddesses-of-the-vimshamsha-chart-d20/
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This year, the New Moon that will complete Pitri Paksha (fortnight of the ancestors) and precede Devi Paksha (also known as Navaratri or 9 nights of the Goddess), will be also a Solar Eclipse that will take place in Hasta Nakshatra, in tight conjuction with Ketu and exalted Mercury. This New Moon is also sometimes known as Sarvapitri Amavasya (New Moon of All Ancestors) or Mahalaya Amavasya (New Moon of Dissolution). It is not only the time to symbolically honour our ancestors and deceased family members, but also the time to reflect upon our past in order to heal our old traumas and uplift the generational karma, which still continues to live through us. New Moon which completes the Pitri Paksha and which will be a Solar Eclipse this year, is like a symbolic death, letting go of the old, so that the new may be reborn during the fortnight of the Goddess.
Learn more about Interpreting Eclipses: https://academy.discoveringyouniverse.com/courses/eclipses-in-vedic-astrology/
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Lunar Eclipse in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
17/18 September 2024
In this part of the year we are going to experience two eclipses - one on 17/18 September, another on 2 October, with the great fortnight of ancestors (Pitri Paksha) in between them. This entire period, which will be initiated by Lunar Eclipse in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, will be a very potent time for inner transformation and especially healing of the past - including past traumas, past lifes, fear that hold us back and old habits that don’t serve us anymore. Similarly to the tree shedding their leaves in this time of the year we, too, will be inspired to shake off those things which do not serve us anymore and allow the old parts of us to fall off and die if need be - so that something new may be born. Theme of symbolic death is very symbolic for Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra and will be especially pronounced during the upcoming eclipse as Moon will be in tight Papa Kartari Yoga, squeezed between Saturn retrograde from one side and Rahu from another.
Learn more about Interpreting Eclipses: https://academy.discoveringyouniverse.com/courses/eclipses-in-vedic-astrology/
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New Moon in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra
2-3 September
The next meeting of Sun and Moon will occur at the heart of sidereal Leo, near the brightest star (yogatara) of Purva Phalguni nakshatra. Purva Phalguni, although ruled by Venus and friendly god of alliances, Aryama, is fierce (ugra) and fiery in nature. Combined with the intensity of the New Moon which will be directly aspected by Saturn retrograde, it may bring some storms into our relations - both those close and those more distant. It is in times like that that we are challenged more than ever to stay heart-centered, kind and compassionate (to ourselves and to others) even when it’s hard.
Simultaneously, as Sun and Moon will meet in the nakshatra of Venus, Venus herself will be debilitated in sidereal Virgo and approaching Ketu, which may increase in some people a certain sense of dissatisfaction and result in various compensations - a particular aspect of this fortnight for each of us to be very watchful about. When dissatisfaction with current situation arises, remember to rather step back and take time for yourself to resolve the inner issue rather than enforce your preferences on others or engage in direct confrontations.
Learn more about Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: https://thenakshatras.com/purva-phalguni-nakshatra
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On 19th August Moon will reach its fullness in the Aquarius portion of Dhanishta Nakshatra - the star of finding your true rhythm and following your heart. Dhanishta Nakshatra, bridging sidereal Capricorn and Aquarius, the very center of zodiacal root chakra, is all about our embodied wisdom and embodied intuition - about finding wisdom in our bodies, our reactions, our biological impulses and instincts.
This Full Moon will inspire us to pause for a moment, reach beyond the chatter of the mind and listent to the implicit wisdom of the body, the nature around us and the spirit. This theme will be especially prominent in this fortnight, as during the entire two weeks leading to the Full Moon Mercury will remain retrograde, thus furtherly inspiring us to find what we are looking for within - and learn to communicate and connect beyond words.
The Full Moon itself will be also loosely conjuct with retrograde Saturn which will furtherly increase our need for contemplation and self-reflection. But it may also bring some memories from the past that are unresolved and require healing. It is a powerful time to heal the past, break free from some old habits and find new sources of motivation - and new rhythms within us.
Learn more about Dhanishta nakshatra: https://academy.discoveringyouniverse.com/courses/dhanishta-nakshatra/
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New Moon in Ashlesha Nakshatra
4 August 2024
This week Sun and Moon will meet on 18 degree in sidereal Cancer, in the early portion of Ashlesha Nakshatra, where its brightest star (yogatara) is located. Ashlesha Nakshatra is not only about deep transformations, alchemy of change, profound insights and healing our outdated patterns in the same way how the serpents (presiding deities of this lunar mansion) shed their skin. It is also about vishashleshana shakti or our capacity to drink or embrace the poison - to stay with those uncomfortable feelings inside of us and allows ourselves to be vulnerable for a moment. Because without allowing ourselves to visit those uncomfortable places within us, no true healing can really happen. And, as you can imagine, this particular New Moon will be quite powerful for personal healing and deeper transformation.
Learn more about Ashlesha Nakshatra here: https://www.thenakshatras.com/ashlesha-nakshatra/
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Upcoming Full Moon is also known as Guru Purnima - the day when the blessings of all the Gurus flow to us and we become more open to receive divine guidance. This year this auspicious Full Moon will culminate with Sun at maximum exaltation degree of Jupiter, while Moon will shine at Jupiter’s maximum debilitation place at the other side of the zodiac. This will inspire us to search balance between positive attitude & philosophical approach and more pragmatic, down to earth attitude. The balance between being fully connected to the Divine while at the same time staying fully grounded in the present moment.
The lunar fortnight leading towards Guru Purnima is also sacred in tantric tradition to Divine Mother in the form of Varahi - the one who helps us overcome pride and attachment to external world, and helps us find value in simple things and humility.
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New Moon in Punarvasu Nakshatra
5 July
New Moon culminating with complete conjunction of Sun and Moon in Punarvasu Nakshatra will inspire us to give ourselves a chance for new beginnings in various areas of life. Punarvasu, after all, means “the return of light”. With Moon and Mercury experiencing Parivartan Yoga on the day of New Moon itself we will be inspired to feel more rather than trying to intellectualise things - to bridge mind’s understanding with understanding through feeling and experience. This entire dark fortnight will keep inspiring us to look at various aspects of our life with a new, fresh perspective, and a healthy dose of curiosity and positive approach. It is a powerful time for self-work, introspection and changing some of our existing habits.
Learn more about Punarvasu Nakshatra: https://www.thenakshatras.com/punarvasu-nakshatra/
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Full Moon in Mula Nakshatra
21/22 June 2024
This bright fortnight will culminate with Full Moon in Mula Nakshatra in sidereal Sagittarius, which will occur just one day after Summer Solstice on Northern Hemisphere and Winter Solstice on Southern Hemisphere. The fierce energies of Sun in Ardra, the star of Rudra, will combine with Full Moon in the star of Nirriti or Kali, which will result in result in a very transformative fortnight.
Throughout the entire fortnight Venus will remain combust, which will make it a challenging time for our relations, as we will have a tendency to prioritise ourselves more. It is a very important time for conscious practice of compassion and kindness, rather than gravitating towards more forceful approach.
Learn more about Mula nakshatra here: https://academy.discoveringyouniverse.com/courses/mula-nakshatra/
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After recent transformative Full Moon in Anuradha Nakshatra, we are going to experience in a few days one of the most powerful New Moons in this year: New Moon in Rohini Nakshatra, at the heart of sidereal Taurus, culminating with 5 planetary conjuction - the New Moon, which is also known as Shani Amavasya.
With all 3 sattvic planets conjuct with 2 rajasic ones in Taurus, and preceded by a sequences of 3 tamasic grahas, we may expect that our tamasic & rajasic qualities may temporarily overshadow our sattvic qualities, such as peacefulness, compassion or rational thinking. We will be much more inclined to listen to our selfish desires and stormy emotions, than to the inner voice of insight. It is a very good time for intensifying our spiritual practice, so that we may stay more centred in the heart during this period.
Learn more about the Three Gunas: https://academy.discoveringyouniverse.com/courses/three-gunas-workshop/
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